19 - Cool Kids

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Fun fact about me: I carry my diary every where I go in case I come up with ideas for a book.

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Please listen to Cool Kids -  Echosmith for this chapter.

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Thank God it was Friday. It had been a really trying week for me. When I came here several weeks ago, I was supposed to keep my head down, mind my business and just complete senior year with no issues. Somehow that all completely blew up in my face. Now I have Isaac back in my life (not that I'm complaining), I'm not on talking terms with Jaxon which is irritating me more than it should and I have all the teachers talking about College, like it's something we all have to look forward to. Little did they know.

"So, can I go?"


I looked at my sister with pure confusion written on my face.

"Did you zone out on me again? Avi?! Can I go? Please, please I'll be good I promise!" She said, jumping up and down with her palms pressed together in prayer.

"Wait. Go where?" My eyebrows creased together in confusion.

She began to roll her eyes at me until I cleared my throat causing her to instantly stop her movement.

'Damn straight'

"Penelope is having a sleepover after school tonight and they are all going. Please can I go?"

"But what about our movie night?!" I was shocked that my sister literally had more of a social life than me.

"Can we do it next week?" She started to beg, I could hear the whine in her tone of voice before she even opened her mouth again.

I let out a sigh "Fine, but if Penelope's mum tells me you weren't good, I swear Alena you will not be happy with me. Understood?"

She let out a squeal before jumping on top of me "I swear, I'll be on my best behaviour Thank.you.Avi.you're.the.best" she said in between kisses she was planting repeatedly on my cheek until I started laughing.

"Okay okay. Now I need you to do me a favour"

She stopped instantly with huge eyes filled with excitement as she nodded in animation.

I got up to get the item and then returned, I lifted the box for her and there sat my helmet that I used to wear when I raced "Feel like bedazzling this for me?"

I had to smile at the way she looked at me with pure eagerness as her little fingers were wiggling, dying to get a hold of my helmet. I knew I couldn't race any time soon but I'd rather get it prepared just in case. Besides, it was a helmet Noah had engraved for me and I didn't want anyone to recognise it. Or better yet if I ever did race, the last thing I wanted was my name plastered on my helmet.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

She grabbed my helmet and ran into her room, I smiled at how adorable my little sister was. Thankfully she was so excited at the idea of "bedazzling" my helmet that she didn't stop to question why I wanted it done.

"You don't have to start it now Alena, besides we got school so we gotta go"


* * *

Fri, Mar 11, 12:20 PM
Isaac: Boo Beaaaaaaar...

Fri, Mar 11, 12:21 PM
Isaac: I know you've missed meeee.

As I'm walking out of class I was smiling at Isaac's messages. It really was good to have him so near, I felt like a sense of my old self was slowing coming back to life.

Fri, Mar 11, 12:24 PM
Me: I've gone longer than a few days of not seeing your face Boo Bear, so I think I'm good.

Fri, Mar 11, 12:24 PM
Isaac: Rude Boo Bear. Just rude. So, I think I need a girlfriend.

Fri, Mar 11, 12:25PM
Me: Lol? OK, Random. So, go get one?

Fri, Mar 11, 12:27PM
Isaac: Ugh, I'm sitting here at a cafe and in front of me is a couple practically sucking the life out of each other. You get me one. All the girls I know aren't what I want. Besides you of course ;)

Fri, Mar 11, 12:28 PM
Me: HA.  HA. So, what do you want in a girl?

Fri, Mar 11, 12:29 PM
Isaac: I want a girl who isn't just beautiful, she intellectually challenges me as well and someone who has a sense of humour. Loyalty.

Fri, Mar 11, 12:30PM
Me: You don't ask for much. Does that mean you're here to stay if I get you a girlfriend?

Fri, Mar 11, 12:31 PM
Isaac: The deal with my parents was that this year I got to defer to do what I wanted, next year I'd have to go to College. Kill me, rich parents think they own their kids. They do, but not the point.

I laughed out loud as I read his message "Who you texting?"

I looked up, thankfully being greeted by Nikki "Hey! Just a friend. So, I was thinking, it's time we get to working on your crush on you know who"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise when I saw her crease her nose and roll her eyes "Seriously, I think I liked the idea of him. Every time I look at him he's flirting with another girl, making out with a new one or making crude remarks. Like, I don't want to be with a guy like that. I want a guy who will look after his girl, cherish and love her you know? I want Loyalty damn it!"

