Chapter 15

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"Huh! Hah!" Lloyd shouted, Hikari sitting on the nearby table as he furiously punched Kai's oven-mitt-covered hands. "Keep it up," Kai said, as Lloyd performed a roundhouse kick. "Fists of Fury!" Lloyd yelled, and punched more furiously and rapidly. "You can't even see a move, I'm so fast!" Lloyd kept going, and then Kai relaxed and lowered his hands. "Save the gloating- it can only be used against you by your enemy."

The other ninja were dressed in a ragtag sort of 'armor' as well as Lloyd boasted, "Please! I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me!" He kicked so hard that he knocked Kai backwards into the trash can. Kai didn't even wince and just waved his hands slightly. "Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." He stuck out said body part and wiggled it a bit.

Lloyd stuck out his tongue, and Hikari hopped over. "My turn?" she chirped.

"Yep, now, no powers kid, I mean it."

"Don't worry! I won't!"

Hikari waited until Kai was back on his feet, and started punching and kicking. The training had definitely paid off- not only was she more precise in placing her punches, but she also used more force and Kai was able to feel it through her gloves.

However, his smirk started fading a moment later. Hikari's eyes were starting to glow red as she punched harder and faster. It was actually starting to push him back.

internally, Hikari was having a battle. She was standing on what seemed like a stage split by a line. On the other side was someone her exact size, except shrouded in shadow and with glowing red eyes.

You're skilled... but let the darkness take over, and your skills won't lose.

No! Hikari furiously shook her head, I'll hurt Kai! He's my friend!

So you say, but darkness doesn't need friends. He'll turn on you. The moment you feel as though you're ready, he will betray you.

He would never. You're lying!

Ahh, but why would I lie to you, young one? The darkness is your friend. Let it take over, let it take the reins, and you shall never lose.

I don't care!

Are you so sure about this decision? You mustn't let your 'loyalties' lie with your friends. Trust yourself more.

Hikari was starting to punch so far that Kai actually had to move his hands to block, not to mention it was actually starting to hurt. Her eyes were starting to flicker red.

It's easy to trust yourself, but hard to trust others. But I know that I can trust Kai and the others. They're my friends!

Like the way you trust your friend Lloyd? Light is the enemy of darkness. Why would you trust the light? Let me take over, and I promise we won't lose. Let me take over, and I'll help you defeat the light.

"NO!" yelled Hikari suddenly, clamping her hands over her ears and shaking her head furiously. "NO!"

"Hikari!" A hand landed onto her shoulder, and she was staring at Lloyd's beautiful but incredibly worried green eyes. "Hikari, are you okay?"

Hikari was shaking slightly, but she shook her head. "I... yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry... daydream. Daymare? ... I don't know," she groaned, making all the ninja chuckle nervously. They'd all seen how hard Hikari started pushing Kai, so something was wrong...

Sensei Wu entered the room now, not noticing how everyone seemed a bit worried. "You'll learn quickly, Lloyd, Hikari, and master your power with guidance from the four ninja."

"Great," Cole spoke up, trying for a smile, "now that that lesson is over, how about some target practice? On Kai!"

Kai looked nervous as Sensei Wu interrupted, "You'll each get your turn. But first, I don't want you to be late for your first lesson with Nya."

Lloyd whined as Hikari nervously fiddled with her hands, "Aww, but when will we learn Spinjitzu?"

Hikari smiled gently at the sight of Lloyd, and gently bonked him on the head. "Patience," she said, and he grinned and put her in a headlock, giving her a noogie. "Oh yeah? Well you want to learn it too!"

Hikari giggled and slipped out of his grip, moving her hair back into a more normal position. "That skill will only be unlocked," Sensei Wu interjected, "when the key is ready to be picked up."

Lloyd groaned, but grabbed Hikari's hand and started walking off. "C'mon, Hikari."


"And stop saying okay!" he joked.

Hikari burst into giggles. "Ok-ey dokey Loki."

The two of them started giggling (or laughing, since 'giggling is girly', according to Lloyd) and headed off for their next lesson. Kai noticed that the concentrated look she'd been developing when she'd fought him was completely gone now.


Lloyd and Hikari got onto the roof, where the dragon was huffing steam. "Now that I've given him his medicine," Nya said, petting the dragon, "he should be able to fly properly soon."

Hikari beamed, "that's great!" she went over to the dragon and petted it. "Isn't that great, Shard, Rocky, Flame, Wisp? You'll all be able to start flying around soon!"

