Chapter 23

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"This whole island is swarming with Garmadon's indestructible Stone Army," Kai complained, as the others worked.

Jay chuckled a bit. "Ha! Good thing we're ninja and we know how to hide."

Cole grumbled and threw down a shovel, making Hikari start a bit from where she was digging. "Who wants to hide when you can fight?! I'm tired of having our hands buried in the sand. I wanna fight these guys!" he snapped. If any outburst was to come from the ninja, Hikari would've actually expected it from KAI, not Cole. He was much more level-headed than this, usually.

"But, it would be unwise to start a fight we cannot finish," Zane remarked, looking at Cole, and Sensei Wu said, making Hikari actually drop her shovel in surprise, "THAT, is why we must find, the Temple of Light."

Back inside the Bounty, Misako opened another scroll and said, calmly, "The scrolls say that there is a hidden temple on the island. If we find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers. Powers that can destroy the indestructible army."

"So you're saying we get to fight! Ooh, I've got happy feet!" Cole burst out and threw his arms up into the air, making Hikari giggle a bit. "And you two," Misako said, now directing her attention to Hikari and Lloyd, who looked up at her, "here, it is written, 'for once the Green and Purple Ninja find the instrument of peace, they will strike it, and gain the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Masters.'"

"'Ultimate Spinjitzu Master'? JINX!" they both yelled simulataneously at one another, and Misako chuckled at the interaction before clarifying, "It means you will be to invoke the power of the Golden and Silver Dragons, ancient fighting styles practiced only by the First Spinjitzu Master."

The other ninja stared openmouthed at the two, and Lloyd grinned and laughed, "Ha! Jealous?" at the ninja.

Hikari gently punched her friend on the shoulder. "Lloyd, do not tease your friends... except for me," she joked, and Lloyd wiggled his fingers. "Well, then I get to tickle you," he said, and Hikari's face went dead serious."Lloyd. Montgomery. Garmadon. Don't you dare," she said, seriously.

And then Lloyd snorted, and Hikari giggled as well.

"Wait, this all sounds too good to be true," Kai suddenly spoke up over the two teenagers, "... what's the catch?"

"The catch is," Sensei Wu spoke up, "the Temple could be anywhere on the island. And all we have to find it is this."

Zane's father (who everyone had learned liked to be called 'Dr. Julien) took what looked remarkably like a large coin with holes in it. "A medallion! It's like a compass. When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden," he said.

"Uh, how'd you know that?" Jay asked, looking confused from his end of the table.

Dr. Julien shrugged a bit with a grin on his wizened face. "Oh, I did a lot of reading in my spare time. Hehe, adventure stories were my favorite."

"Mine too!" Hikari said enthusiastically, waving a bit from where she and Lloyd were sitting.

Zane took the medallion, which looked quite tarnished and old. "Then what are we waiting for?"

Lloyd and Hikari stood up simultaneously, but Sensei Wu shook his head. "Not you two."

"Aw, seriously?" Lloyd groaned, looking disgruntled, "are we still doing this?"

"Wu is right," Misako put in, "if you were to come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risks."

Jay snickered. "Ha! Jealous?"

Lloyd glared at Jay but then glanced at Hikari as she spoke serenely, "Not really. Nariko?" Hikari opened her mouth as a dark, smoky silhouette stepped out of it, landing in front of her. She was exactly Hikari's build, and the only thing any of them could see clearly of her was her glowing, ruby-red eyes. "Yes?" she asked, mock-sweetly.

"Please accompany the ninja on their trip to go find the Temple of Light," Hikari requested simply, smiling slightly at the girl.

Nariko arched her eyebrow and crossed her arms. "And what do I get out of this?"

Hikari rolled her eyes, which was one of the first times they'd seen her do so. "We can decide that when you get back. Just, please go. Maybe you'll learn something about the ninja. Maybe you'll like them."

"Doubtful," the shadow said, slightly arrogantly, but sighed and moved over to them anyway. "Oh, fine. Anyway, you'll be able to keep track of what we're doing... maybe spend time with your boyfriend," Nariko smirked.

