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Hey hey hey. I know what y'all are thinking. Yada yada yada yada yada yada. Why do I keep talking a lot. I'm taking so much because I love to talk to you guys. Well this is my third creepypasta book. Yes I said third. Now IG you didn't read the description I'm gonna give it to y'all.
Here it is.
Hey hey hey
This is yet another one of my creepypasta books.
Yep I said another creepypasta book.
This will be my 3rd one.
It is a book just for my dear readers. Well it will be a reader insert book. You will be a proxy of Slenderp. Yes I know. Yada yada yada. But it will be full of adventure and maybe some romance.
Warning: if you do not want to read about people killing other people then don't even bother attempting to read this.
I had to put that. For no reason to.
Sorry not sorry.
Read on fellow creeps.
Now y'all might be thinking. Why would I want to read a stupid description. Well I don't know. Why would y'all. Well enough weirdness from me. This chapy is supposed to make you laugh. If it don't well then I don't know. Read on.

Your POV
It was raining. It was dark outside. I was sitting by my window listening to my favorite music. I was playing my game on my PS3 until the power went off. I cursed at the thing. Then I smashed it with a hammer. Why well I was on my game playing and almost had the final boss killed and then the power cutoff. I knew I should have saved before trying to kill him. Well at least I have another PS3 and have all the memory stuff from the old. I threw away the old PS3 and came back to my spot. By this point the power came back on. I started to unpack my brand new game system. Until I heard static. I turned around to see my TV all staticy.

I inched towards it until I took cover behind the couch like a scared little bitch. Cause a hand started coming out of the screen. I looked at my window behind me. There was another person there. He had a white bloody hoodie. He had a very dark black rings around his unblinking eyes and what scared me the most was his smile. He had his normal smile and attached to that he had a carved smile. I ran to my bathroom. A couple hours passed. I came out to find everything OK. The guys were gone. I quickly locked every door and window in my house. I went to normal life.

Here is the funny part.

Meanwhile in the mansion after that.

(BTW this will be me. I will look different later on. Cause in here my looks change when I'm like this.)

Douche: offenerman
Nice girl: Jane

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