Chapter 10

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Hikari heard a commotion on the deck. Getting up and rubbing her eyes, she walked out-

And promptly ran straight into a tall man who's skin was a darker black than squid ink, glowing red eyes, and a permanent snarl fixed on his face. Oh, and let's not forget the helmet with the bone on it and the FOUR ARMS.

"Oh? And who's this?" the man asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Well, one of them, anyway. The other two were crossed and the third arm was at his side. Hikari pushed his hand off and stepped back, frowning at him. "That is Hikari, brother!" snapped a familiar voice that made the frown drop off Hikari's face. Hikari turned and ran over to Sensei Wu, who stood there with his staff. "Sensei!" she chirped at him, beaming.

"Oh... hey Hikari, did we wake you up?" Jay asked, smiling sheepishly at her. The other ninja exchanged a sheepish glance.

Hikari shrugged with a wide grin. "Yeah, kinda." She then peered over at the man with the four arms with her large, curious grey eyes. "Who's he?"

Kai's sheepish grin faded into a dark scowl, directed at the four-armed man. "That is Lord Garmadon," he said, glowering at the man. Hikari's eyes lit up suddenly. "Oh! You're Lloyd's daddy!" she said happily, turning to him. Frowning and scratching her head, she looked him up and down, oblivious to the fact that everyone on the deck was staring at her incredulously. "Although, he didn't mention you had four arms..."

Cole suddenly coughed, covering his mouth. When he lowered his arm, he was still smiling though.

"Ah... yes," Sensei Wu said, clearing his throat in the slightly awkward silence where Garmadon, for once, had absolutely no idea what to say in response. "Hrhm! Well, yes, as I was saying, Lord Garmadon shall be our guest.

"We have to live with him?" "He has four arms!" "Uh, might I remind you that ever since he turned evil he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons-?!"

"ENOUGH!" shouted Sensei, making Hikari jump back slightly in surprise. She'd never heard Sensei Wu raise his voice to THIS volume...!

All four ninja, even Kai, straightened up and said, in a resigned tone, "Yes, Sensei."

"This isn't about the Weapons! This is about my son!" Lord Garmadon snapped at the four ninja, glaring at them. Hikari simply watched as Sensei Wu said, sternly, "From here on out, you will obey me, and you will respect my brother."

"Yes Sensei," all the ninja said.

Well, all but Kai.

As Sensei Wu led Lord Garmadon to the bridge, Lord Garmadon paused and smiled at Kai. Kai glared at him in return.

On the bridge, Sensei Wu said, watching the six of them (including Hikari and Nya), "So, where are we with the four Fangblades?"

"Ummm, Pythor's managed to take the first two, but there's still two left!" Jay said, followed by Cole: "And we only need one to prevent him from unleashing the Great Devourer."

"Any luck finding their whereabouts?"

"No, but the falcon is programmed to alert us if he sees any suspicious activity."

"Good. The faster we find the Fangblade, the faster we can save Lloyd. Kai and Nya, prepare the deck and double-check the anchor," Sensei Wu said. "We need to be ready if we have word of activity."

The two siblings bowed. "Yes Sensei," they spoke, before leaving the room. On the way Kai collided with the door watching Lord Garmadon, before leaving the room.

Hikari also left, following the two siblings.

"Zane, did you say the falcon was programmed?" Sensei asked, a confused look on his face.

Zane quickly explained, before adding, "But I am more worried about Hikari."

"Why is that?" Sensei asked, frowning.

The ninja all contributed with a funny thing that happened with Hikari, including the incident at Mega Monster Amusement Park. Sensei Wu thought for a moment, stroking his beard. "... interesting."


Hikari was walking past the ninja's room when she heard this excruciating scraping sound that made every hair on her head stand on end, like metal scraping on metal. What did the ninja do in the morning?! Covering her ears she poked her head in. "What are you guys even-?"