The heads all bumped and nuzzled her. Lloyd grinned at Hikari mischievously, "Looks like you've got a new friend."

"Yeah, they're all pretty nice," Hikari agreed, rubbing them gently.

"Yeah, but it's important to take care of him," Nya said, smiling as Lloyd came over to where Hikari was, "because one day, he'll be yours."

"Ours?" Hikari and Lloyd asked simultaneously, pointing at themselves and one another in perfect sync. They looked at each other, before starting to have a giggling fit again.

"Oh yeah," Nya said, smiling as the two eight-year-olds straightened up. "The ninja's dragons were loyal to them, but Ultra Dragon? he's meant for the Green and Purple Ninja to ride."

Hikari petted Flame gently on the nose. "I didn't know that," she said softly, stroking them all as they all vied for her attention.

Nya grinned at the two children. "See? Even a samurai like myself can teach you a thing or two," she said, patting herself on the chest.

Lloyd smiled sheepishly. "Uh... well... we don't know how to fly," he admitted, and Nya waved that off. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll teach you. It's all in the legs," she informed them, and the two children looked down and shuffled their legs. She chuckled before continuing, "He'll be the fastest and strongest dragon in all of Ninjago!"

The dragon stood up, roaring and rearing a little bit. Lloyd chuckled as Hikari went over to where Lloyd was standing. "Haha, looks like he's already feeling better!"

"Go try to get some air," she called, and Ultra Dragon took off, with a few mighty flaps of his wings.

Lloyd glanced at Hikari, whose hair had blown about as she looked up in wonder at the dragon. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

She glanced at him, and their eyes met. She lowered her head, and then smiled brightly.

Lloyd smiled back, wondering why he suddenly felt all warm. He dismissed it as the fact that they were standing in the sunlight and he was just now feeling the warmth.


"It's time we search the city for a more suitable place to train Lloyd and Hikari," Sensei Wu spoke.

Jay groaned. "Aw, but Sensei, Ninjago City is HUGE! It'll take us all day to find it on foot!" he whined, for lack of a more mature term. But then, Jay's not exactly the most mature person...

Zane picked up, "And without our Golden Weapons, we have no Spinjitzu vehicles... how are we going to get around town?"

"You'll learn to travel with these," Sensei Wu said, holding out a large coin thing. Hikari reached out and accepted it from him as she took a look.

"What are those?" Cole asked as Hikari examined it more carefully. "They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city," Sensei Wu said simply, not giving much of an explanation.

"Like a magic portal?" Cole asked excitedly, Jay chiming in sounding a little like a kid on Christmas, "Ooh! Or a Spinjitzu vortex?"

Hikari giggled slightly at these statements, drawing all eyes to her. "Um, Sensei, aren't these bus tokens?" she giggled.

Cole's startled expression, and Jay's shocked one, just made the titters worse.

Everyone looked at her in surprise as she started to laugh more full-out. Lloyd sighed, but then his mouth twitched at the ends and then he started snickering along with her. "Never let it be said that our Sensei has no sense of humor," Hikari giggled as she handed over the bus token, before bursting into another fit of giggles.

The four ninja watched the two children have a giggle fit, with no sign of what had happened to her before in their room, before they all exchanged a glance and a chuckle themselves.

Sensei Wu chuckled quietly a bit himself.


The bus door opened as they stepped out in front of a building that looked a bit promising, with a wooden sign hanging above that read 'Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo'. Besides being a very long name to read off, it seemed okay.

"This is where Lloyd and Hikari are going to train?" Cole asked, sounding more than skeptical.

Jay chuckled. "Ha, it's better than our dumpy apartment."

Walking inside, a man with brown hair that stuck up and a very... um... fancy ninja outfit came walking in through one of those bead curtains that psychics like to hang in their doorways. "Welcome, to Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo," he said, dramatically as he stood in what seemed like a funny pose, "I am Grand Sensei Dareth, and I dareth you, to join my dojo."

He suddenly let out a yell and struck a pose, and Hikari jumped. It sounded and looked a bit like he'd suddenly had a seizure. He struck a few more poses before somehow managing to get himself hopelessly tangled in the bead curtain. Hikari was a bit more concerned than amused, and went over. "Are you okay?" she asked, untangling him.

He cleared his throat. "Yes. Face the wall, of karate trophies," and he showed them the wall of trophies, "Notice, my name is on all of them, that is because I am a highly skilled karate machine."

"Look," Jay interrupted, and Kai picked up, "Dareth, we were wondering if we could share your dojo. See, we've been put in charge of training these two," he gestured at them, "to become the greatest ninjas in all of Ninjago."

