Chapter 8

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Hikari ran face first into someone and fell on her bottom, none too delicately I must add. "Ow!" she yelped a bit, and Jay reached down to help her up. "Oh, sorry Hikari! Wasn't watching where I was going, but guess what?"

"What?" Hikari asked, as Jay fidgeted with his hands, shuffled his feet, with this look on his face. Either he was really excited about something... or he really needed to use the bathroom. Both options were perfectly viable.

"I asked Nya out and she said yes! WOOHOO!" Jay jumped into the air and pumped his fist. He was so loud Hikari was almost positive they could hear him in Jamanakai Village, but she still beamed and applauded. When Jay had calmed down a bit, she said, still smiling innocently, "That's great Jay! ... what does it mean to ask someone out?"

Jay laughed a bit nervously, rubbing his head. "Oh yeah; you're eight. Asking someone out is like... uh... asking someone if they'll go on a date with you."

"What's a date?" Hikari asked innocently.

"A date's where you are romantically involved with someone and go out to do something," Jay said, scratching his head.

"Oh, so you and Nya are married now?"

Jay went bright red at Hikari's casual statement and began to stammer out a response, before noticing the mischievous twinkle in her eyes and the way her mouth was twitching slightly at the corners. He crossed his arms and pouted childishly. "You were just teasing me, weren't you?"

"No, I was actually being honest until your definition of 'date', and then I just thought it'd be funny to see your reaction," Hikari responded, with a sheepish little giggle. Jay rolled his eyes a bit, still cherry red, before continuing down the hallway. Halfway down, he turned back to Hikari, who was continuing to the control room, and yelled to her, "Lloyd and Hikari, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Hikari let out a little squeak of embarrassment and fled to the control room, while Jay smirked and kept going.


Jay walked into the control room, wearing gloves and a scarf over a suit. Hikari raised her eyebrows- it was a very nice summer day and was actually quite warm- but said nothing. Perhaps it was just some sort of an odd fashion statement.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" Cole asked with a smirk, leaning against the control console. Jay smiled at Cole, slightly smugly. "I'm going out with Nya today."

Kai's brow furrowed as he stared at the computer screen. "Ah, you might wanna change your plans- Serpentine were spotted at Mega Monster Amusement Park. And chances are they aren't there to have fun."

"That must be where the first Fangblade is!" Jay exclaimed, before his expression went a bit worried. "Ohhh... but my date with Nya..."

"Dude, if Pythor gets all four Fangblades he'll be able to wake up the Great Devourer! Get your priorities straight, man," Kai said, looking slightly disgruntled.

Hikari was sitting on the table and watching this exchange, before she very mildly asked Jay, "Couldn't you change the date place to Mega Monster Amusement Park instead? This way you can keep an eye on the Serpentine and still have your date."

Jay's electric-blue eyes practically lit up, and he ran and hugged Hikari. Hikari tensed- the only person that usually hugged her was Lloyd- before relaxing into his tight grip a bit. "Hikari you are a genius and you're my favorite person ever!" Jay ranted-

"Shouldn't you go let Nya know that you changed the date area?" Hikari eked out- Jay was squeezing her very tightly.

He dropped her (literally, he just suddenly let go and Hikari fell onto the floor with a thud) and yelped, "Right!" As he turned and ran for the door, Hikari caught a glimpse of green, scaly skin under his glove.

And then he was gone, out the door.


Hikari was with the others (except Nya and Jay, they were on their date) at Mega Monster Amusement Park, looking out for Serpentine. Hikari was looking around when she saw tons of people screaming and running out of a ride.

"Hold on a second- that ride was never scary before!" Cole exclaimed. Zane's eyes narrowed. "Venomari," he stated simply, before running in. Hikari stayed in the area nearby- if any Serpentine got past them, she could try to stop them. Effective word being try, she still wasn't sure how her powers worked.

Not even three minutes passed before all the Serpentine came streaming out of the tunnel. Hikari's eyes widened, and she ran towards the area where Jay and Nya were having their date. When she opened the door to the restaurant, she saw all of the customers crowded around a figure in the corner- Jay!

"Jay!" she shouted, waving wildly. He noticed her and tried to crawl out of the mob to get to her, but they beat him back. Hikari's eyes narrowed. She could see his hand being green and slightly scaly... and his face was green and scaly, and he had little fangs poking out of his mouth.

That meant a Fangpyre had bitten him? How, there was no-

Hikari remembered that Fangpyre skeleton in the control room. There had been a slight amount of green venom on the floor... could Jay have pricked himself on one of the teeth?

Why was she worrying about this now!? She needed Jay's help to get rid of the Serpentine!

