:A Proscriptive Relationship: 58

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Noises and light. A bright, constant, blinding light. The noises were far off and sluggish. I attempted to focus on them, but no matter how hard I tried, they were still incoherent and garbled. An odd, unfamiliar scent was filling my nose. I struggled to move, but my body felt liked it weighed a thousand pounds. The more I strived to at least lift my hand, the heavier I felt.

There was more pressure on my right arm then my left- at least I thought it was my arm. In my state, I couldn't be sure. I didn't even know where I was. Or why I couldn't make out the noises I could hear. Or where the blinding light that was starting to get on my nerves was coming from.

I struggled to force my eyes open. For all I knew, I could have been kidnapped again. Maybe something had gone wrong and Shawn somehow got away again. The thought sent alarm through me. With new resolve, I finally managed to force my eyes open- only to close them again when an even more glaring light than the first blinded me.

After blinking a few times to get my eyes adjusted to the light, I began to take in my surroundings. White walls, white curtains, white ceiling... I turned my head to the side and my gaze landed on a large machine producing a beeping noise. A startled gasp escaped my lips when I realized I was in a hospital. Relief then washed over me- that meant I was safe.

My gaze dropped down my arm, where an I.V was attached to my wrist. Making a face, I quickly turned away from it. Needles weren't my thing. My eyes widened when I took in my other arm. There were no needles, but something else instead- or should I say someone else. Mr. Heywood was dead asleep on my arm, his head resting against my hip.

I tried to sit up, but found it took way too much strength. Giving up, I fell back down the inch I had managed to rise. A scratchy groan escaped my lips as my landing sent my head pounding. Why was I so tired? I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying to remember what happened. Mikey had stabbed me, and then I shot Shawn, and then what...? Did I pass out?

The arm Mr. Heywood was sleeping on started to tingle uncomfortably. After a moment it turned into a painful prickle, like needles being poked into my skin. I slowly clenched and unclenched my fists, trying to wake my arm back up. It wasn't working. Mr. Heywood needed to move.

"Mr. Heywood?" I blinked in surprise as my voice came out in a scratchy whisper. I cleared my throat, trying again. "Mr. Heywood?"

He stirred slightly, turning his head to the side. "Mm," he mumbled, keeping his eyes shut.

"My arm's asleep... Could you move?"

"In a minute, Holly," he responded, nestling his head more comfortably into my arm. After another moment his eyes shot open, gazing straight into mine. He sat up quickly, part of his hair matted to his face. "Holly?"

I chuckled at his expression and the hair pressed against his face. "Morning, sleeping beauty."

"Holly," he repeated in a breathy voice, his expression turning to relief. He turned to the side, hitting something on the machine next to me before quickly moving forwards in his seat, throwing his arms around me, and bringing his body closer to mine. He rested his head against my shoulder, rubbing it against it slowly. "Thank god... Thank god."

Confused, I stared down at him. "What?"

He suddenly pulled back away from me, bringing his face in front of mine. "Holly," he breathed again, resting his forehead against mine.

"Mr. Heywood?"

Without warning he pressed his lips against mine very gently, as if they were made of fragile glass. He his head, placing kisses across my jaw line, all the way up to my ear. I let out a shaky breath, my body tingling at the sensations. He kissed back down my jaw again, landing at my lips, this time a little more roughly. After a moment he pulled away, planting one last kiss on my forehead before dropping his head back on my shoulder.

He his arms tightened around me, making my arms squish together painfully. I tried to break free from his grasp, but in my feeble state I could barely move my head. It took a moment for me to realize Mr. Heywood's shoulders were shaking... and he wasn't laughing.

"Mr... Chris, what's wrong?" I asked slowly, my chest tightening as a sense of dread washed over me. "What? Is it Lance? Or Jeremy? What happened?" I cried, feeling panicky. "Are they hurt? Is Shawn still free? Mr. Heywood!"

Mr. Heywood finally pulled away from me, keeping his head down. "No, they're fine," he told me in a husky voice.

My shoulders sagged in relief. "Then what's the matter?"

"I love you, Holly," Mr. Heywood murmured into my shoulder. "So much."

"I love you too," I responded, growing more and more confused.

Mr. Heywood's body suddenly became tense. "I thought I lost you."

"Lost me?"

He raised his head, his eyes piercing into mine. My heart skipped a beat when I realized they were red- either from lack of sleep or crying. He let out a deep sigh, bringing one of his hands up to my face and gently stroking my cheek. There was a slight tremor to his hand.

"I've never been so terrified in my life," Mr. Heywood started, setting his jaw. "I thought you were going to die, Holly."