"Not possible," Dareth said, "For I am the greatest in the land."

"Um, Mister Dareth, if you don't think we can share, can we... I don't know, prove it somehow or something?" Hikari asked.

Dareth tilted his head back and looked down on Hikari, "I'll let you all train here, but on one condition-" he pointed dramatically at Hikari, so much that he nearly poked her in the nose, "you can defeat me."

He went on monologuing, something about animals but at this point Hikari's mouth dropped open, and she turned to look at the ninja. They all exchanged a look before giving her a 'why not' look.

"... o... okay..." And she stepped forward slowly, before rapidly punching.

Dareth blocked, but it was a sloppy block, and she chose that moment to bring her leg up in a kick. Dareth groaned suddenly as she hit him in the shin, and then she punched again, hitting him in the stomach this time and knocking the wind out of him. Her eyes suddenly glowed red again, and she grabbed his arm and judo-flipped him over her shoulder.

The ninja stared as Dareth blinked dizzily.

See? You did so well with my assistance... let me take charge, and you will not fail.

I can do this myself. I don't need your help. Go away!

Her eyes faded back to gray as Dareth stood up, a little loopily. "How did you...?"

Hikari smiled brightly. "You know animals. We know our own fighting skills."

He grinned dizzily at her. "You can train in my dojo anytime." And he bowed... before falling face-first to the floor. Hikari grabbed him and hoisted him up. "Ahh I'm sorry!" she apologized. She probably would've apologized more and more, but she forced herself to stop.


The three of them- Jay, Lloyd, and her- were standing on several poles. They'd set them up so it was a three on three battle.

Hikari lunged, so that her feet were on the poles. She landed easily, while Lloyd staggered a bit but regained his balance instantly. "You must be light on your feet," Jay instructed, before lunging towards Hikari. Hikari lunged back easily, dodging the foot he tried to kick her with. He then went after Lloyd, and Hikari made another move.

"When you strike with your hand," Cole said, "you can't use a fist. Concentrate," as Lloyd stepped off and Jay and Hikari continued. "You're small, but you're strong."

Lloyd put his hands together, and then he jumped and struck. Not only did he split the wood in half, but he split the table, and the floor. "Woah!" Hikari jumped as Jay fell and regained her balance after a moment.

"That was the power of the Scythe of Quakes!" Jay exclaimed, "and you did it without the Golden Weapon!"

"That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest ninja!" Zane said, sounding wondering, as Hikari climbed down from the poles and came over. "You can harness all the elemental powers!"

Lloyd examined his hands. "Really? Huh... cool!"

Hikari giggled at this very mature statement as Sensei Wu spoke, "With the power, you must be careful. You must control it, before it controls you."

Lloyd's face fell, and Hikari's turned almost like stone.

"I have to admit," Dareth said, coming in through the bead curtain again, "not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards," and two of his students came in with stacks of wood, "how about 50?"

Hikari tilted her head as the children stacked the wood to make a huge, very hard stack. "And perhaps if I break through the wood, you will allow me to become... the BROWN NINJA!"

Hikari looked as Jay snickered. "You gotta be JOKING!"

"Uh, sorry, pal, club's already full," Cole agreed, smiling. Dareth waved that off. "Okay, fine, but a demonstration of my super-human strength may persuade you."

He walked over to the wood. "Observe. I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength," he murmured, "The dragon..."

"HYAAHHH!" he brought his hand down. The wood didn't break- but his hand made an interesting sound. Only a second passed before he screamed, "YOOOOOOWWWWW!"

All the ninja laughed at this, but then Kai looked at Hikari. "Hikari, you wanna have a go?"

"Um, okay!" Hikari nodded, her head bouncing as she went over to the wood, where she replaced Dareth. She took a deep breath... and then she jumped and brought her hand down.

Not only did she split the wood again, but this time she split something deeper into the floor, and made the entire building shake like a leaf, and a hellish purple light started waving across the walls.

"What in the-?!" Dareth yelped as Hikari stood there, frozen. Everyone stepped away nervously as the wood fell into the chasm. There was no sound of it hitting the ground- it must have been pretty far down.

A shaking, gnarled, rotted hand started extending from the chasm Hikari had just unintentionally created.

As if she'd been freed from a spell, Hikari groaned and stomped over to the chasm. "No! Bad zombie, don't come out! I don't want help! I wasn't trying to split the floor! Sorry! Shoo! Go away!" she said, waving her arms angrily at the zombie. To everyone's surprise, the hand disappeared, and when Hikari stamped her foot again the chasm slammed shut.

