:A Proscriptive Relationship: 28

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"You're kidding me."

Jeremy laughed, taking the photo from my hands. "Hmm, I believe this was Chris in his freshman year of college..."

I looked at the photo again. "No way, he's too young."

Jeremy raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know? Chris skipped two grades in middle school."

I gasped, my eyes widening. "What? Really?"

Jeremy nodded. "He graduated at age sixteen. After that he went straight to college, and managed to graduate with his teaching degree in only three years ."

My mouth was open in shock as I digested this information. Just how smart was Mr. Heywood?

"So wait... he was gang leader at age sixteen?"

"Eighteen," Jeremy corrected me.

"Then why doesn't this picture have names?"

"This is why."

I watched as Jeremy unfolded a piece of paper. He handed it over, and it crinkled in my hand. The edges were yellow from age. I scanned down the paper. It was full with names, and fight durations.

"It can't be..."

"Oh, yes it can. Flip the paper over."

I did Jeremy commanded, and my eyes met more names. "This is crazy!"

"He is a crazy good fighter," Jeremy responded. "Over one hundred matches won within half a year. Two hundred by the end of it. The only reason Chris didn't become gang leader as soon as he joined was because he wouldn't accept."

I shook my head in disbelief. "This isn't impossible... it's almost inhuman."

"You've seen Chris fight, right?"

Images of Mr. Heywood's one hit knock outs flooded my mind. I nodded my head vigorously.

"There you go."

I frowned at the photo for a few moments. "Okay... so if he joined the gang when he was either a freshman or sophomore--"

"Sophomore," Jeremy corrected me. "And how'd you know that?"

"He told me," I responded, before returning to my thoughts. "That means he was part of the gang since he was around fourteen... then at seventeen he went to college, and was still part of the gang. At twenty he graduated..."

"Where are you going with this?" Jeremy commented, sounding confused.

I turned my attention onto him. "Why didn't Mr. Heywood start teaching when he was twenty-one? Why wait until a year later? And he didn't quit the gang until this year, when he started teaching... so what did he do in that year between graduating and starting as a teacher?"

Jeremy suddenly looked uncomfortable. He squatted down and began searching through the papers on the floor again, ignoring my questions and stares. I walked over to him and lowered myself to his level.

"Tell me what Mr. Heywood did during that time, Jeremy."

"It's not my business to tell, I'm afraid," Jeremy responded quietly. "There's some stuff I can tell you, however, this is not something I feel I should divulge to you. Chris will tell you if he wants you to know."

"Does this have to do with why your old gang wants him dead?" I demanded, my gaze hardening.

"Oh look what I found!" Jeremy cried excitedly, standing up.

I followed suit, a small scowl on my face. "Don't ignore me, answer my question!"

"Look, Holly. Isn't Chris so cute when he smiles? This was his graduating year at college."

Jeremy dangled the photo in front of me. I tried to focus on it, but with the swaying of his hand, he made it impossible. I snatched it from his grasp and held it out in front of me.

A silly grin made its way onto my face as I looked at the picture. Mr. Heywood was dressed up in a pair of faded jeans and a black button-up shirt. He was with Jeremy , and they both grinning at the camera, their arms wrapped around each other.

"Aren't we so cute?" Jeremy asked with a sigh. "This picture was taking on one of those rare days when Chris would actually smile."

"I feel like I'm looking at a totally different person," I told him, staring at the photo in awe. "I mean, I know Mr. Heywood is younger in this picture, but I've never seen him with this expression on."

Jeremy nodded. "He used to be a lot more carefree before the accident..." Jeremy trailed off, looking everywhere but at me.

"The accident?" I repeated.

"Aha, I don't know what you're talking about," Jeremy responded, giving me a crazy look.

"But you--"

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

My head snapped towards the door way and my gaze landed on a man around Mr. Heywood's age. He had gelled black hair, and stood at an alarming height. I quickly shot a glance at Jeremy, who was scowling at the man.

"What are you doing here, Shawn?"

Shawn? The name clicked in my head, but I couldn't remember where I heard it from. I cursed my forgetfulness.

"I could ask you the same question," the tall man named Shawn responded, looking amused. "How dare traitors show their faces around here."

Jeremy slowly stepped in front of me, his arm going up protectively. "This place hasn't been used for years..."

"Well you're wrong about that, aren't you?" Shawn responded sarcastically.


A moment of silence passed between the two. Finally Shawn's eyes snapped onto me.

"This wouldn't happen to be the famous girl I've heard so much about, would it?"

"No," Jeremy responded quickly. "She's my girlfriend."

"Really? She looks exactly like the girl that Dan told me about..."

Dan? Horror washed over me when I realized that was the man I had attacked two times now.

"Well you're wrong," Jeremy said, glaring at Shawn. "Now if you don't mind, we'll be taking our leave."

"Not so fast."

I stared at Shawn, who smirked slightly.

"Since you are both here, shall we have some fun? I've been meaning to get back to you for ditching the gang to join Heywood's side."

Jeremy tensed, his hands clenching into fists. "I'll fight you, but let Holly go."

Shawn stayed quiet for a moment before nodding. "Very well."

"What? I'm not leaving you here," I whispered urgently, gripping onto Jeremy.

"The most important thing is to keep you safe," he whispered back, never taking his eyes of Shawn.

"Shall we escort her outside then?"

Jeremy nodded. "Let's go."