"Die?" I parroted, my mouth going dry.

Mr. Heywood's face tightened, a look of pain crossing it. "I told you not to go to sleep. You didn't listen. The knife missed your vital organs, but you lost so much blood, so they gave you a transfusion, but you were still in critical condition, and you slipped into a coma-"

"Coma?" I repeated incredulously, panic creeping up on me once again. "A coma?"

Mr. Heywood nodded, shaking his head. "The doctor's gave no explanation. I thought you wouldn't wake up though. I thought that I had somehow managed to get you killed, even though I tried my best to protect you. I thought-"

"Mr. Heywood," I started, cutting him off. "Mr. Heywood, I'm okay."

He snapped his mouth shut, looking at me with smoldering eyes. Using all the strength I had, I raised my hand up to his cheek, resting it against him. "I'm okay," I repeated, feeling my eyes water. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, stupid," Mr. Heywood responded, shutting his eyes and grabbing my hand, pressing it more securely to his cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"But I worried you-"

Mr. Heywood shook his head slightly. "I love worrying about you, Holly. I just wish I didn't have to so much."

"You won't have to anymore right?"

Mr. Heywood stayed silent. Panic started welling up within me. "How long have I been out for? Is Lance okay? What about Jeremy? Where's Shawn?"

Mr. Heywood put his hand over my mouth, effectively silencing me. "Holly, you need to calm down. Lance is fine. Jeremy is fine. Shawn's in jail."

"Shawn's in jail?" I repeated when Mr. Heywood pulled his hand away.

Mr. Heywood nodded. "The police got him."

It took a moment for the news to sink in. Shawn was finally captured. "And what about you?" I asked, growing nervous again.

He smiled slightly. "Since I was a good boy and quote, unquote saved you, I'm off the hook."

"You're not in any trouble?"

"None at all."

My eyes welled up as a swirl of emotions passed through me, the most prominent one being relief. "I'm so glad," I finally said, doing my best to blink away my tears.

The door to my hospital room suddenly burst open, and a few doctors and my mom came in. Mr. Heywood quickly moved out of the way so my mom could have better access to me. She threw her arms around me, squeezing me painfully. I gasped, my stomach clenching painfully.

"Mom," I gasped, trying to push her away. "You're hurting me!"

"Holly! I'm so happy you're awake!" my mom blubbered, her voice thick with tears. "Oh, honey!"

I winced in pain as she continued to squeeze my aching body. "Mom-"

"I was so worried! I thought you might not wake up!"


"I have to call Lance and Casey. I promised them I'd call when you woke up..." She finally pulled away, wiping her eyes off with her sleeve. "They'll be so relieved."

"Excuse me," one of the doctors clad in a white coat said, gently pushing my mom out of the way. "We need to do a check-up on her and make sure everything is okay."

My mom nodded, moving out of the way I watched as she went over to Mr. Heywood, saying something to him I couldn't hear. He stood up, nodding to my mom. Together they started for the door.

"Wait!" I cried out, my eyes widening. "Where are you going? Stay here!"

My mom gave me a gentle smile. "I have to go outside and call Casey and Lance. You want to see them, right?"

"Yeah," I responded, my face falling slightly. "Mr. Heywood-"

"I'm not supposed to be in here during a check up," he informed me with a tight smile. "I'm going to get something to eat from the café across the street. Do you want something?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled. A blush spread across my face as Mr. Heywood chuckled. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was. It actually kind of hurt.


"Chocolate," I told him, adverting my gaze. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, Holly."

My mom cracked a grin, sending me a wink before she disappeared through the door. Mr. Heywood gave me one last lingering look before parting as well. I turned my attention to the doctor, who was in the process of taking out my I.V. I quickly shut my eyes, turning in the opposite direction, and trying to focus on anything but the feeling of the needle slipping out of my vein.

Half an hour later, the door burst open, scaring me half to death. Mr. Heywood quickly slapped me on the back as I choked on a piece of cake. Casey and Lance came through the door, both with excited looks on their faces.

"Merry Christmas!" Casey cried, flinging herself at me. She landed hard, causing me to groan in pain. Immediately she pulled back, looking sheepish. "Sorry!"

I shook my head, resting a hand on my sore stomach. "It's fine. And what are you talking about? Christmas isn't for another week..."

Casey's head snapped to Mr. Heywood. "You didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"You've been out for two months," Lance told me in a serious voice. "I thought you were a goner-" He was abruptly cut off when Casey elbowed him in the side.

She rolled her eyes as Lance groaned in pain. "Ignore Lance. You've only been out for a little over a week."