Hikari blinked at the last part. "I don't- NARIKO SERIOUSLY?!" Nariko ducked under one of the plastic teacups Hikari chucked at her, cackling wildly.

Lloyd blinked at Hikari's bright pink face. "My gosh, just go!" she snapped at the shadow, blushing, and Nariko bowed sarcastically. "Why of course, o master," she spoke, sardonically. Hikari rolled her eyes again and looked at Lloyd, with a sheepish little grin. He returned it.

"Well, while Hikari keeps track of the ninja, I could use your help, Lloyd. We should make some vehicles that might give us a fighting chance!" Dr. Julien said.

"Remember," Sensei Wu told the ninja (and Nariko), "Garmadon doesn't know you're on the island. It is imperative that you stay out of sight."

"Of course, Sensei, don't worry!" Jay said confidently, "have you ever known us to veer from a plan? Huh?"

Hikari ducked under the table. They could hear muffled laughter. Nariko squirmed, chuckling slightly. "Hikari, would you stop that! Every time you laugh I feel like I'm being tickled quite relentlessly," she snapped but her voice was filled with amusement.

"NINJA-" all the ninja started, Hikari stopping her giggling to peek out over the table, and Sensei Wu hushed them, "Shhhh! Not so loud! Are you trying to get us caught?!"

"Go," the ninja whispered.

Hikari and Nariko snickered in sync.


Nariko casually filed her nails as Jay whispered, on a rock about twenty feet away from a huge area blocked off by huge wooden spikes, "This must be Garmadon's camp!"

"No, ya think?!" Kai said, sarcastically. "I thought it was a take-out restaurant!"

Nariko smirked as she kept filing her nails. "Ooh, I like you!" she exclaimed, sounding relatively pleased, "you're nice and sarcastic."

Kai glanced at her before glancing back at the camp, a little smile under his mask. "Looks like he's building something."

"But what?!" Jay exclaimed.

Cole glared at both of them. "Quiet, you bozos! We still need to find what the medallion matches up to!"

Zane took the medallion from Cole. "Let me see," he said, and then looked through it. "Nothing matches up... wait!"

Jay gasped and snatched it from him without any permission. "You found the Temple of Light?!"

"No, but look!"

Nariko put the file away and glanced in the direction he was pointing. "Isn't that that falcon Hikari mentioned that you lost the other day?" she asked lazily.

"Yeah, I thought it got shot down and was lost," Kai said, and Zane stood up, silver eyes gleaming with excitement. "Not if I can retrieve it and get the pieces back to my father!" he exclaimed.

Cole looked up at Zane. "Wait, Zane! You're veering from the plan! We're supposed to be finding the Temple of Light and staying out of sight!" he hissed.

Nariko shook her head. "If that's to avoid them finding out that you're here, I don't think sitting on a rock in plain sight of the camp if any bozo happens to look up is really helpful," she remarked sardonically.

"If I were in there, you'd do the same," Zane pointed out. "I have to get my friend back!" And he jumped over the fence and into the compound. Cole was about to follow, before Nariko snorted. "The more of you pajama-wearing people jump in there with your very lovely outfits, the more of you are going to get caught. I think you should just stay here with moi and hope he doesn't get spotted. He's quiet. I'm sure he won't be spotted," she added, a little more nicely at the end.

Cole groaned, "I wanna fight...!"

Nariko stood up now, squinting. "Well, then wait. You'll get your wish soon enough," she said impatiently. "Now hush so I can keep an eye on your friend."


Hikari opened her eyes and frowned. She glanced over to where the others were working, sitting in a more meditative position helped her pay attention to what was going on better, though it did strain her legs a bit.

Lloyd saw her looking, and she waved a little bit, before going back to her meditative state.

Lloyd sighed, staring at her while she wasn't looking, before jumping down to where his mother was. Sensei Wu had just gone off to go fetch creekwater to keep working on the machine. "How did you meet him?"

"Who? Sensei Wu?" Misako asked, still staring after Lloyd's uncle. Lloyd looked at the floor- well, the sand, quietly. "No. My father," he said, a bit more flatly than he'd intended to.