Her voice abruptly cut off and her mouth dropped open as Lord Garmadon turned, still rubbing the knife over his teeth as though he had toothpaste and a toothbrush.

He smiled as he removed the knife from his teeth, his teeth flashing slightly in the light.

Hikari slowly retreated out of the room.


Lord Garmadon was eating this big plate full of... black.. stuff. With what seemed to be a few maggots in there. It squished kinda... disgustingly.

Hikari stared at him. He slowly stopped as he noticed the small girl staring at him.

"What's he eating?" she heard Cole ask Kai, who responded, glaring at Lord Garmadon, "Condensed evil. It's supposed to be low in fat."

Lord Garmadon smiled at Hikari again, holding out a forkful of black maggots. "Care for a bite?"

Hikari stared at him faintly, as though he had asked her to eat a forkful of literal evil. Oh wait...

"... I... I think I'm good, thanks..."


There was a storm outside, and Hikari was literally hugging Kai for dear life as he steered the ship. "Uh, Kai, are you giving Hikari a piggyback ride?" Jay asked.

Kai looked at the tiny girl clinging to his back. "She's trying not to get thrown about," he responded.

"Where's Garmadon?" Zane questioned. Kai sighed. "Sunbathing."

Hikari peeked over his shoulder to see Garmadon, indeed, lying on the deck in the middle of the storm as lightning struck all over the place.


Hikari walked into a room to see Lord Garmadon playing a video game. Well, sort of. He was kinda just destroying everything...

She watched him for a minute before commenting, "You know, you'd probably do better with a fighting game and not a RPG if all you wanna do is destroy stuff."

Lord Garmadon looked at her sideways for a moment. "... do you know of any, then?"

Hikari smiled and nodded, her eyes sparkling a bit. "Oh yeah, Fist-2-Face 2! Kai really likes that game, and Lloyd-"

Her voice cut off as abruptly as it started, and she looked down at her feet. "... Lloyd liked it too, so... he showed me the ropes," she finished the thought softly.

Lord Garmadon watched her for a moment. "... what is the relationship between you and Lloyd?" he asked, in a soft, almost dangerous voice. It sent shivers up Hikari's spine, but she still smiled brightly. "Ah, Lloyd is my best friend!" she replied happily.

"... I see," Garmadon responded, before lightly adding, "Do you think you could grab the game? I think I'd like to try a round against you."

Hikari blinked at the sudden change in subject. "Ah- okay! I'm not very good though..." She ran out of the room to grab the game.

Lord Garmadon ejected the game from the disk drive, watching the small girl. "... hmm."


Had Kai always been so... paranoid? He'd watched at Nya's door and actually fought Lord Garmadon! Hikari had always known he was hotheaded, but... this was strange. They hadn't reached the Fire Temple yet, there was still... several minutes to go, from what Nya had noticed.

Kai noticed her watching him. "What? You gonna say I'm an idiot?" he snapped. Hikari blinked. ".. no, I was just wondering... why do you want to be the Green Ninja so much?"

Kai stared at Hikari before scoffing lightly. "You wouldn't get it."

Hikari said, innocently, "Why not-"


Hikari literally jumped as Kai shouted. He had never shouted at her before. She heard footsteps as people started running towards the room, but Kai kept shouting. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LOSE YOUR PARENTS! YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEM! HOW WOULD YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO SAVE PEOPLE?! I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO SAVE MY DAD! BUT YOU HAVE POWER WITHOUT EVEN TRYING!"

Hikari stared at him. Kai was panting, and his furious expression turned regretful as he realized he'd just shouted at Hikari. "... Hikari, I'm so..." he began, but Hikari wasn't done. Her own anger had started mounting, and now her eyes flashed.

"I don't know what it's like to... do you even know what you're saying?" she asked, her voice rising as she spoke. "What do you know about me?!"

Sensei Wu burst into the room. "Kai! What is... the..." his voice faltered as he saw Hikari standing there, staring at Kai with an expression that was slowly changing into anger. "You don't know the first THING about me! You've hardly known me one month! HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT?!"

