:A Proscriptive Relationship: 49

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“What should we do now?”

Lance and I shrugged simultaneously. The sky was finally beginning to darken, and the lights from all the rides were on, creating an amazing sight. Casey, Lance, and I had walked around the whole festival twice already. We had hit a few of the rides as well. Now we were taking a break and eating— well, at least I was.

The hot baked potato in my hands warmed them, which was a nice break from the chilly air that had been nipping at them. It was time to start wearing gloves at night. Lance and Casey were sitting across from me, watching me eat. Or at least Lance was. Casey’s eyes were everywhere, wide and excited.

“I want to go on that,” Casey stated, pointing her finger at a ride that looked like the zipper of a jacket.

“Me too,” Lance commented, looking up at it with a grin. “How about you Holly?”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you kidding me? I don’t want to die.”

Lance and Casey laughed, making my face heat up.

“Holly, you’re scared to go on every ride that leaves the ground,” Lance commented, rolling his eyes. “Live a little.”

“I am,” I told him, “by not going on that ride.”

Casey chuckled. “Come on, it won’t be that bad.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“You’re no fun,” Lance commented.

“Look, it’s a ride for two. Why don’t you and Casey go on while I finish my baked potato,” I suggested, holing up my half eaten potato. “I don’t mind waiting here.”

Casey frowned at me. “Holly, I don’t want to ditch you.”

“It’s fine,” I assured her. “This way I don’t have to wait around by myself like a loser when you guys finally decide you want to go on.”

Lance nodded, nudging Casey in the side. “Let’s go, Case.”

“Are you sure?” Casey asked, looking hesitant.

“It’s one ride,” I responded. “It’s not that big of a deal. I can handle being alone for a few minutes.”

Lance pointed behind me, towards the ride. “It might be a little longer than a few minutes. There’s a line.”

“Then you better hurry up before it gets longer,” I advised. “I’ll wait here. When I’m done eating and if you guys aren’t back, I’ll meet you by the exit of the ride.”

After a few more moments of persuading Casey, she and Lance finally set off for the ride. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I dug into my potato again. Rides that left the ground really weren’t my things. Just looking at them made me feel sick. Except the Ferris wheel, but that was a different story.

I watched the crowds of people that walked by the picnic table I was seated on as I ate my baked potato. Oddly enough, I hadn’t run into anyone from school yet. It was Friday night. There were supposed to be gaggles of students here, and yet there seemed to be only Casey, Lance, and myself from our school. It felt weird.

   Something to my right suddenly moved and I snapped my head around so fast to look, I cricked it. Wincing, I rubbed my neck, and then proceeded to glare at a small, black crow loitering on a trashcan. My heart began to slow when I realized that it was just the crow… and not Shawn.

If there was one thing I hated, it was being paranoid.

Luckily for me, Shawn hadn’t tried texting me again. And I didn’t jinx it by looking at my phone. It wasn’t like I was waiting for him to text me. Though not receiving anything from him was throwing me off guard. Was he not texting me anymore because I ignored his first few messages? Was that really all I had to do to get him to leave me alone? It seemed too easy. Too simple.

Without warning, a pair of hands grabbed my shoulder. I let out a strangled cry of surprise, struggling out of the person’s grasp. When I turned around and saw Lance looking at me curiously, I relaxed.

“Casey come back yet?”


“Casey,” Lance repeated. “You know. Short. Brown hair. Our best friend—”

“I know who she is,” I snapped, rolling my eyes. “Weren’t you just with her?”

Lance frowned. “No. We ended up having to sit with different people on the ride. I thought she came back here, but I guess not.”

“Where would she have gone?”

Lance shrugged. “Maybe she got lost. Or maybe she went to meet Willis. I think he was supposed to meet us here.”

“Huh,” I commented, pushing myself away from the table. “We should probably find her… You never know who could he here.”

Lance’s eyes instantly hardened. “Holly, do you know something I should know?”

I shook my head quickly. “N-no! I was just saying…”

“You have your phone on you? I have my moms,” Lance said, changing the subject. “We can split up and do a search until we find her. Knowing Casey she probably got distracted with some dart game or something.”

I tried to laugh, but it came out as a nervous giggle. “Yeah. And I have my phone.” I patted my back pocket. “Text me if you find her.”

“You do the same. Casey should really keep her phone charged,” Lance muttered, pulling out his phone. “It was off when I called it.”

I didn’t like the sudden anxious feeling that was creeping over me. “Right… I’m going to go look now.”

“Same. See you soon.”

“See you.”

Lance turned his back on me, and started stalking off in the direction of the games. Turning away from him, I went the opposite way, towards the rides. It was much darker now, surprisingly so. It also seemed less crowded. Was it supposed to be some kind of sign…?

No! What was I thinking? Signs? I resisted the urge to snort. I was thinking way too much into this. It just looked empty because no one was crowding around the food stands, and I wasn’t around the popular rides. There was nothing out of the ordinary. I was just being paranoid again.

