Urbosa's Discovery.

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After an entire day of exploring Gerudo Town and browsing the markets, Link and Zelda returned to the Palace where Urbosa was waiting at the top of the stairs.

"Nice day?" Urbosa chuckled as she saw Link holding a few sacks of merchandise that Zelda had bought at the market.

"It's wonderful here!" Link was indeed enjoying himself but he still had that unshakable feeling that the place was familiar.

Link and Zelda dumped their stuff in their room before Urbosa led them back into the market. The sun was low and the shoppers were dispersing out into various houses.

"Where are we going? It's getting dark?" Zelda asked Urbosa curiously.

Urbosa laughed, "You, my little bird, are going to have some proper fun! I think you old enough to have a drink or two!"

"Wait what? I'm only sixteen!" Zelda liked the idea but she was a Princess and under age.

"Nonsense! In Gerudo Town, we all start to drink at age nine! And here you are no Princess, you are just an important official!" Urbosa couldn't contain her laughter.

Zelda let a smile crawl its way onto her face. Link also perked up a bit, he had had a few drinks with the soldiers from the castle barracks but had never been drunk.


Urbosa had left Zelda in Link's capable hands as she had to attend to business back at the palace. She told them they could drink as much as they like but they had to be back by midnight.

The bar got busier and busier the later it got. Some of the Gerudo women had placed bets on who would be able to woo Link into kissing them. In Gerudo Town, woman thought themselves utterly superior to men, unlike Hyrule where both were the same. This meant that most of the women at the bar thought Link was weak enough to get drunk and kiss them.

Zelda however, had her heart set on him.

Since Link couldn't get rid of the stares, both him and Zelda ended up asking the ones who stared to join them. By the time the market packed up in the town square, Link was winning the shot contest that the entire bar had taken part in. Zelda cheered him on as he battle the last remaining Gerudo women. Zelda gulped down her Noble Pursuit rapidly. For someone who had only just started having alcohol, she had done pretty well by beating no less than three Gerudo women which wasn't bad by their standards.

"One hundred and nine!" The bartender shouted to all the spectators who all cheered.

"One hundred and ten! Link wins!" Zelda applauded as Link put the shot glass down on the bar and shook his opponent's hand.

"We should get back to the palace, it must be nearly midnight..." Zelda was surprised that Link didn't slur his words at her, he had to be drunk by now.

"Yeah" Zelda sighed before she hiccuped.


Link had to help Zelda up the stairs to the palace as she was a bit dazed from the amount of alcohol she had. When Link opened the door he was surprised to see Urbosa sat on the end of his bed holding his arm wraps.

"Hey! What are you doing, those were my mother's!" Link shouted.

When Urbosa looked up at Link, he could see pure terror in her eyes. She held up the arm wraps which had a colourful pattern on them.

"Do you know what these are?" She said hoarsely. What had happened? Urbosa was always so stoic, what was she so scared of?

"My mother's wedding dress that she fashioned into my arm wraps" He snapped, trying to snatch it from Urbosa's hands. It was the only thing he had to remember his mother. What was the big deal?

"This is Gerudo garb..." Urbosa answered her own question.

Link was confused, what was so special about that?

"All Gerudo are Vai. Only one Voe is born into the Gerudo every hundred years..."

Gerudo garb? His mother's wedding dress? Him being a Voe? Something snapped in his head and all the puzzles fell into place. Link's face turned white.

"What are you saying?" Link asked weakly, knowing exactly what.

"You are of ancient Gerudo blood" Urbosa didn't even let that sink in before she added,

"All hail King Link!"

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