Misako turned to him and sighed, the slightly dreamy look on her face fading. "You know, he wasn't always like how he is today," she said, automatically putting her arm around her son, "It took years for his poisoned heart to turn him evil. There was a time, when I loved him very much, and he was very proud."

Lloyd blinked, this was a bit of news to him. "When was that?" he asked.

She smiled and drew him into a hug. "When we had you."

Lloyd felt his lips tug up into a smile, and hugged her back.

When he finally released her, Misako said, with a sigh, "You and Hikari seem to get along very well."

"Yeah," Lloyd agreed, a little on guard now, "she's really nice..."

"And kind..."

"Yeah, and kind..."

"And she's quite a lovely young woman," Misako added, a mischievous spark flickering to life in her green eyes. Lloyd whipped to face her. "M-mom!" he whispered in embarrassment, his cheeks flushing. Misako chuckled. "I'm sorry... but it's a little obvious, son."

"It is?" he asked, and when Misako nodded, he crossed his arms. "Well Hikari doesn't notice," Lloyd grumbled, his cheeks still pink.

Misako chuckled. "She will, son. From what I can tell of her, she's very innocent. It's no wonder that she doesn't notice when others look at her as such." She hesitated; telling Lloyd about the fact that Hikari returned his crush seemed wrong when Hikari seemed to expect her not to tell him seemed wrong, so she simply said, "I think she'll notice you soon."

Lloyd crossed his arms a little, blushing in Hikari's direction. "Well I hope she does..." he mumbled quietly.


"I spy, uh..." Jay said, as Kai and Cole dutifully watched the camp.

"Let me guess," Nariko remarked sarcastically, "it's another tree."

Cole groaned and glanced his shoulder at the blue ninja. "Jay, how did you ever become a ninja? Seriously!"

Kai let out a groan of his own, and Nariko rolled her eyes. "Getting impatient, aren't we?"

"Would Zane just get his bird already and get out of there!?" he snapped in frustration. "Certainly," Nariko stated, "if you don't mind him getting caught by our lovely friends the Stone Army here and alerting Garmadon and the Overlord himself to your predicament."

"Judging by how Hikari and you interact, I thought you were trying to turn her to the dark side," Cole remarked.

"I am, but I want HER to take over Ninjago and rule it using the dark side, not some random ugly blob that floats and sounds like Darth Vader gargling mud or a black-skinned, four-armed delusional madman who makes horrible plans," Nariko responded, "so even if I try to convince her to turn to the other side I want her way to take over clear."

"... that's... a good reason?" Kai said, sounding very unsure about that.

Jay picked up the medallion randomly and kept looking around, when he suddenly spoke, "Guys! Look!" He handed the medallion to Kai, who held it up to where he was looking. The top of one mountain, and the two right next to it, with the sun starting to set, shot light through the holes, and Kai exclaimed, "It matches up! That must be the Temple of Light!"

Nariko smirked at Jay. "Not bad, bluebird."

"Why am I bluebird?" he asked her, confused.

"Simple- you are wearing blue, and your name is Jay. Hence, you are bluebird. Kind of like how Cole is 'Naughty' because of the fact you get black coal for Christmas if you are naughty and Kai is 'Firefly' because he can control fire. And I think he could use his fire to fly if he really wanted to. Zane is Snowflake," Nariko remarked. "Lloyd is Green Lantern. Hikari is Hikari because she is one of the few people I respect."

Cole blinked at her before waving off the weird nicknaming system. "Okay... anyway, Jay, I take back everything I said! You are a fine ninja! Not... finer than me, but a fine..."

"NINJA!" bellowed a Stone Warrior.

Nariko sighed lazily and looked down. "I believe it is safe to say that Snowflake there has been spotted," she remarked simply.

"Okay, that's it, I'm fighting!" Cole snapped. "We can't- if we do, they'll know we're here too. And they're indestructible," Kai retorted.

Cole jumped down onto a column of rock several feet away. "Yeah, and if we don't, we'll regret it for the rest of our lives!"

"I do get the feeling Hikari would like me to save one of her friends," Nariko said lazily, following him, "so if you two want to stay up here, fine by us, be our guest."

Kai and Jay exchanged a look before following the two of them.