As I grew closer to the more popular rides, I felt safer due to he large masses of people. Even if Shawn were still here, he wouldn’t try anything in the middle of a crowd. No one would be stupid enough to do that. As long as I stayed close to the population, I was as safe as ever. When I found Casey, we’d meet up with Lance again, and I’d be even safer. I had no reason to worry… And yet I still was.

A scowl of annoyance made its’ way onto my face as I slipped between a children’s ride and the merry-go-round. Why was I feeling so anxious? This was supposed to be a fun night out with friends! Why did Shawn have to ruin it? I was severely tempted to look at my phone to see if I had missed any texts from him, but I knew if I did, I’d be breaking my luck of not receiving any.

Shawn wasn’t still watching me. He would have said something. Or texted me. Or at least tried something. He wouldn’t just stay quiet. Where was the amusement in that? If he was here he probably would of—

My thoughts were abruptly cut off when I felt someone clap their hand over my mouth and pull me roughly away from the merry-go-round, and against the back of the children’s ride. My eyes shot open as a muffled gasp escaped me. Whoever had a grip on me tried to hold me still as I struggled to liberate myself.

I was in public! There were people not even ten feet away from me. Who would be stupid enough to attack me now? When I finally managed to turn my head around far enough, I nearly had a heart attack.

Jeremy was grinning at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He uncovered my mouth, but continued to hold my arm.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, a little breathless from shock. “You scared the crap out of me!”

“I’ve been calling you name for the last minute,” Jeremy pointed out. “You’ve been in la-la land or something.”

I blushed slightly, gently tugging my arm out of Jeremy’s grasp. “What are you doing here?”

“My mom asked me to take Jenna and Jane. I couldn’t refuse,” Jeremy explained. “They’re around here somewhere…”


Jeremy pushed a stray lock of his hair behind his ear and frowned at me. “Did Chris ever text you?”

I raised an eyebrow. “No, why?”

“I got a text from him about an hour and a half ago asking where you were,” Jeremy told me. “I told him I didn’t, and he never texted me back, so I assumed he texted you or something.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t got any text messages…”

“I texted you like a half hour ago though,” Jeremy said, a frown appearing on his lips. “Are you sure?”

“My phone didn’t…” I trailed off, sticking my hand into my pocket and pulling out my phone. Horror sank in when I realized my phone was off. “Oh no.”


“My phone was off!”

My heart was beating two times faster than usual as I shakily pressed the on key on my phone. The twenty-three seconds it took to turn on felt like centuries. When the home screen had finally loaded I waited another few minutes, and sure enough I received my text messages. Thirteen in total.

I opened my inbox, not surprised to see three of the thirteen texts from Shawn. One was from Jeremy, and the other nine were from Mr. Heywood. Jeremy cocked his head at me when I looked up at him with a worried expression.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Hold on,” I told him, opening the first new text message from Shawn.

If you turn around, I’m right behind you.

A shudder ran through me. That message had been sent an hour and a half ago. Now I was kind of glad my phone was off. What would have happened if I had checked my phone when I first received the message? I didn’t think I wanted to know. I scrolled to the second text message from Shawn, and opened it.

I told a small, white lie to Chris. Hopefully he won’t get too upset. If you get any text messages from him, don’t pay them too much attention.

P.S. Your friend Casey is cute.

Shawn told Mr. Heywood a lie? What about? And why did he mention Casey? A sick feeling ran through me, and I clenched my phone a little tighter in my hand. Then next message in my inbox was from Mr. Heywood, sent about a minute after Shawn’s last one.

Where are you?

The next one said the same thing, and so did the next one, and so did the next one, and so did the next one each getting more frantic. The next one he used my full name, and an exclamation point. I clicked on the next one.

Holly! Damn it, respond to this or I’m going to think Shawn really did get you.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Is that what Shawn had told Mr. Heywood? That he had “got” me? I turned to Jeremy; who was watching me with a concerned expression.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

I ignored him, clicking on the next message from Mr. Heywood.

I’m coming to get you.

The next message was from Shawn. I noticed there was an hour time lapse between Mr. Heywood’s last message and Shawn’s most recent one. With only a split-second’s hesitation, I opened the text.

Chris isn’t so tough when his Holly is involved, huh? He needs an attitude check. I don’t like the way he’s looking at me. Oh well. Stay tuned, Holly Evers.

“Holy shit,” I gasped, staring at the text message.


I turned my attention from my phone to Jeremy, my eyes wide in terror. “I… I— I think Shawn has Mr. Heywood.”

Jeremy’s eyes hardened as soon as the words left my mouth. “What do you mean?”

“Shawn texted me, um, implying Mr. Heywood was with him,” I explained, glancing at the text again. “It doesn’t say Mr. Heywood is with him or not directly.”