The smile crept slowly on my face. This was just too damn perfect "I totally understand exactly what you're saying" I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we began to walk to the cafeteria "So, Nikki.... Tell me what you think about guys with tattoos?"

Her eyes began to widen as she smiled at me. She then spent 10 minutes telling me her obsession with guys who have tattoos.

Match made in heaven I think.

* * *

"What up bitches!" Peter yelled out in excitement before taking his seat to my left.

"Excited much?" Laura said as she looks disheartened at her food.

"Don't hate because I have edible food and you don't" Peter mocks back.

"Don't okay... My mum decided she wanted to experiment with food and I honestly don't even know what the hell this is!" Laura shivers in disgust.

"Ladies... And gents. Can I borrow Avery for a second please?"

Everything became at a standstill, everyone in the cafeteria was staring at this student wondering what he was doing, talking to other students outside his circle.

I've learnt that at lunch you don't go wondering to other groups, you stick to your own "people". Except for Jaxon who seems to make his own rules and is now standing directly in front of me with pleading eyes.

"Keep your hands to yourself and we good" Mason said with complete authority in his voice.

One of Jaxon's eyebrows shot up in challenge while everyone else nodded in agreement. I tried to hide the smirk on my face but failed miserably.


I reluctantly got up from my seat to follow him out the cafeteria and I kept following him until we were now in a deserted classroom.

He opened the door indicating for me to go in first before he followed suit and closed it behind him.

"What do you need Jaxon?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around myself to somewhat shield away the cold breeze that blew past me.

"I just wanted to clarify what was said yesterday" he said as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

I've been wanting to discuss our argument and I guess apologise to him. I don't think he had to clarify anything, I'm really the one who is at fault "You don't need to clarify anything to me Jax."

I took a step forward to leave because I didn't have the strength to admit fault but he placed his hands up pleading for me to stay, so I did. "I do, I realised what I said and how I said it and I don't want you thinking I'm some guy who goes from girl to girl. I'm not like that."


My head tilted slightly to the side, first in confusion and then realisation hit. "Why do you care about what I think? You've only known me for roughly a month?"

His eyes roamed over my face for a few minutes before he took a step closer to me. Stretching his hand out to place a strand of hair behind me ear "I care because I-"

Whatever he was about to say would always be on my mind because he abruptly stops when the school bell; signaling lunch is over, rings over our voices. I don't dare to move after the bell finished in case he wanted to finish his thoughts but he doesn't. He just smiles timidly at me "Let's get to class, shall we?"

One of the most annoying things in this world to me is when someone is about to say something to you but then they stop and practically change their mind. You can't do that to someone like me, there's a million things going through my mind right now, specifically thinking about what it was that he was going to say. What also annoyed me was the fact that there was a lot more to talk about than his stupid date with Brittany, we still haven't even addressed our fight.

'Stupid school bell'

* * *

"Make sure you call me if you need anything. No matter the time OK?" I said to my sister as I grabbed her overnight bag from the back seat to hand it to her.

"I will, I promise!" She says as she wraps her tiny arms around my neck and kisses my cheek.

"Oh by the way, there's a gift for you on the dining table, I couldn't wait so I did it at school. Just be careful please" she whispered in my ear, before walking up to Penelope's mum who was waiting at the front door. I shook my head in humour at my sister before thanking her.

"Thanks for letting her sleep over. If there are any issues just let me know" I whispered to Penelope's mum.

She gives me that motherly smile which hits me right in the heart "I'll look after her. I have your number if there's any issues."

As I was walking to the driver side she grabbed my attention again, "We are happy to look after her if you ever need us to okay?" She offered as she smiled at me.

At that point I knew that she knew I had no parents in this town, I could hear the purity in her voice and I knew that she genuinely meant it. All I could do was nod and smile because I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, so I waved before quickly making a dash to my car to drove home.

As soon as I got home, I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and there I saw the box that I had given Alena. I stared at it for a few minutes, before picking up my phone and messaging the one person who would be thrilled about my unplanned night.

Fri, Mar 11, 05:05 PM
Me: Meet me at my house in 10 minutes so we can check out the race tracks.

Fri, Mar 11, 05:07 PM

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A/N: Team Jaxon or Team Isaac?

Next Chapter: You guessed it... Our Boo Bears go check out the race scene!

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