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"Shoo shoo!" You said jokingly as you stood in front of the fridge, blocking Beelzebub from getting into it.

"But I'm hungryyyyyy." Pouted Beel as a loud roar came from his stomach. "Please, I need relief, (Y/N)!"

You sighed and contemplated what you could do. "Beel, I can give you a snack from my bag, but that's it! No more. This order comes straight from Lucifer." You shook your head. "We don't need you eating all the food in the fridge!"

Beel sighed, defeated. "Fine, fine. Give me the snack, pleaaaaase!"

"Come then." You took his hand and dragged him off to your room. You had him turn around as you pulled out your secret stash of snacks and foods. You grabbed a couple then put it back in your secret spot.

"Okay, got it!" You smiled. As Beel turned around, you tossed the snacks at him.

"Thank you, (Y/N)! I'll be sure to repay you for this!" Beel smiled cutely as he dug into his snack and left your room.

You smiled then left your room, closing the door behind you. As you turned to go, you noticed Lucifer walking towards you.

"(Y/N)." He called as he approached. "Good job keeping Beel from eating in the fridge."

"No problem!" You smiled proudly. "He's so cute and sweet, honestly."

You looked over towards Beel's room then up at Lucifer who's face was slightly pink, but barely colored at all from the normal coloring.

"You've been in class all day. Would you care to go for a walk around the Devildom? Is that a good reward for keeping Beel out of the fridge?"

"Of course! I love walking around the Devildom!" You smiled brightly and began walking with Lucifer. "I still remember when I first got here and Satan invited me for a walk. He's really fun to spend time with!"

Lucifer nodded, "Mhm." He led you around as demons passed you by. It was early evening as you two walked around the beautiful Devildom. "(Y/N). Do you miss the human world?"

"Well, yeah. I mean." You looked up at the sky in thought. "All my friends are there, my family is there. I enjoy it here, no doubt, but there's so much I miss. Like McDonalds and Chick-fil-A. God, I miss those. As well as movies with my friends and family." You looked over at Lucifer. "I'm honored to be here though. Only two and I was on chosen?" You laughed. "I can't imagine why!"

Lucifer nodded as he looked forward. "The human world is intriguing. I can't imagine living there."

"Well, I can't imagine living here." You laughed. "Asmo texted me once. How he would love to have the seasons here like summer and winter." You smiled fondly as you recalled it. "Of course he was only in it for the skimpy outfits in summer and cuddling in winter, but it got me thinking. Seasons really are amazing. Even though I love winter the most, they all have something great about them."

"The seasons are interesting." Lucifer comments. "Speaking of the human world. I'll be taking a trip there soon and Beelzebub asked me to get something. What do you recommend?"

You rubbed your chin. "Hmmmmmmmmm. Something for Beeeeeeel." You squinted your eyes thoughtfully as you walked. "I'd say some chocolate or maybe cotton candy. Ooh! King sized Hershey's chocolate bars! Those would be fantastic!" You laughed. "I could go for one myself."

"A large chocolate bar? Hmmm, yes. I think he'd like that." Lucifer responded. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Ah, no problem!" You smiled cutely up at him. "I'm happy to help! Whatever you need!" You looked around at some demons passing by.

Staring at you, some of the demons whispered. Others ignored you entirely. You felt the spotlight on you, walking beside Lucifer. As if the spotlight already wasn't on you for being a human in the Devildom.

"Hey, Luci."


"Right, Lucifer. What do you like to do for fun?" You looked up at him and noticed a slight blush.

"I'm typically too busy. However, I do enjoy some tea. Especially with Diavolo." Lucifer answered calmly. "And you remember when I spent all night listening to that soundtrack you brought me. I rather enjoy beautiful arrangements such as that."

You giggled and replied, "I'm glad you enjoyed that soundtrack. I'd love to listen to it sometimes."


The two of you continued to chat as you both headed back to your rooms with the evening running into a deep night. He bid you goodnight, seeing you into your room entirely before he left you to your own devices. You flopped down on your bed and smiled at the joyful memory of the evening fresh in your mind.

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