"I'm not leaving without you," I repeated stubbornly. "Even if you leave me outside, I'm coming back in to get you."

Jeremy looked at me, an amused expression on his face.

"Now I know why Chris does what he does."

Before I could ask him what he meant by that, he was across the room. He grabbed the surprised Shawn's shirt and yanked him into the room. Jeremy turned and sent a punch into Shawn's face, which made him stagger backwards.

"Run!" Jeremy ordered, gesturing me towards him.

I maneuvered myself around the shocked man, and followed Jeremy out the door. Jeremy slammed it behind me and and began ushering me towards the staircase. He stopped when he noticed two men coming up them towards us.

Jeremy clicked his tongue. "Holly, go down the other way. I'll take out these two, and meet you at the front door. No arguing. Go."

I nodded, and took off in a sprint across the balcony. I heard the sound of Jeremy. talking to the two thugs that were coming up the stairs, and then the unmistakable sound of someone being punched. I winced slightly, hoping it wasn't Jeremy.

I was about ten feet away from the stairs when someone grabbed my hair. I cried out in shock, coming to an immediate halt.

"And where do you think you're going?

' I turned around to glare at Shawn, who let go of my hair. He gripped my forearm tightly with one of his hands instead.

"I don't have time for this," I said, and with that, I brought my fist as hard as I could into his face.

Instead of letting go of me, like I thought he would, his grasp tightened and he looked at me in amusement.

"You must be the girl Dan was talking about, you're feisty," he commented. "But you're still a girl, and that punch was still weak."

I scowled. "Then we do this the old fashioned way."

Shawn stared at me curiously. I brought my knee up as hard as I could into his crotch. This time he let go of me in surprise and I twisted on my heel, fleeing before he got over the shock.

I shook my fist lightly. That had definitely not been a weak punch. And Mr. Heywood had even said I had a good punch. Who was this guy? Why was he so tough? I was lucky I managed to surprise him with my knee attack, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to escape.

I came to the stairs and quickly descended them. On the fourth stair I stepped on, my foot went through it, followed quickly by the rest of my body. I screamed in surprise, as my body plummeted down the rotten step. I frantically grabbed onto the step above me, catching myself before I fell all the way.

I immediately tried pulling myself back up, but almost just as quickly found it to be impossible. I had almost no upper body strength. I struggled for a minute more, trying to force myself up, but only made my arms more tired.

I grunted as I hung in the air, frustrated. I'd definitely break a leg, or ankle, or something, if I just dropped down.

A sudden pressure was applied to my fingers and I cried out in pain.

"You think you can get away after doing that to me? Who do you think you are?"

I couldn't see who it was, but the voice told me it was Shawn. I scowled. Couldn't he stay in pain for at least a minute longer?

"I think it'd be fun to let you fall, so that's exactly what I'm going to do."

I winced as he ground his head into my fingers, making them ache painfully. After a few seconds, I already felt like they were going to break.

"Stop!" I begged, my hands becoming slippery with sweat.

"I can't hear you," he taunted, switching hands.

I hissed in pain, trying to control the shaking off my other abused hand. My arms screamed in protest to the unusual treatment of my muscles. I groaned in frustration.

"You're tough. But you won't be tough when I break your fingers."

I sucked in a breath when he took his foot away. Was he going to stop on them?

"Holly, let go!" a voice cried from under me.

Without a second thought, I shut my eyes and let go of the staircase. A piece of the stair scratched my cheek as my head went by it. I screamed as I fell through the air for a split second, and then abruptly cut it off when I landed in someone's arms. I opened my eyes to see Jeremy staring at me.

"Let's go," he demanded, putting me down and grabbing my hand.

He yanked me towards the door, running faster than I could keep up with. He forced me out, and then slammed the door behind him. I was quickly ushered down the stairs and to the car.

"Get in," he demanded.

I didn't hesitate to wrench the car door open and hop it. Jeremy did the same and stuffed the car keys into the ignition. He started in in one swift movement and peeled out of the drive way. Soon, we were speeding down the dirt road away from the house.

I let out a deep sigh of relief, trying to catch my breath.

"I, for one, am sure glad we didn't have a horror movie scene where the car wouldn't start," I commented, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.


Woo! Another long-ish chapter! This chapter was fun to write :D

Okay, onto the main topic.I now have a oneshot and a small series for this story written by two wonderful fans :D They both are for Chris and Holly. Make sure you go check them out, okay? They are fun :D

If you want to make your own oneshot/mini story about any two characters (Chris&Holly, Lance&Holly, Jeremy&Holly, heck, Chris&Jeremy xD hahaha) feel free to :) Just make sure you let me know, and be willing to share it :D If there is a scenario you want to happen between the two characters, feel free to write it your own way for your, and other people's, viewing pleasure! I don't mind at all :) I enjoy reading them.

And as I've mentioned, if someone likes your writing, they might check out your other stuff ;D I know I would.

So here are the links to the two fanfics already done;

http://www.wattpad.com/560459-a-proscriptive-relationship-hidden-chapter (search the title "A Proscriptive Relationship Hidden Chapter", or xLizzyIsMe to make it easier)

http://www.wattpad.com/567904-a-proscriptive-relationship-one-shot (search "A Proscriptive Relationship: One Shot" or TemporaryInsanity

:D Message me if you want to make one!

Open external link for Facebook page!

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