An Ending

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I was standing by myself in the Neighbor's Club room. This had been crazy and tensions had been high as of late. How did we get here? Everything seemed to be going just fine. This club was created for a noble purpose. To make friends. I thought that was what we were doing. It then turned into my friend Kodoka having a harem which consisted of the rest of the clubmates minus me since the rest of the club are girls and I'm a guy. How did we get here? It all started with...


I was walking with a Neighbor's Club invite that I found hanging outside and a club application form in my hand. The club was created to make friends. That was what I needed. I found the room and knocked on the door. No one answered. All I could hear were people yelling on the inside.

???: Never call me that again!

???: What are you going to do about it? You gonna stop me?

???: Stay away from my big brother, evil servant of God!

???: I shall not, poopy vampire! I love big brother!

Now most people would have thrown in the towel and walked away after hearing that but since I was desperate to make friends...I decided to keep at it. I knocked again. This time the door was answered. The person who opened the door was a very pretty "girl" in a maid outfit.

???: Yes, how can I help you?

Y/N: Is this the Neighbor's Club?

???: It is.

Y/N: I was hoping I could join.

???: I'm not the club president. You'll have to speak to her. Please come inside.

I am let inside and I see utter chaos on the inside. I see two with black hair and the other a blonde...fighting and throwing insults at each other. A small blonde in a vampire outfit fighting with another little girl in a nun outfit. A girl in a lab coat reading some type of comic. And a blonde haired boy sitting at the table in the center of room with a look of embarrassement on his face. No one seemed to notice that I was standing there, Therefore I decided to speak up.

Y/N: Excuse me?

The room went quiet as everyone looked in my direction. The boy spoke first.

Boy: Who is that, Yukimura?

The "girl" in the maid outfit...Yukimura...responded.

Yukimura: This young man wants to join our club.

The girl with black hair walked over.

Girl: Really?

She stood in front of me and seemed to size me up. I'm not someone who is easily intimidated but the look that she was giving me now made my knees shake.

Girl: Denied.

Y/N: Huh? Why?

Boy: Yeah, why? Why can't he join, Yozora?

Yozara: He looks like he has friends. This club is specifically for people who don't have any.

Boy: How can you tell that just by looking at him?

Yozora: It's very easy to tell.

The girl in a lab coat speaks up.

Lab Coat: That actually isn't true. I've seen him around before. He recently transferred here a couple days ago. This is still his first week. Rika doesn't think it's possible for him to really have any friends at this point.

Yozora: Well, I'm the club president and I say, "no."

Blonde: Well, I say that the club should vote on it.

Yozora: Are you questioning my authority, meat?

Blonde: Stop calling me that! The point of this club is to make friends! Maybe we could be friends with him?

Y/N: I'll just go. I really don't want to cause a lot of strain in this group.

Yozora: Yeah, it's probably for the best that you do.

I start to leave when a hand grabs my shoulder and stops me.

Blonde: You're not going anywhere. The club should put it to a vote. I say to give him a chance.

Rika: Rika is curious about the new boy! Rika approves.

Yukimura: He seems like a true man. Perhaps I could learn some things from him. I give him my vote.

The little nun runs over to me.

Nun: He is pretty hot but I don't think he'll eat me so I say to let him in!

The little vampire girl looks at me.

Vampire: I approve. I can sense the darkness in him. We may be kindred spirits.

Blonde: That's so sweet, Kobato! Okay, Kodoka and Yozora, you're the only two left that hasn't voted.

Yozora: I still vote no. My vote should count as ten.

Kodoka: That doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I say we let him in. Nothing wrong with adding another person.

Yozora faces me again.

Yozora: It seems that I was outvoted. Very well. You're in. But just so you know...I hate you.

After she said that, it felt like a low blow. She then walked away. The blonde looks at me.

Blonde: Don't worry about her. She always has to pick on someone. My name is Sena Kashiwazaki. Perhaps you've heard of me?

Y/N: I have from other students. My name is Y/N L/N.

Sena: Well, Y/N, welcome to the Neighbor's Club.