Kai stuttered, stepping back. He'd never seen Hikari angry before. Frustrated, yes. Frightened, yes. Desperate, of course. But angry... no.


"Hikari, we're at the Fire Temple. We have to go save Lloyd. Whatever is going on can wait until later."

The moment Sensei Wu mentioned Lloyd's name, Hikari relaxed, and her eyes went silver again. She stared at Kai impassively for a moment before muttering, darkly, "Okay," and leaving the room.

Kai shuddered slightly.

Hikari didn't seem scary, but she was definitely frightening.


They stepped into the temple's inner core, and Jay whispered, "There's Lloyd!"

Hikari looked where he was pointing, and her vision tunneled.

Lloyd was standing in the cage, looking around unhappily at the Serpentine digging in the rock for the Fangblade.

"Son!" Lord Garmadon started forward, when they heard Pythor shout something. They quickly approached Pythor instead. He was turned around, he shouldn't have noticed...

but he was holding the Fangblade. He saw them in the Fangblade's reflection. "Ninja? ATTACK!" he shouted.

Sensei Wu pointed with his staff. "Don't let them leave! Attack like there is no tomorrow!"

The snakes and the ninja all ran at each other.

Even with all the ninja, the snakes kept targeting Hikari. She appeared to be their weakest link. Hikari was still trying to get to Lloyd, when a scaly hand hit her shoulder.

Hikari jumped, her eyes widening. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed, covering her ears with her hands. The lava around her bubbled as Hikari's eyes flared open.

And purple.

Kai, who had whipped his sword out to combat the snakes, turned to see a spout of lava fairly erupt around her. It suddenly split slightly and whirled into the air before turning the same, dark color as the fire he'd seen before.

"What-?!" Garmadon asked, his eyes widening. There was no time to ask as the lava converged on the Serpentine.

"Hikari?!" Lloyd shouted, watching. Slowly, the seething bubble of lava faded to reveal Hikari standing there, swaying slightly, but seemingly unharmed.

The Serpentine who had touched her shoulder was not so lucky. A purple aura seemed to be surrounding him, before it vanished, revealing that there had been nothing standing there in the first place. That aura... wasn't around the snake...

So where had it come from?!

"Retreat, but nottt without a parting gift!" Pythor shouted.

As Constrictai made the volcano more unstable, Lord Garmadon went to get Lloyd. Hikari shook her head, the purple fading, before running after him.

As Lord Garmadon fought his way up the stairs, Hikari dodged and squeezed past the Serpentine to the long shaft which held Lloyd's cage, and doing her best to lift it. It was heavy though...

Suddenly, two pairs of arms grabbed the shaft, and Lord Garmadon helped Hikari pull Lloyd out of the rising lava. Lloyd tackled his father in a hug, before getting down and hugging Hikari. She gladly reciprocated, hugging him tightly. She would've cried a bit out of relief, but the volcano was too hot and too dry for anything like that. "Lloyd... you're okay!" she whispered, happily.

Lloyd beamed at her. "Mmhm!" was all he said in return.

Suddenly Kai ran past her, up the stairs. Garmadon suddenly picked Lloyd and Hikari off the ground and ran towards the exit. "LEAVE THE FANGBLADE, KAI!! It's not worth your life!!" shouted Jay.

Kai shouted something back, but it was inaudible over the sound of rocks falling.

"But.. what about Kai??" Lloyd asked, before shouting, "KAI!!"

Suddenly, the ledge beneath Lloyd and Hikari's feet crumbled, and the rock fell. Everyone reached for him and Hikari, but it was too late. The rock fell into the lava. Miraculously the two of them were all right.

As the rock floated through the lava towards Kai, Lord Garmadon had to be pulled away from them. Kai managed to dislodge his sword, and a quick gleam of silver flashed before landing on a rock almost touching the lava.