A minute later, a large vehicle blazed in, knocking the Stone Army that was surrounding Zane away. Zane stared at them in shock. Nariko rolled her eyes. "What in the name of the First Spinjitzu Master are you waiting for, Snowflake? A red carpet?" she asked, sarcastically.

Zane shook his head a little and followed them, as the Stone Army started following. "You know when Sensei told us to stay out of sight?" Cole shouted.

"Yeah. That was a good idea," Jay said, as spears thudded into the opposite wall.

"Why didn't we listen to him?!" Jay bemoaned. Zane added, "Why don't we EVER listen to him?!"

"Because you are all very idiotic, that's why. OI! Stupid rocks!" Nariko shouted, "Can't catch me!" she made a grotesque, taunting face. All of the Stone Army started focusing on her, and she glanced at the four of them and jerked her head at the gate. They all started to thunder over the bridge, but stopped halfway there.

Nariko glowered at them as she followed (by them, she meant the Stone Army). "Well bloody hell then," she grumbled, disgruntled. She then blinked. "Hey... guys, these things are strong enough to break through the pavement back in Ninjago, right?"

The ninja all nodded, and then Zane blinked. "Oh..."

Nariko smirked. "You got what I'm thinking about? Ooh, you're smarter than I thought."

Zane nodded. "Yes. I got us into this mess. I know how to get us out."

More and more of the Stone Army came forward, and then the entire bridge broke all of a sudden.

"Grab a plank!" he shouted, and Nariko grabbed onto Kai, the nearest person. "NINJA-GO!" The Spinjitzu tornadoes formed, and Nariko clung to Kai and a plank(who tried to ignore the icy feeling in his stomach) as they all flew into the air, onto a structure, and then started to pretty much skateboard on the leafy canopies of the trees.

Nariko was forced to grab onto Kai as they used their hoods as parachutes, before their feet slammed into the floor. "Well, it was nice speaking with you all," Nariko grudgingly admitted, "but I'm afraid I should get back to Hikari. I'll see you!" And she vanished in a whip-crack of black smoke.


Hikari jolted a bit, as Zane's father remarked, "Hey! They found the falcon!"

"Why are they running?" Lloyd asked.

"Prepare for battle!" Zane said, as he placed the falcon on a table. Sensei Wu started. "You were spotted by one? Two?" he asked, seriously.

"Try all of them," Hikari remarked with a groan, before perking up a little bit, "but, on the bright side, Jay located the Temple of Light!"

"It's at the top of the mountain," Kai agreed, "I hope those vehicles are ready, 'cause we could sure use them now!"

Dr. Julien led them back to a sort of drill-car-thing. "I guess you'll have to figure this baby out on the fly."

"We've also packed another surprise in the back," Nya said to her boyfriend, "maybe it can be of use?"

The two of them kissed on the lips. Hikari glanced back at Lloyd, for a moment, trying to imagine how that would feel-

She felt her cheeks flush again, and climbed into the vehicle with Lloyd. Kai glanced at the two, and moved into the front seat with Cole. "Scoot over Cole, don't be a seat hog," he remarked.

"Whatever you do," Sensei Wu spoke, "do not stop until you get to the Temple of Light. Our survival depends on it."

Kai smiled at Sensei, a little sheepishly. "This time, we'll stick to the plan."

The windshield slid over them, and Sensei Wu said, quietly, "Good luck, ninja."

They pulled out of the area they'd been hiding in and puttered off, the engine roaring slightly as Cole put on a slight burst of speed. A moment after they passed, a few more vehicles, of the Stone Army's, followed them, roaring out of the trees and knocking a couple down.

Cole turned the wheel, veering through a huge maze of stone columns, as two of the other vehicles veered in front of them. Cole jerked the wheel again, making them all lurch sideways as he veered around and drove onto an impromptu stone ramp, sailing right for the third vehicle.

Cole shifted a lever, and the drill whirred to life and plunged straight into the dirt, before exploding back out right next to the mountain. "Well, that's as far as I think this baby'll go. The rest we'll have to do on our own."

Lloyd groaned. "But we'll never make it out of the mountain before they arrive!"

Kai jumped out of the drill, running towards the back. "Well, then let's see what my sister packed."