And just like that...I was apart of the Neighbor's Club. I was excited and hopeful in making friends. Time passed and it seemed that I at least got a long with everyone in the club. I was treated as someone who was invisible most of the time but I was okay with that. Even having some very special moments that meant a lot to me.

First it was Sena. She and I were walking together after club had ended. She needed to blow off some steam.

Sena: That Yozora! She's evil and must be destroyed!

Y/N: She does seem to know how to press your buttons.

Sena: Yeah! She's evil!

Y/N: But why do you let her?

Sena: Huh?

Y/N: Don't get me wrong...she is intimidating and being friends with everyone is nice but I honestly don't understand why you let her affect you so much.

Sena didn't respond. I knew that I probably messed up and started to walk away when she spoke again.

Sena: I just want her to like me, okay?

I turned and gave Sena my attention.

Sena: She is the president. She created the club along with Kodoka. It used to be just us three before others joined. I just want her to like me. I don't like it when people don't.

Y/N: Why would a goddess care if a person liked them or not?

Sena: Goddess?

Y/N: That's what you call yourself, right? If you are a goddess, why do you care if one measly mortal doesn't like you? Then that's just her loss.

Sena: I understand what you're saying but it's a little more complicated than that. You see...I like Kodoka.

When she said heart sank. I get it. I'm just your average guy and why would the most popular, successful girl go out with me? But hearing that wasn't something I was prepared for.

Sena: She likes Kodoka too and I refuse to lose to her. He is dense. Beyond dense. But he's still very sweet. I just don't want her to take him from me.

I just looked at her and saw that she started to cry. I wrapped my arms around her.

Y/N: I know a mortal shouldn't do this to a goddess...

She giggled which made me chuckle.

Y/N: ...but I understand that even goddesses have their struggles. If Yozora ever gets to be too much for you, Kodoka is extra stupid, or you just need to talk, I'm right here.

She looked at me with a small smile.

Sena: Thank you.

I unwrap my arms from around her. She wipes her tears and we start walking again. From then on, Sena and I seemed to get along even more than usual. Her liking Kodoka still hurt though. He had the attention of the two best girls in the club. What a lucky bastard.

Yukimura and I ended up going to club early one day and we decided to have a heart to heart which I initiated. She was wearing a butler outfit by this point.

Y/N: Yukimura?

Yukimura: Yeah?

Y/N: Something has been bugging me. Do you mind if I can be completely honest right now?

Yukimura: Go ahead.

Y/N: You do know that you're a girl, right?

Yukimura: I do.

Y/N: Then why are you trying so hard to be a guy?

Yukimura just stares at me.

Yukimura: Just family circumstances.

Y/N: I'm sorry if that bothered you it's just been eating at me lately.

Yukimura: It's okay. I appreciate that you're concerned about me. It's just...I want to be just like Kodoka.

As soon as she mentioned Kodoka, my body seemed to tense up.

Yukimura: He's just so cool and I want to be like that...and other things.

I decided to state the obvious.

Y/N: You like him, right?

Yukimura: Yeah. I do. He's the nicest master ever!

Y/N: You shouldn't be a slave to another person.

Yukimura: Yozora told me that this was the way in order to become a man like Kodoka.

Y/N: Don't listen to her. She did it on purpose. Especially when she had you change into a butler outfit. She likes Kodoka too and just wants you out of the way. Dressing like this will only increase her chances of succeeding. You don't want Kodoka being taken from you, do you?

Yukimura: No.

Y/N: Then I challenge you that tomorrow that you come in a girly outfit instead and don't be a servant for a day. If you don't like it then you can go back to what you were doing. I'm sure that you'll see that accepting yourself for who you really are can lift weight off your shoulders.

Sure enough. The very next day, Yukimura came into the club wearing a girly outfit and wasn't a servant for a day. She no longer wore the butler outfit and wasn't a servant to anyone. She still was very friendly though and helped whenever she could but she started to stand up for herself. But the thought of her liking Kodoka hurt me inside.

Rika and I were carrying some boxes over to her lab. She and I were just chatting about pretty much anything. We seemed to get along pretty well and I found her quirkiness to be adorable. We entered her lab and I set the boxes down.

Rika: Thank you, Y/N, for helping Rika. Rika definitely appreciates it.

Y/N: No problem, Rika.