"Hey, stop it... he's not bad..." She tried to get the crowd's attention, but they ignored her or pushed her away. Hikari's gray eyes flickered with annoyance- right in the center- and she screamed, "STOP IT!"

She stomped her foot, and a spurt of lightning flickered between her foot to the floor to the group of people. They all jumped away like they'd gotten a nasty electric shock, and Jay took the opportunity to weave his way through them to Hikari, who grabbed his hand and started to practically skip out of the door. "C'mon c'mon c'mon," she said, looking panicked, and Jay followed.

Once outside, they noticed a small crowd of Serpentine nearby, and Jay's eyes narrowed. "Hey!" He grabbed his nunchucks and started spinning them through the air...

... only to stop when all of the Serpentine burst into laughter. "What's the matter? Cat got your tail?" Pythor laughed, and Hikari looked to see that, yes, Jay had a little green tail poking through his suit. She put a hand over her mouth to stifle the giggle, but the tiniest hint of it still made it out of her mouth.

"Help!" Nya shouted from nearby. She was tied to a roller coaster car with chains, and Jay gasped. "Nya-!"

Hikari shoved him at the roller coaster. "You help Nya! I'll... fight these snakes," Hikari ordered him, and Jay wasted no time in running off to help Nya.

Pythor's chuckles died down, and he smiled wickedly at Hikari. "Oh my, dear, you don't REALLY think you can beat me?"

Hikari took a deep breath, searching for a reason to get angry. She didn't panic or worry too much over logic when she was angry.

They took Lloyd.

They took her best friend from her, and up until recently her only friend.

That was reason enough.

Her face darkened, and she ran right at him. "Let Lloyd go!" she yelled. Her eyes suddenly glowed again, but this time the glow lasted a little longer as she charged forward. Where her foot touched the ground, the earth crumbled and cracked, and little bits of swirling, black and dark brown earth surrounded her as she hit him.

The entire ground shot up suddenly, a huge rock hitting Pythor right in the chest and knocking him back several feet.

"Let my friend go!" She wasn't thinking, wasn't considering anything- just running straight at them. A few Serpentine came forward, and ice spread out from her foot, webbing the ground and making several of the Serpentine slip. Several ice spikes shot out of the ground, nearly impaling some of the Serpentine.

A poor Constrictai grabbed her, and she whipped right around and punched him in the face, just as a freezing-water sensation flared into her hand.

Ghostly black and red and purple flames exploded off of her fist, and consumed the Constrictai. For a moment he was frozen as his entire body withered before ashes blew away in the next slight breeze.

The rest of the Serpentine were more hesitant to come near Hikari now. Her usually silvery gray eyes looked almost insane, with purple throbbing out from the pupil and her face set in a slight snarl.

"... retreat," ordered Pythor, backing away, before all of the Serpentine quickly fled the scene.

The purple in her eyes faded away, and Hikari stumbled and fell against a wall slightly, looking for Jay. He was glowing and pushing on the roller coaster car before it reached a break in the tracks, stopping only a little away from it.

Hikari panted and shook her head with a little smile. Whew.


"We still have an opportunity to get three other Fangblades; so I think we're good for now," said Kai, before looking at Hikari. When Nya and Jay had safely gotten off of the roller coaster (and the other ninja freed themselves from a wall of ice) they'd found Hikari curled up in a ball against a wall (A/N: Hey that rhymed), surrounded by a lot of destruction. The ground looked as though it were about to cave in, ice spikes were stabbing outwards, and a little bit of fire burned.

Hikari was now sleeping slightly, leaning against Cole as though he were a pillow. Her eyes were shut, and her mouth was slightly open. She actually looked really cute right there.

Everything flashed, and the ninja were all standing around a sleeping Hikari, except she was wearing a little white nightgown against a green sofa. Then another flash and she was sleeping against a dark, shadowed wall in the same position, but wearing her usual pink sweater and gray pants. Then they were back on the cliff outside of Mega Monster Amusement Park, as though nothing had happened.

"What just happened?" Jay voiced what everyone was thinking.

Zane frowned down at Hikari. "... I'm not sure."

A/N: Whew, and this chapter is done! Sorry this one's shorter; it's just not a very action-packed chapter for the others.

Responses to commenters (both Quotev and Fanfiction)

Dream Lighting (both): Aw thanks! yeah i'm only planning to go up to Season 5 though, so quick warning there.

Trumpet Player (Quotev): You're welcome!

Ninja Kitten (Quotev): Haha yep.

GamerGirl597: Here's the update!

MissKitty2004: Wow, thanks!

MMM: you'll find out the answer to the second question next chapter ;D

Lunacaster: Cool!

See ya next time!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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