Jeremy quickly yanked the phone out of my grasp and read the text message, a scowl appearing on his face. His eyes grew livid, and he was holding my phone so tightly I was afraid he was going to break it. He nearly dropped it when my ring tone suddenly went off. Jeremy stared at me for a moment, and then returned his attention to my phone. I figured he was reading my new message.

When Jeremy’s face paled, curiosity got the best of me and I reached out my hand to take my phone back. Jeremy pulled away, slapping my hand down.

“Jeremy,” I started, narrowing my eyes at him. “I want my phone…”

Jeremy shook his head. “No…”


“You can’t see this,” Jeremy told me. “Let me delete it first.”

Now I was really curious. “Jeremy, no. Give me my phone.”


“Jeremy!” Before he could react I quickly flung out my arm and gathered myself into my hand, and then pulled it back, cradling it to my chest. “Ha!”

“Holly, really—”

I rolled my eyes. “Come on, Jeremy. It can’t be that bad.”

Jeremy shot me nervous looks as I flipped open my phone again, going to my text message menu. When I found the new text, I noticed it was a picture file from Shawn. Just as I was about to press the open button, I was over come with the horrible feeling of dread. My heart speed sped up, and my palms instantly became sweaty. Finally, I worked up enough courage to open the file message.

A quiet, surprised, horrified moan escaped my lips when my eyes landed on the image Shawn had sent me. Or should I say, the image of who Shawn had sent me. The image of Mr. Heywood.

On the ground.


Eyes shut.

And there was blood.

My world suddenly blackened before me and I felt myself falling. Before I could hit the ground, a set of strong, warm arms wrapped around me, and set me straight. It took me a few seconds to realize I was hyperventilating.

“Holly. Holly, calm down,” I heard Jeremy order, but I couldn’t focus enough to actually be able to see him.

This had to be some kind of joke. That couldn’t have been Mr. Heywood in that picture. Why would Shawn go after Mr. Heywood now? So suddenly? Wasn’t he supposed to be after me? This wasn’t supposed to happen!

That definitely wasn’t Mr. Heywood. Shawn could never knock Mr. Heywood to the ground. He would never lose to Shawn. That was impossible. Mr. Heywood was way too strong. But that man had looked exactly like him… My body quaked as I tried to calm myself down. Deep breaths, I told myself, barely able to take my own advice.

“Holly,” Jeremy said, shaking my shoulders. “Focus.”

I looked at him, already feeling my eyes welling up with tears. “Mr. Heywood is—”

“He’s fine,” Jeremy assured me, but looked unsure. “Shawn wouldn’t kill him… Well he would, I guess.”

“He’s going to kill him?” I uttered in a horrified voice.

Jeremy blinked at me in surprise realizing what he said. “No! That’s not what I mean! I meant… No! Holly, Chris will be fine.”

“Didn’t you see the picture?” I demanded, my voice raising. “He doesn’t look fine to me! He’s— He’s hurt! And it’s my fault! An my stupid, worthless, piece of crap phone!” As I swore, I slammed my phone onto the picnic table as hard as I could.

Jeremy quickly gathered my hand in his, holding it tightly. “Holly, calm down. This isn’t your fault. That picture could be fake—”

“It’s real,” I sniffed, rubbing my eyes with my free arm. “That’s definitely Mr. Heywood. Shawn has him. Shawn…”

Suddenly Jeremy slapped his hands to my cheek, making me jump in surprise. I stared at him with wide eyes while he returned my gaze with a serious one.

“Holly. Take deep breaths. Calm down,” he ordered.

I did as he said, trying to calm myself own at least the slightest bit. My mind was racing, my hands shaking, my heart pounding. It felt surreal.

“If Shawn does have Chris, I’ll do something about it,” Jeremy continued, removing his hands.

“By yourself? No!” I cried. “What if—”

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at me. “You want me to leave Chris?”


“Then what—”

“I’m coming with you,” I told him, clenching my fists.

Jeremy pursed his lips. “No.”


“Chris told me under no circumstances were you allowed near Shawn,” Jeremy said forcefully. “There’s no way you’re coming with me.”

I glared at him, picking up my phone again. Luckily I hadn’t broken it when I smashed it earlier. I dialed Lance’s number by heart, putting the phone to my ear. Jeremy watched me curiously as I grasped onto my phone, waiting for it to pick up. A nerve-wracking ten seconds passed before I heard the sound of someone picking up.

“Where’s Mr. Heywood?” I demanded before Shawn had a chance to speak.

“I see you’ve finally received my messages.”

My heart skipped a beat. “Where is he?”

“He’s right here.”

“Right where?”

Shawn chuckled. “Let’s see how good your memory is. We are where you first met me. And I have one more surprise for you, to assure you'll come quickly.”


After a few seconds of silence I heard someone breathing shakily.


My eyes widened in terror. I knew that voice. How could I not? That was my best friend’s voice.

Shawn had Mr. Heywood and Casey?


Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I don't know... Oh well. It's an update on time at least! ;D

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