I looked around her lab and I saw something that disturbed me a lot. On her wall was a whiteboard with the words "Ideas on how to impress Kodoka" written on it. The board seemed to have a list of ideas that never seemed to end.

Rika: You saw that? Rika is embarrassed.

Y/N: You really like the guy, huh?

Rika: Of course. How could Rika not? He's just so perfect in every way!

I looked over the list of ideas and saw many that she tried but they all failed. But were still plenty of other ideas on the list.

Rika: That's not the only list Rika has. Rika has notebooks full of ideas.

Y/N: He's rejected you every time. Don't you think that you stop?

Rika: Of course not. Rika will try everything to win Kodoka's heart!

Y/N: You should just stop and move on.

Rika: Rika shall not because she is determined. Rika hasn't tried everything. She's sure that one of the ideas will work.

Y/N: Have you ever heard the definition of "insanity"? I think that what's going on here.

Rika: Rika is not insane. She's just madly in love. What about you? Haven't you ever been in love before?

Y/N: Not as of now.

Rika: Well, until you have, please let Rika keep trying.

I sigh.

Y/N: Well, Rika, I admire your determination. It's really something.

Rika: Thank you, Y/N. Rika shall thank you by creating an android that can be your girlfriend!

Y/N: Please don't. I appreciate the thought but please don't.

Rika kept trying and I kept sighing after each attempt that she failed. There were times that she would try the same thing again and I would have to remind her that she already tried the idea and failed. It even got to the point where she was making me keep track or ask my opinion on her attempts. She liked Kodoka. No doubt. She can do better.

Seeing Maria and Kobato fighting all the time was absolutely adorable. They were like the little sisters that I wish that I had. I'm not a sis-con I promise. I was just reading a story in the club room when the two little girls approached me.

Kobato: Y/N, do you like me or the dummy more?

Maria: I'm no dummy, poopy vampire! Y/N likes me more!

Y/N: I think that you're both adorable.

Kobato: You can only choose one, Y/N!

Maria: Yeah! Make a choice!

Y/N: I really like that you're both so dedicated to what you believe in. Belief in the supernatural is something that interests me and faith.

Kobato: But which one of us do you like more?

Maria: Yeah! Choose!

Y/N: I choose to like both of you! Because...

I stood up and decide to strike a pose with my right hand covering my right eye.

Y/N: For I hold a secret that neither of you could ever comprehend!

Kobato/Maria: What is it?

Y/N: I am a being that holds the balance between the church and the vampires! I am the Dark Flame Master!

The two girls looked at me with awe. I just laughed on the inside.

Y/N: I shall protect you and everyone else with all that I have. I shall destroy the evil that corrupts everyone!

I strike another pose and raise my right hand as if I was sending a beam from it.


The two little girls looked at me and were in complete awe. There was silence. Kobato spole up first.

Kobato: Haha! My big brother is the best!

Maria: Hold on! Y/N is my big brother! Stay away from him!

The two started to fight again but this time over me, I probably made things worse but being called "big brother" made me feel very happy.

I seemed to get along with everyone in club very well. Except Yozora. Whenever she could insult me or make my life inconvient she did. I tried my best to make her like me by doing nice things but she always seemed to find a way to point out a flaw or say that didn't need my help. I then just gave up and just hung out with the rest of the club. I wasn't going to let her making me unhappy ruin everything.

I was walking outside when I was stopped by a nun that looked a lot like Maria.

Nun: Hey, mind coming over and chatting with me for a second?

I nodded and walked over.

Nun: What seems to have you down today?

Y/N: I'm not down. I'm okay.

Nun: Don't lie to me. I can tell by that look in your eyes and there is at least something bothering you. What's your name?

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N?

Nun: Y/N L/N, huh? Then you must know my little sister Maria.

Y/N: Little sister?

Kate: I'm Kate. Maria's older sister. She talks about you a lot.

Y/N: That's sweet.

Kate: She keep talking about how sweet you are but still wonders why you don't have a girlfriend yet.

Y/N: It's by choice.

Kate: That might be true but she tells me how uncomfortable Kodoka makes you.

Y/N: He doesn't make me feel uncomfortable.

