:A Proscriptive Relationship: 20

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The two thugs were a few hundred feet behind us. I figured if Lance and I kept a brisk pace, we would be able to make it to the car before they caught up with us. And once we were in the car we could lock the doors and I could call the cops. Or Mr. Heywood.

But I still was extremely paranoid. I wanted to get to the car as quickly as possible.

"Hurry up, Lance," I begged, out of breath. "Please."

"What's wrong?" Lance asked, serious now. "Holly?"

I glanced at Lance, who looked extremely worried. He glanced over his shoulder and a surprised look passed over his face. I followed his gaze and saw the two men now running towards us.

"Run!" I screamed, grabbing Lance's hand and bolting down the aisle of cars.

Lance stumbled after me, looking behind him. Eventually he faced the front again, sprinting by my side.

"What's wrong? Who are they?"

"I'll explain later, we just need to get away as soon as possible-"

I stopped abruptly, making Lance knock into me, sending me sprawling onto the ground. I landed hard and smacked my head against the hard dirt. I groaned, and pushed myself off the ground.

When I looked up I came face-to-face with two more men, but these two were unfamiliar.

"Hey, let go of me!" I heard Lance demand.

My head snapped towards him and I saw the two thugs from before holding onto his arms tightly.

"Let him go!" I demanded. "He doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"He knows Chris." I noticed the man who was holding me, was the man I had punched in the face back in the woods at the fair responded. "That's enough reason."

A pair of rough hands on my shoulder yanked me from the ground and forced me to my feet. I broke out from under them and ran towards Lance, only to be tackled down from behind.

I groaned in frustration when my head once again slammed down on the hard dirt. I really needed to think before I acted.

"You're a feisty one, huh," the man pinning me down commented. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Get off her!" I heard Lance shout. "Who are you guys?"

"Shut up," one of the other men responded to him.

"No! You're hurting her!"

I heard the sound of a fist being slammed into a gut and someone groaned. My heart skipped a beat.

"I hope you think before you talk now," the same man who had spoke before said.

The man pinning me to the ground rolled off me and there was a pressure on my back and I winced, hearing the scuffing off dirt. When the man was finally standing up, he grabbed my hair and forced me to my feet.

"You take the girl and I'll take the British brat, Dan," the one holding me offered.

"Good idea, Jack."

So the person I had punched before was named Dan. Good to know.

"I think she owes me an apology anyways," Dan continued, gesturing Jack closer to him.

I was forced into Dan's arms as Lance was shoved to Jack. Before Dan had a good grasp on me, Lance suddenly swung his fist, hitting Dan squarely in the face. With his other hand, Lance quickly brought his fist into Jack's face. Jack fell to the ground and didn't move.

I blinked in amazement. I didn't know Lance could fight.

"Holly! Behind you!" Lance shouted, his eyes widening slightly in surprise.

I twisted my body around, only to see a fist coming straight at me. I gasped, twisting again to avoid it. Dan scowled at me, his arm outstretched. Before I knew what I was doing, I kicked him where the sun didn't shine.

Dan groaned and hunched over. Lance immediately grabbed my wrist, squeezing it painfully. I gasped as Lance pulled me away from Jack and Dan. I stumbled over my own feet, but managed to quickly gain my balance.

Lance ran forward, and suddenly I was tugged backwards. I cried out from the pain of my wrist being yanked back while Lance was still trying to pull it forward. Lance paused and turned back with scowl.

"Behind you!" I gasped, pointing at one of the unfamiliar men who suddenly appeared behind Lance.

Lance let go of my wrist, and twisting on his heel, brought his fist flying into the other man's face. I watched in amazement, until I realized the other man from the fair still had a grip on me.

I felt him pull on my hair and I twisted my head, biting his arm. He cried out in shock and ripped his arm away from my face, releasing my hair. I noticed a pile of tires behind the man, so I shoved him in the chest with all the force I could muster. Luckily, it was enough to make him take a few steps back, and he topped over the tire.

I felt Lance's hand at my wrist again.


Together we booked down the aisle of cars again. I could see Lance's car now. It was only about twenty more cars down. And I didn't hear any footsteps behind us. We could make it!

We were ten cars away when suddenly a bat came swinging out of nowhere. I watched in horror as it made contact with Lance's head. I screamed as Lance crumpled to the ground instantly.

"Lance!" I screamed, dropping to my knees beside him.

He didn't reply. I grabbed his arm and lifted it up. When I let go it fell to the ground limply.

Tears sprung to my eyes. "Lance! Wake up!"

"He's out cold, girly."

I looked up and saw Dan hovering over me, a smirk on his face. A baseball bat was resting across his shoulders. I glared at him angrily.

"What did you do?" I cried, clenching my fists.

"Just making sure there were distractions," he told me. "That guy was in the way."

"He's my best friend!" I shouted, now pushing myself to my feet. "I'm going to kill you!"

Dan laughed. "Okay."

He suddenly reached out and grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me closer to him. I cringed at the proximity of us. I could smell his deodorant and cologne. He lowered his head down.

"I believe I still owe you from last time..."

I was about to ask him what he was talking about, when his fist struck the side of my head. I stumbled backwards from the force. I raised a hand to my cheek, which throbbed painfully. Shock was written all over my face.

He had just hit a girl! Had this guy no sense of manners? Who hit girls? Before I could answer my own questions, I was struck again, in the same spot.