"A week?" I repeated incredulously. "I've been gone for a week? Oh no..." A groan left my lips and I fell back onto my pillow.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Heywood demanded, coming closer to my bed. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "No..."

"Should I call a doctor?"

"No, that's not it," I told him, smiling slightly at his concern. "I'm just terrified about the amount of math homework I've missed... As well as every other class."

"Well, at least you won't have to worry about biology homework," Lance told me in an amused voice.

I cocked my head to the side. "Why?"

Mr. Heywood cleared his throat, turning away from me. "No reason."

"Heywood's been skipping school so he could stay here with you," Lance informed me, a smug smile slipping onto his face.

I turned to Mr. Heywood, my eyes widening at the news. "Really?"

"I've only skipped two days," Mr. Heywood informed me, shooting Lance an annoyed look. "The other days I was given off since, you know, I was shot."

My mouth dropped open in shock. I had totally forgotten Mr. Heywood had been shot! "Are you okay now?"

"I was okay when I got shot, Holly," Mr. Heywood responded with a shrug. "Although Shawn and Mikey needed some serious medical attention..." He turned to Lance with a smirk.

Lance immediately dropped his gaze, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't mean to shoot him. I just panicked."

"You shot someone, Lance?"

"Mikey," he told me. "It was either shoot him or watch him attempt to kill you."

"But Lance-"

"You shot someone too!"

I frowned at him. If I scolded him, I'd be a hypocrite. "Where's Jeremy?" I asked, deciding to change the subject.

"Dunno," Mr. Heywood responded with a shrug. "I haven't seen him since Sunday... That was two days ago."

"I saw him today at school," Casey interjected. "He said he was going to come by later."

"You saw him at school?"

Casey nodded. "That's what I said."

"Why was he there?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Looking for Mr. Heywood, I think," Casey responded. "After I told him he wasn't there, he left."

Mr. Heywood frowned. "I wonder what he wanted..."

"Obviously you," Casey said slowly, giving Mr. Heywood a funny look. "You don't listen well, do you?"

Mr. Heywood scowled at her. "Well he wanted to talk to me for a reason, didn't he?"

"I don't know."

"So have you heard the good news?" Lance asked, leaning towards me, ignoring the other two. "Shawn's in jail and he's going to be in there for a long time."

"I've heard," I responded, smiling widely back at him. "It's the best news I've heard all day."

Mr. Heywood snorted. "You've only been up for an hour or so. There's not much you have heard."

I puffed my cheeks out at him. "Shut up."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure thing, princess."

"Princess? Aw, that's a cute nickname," Casey interjected with a cheeky grin. "Is he prince, Holly? Or king? I feel like Mr. Heywood would prefer king."

"We don't have nicknames for each other," I told her, feeling my face heat up.

"You don't?"


Lance snorted. "What kind of couple are you guys? Lame."

I turned to Mr. Heywood, who was shooting daggers at Lance. "You're just jealous because Holly fell for me and not you."

Lance's head snapped towards Mr. Heywood. "What?"

"You deaf?"

"No! I don't like Holly!"

Mr. Heywood smirked at him. "But you used to."

"No I didn't-"

"But I guess we both know Holly prefers someone more mature," Mr. Heywood continued with a small sigh. "Sorry, chap."

Lance scowled at Mr. Heywood, setting his jaw. "You're annoying, you know that?"

"I take it as a compliment."

Casey laughed, nudging Lance in his rib cage. "You can't insult someone like Mr. Heywood, Lance."

Lance crossed his arms, turning away from her. "I'll figure out a way."

"Holly, you're grinning like the Cheshire cat," Mr. Heywood pointed out, an amused smile slipping onto his face.

Blinking in surprise, I realized I was indeed grinning broadly. I stopped immediately, feeling my muscles protest. Mr. Heywood chuckled, reaching forward to ruffle my hair. I pulled his hand away, but didn't let go.

"I'm just happy that all this is over," I told him. "No more Shawn. No more gangs. No more problems..."

"No more hospitals," Mr. Heywood added in a firm tone. "And no more shooting people. Okay, Holly, Lance?"

Lance and I exchanged sheepish looks. "Right."

Casey pouted. "Aw, I never got to shoot anyone..."

Mr. Heywood, Lance, and I all stared at her incredulously. A small blush spread across her cheeks and she held up her hands defensively. "Kidding, I was kidding..."

"Holly, Chris, I hope you guys are decent!" a loud voice suddenly came from behind the door. "I don't want to walk in on you two again."

"Again?" Lance echoed, his eyes widening.