Kate stares into my soul.

Y/N: That much.

Kate: You're a good looking guy. If I wasn't a nun, I'd totally ask you out. Now what about Kodaka bothers you?

Y/N: He pretends to be dense but I know he really isn't. I'm sick and tired of him treating these girls this way. They deserve so much better!

Kate: Like you?

Y/N: Anyone else but him and me!

Kate: Why do you say that? Do you think you're not good enough for these girls?

Y/N: For any girl for that matter. The club just seems to revolve around Kodoka. I'm just basically a side character.

Kate: Don't sell yourself short. But listen, if he isn't as dense as he makes himself to be, he needs to be confronted. The girls won't do it because they don't want to mess up their shot. You might as well do it.

Y/N: I guess so.

So later, I decided to do just that. I asked for Kodoka to meet me on the school rooftop one day before club. He arrived.

Kodoka: I'm here. What's up?

Y/N; I need you to end this silly game.

Kodoka: What game?

Y/N: I don't appreciate you playing with the emotions of all the girls in our club! It's not fair to them! I know you're not as dense as you pretend to be! Just make a choice already!

Kodoka: I have no idea what you're talking about! But I don't appreciate you talking to me that way.

Y/N: I could care less! These girls deserve to be happy and yet you seem to make every mistake possible! You're not as dumb as you make yourself look.

Kodoka: It just sounds like your jealous.

Y/N: I am! I'm sick and tired of this club revolving around you! I'm a member too, you know? But all of them are just so wrapped around your finger and you don't seem to care! You're the biggest piece of garabage I've ever seen!

Kodoka: Take that back!

Y/N: Make me!

Kodoka swung at me but I dodged it and counter-attacked and landed a blow on his face square on his right eye. It would definitely leave a bruise. He was gasping for air out of shock.

Y/N: Get out of my sight before I do that again.

Kodoka walked away. I went to enter the club room after school but didn't see anyone there except Yozora standing with her arms crossed and a look of anger on her face.

Yozora: You're no longer a member. Leave.

Y/N: I'm sorry for hitting Kodoka. I definitely could have handled that better but I don't like how...

Yozora: Who cares about what you like? Your opinion doesn't matter!

Y/N: Even if that was the case, I still have the right to speak.

Yozora: Not in here. Only members can and you're no longer a member! I've been looking for a chance to kick you out and I finally got one. Now leave. Stay away from all of us. Especially Kodoka.

Y/N: What is it with you and Kodoka? You can do so much better!

Yozora: There is no one like Kodoka!

Y/N: Of course. There is only one Kodoka like him in existence. But you just have to move on! He is betrothed to Sena and there is nothing you can do about it!

Yozora: Don't you dare mention meat's name to me! Say goodbye to this club room because it's the last time you'll ever be in here.

Yozora headed towards the door but stops next to me to say one last thing.

Yozora: You joining this club was a mistake. Your whole existence was a mistake. You should have never been born.

End of flashback

This brings me to where I am now. I'm all alone in this empty clubroom. I fell to my knees and tears poured from my eyes. Maybe Yozora was right. The idea that I could ever make friends was just stupid. The thought of even finding love was ridiculous. Yozora was right. I am a mistake. I guess I should correct it. I am at rock bottom right now. I can't do this anymore. I pull out a piece of paper and a pen and write a farewell letter to the club. I cry even more as I'm writing it. I then pull out a knife that I had on me and slit my wrist. I didn't even feel any pain. I fall to my knees as I grow very weak as I bleed out. I then black out.

3rd Person POV

Yozora is leaving the clubroom. She stops when she confronts Kate.

Kate: I don't appreciate what you said to Y/N.

Yozora: Why should I care? He attacked Kodoka. He deserved what I said.

Kate: I never said that him attacking Kodoka was right but you have no right to call him what you did. All he was doing was protecting you girls from getting your feelings hurt. He confronted Kodoka when none of you wouldn't.

Yozora: Still doesn't make what he did right.

Kate: Move on from that point!

Yozora: Never.

Kate: I don't understand what Y/N saw in you.

Yozora: What are you talking about?

Kate: He's come to me often and talked to me about how frustrated that he was on why he couldn't make you like him. Why do you hate him so much?