"Lloyd look out!!" Hikari suddenly spoke, and pushed him away slightly. Lloyd staggered but caught his balance, just as a rock about the size of a fist hit Hikari right above the eye, cutting a gash above it. She collapsed onto the rock with a soft cry.

"Hikari!!" Lloyd panicked and shook her. She didn't respond, and Lloyd looked about frantically before seeing Kai. "KAI!! HELP!!" he yelled. Kai turned to see them on the rock, surrounded by lava. He looked back at the Fangblade before running across the rocks to their aid. "C'mon, let's get out of here," he said, lifting Hikari and Lloyd onto his shoulder. "But the Fangblade--!" Lloyd started. Kai shook his head, although only moments before he'd been doggedly pursuing it. "Forget it! We have to get you and Hikari out of here!"

Kai managed to Spinjitzu to a rock, before noticing the exit was blocked off by large boulders. He looked around for a moment, Lloyd hugging him out of fear and Hikari lying on his shoulder.


The Bounty lifted off, just as the volcano exploded.

"Kai!" Nya cried out, as Garmadon said, almost disbelievingly, "Son..."

Suddenly, a glowing bubble of heat shot out of the volcano. Inside Kai stood, glowing silver, with Lloyd standing beside him and Hikari on his shoulder. "It's Kai!!" Cole blurted, "he's found his true potential!!"

Kai landed on the deck, and Lloyd fell onto the deck. He stood there for a moment, until the silvery glow around him faded away and he fell to the deck. The ninja helped him up again.


Lloyd's worried cry alerted them, and they turned to see Lloyd shaking an inert Hikari. Blood was pouring down her face from the rock that had hit her, and she was oddly still.

Everyone crowded around her, and Nya knelt down next to Lloyd and touched Hikari's wrist. Her skin was hot from the volcano, but...

"... I.. I can't find her pulse..." Nya whispered. Lloyd's eyes widened, and he looked down at Hikari. "No!! Hikari has to be okay!! She saved me!! It should've been me!!" Lloyd babbled, green eyes wide with fear. "She pushed me out of the way and the rock hit her!! Hikari!!" He was starting to cry now. "If this is a prank, it isn't funny!!"

Hikari didn't move, her hands limp by her side as Lloyd shook her desperately. "Hikari!!" he cried out.

Nya kept touching her wrist, searching for something, anything...

Suddenly, Hikari gasped and sat up, her eyes glowing purple.

The final red screen tore away, and Hikari could see the image clearly now. She stored it away for later and shook it off. "... Lloyd...??"

"Hikari!! You're okay!!" Lloyd practically tackled his best friend in a big hug, squeezing tightly. Hikari giggled and reached her arms up to hug him as well. "Hi, Lloyd. Yeah, I just have a... really bad headache is all."

Everyone laughed out of relief, Lloyd still not letting go of her out of relief. "I thought you died!!" he burst out, practically crying with relief. "I thought I almost lost my best friend!!"

Hikari's head tilted down thoughtfully. "..."

Garmadon noticed the look.


Later, after Hikari's head had been bandaged, Lloyd hugged his dad on the bridge. "Dad?? Is that... really you?"

"It is, son," Lord Garmadon replied, sounding relieved himself.

"Dad... why do you have four arms?" Lloyd asked, Cole announcing with a big grin, "He's gonna be okay!"

Everyone cheered, and Lloyd smiled before looking at Hikari. "Are you okay, Hikari??"

Hikari seemed thoughtful, but she looked up at the sign of his voice. "Hn..?? Oh, yeah! I'm fine," she said, smiling brightly at him. She jumped off the table she'd been sitting on and went over to Lloyd. Lord Garmadon smiled at her slightly. "Thank you, Hikari. And thank you... Kai," he said, smiling at Kai. Kai smiled back rather than glaring this time around.

"How did you survive??" Zane said, wonderingly. "How did you discover the key to unlocking your true potential??"