I blushed, glaring as Jeremy entered the room, a satisfied smirk on his face. "There was no first time."

Jeremy faked a hurt look. "Are you calling me a liar? After I came all this way to visit you? Look, I brought chocolate!" He held out a small box of chocolate to me. "Does Holly want some chocolate? Oh, I bet she does," he said, mimicking the way someone would talk to their pet.

"I don't want them," I snapped.

"I do!" Casey interjected, snatching them from Jeremy's hand. "Thanks... Um..."

Jeremy frowned at her. "Jeremy. We've met before..."

"Oh! At Victoria's Secret!"

Mr. Heywood snorted, quickly raising a hand to his face. He cleared his throat as Jeremy glared at him. "Well, no surprise there, Jer," he said with a shrug.

"Victoria's Secret, eh?" I repeated with a smirk. "I would have never guessed, Jeremy."

Jeremy flushed. "I wasn't there! I don't know what Casey is talking about! I've never met her in there!"

"What do you mean?" Casey responded, feigning a confused tone. "You were having trouble choosing between lace and silk..."

"I was not!"

I laughed at Jeremy's frantic denial. Mr. Heywood started laughing too, turning his head away. Even Lance was smirking in amusement. Jeremy stared at Casey like she was crazy.

"You saw me get shot!" he cried desperately. "I drove you home!"

"I know," Casey responded with a grin. "I was just kidding."

Jeremy froze, his expression going blank. I burst out laughing again, groaning in pain as my abs contracted. Mr. Heywood sent me a worried look, but I shook my head at him.

"Seems like you've met your maker, Jeremy," I commented, raising my eyebrows.

Jeremy pursed his lips, appraising Casey with his eyes. "We'll see."

Casey puffed out her chest, looking back at Jeremy with determination. "By the way, Jeremy. You didn't ever deny going into Victoria's Secret... You just said you've never met me in there."

Once again Jeremy flushed as he stared at Casey in disbelief. "I-"

Mr. Heywood chuckled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I like your friends, Holly."

I smiled up at him. "Good, because I'm hoping you'll be around for a while."

"I'm hoping I'll be around forever," he responded, leaning down to kiss me.

When he pulled away, I realized Jeremy, Lance, and Casey were all staring at us. Jeremy looked amused, and Casey and Lance looked shocked. A blush crept its way onto my face.

"What?" I demanded. "You've never seen two people kiss before?"

Casey opened her mouth, her eyes widening excitedly. After a moment she shut it, obviously changing her mind. "It's so cute when you guys kiss though!" she finally cried.

Lance snorted. "No it's not."

"Jealousy," Jeremy, Casey, and Mr. Heywood all taunted.

"I'm not!"

I laughed, wincing as once again my stomach burned with pain. "Ow."

Mr. Heywood chuckled, patting my head. "Okay. We should probably let you rest a little more before we reopen your wound."

"But I just got here," Jeremy protested.

"You can come back later."


"In the meantime, we could go lingerie shopping if you want," Casey suggested, putting a hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

Jeremy scowled at her. "Drop it, kid."

"Kid?" Casey responded, raising an eyebrow. "According to Holly, you're only two years older than me."

"Two years is still older."

"Not much."

Mr. Heywood rolled his eyes, pushing on Jeremy's shoulder. "You guys can argue out there. Holly needs rest."

"See you later, Holly!" Casey called, trying to duck under Jeremy, who was pushing her out the door as Mr. Heywood pushed him.


Lance waved before following the trio out the door. Mr. Heywood appeared again moments later, grabbing the door handle. He paused for a moment, staring at me.

I subconsciously raised a hand to my face. "What?"

Mr. Heywood shook his head. "Nothing. Rest well, Holly."

"I love you, Chris."

He looked at me in surprise for a moment, and then smiled. "I love you too, Ms. Evers."


ATTENTION! Yesterday I wrote a song-shot for Chris and Holly, using the song "baby, it's cold outside". However, Wattpad says it is copy-right, so I put it on my quizilla. Please click the external link and read it. There's an important message in there. And it's kind of cute, excuse my lack of modesty x) You don't need to have a quizilla account to read it, just open the external link to the right.

Alright! So this was the last chapter. But there's still an epilogue. Then the sequel! I'm so excited for the sequel, you have no idea. I also plan on starting two new stories eventually. One after BMIL, then the next after Gold Rush. GR was supposed to be a short story, but I don't know what's going to happen with that yet...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you sshhhooon!

And for the people that keep asking me about my Facebook fanpage,if you're searching it, it's XxSkater2GirlxX because I spelled it wrong. xD

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