Mother and Father.

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"Arg!" Zelda rolled over and stuffed a pillow over her ears before she spoke again, this time her voice muffled by the pillow, "It's your turn tonight."

Link groaned as he practically rolled out of bed and made his way to the door. When he stepped into the hall, he had to blink many times for his eyes to adjust to the light. One of the maids came round the corner and saw the King walking towards the room next to his own.

"Please, my King, I can take care of it, you can go back to-" the maid started but was cut off immediately.

"No, no, I can handle it," he waved the words down with his hand as he gave a weak smile at her, "I signed up for this over nine months ago..." He chuckled.

The maid gave out a small chuckle but she still came forward towards the door. Link put his hand out for her to stop. He opened the door slightly, making the cries slightly louder.

"I said I can handle it," he walked in the room and stopped long enough at the door to add, "Let it not be said that the King can't look after his own children..."

With that, he closed the door on the maid and walked over to the two cribs. He yawned as picked up the nearest crying baby before he picked up the second one. He sat down on the sofa and drew a blanket around himself and the two children.

He rocked the two back and forth and eventually the enfants began to soothe. Link nuzzled his children closer.

He was about to close his eyes when Rivuk sneezed, making Mibosa cry again. Link's eyes snapped open before he rolled them. He started to rock back and forth again. He snuggled back against the sofa as all three fell asleep.


"Link..." Zelda whispered softly, not wanting to startle him and more importantly, she didn't want to wake the twins.

He stirred before his eyes flickered open. Zelda loomed over them with a broad smile. Link was sprawled on the sofa with the twins resting on his chest. He slowly and carefully lifted the twins and placed them in their cribs before stretching and following Zelda out of the children's room.

Zelda chuckled at Link as he yawned again. Link cocked an eyebrow at her and pouted.

"What? I'm not as young as I used to be..." He chuckled.

Zelda smirked, "Oh, I don't know... You look good for someone of a hundred and twenty five!" She walked past him and gave him a playful slap on the butt before hurrying down the corridor as she giggled.


Link and Zelda sat in their private kitchen. Link had them build it for the soul purpose of being able to cook himself. He couldn't stand having servants being them food when he knew perfectly well how to do it himself.

Link was making an omelet for their breakfast. His father had taught him how to cook. Most were surprised at this. Link's father was a proud knight of the Royal Guard and an advisor to the King, no one thought he would have time for cooking.

Link smirked. All his life, before he met Zelda of course, he had grown up with people telling him stories of his father. He was told that he would one day take over his father's position as a knight and serve the King. It was funny... Link had heeded their advise and became a knight, he swore to protect the King. He never thought, for a second that he would be King...

"What are you smirking at?" Zelda put the scrolls she was reading down and looked over at Link who was over by the counter.

"I was just thinking about how different my life turned out to be from what I imagined when I first met you..." He put the spoon he was holding down and turned to her with a broad smile in his face.

"And exactly where did you imagine yourself then?" She crossed her arms in confusion as she looked over at her husband.

"Well I had spent much of my childhood training to become a knight, I didn't play the with other children, I wanted to make my father proud... When he died I became the Green Ranger... Then I pulled the Mastersword from the Lost Woods... I was knighted and told to protect you." He looked at her with a cheeky grin before he continued, "I was younger than anyone else that had been knighted. I thought that I would advance through the ranks once my job protecting you was over. I would become the Head of the Royal Guard and serve the King for all my days..."

Zelda nodded then and there where it seemed fit. She saw the look he donned when he brought up his father but it was soon washed away with pride.

"Now look where I am!" He smiled, "Back then all I wanted to do was get to a position and stay there. Now I am Head of the Royal Guard. I am King. I am married. By the Goddesses, I thought I'd never be able to find someone who loved me for me! Now I have two children. A beautiful girl and a handsome boy!"

"Oh, so you think he will be handsome?" Zelda chuckled mockingly.

"Well," Link scoffed and puffed out his chest in a playful manner, "He will take after his father!"

Zelda chuckled before she threw a scrunched up piece of parchment at him, "Just shut up and make me breakfast!"

After he composed himself, he went back to cooking while Zelda picked up another scroll. Some of the scrolls were paperwork and the others were letters.

"What's new then?" Link asked.

"Well Rito Village had complained about the quality of spices they have received from the Gorons but what did they expect? Gorons and Rito don't mix so easily, no matter how much we try to bring them together..." She picked up another scroll and tossed it into a pile, "Paya wrote to us as well, she and Sidon are finally settled into Zora's Domain..."

Zelda picked up another scroll and started to read it in her head. Her face lit up as she read the letter. She burst out laughing and Link cocked an eyebrow at her.

"What's so funny?" He asked before Zelda passed him the scroll and he read it himself, it was from Kayga.

'Link, Zelda,

Oh my Goddesses, help me!

Riju is pregnant! I can't believe it! What in Nayru's name am I supposed to do?!

For the love of Farore, Nayru, Din and Hylia herself, what am I supposed to do?!

I can't be a father! What if I turn out like my own father?! I'm panicking!

Riju and I aren't even married yet! I haven't the courage to ask her yet! It's times like these that I wish I had been the one to have the Triforce of Courage!

Help me!


"Wow..." Link chuckled at how panicked Kayga seemed.

"Riju's gonna be a mother!" Zelda fist pumped the air, "Serves her right!"

Link cocked an eyebrow at Zelda.

"What?" She asked innocently, "She kept laughing at how 'over exaggerated' she thought I was being. Now she can experience motherhood for herself!" Zelda chuckled.

"Poor Kayga..." Link chuckled, "Riju's attitude is hard enough, now add cravings and morning sickness on top of that at Kayga has his work cut out..."

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