She huffed. "Once again, we're opposites. Lloyd has trouble starting up the power but can probably control it a lot better. I can start it up just fine but can't control it much!" she said huffily.

Zane looked as though he was about to say something, but then decided against it.


They walked out of the dojo feeling pretty happy when suddenly Jay yelled and pointed at something- the Destiny's Bounty...! ... except it looked downright evil. "That's our ship!"

"But... pirates?!" Lloyd exclaimed. Cole looked confused, "Pirates haven't been around for centuries!"

"I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this," Zane said, sternly. Hikari frowned slightly, "Well, we've got to follow them!"

"But how?" Lloyd asked, sounding more annoyed than anything.

Kai grinned and flipped the bus token that he was holding. "Perhaps THIS could be of some use."

They got onto the bus, and Kai said, handing over the bus token to the driver, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but follow that ship!" And off they went, all of them flipping on their ninja hoods. Lloyd looked at Hikari. "You know, I think girl ninja wear something different."

"I know, but this is more comfortable," Hikari said as she rubbed her fingers along her gi.

Kai frowned slightly and looked at Zane, "I don't like the kids coming along... it's too dangerous-"

He was cut off by a round of Lloyd practically shouting, "Please! Please please! I'll be super good!" And of Hikari delivering her ever-powerful puppy dog eyes.

Zane frowned, but then knelt and put a hand on their shoulder. "Your powers inside you two are still too great- too uncontrollable..." Hikari stared right into Zane's eyes, her bottom lip quivering sadly as she stared into his eyes.

He was quiet for a moment. His expression twitched as he stared at her. And then he groaned a little bit. "Oh, why did I look right into your face...!" he moaned, "fine, you two can come."

The two children let out a shout of joy, and Hikari gripped Lloyd's hand. "Lloyd, you're sticking with me, okay?"

"Okay!" he agreed, nodding furiously.

They all jumped onto the bus roof, and Kai noticed with slight amusement that their hands were intertwined once again, like usual. Kai was about to jump onto the anchor, when the bus shrieked to a halt as an old lady shakily crossed the street.

Hikari almost fell off altogether, but Kai had stabbed his sword into the roof and Cole was clinging to the sword, Kai was holding Zane up, and Jay was hugging Cole for dear life. Hikari and Lloyd were clinging to Zane's ankles, trying not to pull him down by accident. "C'mon people, we're trying to save the city here!" Jay yelled in frustration.

"It's getting away!" Cole cried out.

The woman was halfway across when her bag of groceries split. "Oh...!"

The ninja all sighed, sounding frustrated.

Hikari grabbed Lloyd and said, "Lloyd, on count of three, make sure you're ready to land, okay?"


"One... two... three!" Hikari let go of Zane, and Lloyd, and the two of them landed on the ground. Hikari crouched, clinging to Lloyd's hand, and then used her power over the earth to sling herself in the air, high enough to see the Bounty. Lloyd looked down- and wished he hadn't. "H-Hikari-!"

"HANG ON!" she shouted, and below her fire swirled to life, enough to get her to the rooftop of the nearest building. Hikari peeked down to see the ninja all watching her with expressions almost akin to terror.

She waved sheepishly.

About ten minutes later, the old lady finally moved out of the way, and the ninja pretty much gave up on using the bus to catch up. But then-

"HELP!" Dareth shouted suddenly. The ship went by slowly, and Kai groaned. "Oh... dangit, Dareth!"

Cole frowned, "We need to get onboard that ship!"

Everyone stood there, stumped, before Hikari tugged on Kai's sleeve and pointed. "Well, couldn't we go in disguise or something?"

Everyone turned to see a sigh: 'Wong's Costume'. Jay shook his head and clapped her on the back, nearly knocking the tiny girl into the street. "You know, we really don't give you enough credit sometimes."


They came out a minute later wearing pirate costumes. Lloyd and Hikari had to stand on each other's shoulders, and since Hikari really wasn't that strong she went on top. The huge pirate coat was a nice touch, actually, although Hikari looked very funny peeking out from the top like that. She'd gotten herself a disguise (an eye patch and a big mustache that actually covered a good deal of her face) and a nice hat.

Lloyd squinted through the coat as they managed to get on the ship undetected. A captain wearing a hat and a peg leg cackled, "Ha ha ha ha, how about we have him walk the plank?"