I cried out, stumbling backwards, hitting a car and falling onto the hood. Dan appeared before me. He rested his hand on my stomach, making sure I couldn't move.

"How does it feel to be punched?"

"I punched you once," I responded, shoving his hand off my stomach. "That's not fair."

Dan narrowed his eyes. "You don't realize you are dealing with a gang here, do you? There's nothing 'fair' about this. But you also kicked me..."


Both Dan's and my own attention snapped to Lance, who was pushing himself up into a sitting position. Relief washed through me. He was okay!

"Do I have to bash him over the head again?" Dan groaned, turning around.

I seized the opportunity to take advantage of him. I grabbed the baseball bat from his shoulders and easily slid it out of his grasp. He turned in surprise and without any hesitation I struck him in the head.

He tottered on his feet for a second, but didn't pass out. I stared in horror as he scowled at me.

What had I just done? I changed my gaze of horror from him to the bat. Had I really just hit him in the head with a bat?"

"You," the man growled.

It was either fight. Or be harmed.

I swung the bat back for a second hit but he quickly grabbed my forearm, twisting it painfully.

I cried out, my fingers straightening from the pain. The bat fell to the ground.

"You just keep digging yourself a deeper grave, don't you?" Dan growled, still twisting my wrist.

"Stop," I begged, trying to twist my body with my wrist so it wouldn't snap. "Oh my God, please, stop!"

Dan stopped, dropping my wrist. I breathed a sigh of relief until I realized he had picked up the baseball bat. He raised it high above his head. I froze, staring at him with my mouth wide open. He wouldn't... would he?

My question was answered when he suddenly swung the bat down. I raised my arms to cover my head. There was the sickening sound of wood hitting bone, but no pain.

My eyes shot open to see a tan, muscled arm stopping the bat, inches from my head.

"Sorry I'm late," a smooth voice apologized.

I watched as the arm blocking the bat from me, turned. The hand attached to the arm gripped the bat, yanking it from Dan's hand.

Dan had an expression of mixed fear and anger on. I knew who was behind me. The bat was pulled over my head and I was suddenly shoved to the left. I kept my balance, staggering only for a moment.

I ignored the cry of pain behind me and made for Lance, who was now leaning against a car, holding his head. After a step, I was overcome with dizziness. I swayed for a moment, before fixing myself and continuing over to Lance.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a breathless whisper.

Lance looked up at me and winced slightly. "Ow. I'm okay. What the hell is happening, Holly? Who the hell-"

"Save the questions for later," I ordered, my head throbbing from just talking. "I really don't feel like explaining anything right now."

There was silence from behind us now and I heard footsteps approaching. Lance looked behind me and his expression became so shocked I whipped around quickly, expecting to see one of the thugs.

Mr. Heywood stood there, the sleeves to his black shirt pushed up. He held the bat, and his face was emotionless, his mouth a flat line. He lowered the bat, coming up to me and placing a hand on my cheek.

"Ow!" I cried, pulling back and raising a hand to my cheek.

I touched it gingerly. It throbbed angrily. I frowned. That would really hurt in the morning.

Mr. Heywood looked behind me. "Are you okay, Lance?"

"You," Lance growled. "Do you have something to do with this? Why were those men after Holly! Where are the other three guys?"

"I've already taken care of them," Mr. Heywood responded simply. "As for your other questions, it's up to Holly to let you know or not."

My head throbbed painfully and I staggered forwards. I clutched it, putting as much pressure on it as I could without hurting it too much. The pounding continued and I fought to keep myself straight.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked worriedly.

"Nothing," I told him, my voice constricted with pain. "My head just really hurts."

"Give me your car keys, Lance," I heard Mr. Heywood order.

I heard Lance grumble, but after a second I heard the jingle of keys. Then suddenly I was swooped off my feet. My surprise from the motion made the pain go away for a minute.

"I can walk fine," I muttered, keeping my head down to make sure no one could see my blush.

"Shut up and let me carry you," Mr. Heywood responded, rolling his eyes.

I kept my mouth shut, frowning slightly. It was awkward. Mr. Heywood was carrying me princess-style and Lance was right there. He wagged his eyebrows at me.

That's when I noticed the large bruise on the top of his head, which was bleeding slightly. I gasped, my eyes widening slightly.

"Lance! You're head!" I cried, staring at it dismay.

Lance shrugged. "I'm sure it looks worse than it is. See?"

Lance shook his head, but his face constricted in pain, giving away his façade. I frowned at him and he sighed.

We got to the car and Mr. Heywood put me down in the back seat. To my embarrassment he reached over and buckled me.

"I can do that by myself," I told him, blushing from his proximity.

"I know," Mr. Heywood responded.

I swear I saw him smirking before he pulled himself out of the car and shut the door. Lance got into the passenger's seat and Mr. Heywood got into the drivers. He started the car and pulled out of the lot.

"Where are we going?" I heard Lance ask.

"My house," Mr. Heywood responded, looking in his rearview mirror at me. "We have a lot to talk about."


Woo~ So I haven't thanked you guys for being so supportive in awhile, so here it is, THANK YOU <3 I loooove reading all the comments you guys leave me :D And I literally read everyone. I sit in front of my computer, going through my e-mail (I use the e-mail alerts to read them) and just grin, and laugh sometimes. It's fun :D So yeah thank you soooo much!!!

Now now, we all know this. But if you click "open external link" to the right, you get to my facebook fanpage! WOO! Join if you haven't ;D

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