:A Proscriptive Relationship: 17

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What is this? This story made it onto the first page of the what's hot list? It's the bottom but still. I never would have thought any of my writing would be able to make it there lol. Well thanks to all my awesome readers :D

I went to Bamboozle on Sunday night. It was fricking sweet. All Time Low, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Boys Like Girls, LMFAO, Forever The Sickest Kids and Third Eye Blind. They were all awesome. LMFAO really got the crowd moving even though I hate that band. And All Time Low was hilarious :) It was my second time seeing them. Boys Like Girls messed up "thunder" but they started off with Love Drunk and I thought that was perfect haha.

Anyways. You don't care. Onto the story lol.


"I'm coming in," I said as I opened the door to Mr. Heywood's classroom.

No reply came and I looked towards his desk. He wasn't there. I frowned in confusion. Hadn't he told me he needed to talk to me?

I heard laughter from the supply room, so I headed over to it. Just as I was about to enter, a girl appeared in front of me. Her shocked expression must have mimicked mine.

"Oh, excuse me," she said, blinking and then walking by me.

I turned around and watched her exit the room. What was she doing in Mr. Heywood's supply closet? I faced the supply room again and walked into it. Mr. Heywood was standing by the refrigerator, fixing his shirt.

It felt like a brick had dropped into my gut.

He noticed me and grinned, but his grin quickly went away. "What's wrong?"

"What were you doing?" I demanded, sounding more accusing than I had meant to.

"What do you? Oh," he said, dropping his tie. "Do you mean what was I doing with Susan?"

I nodded, narrowing my eyes slightly.

Mr. Heywood laughed. "What do you think we were doing?"

Why was he laughing? Wasn't it obvious? They were both in the supply room, and he was fixing his shirt. When I didn't reply, Mr. Heywood shook his head and sighed.

"We weren't doing anything bad, Holly," he informed me. "I was helping her with her science project."

He pointed to a tray on the counter.

"Why are you fixing your shirt then?"

"Because it was messed up?" he responded, raising an eyebrow.

I blushed instantly. What was I thinking? This was school. Mr. Heywood wouldn't be making out or anything with students in the school. I was just letting my jealousy get the best of me again.

I looked at the floor and clenched my hands. It was Mr. Heywood's fault for making me feel this way. If he treated me like he treated every other student, I wouldn't have these unchecked emotions.

I felt something hard on my shoulder and I jumped.

"Were you jealous?" Mr. Heywood asked, his jaw moving on my shoulder when he talked.

"No," I lied, turning my head away.

He chuckled and lifted his head off my shoulder. "You're cute, Holly."

My face grew hotter and I frowned at Mr. Heywood. "Mr. Heywood, don't say stuff like that."

"Why not?" he responded, going back over to fridge.

"We are in school. You are a teacher. I am a student."

Mr. Heywood turned around and looked at me with a sad expression. "I thought we had something special?"

I narrowed my eyes. This is what I didn't like about Mr. Heywood. When he complements me, I don't know whether he's joking or not, because he always says something jokingly afterwards.

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"Oh yeah," Mr. Heywood said, going over to the closet.

He began to shuffle through some stuff and finally pulled out a small paper bag. He tossed it to me. "You left your shirt at my house."

I grabbed the bag and looked inside. Sure enough, my shirt was in there. It was folded and clean too. "Um, thanks."

"No problem."

"Okay, well, I've got to go home now," I told him, a little reluctantly.


My heart skipped a beat. Did that mean he didn't want me to go home either? I cursed myself silently. Why today of all days did Lance want to go to dinner?

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm going to dinner with Lance in a little while."

"Oh," Mr. Heywood responded simply. "I didn't know you two were dating."

"What?" I cried, making Mr. Heywood jump. "We aren't dating!"

Mr. Heywood turned to look at me, a confused expression on his face. "You're not?"

"We are going to eat as friends."

Mr. Heywood suddenly started laughing. "Poor Lance."

"What? Why?"

Mr. Heywood shook his head. "You really are cute, Holly. Cute, but dense."

"Well you're cute but a jerk!" I responded, freezing when I realized what I said.

Mr. Heywood smirked. "I'm cute, huh?"

I blushed. "Never mind. I meant you're really ugly!"

"Sure you did," he said with a laugh.

"I did! Now goodbye!"

"Be careful!" he called after me, still laughing.

I sped out of the room, my face burning. I couldn't believe I had just said that. It was so embarrassing! Did he think I had feelings for him now? Did he have feelings for me?