He pressed the button, and it spat out a large, red thing, that landed on the sand, before unfolding, shifting open, and doing a various amount of mechanical things before revealing itself to be a big red robot.

Kai clapped a little, grinning. "Aw, I love my sis!"

Hikari laughed a little at this, and Lloyd gave her a little look before Kai jumped into the the 'driver's seat' and went to face the Stone Army's vehicles.

"Let me handle this." He jumped over to the vehicle and spun it around before releasing it and throwing it into the trees, charged and the vehicles, and and smashed the other, smaller vehicles out of the way, before rushing back over to where they were standing.

More of the vehicles pulled up, and Jay frowned. "These guys just won't stop!"

"No, they will not," Hikari muttered, before glancing at Kai in his robot suit. "Climb on!" Kai said, and everyone swarmed onto the red robot, hanging onto various parts of the robot, before Kai turned and started to climb up the mountain. The jerky way he did it nearly shook them off (Hikari nearly tumbled off halfway up, but Lloyd caught her by the waist), but they were soon quite a long way up. "They're still coming!" Jay yelled.

"One of these days, we're gonna have to fight-" Cole began, when Zane yelped, "We're not climbing fast enough!"

Hikari flicked her wrist and sent a good deal of the vehicles spiraling to the ground with one of her quakes, and swallowed a few into the Underworld, but there were still more coming.

Kai threw a grappling hook to a ledge above them, and they soared onto the ledge. The vehicles were still coming, but the ledge blocked it from getting to where they were.

"We did it!" Jay yelled as he jumped off, "we made it to the top!" Then he paused. "... but where's the Temple of Light!?"

"Are you sure you used the medallion right?" Lloyd asked, and Jay let out a groan. "Of course I used it right! It said it should be right here!"

Hikari said, thoughtfully, "Technically, when Jay looked through the medallion, it showed that it was at the VERY top of the mountain... we're at the top, but not at the peak, so I think maybe we need to keep going."

The others kept going, climbing the mountain, when Lloyd suddenly gasped as a beam of light hit him and Hikari in the face. They followed it until they reached the peak of the mountain, to see a large temple with a light glowing above it. "The Temple of Light!" he exclaimed.

They all pushed open the doors, which creaked rather loudly as they entered. The temple had glowing crystals on the walls, and it was rather dusty. "Guys, check this out!" Jay exclaimed, and they all looked up. "It's... us!"

It was. There were scenes of Hikari meeting Lloyd, Hikari laughing, Sensei Wu meeting Kai, Kai meeting the others, and their adventures, splashed in a simply drawn mural all over the walls. "Finding the Bounty, facing the Devourer... there's us right now!"

And when they looked up, six ninja stood there, pointing up at the walls and looking up.

"But how could we all be here?" Zane wondered.

"Destiny," Lloyd and Hikari mumbled at the same time. For once, neither yelled 'jinx'. One more scene showed on the wall, the four ninja standing in a square within a circle, and Lloyd and Hikari standing in the very center.

"I think I know what we need to do," Lloyd said, and looked at Hikari, who was smirking slightly. Lloyd knelt down in the middle of the temple, brushing his hand on the ground to reveal two things, a dragon head that was green, and a dragon head that was purple. "Look!"

The other ninja went and brushed off similar, red, blue, black, and white dragon heads, clearing the dust away to reveal the square they'd seen on the wall. The was split in a similar way the Yin-Yang symbol was, and Lloyd moved onto the side that was gold, while Hikari gingerly stepped onto the side that was silver.

"O.. kay, now what?" Lloyd wondered.

Hikari was looking up. "Lloyd, didn't your mom mention something about an instrument of peace earlier? There's a bell above us," she said, and Lloyd looked up to see, in fact, there was a huge bell above them.

"You guys ready for this?" Lloyd asked the ninja, and Hikari tensed into a running position. The two of them ran to opposite sides of the temple, jumped, hit one of the pillars each of the ninja were standing in front of, and leapt at the bell, striking it at the same time.

The sensation jarred them as the bell rang, and the two of them landed.