Yozora: I don't hate him. I just...

Kate: You just what?


Kate: From where I'm standing, I think you like him but you don't know how to handle it.

Yozora: I don't like garbage.

Kate: He isn't garbage. You owe him an apology. Deep down, I know you know it too.

Yozora sighs and walks back to the clubroom. She opens the door and has yet to see what had occurred after she left.

Yozora: Y/N, listen. We need to talk.

Yozora sees Y/N lying on the ground bleeding out and she screams for help. Kate comes rushing in and sees the sight. She calls for an ambulance. Yozora does her best to stop the bleeding. She sees a note on the table and picks it up and reads it as she tries to stop the bleeding. After reading it, Yozora was in tears.

Yozora: You silly, baka. You were the whole time and never left even during all of this.

The ambulance arrives and Y/N is taken to the hospital. The rest of the Neighbor's Club is there. They are confused on what happened. Yozora explained the situation. This enraged Sena.

Sena: You bitch! This is why you said no club today!

Yozora: I know. I'm sorry. I didn't think this would happen.

Kodoka: You still took it too far, Yozora.

The doctor came out and told the Neighbor's Club that Y/N was all patched up and all he needed was rest in his room. Yozora asked to see him which angered Sena. Kodoka though was able to get Sena to relent and let Yozora enter Y/N's room.

Yozora POV

I enter Y/N's room and see him lying in his hospitable bed. I had no idea that what I said would cause all of this. I'm very ashamed. I pull up a chair next to his bed and sit down.

Yozora: I'm sorry, Y/N. I had no idea on what you were going through. I will admit that I didn't like you when you first entered the room but it's not because of what you think. I fell in love with you as soon as you walked in. But I had Kodoka on my mind and I didn't want to lose focus on that. You never left and always stayed happy no matter what I did to you. That impressed me a little and caught my attention. The more and more you impacted the club, the more I fell for you. I was in denial though. I kept thinking and hoping that Kodoka would choose me but when I found out that he chose Sena it pushed me over the edge. I appreciated all of the sweet things you did for me. I was super upset when you gave up trying to impress me. I was just scared to show you who I really was because I made such a bad impression at first and my pride got in the way of just easily changing.

I place my hand on his and I'm in tears.

Yozora: Please don't die, Y/N. Please don't leave me like everyone else. I want you here with me. I need you here with me. I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me.

I lean over him.

Yozora: I love you, Y/N. Please come back to me.

I then place my lips on his. I don't care if anyone found us like this. I want my Y/N back and I don't want anyone to take him from me. When he wakes up, I want to make everything right.

Yozora: I love you, Y/N. You better come back and when you do...let's go on a date.

Time Skip

It's another day in the clubroom and I'm reading as usual. Things had seem to go back to normal except that Y/N didn't come back. I guess he really took what I said seriously and left. There is nothing I can do about it now. Suddenly the doors open and in walks Y/N with a smile on his face. I fell in love with him again right on the spot.

Sena: Y/N, you're here?

Y/N: Of course I am. I'm a member after all. Why wouldn't I be? I still need to learn how to make friends! Yozora?

I look over at Y/N.

Y/N: I'll take you up on that offer.

I blush but smile as well. I pat the table spot next to me and he walks over and sits next to me. He turns to me and whispers...

Y/N: I love you too and I forgive you.

I was the happiest girl in the world after he said that. I decided to be bold and kiss him shocking the rest of the club but I didn't care. I pulled away and smiled.

Sena: What's going on?

Yozora: What I do with my boyfriend is none of your business, meat! You might have gotten Kodoka but I definitely got the better out of the two boys in the club! He's mine and I'm never letting him go.

Rika/Yukimura/Kobato: Now hold on!

Sena: Well, I'm happy for you, Yozora. Kodoka, you better shape up or I'm leaving you for him!

Kodoka: WHAT!

This caused the whole club to erupt with arguing. I didn't care though. I found someone better than Kodoka and why it took me this long to accept it is beyond me. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now. I just look at my new boyfriend and he just smiles at me. I'm the happiest girl in the world and nothing can change that.

Sena: So, how many times have you two kissed?


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