I shook my head violently. I was getting ahead of myself. I needed to get home and get ready to go to dinner with Lance.

The walk home was slow. When I finally made it to my house, I wasn't in the best of moods. I was so used to having Mr. Heywood drive me home, I wasn't used to walking long distances.

The door was locked so I reached for the spare key. This time it was where it should have been, and I opened the door and went in, sticking the key in my pocket.

The phone started ringing and I smirked. Perfect timing.

I went into the kitchen and quickly grabbed the phone.


"Hey, it's Lance."

"Hi," I responded, heading towards my room. "What's up?"

"Do you care if we eat a late dinner? We can't get in until eight."

"That's fine with me," I responded, narrowing my eyes slightly.

Where was Lance planning on taking me? Was it somewhere fancy? I hoped it wasn't. That would cost a lot...

"Okay, so I'll pick you up at like seven thirty."

"You're driving?" I asked skeptically. "I'm not so sure I want to go now."

Lance laughed. "Hey! I'm a good driver!"

I snorted, rolling my eyes. "That's why you've been in two car crashes over the past six months?"

"I just have bad luck," he responded, amusement in his voice.

"Whatever, see you then," I told him. "I'll be writing my will in the mean time."

"You're such a bummer, Holly," he responded with a sigh.

"I'm joking," I said with a laugh.

He laughed too. "I know."


"See you later."

I hit the off button on the phone and threw it onto my bed. I frowned. Now I didn't have anything to do. I could have stayed with Mr. Heywood at school. What a waste...

The television was calling for my attention, so I went into the living room and turned it on. It was on the music video channel. I shrugged and kept it there. I plopped onto the couch and settled into a more comfortable position.

I woke up with a start. My cheek was wet and I made a grossed out face and wiped the drool away. I checked the clock to see what time it was. Two and a half hours had passed. It was now 4: 30. Time for a shower.

I sighed and went back to my room and to my dresser. The top drawer was part way open so I shut it before opening the one underneath it. I grabbed a pair of light wash jeans and went to the next drawer, grabbing a light blue plaid shirt. I hoped we didn't need to dress fancy for the restaurant.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before changing into my new clothes. I wrapped a towel around my head before going back to my room.

I picked up my cell phone and opened it to see if anyone had texted me. To my surprise, there were ten missed calls from a number I didn't recognize. I jumped when my phone suddenly went off. It was the same unknown number that had called before.

I hesitated a moment before answering it. "Hel-"

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" an irritated voice demanded.

I blinked in shock. Who was this guy? "Um, I think you have the wrong number-"

"Holly, it's Chris."

Chris? Oh! "Mr. Heywood?"

"Yeah," he responded. "But I told you to call me Chris."

"Sorry," I apologized. "But how did you get my number?"

"I asked Casey for it," he told me.

I sighed. It had to be Casey, didn't it? I was in for some questioning now. "Why did you need my phone number?"

"I wanted to know where you were going for dinner. Is it downtown?"

"I don't know," I responded. "Why?"

"Because that's our territory."

"I don't own any territory?" I asked, confused.

Mr. Heywood laughed, but turned serious again. "Gang territory."



I licked my lips. "What does that have to do with me?"

"It will be dangerous for you down there," he told me.

"Why? I didn't even do anything!"

Mr. Heywood sighed. "I know you didn't. I got you caught up in this. But you still are involved, Holly. Whether you want to be or not isn't your decision."

"So I can't even go downtown without worrying about being attacked or whatever they want to do?" I demanded, my eyes wide.

"During the day time, sure, since there are people around. I'm more worried about nights... like tonight."

"Well we are only going to eat," I told him.

"But still..."

I smiled slightly. "Are you worried about me, Mr. Heywood?"

"Yeah, I am."

I blinked in shock. I wasn't expecting a truthful remark, let alone a serious one. "Oh, um, thank you."

Mr. Heywood sighed. "Just promise me you will have your phone at all times. And stay with Lance."

"Promise," I told him. "You don't really think something will happen, do you?"

Mr. Heywood laughed. "No. But just in case."


"And make sure you actually answer your phone."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Okay."

"Talk to you later then."

"Bye, Mr. Heywood."



"Have fun on your date."

"It's not-" I started but I heard a click and knew he hung up.

I scowled, tossing the phone onto the bed. Stupid Mr. Heywood.

******** You know the drill~ join my facebook page? Link is under "open external link" :D ********

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