Gold light, and something that looked akin to a black light, shone on Lloyd and Hikari respectively. Hikari looked up in shock as the gold light started to envelop them. "What's happening?!" Lloyd yelled, and Zane raised his arms. "Nobody move!"

Lloyd and Hikari straightened up, and moved so they were back to back, as a mix of gold and black light hit the metal, shiny part of their hoods and reflected, hitting a crystal, which reflected and hit another one, and another one, until the beam of light hit Kai's pillar. A golden sword hilt appeared in his hand, and his armor changed once again.

It then reflected and hit Zane's, which hit another, which hit two different ones, until the beams of light were richocheting over every single crystal in the temple, changing Cole's armor and giving him a gold sword hilt, changing Jay's, and altering Zane's.

The two of them started rising into the air, and Hikari reached back and took Lloyd's hand automatically. He squeezed it comfortingly as the light enveloped them, and they started spinning. It grew to the point where the light was blinding, so that Hikari could barely see a multicolored fiery sword shoot out of Kai's golden hilt, a greenish brown from Cole's, electric blue from Jay's, and a pure white one from Zane's.

"Guys!" Kai shouted, "send them your powers!" He didn't know that that was what they were supposed to do, yet he just got the feeling it was correct. They all shot beams of ice, fire, lightning, and earth at the two of them, and their power began to merge, before suddenly, a silver and gold dragon flew out and then disappeared, as all the light faded and Lloyd and Hikari dropped to the ground, out of breath.

Lloyd got up from where he was lying, and Hikari. Hikari's eyes seemed even more silver than before, and both of them shouted, determinedly, "Let them have it!"

And as the Stone Army charged, so did the ninja. Kai blocked a hit from a Stone Warrior and sent flames flaring up, making the Stone Warrior start back.

"Cool!" Kai said, cheerfully, before stabbing the blade into the floor and running in a circle around most of the Stone Soldiers, trapping them in a ring of fire, before he ran right in and knocked them all out.

Jay narrowed his eyes and jumped onto their spears, which they stabbed into the pillar. Lightning shot up the blade before he jumped and hit the spear, which electrocuted all of the Stone Army that had tried to come attack him, sending spasms of momentary, blue light fill the room.

More charged towards Zane, who leapt up his pillar as high as he could, making the Stone Army climb onto each other's shoulders to try to reach him. One tried to strike him, but Zane jumped onto his sword. "Hi-YAH!" He jumped down, dragging his blade gently on their backs, freezing them all into a huge ice column, before hitting it and sending them all flying.

Cole slammed his blade into the floor, making cracks rumble towards the Stone Army and enveloped them in dirt. He then chuckled and started dancing, slamming their heads into the dirt.

Lloyd and Hikari looked towards the remainder of the Stone Army that approached them, and grinned at one another. "Our turn."

Lloyd started to form a ball of light, moving so she and he were back to back. Hikari summoned hers as well, when suddenly his green light changed to warm gold, and dark violet Ato cold silver, and then a gold and silver dragon spiraled out of the light, making the entire army retreat as the two dragons exploded out of the temple and spiraled into the sky, and the ninja sent out beams of their elements that lit up the dark night sky.

Hikari lowered her hands, and grinned slightly. "Cool."

Lloyd's lips twitched. Then he laughed, and the two teenagers cracked up in relief. The Final Battle might be coming soon, but right now the two of them could relax and know that for now, they were safe.

A/N: And... boom! This incredibly difficult chapter is finished. Lloyd and Hikari have discovered their golden and silver power! Woot!

It's hard to believe that in under two/three weeks I've managed to get from Chapter 10 to Chapter 23. That brings up a question I keep forgetting to ask, actually, should I actually put names up for the chapter? If so what should they be like?

Responses to my commenters!


Greenninjaisbae: It is, but I didn't choose it because it was from SAO, that part was kind of an accident xD Glad to see another SAO fan, though.

MMM: You'll have to see (wriggles eyebrows) That's a shame, that it's not coming in English, do you know when it comes in English?


Sarah: Ahaha, thanks! :) Glad to see people like my stories so much...

Dream lighting: Thanks, and here is more! (dumps more on you)



It's almost the one year anniversary for this story, can't wait until after Season 2 is over!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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