The pirates forced Dareth onto the wood, which trembled. "Y-you're making a big mistake," Dareth said, nervously.

"We have to save him," Jay whispered, and Kai hissed back, "We can't get close enough without being suspicious..."

Dareth was literally at the end of the plank by now, and Hikari squinted. "Who here wants to see him go splat?" the captain asked, and the crew cheered. Jay called, in a rather good imitation of the captain's voice, "Who here wants to see him live?"

The crew cheered. Hikari facepalmed internally at the crew.

Dareth was panicked. "W-we don't need to do this fellas... I'm a lousy martial artist. What I do, I wouldn't even call it an art. I say I'm a brown belt, but- I painted it! And my trophies, they're all fake!"

The ninja all facepalmed this time- no need to fake.

Hikari's eyes lit up, and she got off of Lloyd's shoulders. "Lloyd, over here!" she ran over to the edge of the deck, looked around, and then whistled- a loud taxicab whistle that could probably be heard from a block away.

The Ultra-Dragon swooped out of nowhere, and Hikari grinned as she flicked her fingers again. A skeleton hopped out of the ground, jumped onto the dragon, and directed it as Dareth was pushed off the plank. The dragon swooped by and caught him deftly, and if you were listening carefully you could hear him say, disbelievingly, "I, I called the dragon... I CALLED THE DRAGON! HAHA!"

With that, the ninja all revealed themselves, with Spinjitzu, or, in Lloyd and Hikari's case, in struggling off the disguise and kicking it off the best they could.

"More pajama men?!" the captain snapped, and Hikari giggled and waved. "Um, actually, I'm a girl here," she said, trying not to laugh.

"Ninja versus pirates... who will win?" Kai asked, wonderingly.

Hikari and Lloyd backed away to a safer area as Cole jumped and let Jay boost him so that he could swipe with the scythe. He cut off the feather on the captain's hat.

Hikari frowned, and then her eyes widened. "Oh! Lloyd! I know who the pirate captain is!"

Lloyd looked at her, startled. "You do?!"

"Yeah- that's Captain Soto. He pretty much was like the main pirate, until he disappeared one day. This is his ship, the Destiny's Bounty was originally HIS ship!" Hikari exclaimed, looking at the boards beneath her feet.

Two shurikens pinned Captain Soto to the mast as Jay flipped, knocked one pirate overboard with a perfectly timed flick of his nunchucks, and knocked another off his feet. Kai dodged one pirate's sword, dug it into the floor with a metallic clang, and then spun around, hitting them and knocking them all out. Another pirate approached Zane, who was whipping something around. He whipped it once, twice, and then hit the pirate and knocked him back into Captain Soto, who'd just freed himself.

Cole and the other ninja were running around, fighting the pirates, but Lloyd and Hikari had to stay back because... well...

Lloyd got ready to fight Captain Soto as he approached-- Jay having knocked everyone (legit, EVERYONE) over with gumballs-- but Kai jumped in with his sword. Hikari bit her lip and backed away as far as she could as Kai dumped Lloyd into a nearby barrel. "Stay in there, kid!"

Hikari wanted to go help, but she was too short to actually reach the top of the barrel, so that was a no go. Lloyd managed to knock the barrel over, and charged in what he hoped was the correct direction.

The results were... actually quite accurate. Lloyd smashed into Captain Soto and knocked him down one deck, before colliding with another pirate and falling over. Kai hopped on top of the barrel he was in and started rolling it. Hikari grimaced-- she hoped Lloyd wasn't going to throw up, because at the rate he was spinning he would end up with quite a great deal of it on his face.

And then Kai tripped. Hikari cried out and ran to the side, to see Kai clinging to the anchor and dragging it down as he caught it, smashing it into the pavement. If she listened closely she could hear Kai shouting out to all the people in the street and his apologies, and she had to stifle a giggle.

Captain Soto was now attacking the barrel Lloyd was in, but missing every time. Captain Soto yelled a pirate insult and raised his sword-- Lloyd dodged the wrong way--

Hikari screamed and charged forward. "No!" She suddenly tripped and did a twirl by accident. As she did so, she realized something was forming around her-- a wavery, purple, sparking tornado.

She gasped, but wasted no time in plowing into Soto and knocking him away from Lloyd. "I did it, Lloyd! I did Spinjitzu!!" she yelled, happily. She could practically hear Lloyd's smile-- "Aw, sweet!" And he spun out of the barrel with a glowing, Spinjitzu tornado. Lloyd suddenly tripped and hit a lever, which raised the anchor once again.