"I knew when I had to make a choice," Kai said, smiling. "I wanted to get the Fangblade so badly, to prove that I was the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out-- all of my training to become the best ninja, wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja, or even the Purple Ninja, but to... protect them." Kai smiled right at Hikari and Lloyd, the latter staring at him in some confusion. But Hikari's eyes widened when he spoke the last two words.

Everyone's expression became shocked, and stared at Lloyd and Hikari.

"What? What is everyone looking at us for?" Lloyd asked, obliviously.

"That means," Nya began, before putting the four Golden Weapons around the two of them. The Weapons began to react, forming into a green aura on Lloyd's side and a violet one on Hikari's. "Lloyd is the Green Ninja, and Hikari is the Purple Ninja!" Sensei Wu exclaimed. "I thought they would be one of you, but it was them the whole time! It makes sense... you were not only chosen to protect the Golden Weapons, but to protect the Chosen Ones..."

Garmadon's smile suddenly faded to a look of shock. "That means..."

"The battle lines have been drawn," Sensei Wu said, sternly. "Sadly, our family has become only more divided. Brother versus brother, and now, son versus father."

Everyone exchanged looks, Lloyd shuffling uncomfortably in his father's grip, before looking at Hikari. "Hikari... my dad said just now that you seem to have realized something??"

Hikari frowned before nodding. "Lloyd... I remember stuff now. I didn't know much of my life before I met you, but I can remember bits and pieces of it now. But one thing I've realized is, we have an element too. You are the Green Ninja, and I am Purple. Both are complete opposites of each other, and so are our elements. You are the good side of the four elements, earth, fire, ice, and air. You can create stuff out of them. You're the element of creation, and life. But... I think..."

"I'm the dark side of the four elements. I can destroy. I'm the element of destruction, and death."

"What?! That's crazy. You're the nicest person I know!!" Lloyd protested. "You can't be the element of death and destruction..."

"But it has to be. How else would I be able to kill a Serpentine without even getting near them or trying? How else could I tell where someone died?? ... how else could I come back to life when I should've died?" Hikari responded, her eyes glowing purple again as she looked down. "That injury..." Her hand automatically touched her bandage. "In anyone else, it would've been deadly. It should've been deadly. I shouldn't be standing here right now. And yet," Hikari's purplish-grey eyes staring into Lloyd's green, "here I am."

Lloyd's eyes widened as Hikari continued, "We're like dark and light, good and evil, girl and boy. We're complete opposites. But I think that is why," she put her hands on his shoulder, "we get along so well."

In that one moment, the two of them looked so much more mature and wise than they truly were.

A/N: Whew! That chapter happened.

I actually didn't intend Hikari to 'die' when I thought up this chapter, it happened as I wrote it and I was like, 'hey! Tension! Let's throw that in!' so here you go.

Shoutout to Dark Yugi for getting the songs half correct! The first one was Begin Again by Purity Ring (but she got the artist correct) and the second one was Everything Stays.

Responses to commenters!


Ninja Kitten: I'm glad to hear you like it! :)

trumpet player: But of course!

ThePinkNinja16: It is going to be exactly like that. :) And sure! I'd love to hear your ideas.

Merrah-chan: Ah :) Thank you!

Potatoes: I has updat for you x3

Jazzy-J: Wow, I'm flattered! That's good to hear, I actually had this idea a long while back so I put it into words, and now it's one of my more popular stories! (for some reason xD)

Anya Garmadon: Aye aye, captain!

natcatgamer: Again, thank you!


MMM: I skipped over it, it's basically the exact same as the episodes so there's no point. And yes, I am now watching the episode while writing the chapter. I can tell you, it makes for quite a lot stopping and starting xD

Dark Yugi: Yep! Good job. And thanks a lot!

dream lighting: Yeah, sorry I took so long to update (scenarios take so long to update on Wattpad -_-)

Michelle Rita: I'll see what I can do :)

GamerGirl597: Glad to hear it!

Welp, see ya next time. Toodleoo!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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