17 - Umbrella

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Fun fact about me: Strawberries dipped in chocolate give me life! 😍

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Please listen to Umbrella - Rihanna for this chapter.

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I was starting to get nervous, why did this person purposely park so far from the entrance? What were they trying to hide? Maybe they didn't want me to get caught from the teachers who might look through the windows? Just thinking that thought automatically had my head turning to the first window which was my English class, luckily you can't see Mr. Reid but you can just make out Lucas' and Jaxon's heads as they stared ahead.

I turned my head back towards my destination and slowly but surely persevered. It wasn't until I saw pieces of his tattooed sleeve on his left arm, that I knew exactly who it was and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face as I started to pick up the pace, until I was practically running towards him.

He stood up from the hood of his car with a wide smile on his features as he opened his arms waiting for me.

"Boo Bear" was all he managed to say as I practically jumped into his arms, easily catching me as I hugged him so tight that even I was struggling to breathe.

"Oh my God Isaac! I missed you so much! What are you doing here?! How did you get a note passed to my teacher? How did you know where I was?" I leaned back from our embrace and stared at him in disbelief.

He lifted his hand and placed a strand of my hair behind my ear "So many questions! I missed you and talking to you the other day made me want to come visit. I charmed the socks off a student here, little bit of flirting and she was happy to oblige and don't worry about how I knew where you were!"

I couldn't help but laugh out of excitement as I playfully slapped his arm "It's so good to see you!"

"Feel like skipping for the day to hang out with me?" he said with a cheeky smirk. My grin only got wider "Is that even a question!? Let's go before I get caught!"

He chuckled as he juggled his car keys in between his fingers "Let's go eat. I'm starving!"

I rolled my eyes at him but the smile was glued to my face and wasn't going anywhere any time soon. I missed him, he reminded me of the good things I had back at home. He didn't remind me of the bad memories, he reminded me of what it felt like to be loved and protected.

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"So? What's been happening?" Isaac's voice breaking me out of my thoughts, now sitting across him at a local cafe. I had zoned out while staring at him because I had so many questions about what's been happening, more specifically; what Noah had been up to. I couldn't help but lean over and hold his hand tightly and give him a sincere smile.

"I've missed you so much!" my voice cracked as I said the words out loud.

He leaned forward "I've missed you too, you're my baby sister!"

If someone heard us they would think that we were related but the truth is we aren't related in any way. I met Isaac through school when I was 14, being in the year level above me, he was assigned to show me around and be my unofficial "Big Brother."

After that it just stuck, he became protective over me, especially when it came to boys. So, you can imagine what he did to Noah when he found out about what went down between us which ultimately led me here.

When I was younger I had a massive crush on Isaac, it didn't help that he wasn't ugly, he was gorgeous, still is. He has beautiful green eyes, dirty blonde hair that is always styled to perfection and a breathtaking smile. In fact, he's probably hotter than Jaxon but over time my crush died for him because I started to see him as a brother.

I looked at Isaac, itching to ask him questions, bombard him with them. Isaac obviously sensing this leaned back in his seat "Just ask me" He shrugged.

I let out a loud sigh "How is he? Have you seen him? What's he up to?" I whispered the questions with uncertainty. Isaac sat there soaking in the questions, you can see it on his face; the inner battle of deciding whether to tell me or not.

He let out a tired sigh and shook his head lightly as he said the words I already knew were coming, "He's been asking around about you. He's not going to let this or you go. He's going to keep searching until he finds you."

I didn't say anything after that, not knowing what to say or how to react. When I looked up I was surprised to see the sadness in Isaac's eyes, I nervously bit on my bottom lip, afraid to ask him what was wrong because deep down I knew this was about me.

"Isaac, what's wrong?" I anxiously asked.

"You just picked up and left, you didn't even say anything to me. I'm supposed to be your brother. Why didn't you just come to me if it got this bad." he forced the words out as his voice broke.

Seeing him like this tugged at my heart, maybe because he's always been so put together and right now he was almost falling apart in front of me, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently "I'm so sorry, with everything that happened with Noah and then my mom, I- I just couldn't stay any longer. I was-" I let out a shaky breath "I was scared for my safety and especially Alena's."

He lifted my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it softly before saying "You know you can always come back and stay with me. That offer still stands."

"Zac, you know I can't do that. I don't want to be in the same town as him" I whispered back.

"He wouldn't dare do anything to you Avi, he knows I'll kill him!" he said with conviction.

"I can't. I've already set up here. I can't just leave now." I let out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"How is that going for you? You racing again yet, is that why you wanted the info?"

Noah may have introduced me to racing but Isaac had introduced me to the world of gambling, before I decided to get behind the wheel. He and I began betting on Noah to win and then we would split the profit in half. It started off as a joke but then we got more serious when we started to win more than just $100. That all stopped when Isaac saw me race for the first time. After that, he started to bet on me to win.

I let out an obnoxious laugh "You know I'm not! I was just curious."

He lifted both of his hands in the air out of frustration "Why the hell not? You're fucking good at it!"

I leaned forward and whispered hastily "Because the last town I was in, I raced and he found me. He's keeping tabs on me Isaac. I'm not going to risk it!"

His jaw dropped slightly "Are you serious? What happened in the last town?"

I shook my head angrily "It doesn't matter. I can't race, one photo or video of me and he'll find me."

He sat back deep in thought. If it's one thing I've learnt about Isaac, it's when he's calculating a plan in his head. That was all confirmed when he just smiled at me, not saying a word.


His jaw dropped in shock as the smile slithered back onto his face "Wha? You haven't even heard the plan yet!"

I shook my head in disbelief before the smile crept on my face "Ugh- Fine. Tell me."

He gave me his charming smile "I can get your bike sprayed black and all you need is a disguise to hide your features, whether it be a wig or something. You get to race and he won't even know it's you."

'Damn it'

That was actually a decent plan "How much would it cost me to spray my bike?"

His left eyebrow shot up in shock "Let me calculate it, it's a price range between 'Can't believe you asked me that' and 'As if I'd take money off you' " he said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Which one you comfortable with?" He asked as he smirked at me. I laughed as a playfully slapped his hand "Smartass"

"So, what do you say? You in?"

"I dunno Isaac, this is pretty dangerous." My voice sounding nervous.

Isaac leaned his arms against the table "He won't find out. At least now you can finally enjoy racing without looking over your shoulder" he whispered, his voice full of desperation.

I sat there for a few minutes contemplating how risky this plan actually was but the idea of racing again gave exciting chills up and down my body.

I smiled at Isaac "Fine, count me in!"

"Yes! Let's show them what a real racer looks like!"

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A/N: What are our thoughts on Isaac? Do we think he's good or conspiring against Avery?

Next chapter: Jaxon has the green eyed monster on his shoulders and Avery is getting cold feet about racing.

Don't forget to hit that vote button before you leave! Xx

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