"Are you okay??"


All the ninja approached Captain Soto, and then Hikari blinked. "Oh. Oh!" And she pointed at Captain Soto. "Guys, back up!" she cried out, and they did so.

Lightning bolted out of the sky, hitting Captain Soto, and then jumping from him to every one of his men, making them jitter around crazily. She cringed in sympathy, but the lightning didn't stop there. It then proceeded to jump and hit the tallest thing on the ship-- the mast.

"Uh oh," and she cried out and tried to run-- she couldn't--

"Hikari!" Lloyd was suddenly at her side, knocking her sideways as the mast crashed down on the deck. The ninja were trapped against it, but they really weren't harmed. Had Hikari still been standing, though, that mast would've hit her right in the head.

"You okay?" Lloyd asked, and Hikari nodded at him from where she was lying. "Cough... yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," she coughed a bit.

Suddenly, the metallic zing of metal on metal sounded, and the ninja turned over to see Captain Soto leering at them. "You lose, pajama people. Now, you walk the plank."

Every single sword pointed at them, and Hikari shivered in fear... and then...


The deck vibrated with the impact, and Hikari twisted in confusion. She didn't see anything...


One of the pirate's drinks sloshed out crazily on the deck.


NOW Hikari could see what was approaching-- the huge, red form of Nya's Samurai X suit. A big smile spread on her face in relief. "NYA!" she yelled, happily.

Nya came onto the ship, and lifted up the fallen mast. With one slight tap she knocked all the pirates off their feet, with another movement she'd replaced the mast.

The ninja all walked over to where Nya was standing as Nya jumped out, carrying one of her Samurai X blades. Jumping down, she sliced the sail and then landed on top of Captain Soto, forcing a very unpiratelike squeak out of him.

Jay grinned. "Who wins between pirates and ninja?? Samurai!" he said, and Nya laughed a little bit.


The pirates had to get into the police cruisers, and the policeman asked, "Good work, team."

"Well, don't forget to include these two," Kai said, dragging Hikari and Lloyd over. Both of them beamed happily.

"Meh, that your ship?" the policeman asked, pointing at the Bounty.

Jay nodded, smiling. "Sure is."

"Sorry," called a familiar voice, as an all too familiar figure stood on deck, "you snooze, you lose!"

"DAD!!" Lloyd yelled up, waving his arms as the Bounty started taking off.

Lord Garmadon looked down from where he was standing. "Lloyd, you are becoming stronger, son, but you'll never be strong enough to defeat me!"

"But that's where I come in! Even if Lloyd is never strong enough alone, he still has me!" Hikari yelled up to Lord Garmadon, taking Lloyd's hand.

Lord Garmadon was silent, before they took off. "Another day, ninja-- another day." And they disappeared into the distance.

"Ah, young love," Jay sighed jokingly. The other ninja burst out laughing, as Hikari and Lloyd turned to face them. Hikari, having been a bit farther off, hadn't heard them-- though Lloyd had. He was pink in the face.

"Huh? What'd you say? Lloyd, you're pink in the face, are you--"

"Nothing! Nothing. What about my face? It's nothing!" Lloyd scrambled to cover, before looking at his dad, hoping that Hikari wouldn't ask. "Dad's on the loose, and he's got the ship."

"Well, at least we have you two," Cole said, patting them on the back. Hikari beamed at Cole, before looking at Lloyd's face. He was still pink.

Hikari looked away innocently. "Lloyd, pink is a very nice color on you," she said, serenely.

Lloyd blinked. "What? I'm not wearing-- GAH! HIKARI!!" she burst out laughing as he tackled her in a hug/tackle with his face going another shade of red. Everyone laughed at this as the two of them jokingly tussled on the ground.


Seriously, I swear less and less people are reviewing each time, though I guess I AM updating pretty fast.

Llokari fluff! Oh, and remember in Chapter 1, Zane said that the Purple Ninja has a larger chance of being corrupted? Yeah. Get ready for that to become a MUCH larger part of this next section.Responses to commenters (Fanfiction):

MMM: And you have got the pirates!

strange and proud of it: Thanks!

Shelly Marsh: Oh! Happy birthday! Yeah, I got bored, so... update, update, update.

Michelle Rita: I'll try, but school may eventually get in the way, and I have summer camps pretty soon. I'll try to get as many chapters out of the way as I can before my hectic summer schedule starts. But, yeah, have these chapters, I hope you liked it :)

Bye everyone! See you next time!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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