20 - That's My Girl

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Please listen to That's My Girl - Fifth Harmony for this chapter.

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"You look hot with the blonde hair" Isaac said with a grin on his face

I rolled my eyes "Are you sure you can't tell it's me?"

"Trust me, once you put the skull mask on, all you can see are the blue eye contacts and the blonde hair" he reassured me but I was still nervous.

Tonight's attire wasn't much different to what I would normally wear at school, it was just slightly edgier, I purposely did it this way, wearing all black. I had black tight skinny jeans on, a black sleeveless shirt that had "Rock my World" written on it which for some reason reminded me of Lucas. I had black combat boots on and topped it all off with my leather bike jacket. I had to admit, I felt pretty bad ass thanks to Isaac's choice of clothing.

While I was admiring the outfit, he went on to add "The only way people are going to know it's you is if they have memorised the round shape of your ass" he said with a smirk which was short lived before I smacked him across the face with a pillow.


"Let's go before I change my mind" I grabbed my helmet and leather jacket before leaving. When I got home after dropping Alena off, I saw my helmet as promised by Alena, all bedazzled and ready to go. It had black rhinestones all over it in no particular order and in the middle of the helmet from top to bottom there was a row of spikes, how she got her hands on them I wouldn't know. Not bad for a ten-year-old.

Before we took off, Isaac did the standard tests to make sure the bike was still in good condition before strapping it in the trailer attached to the back of his car, thankfully he didn't bring the Camaro, he drove in on an old sedan. No idea who it belonged to but I've learnt not to ask questions. "The less you know the better Boo Bear" is what he would always tell me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I was terrified, I was always scared before any race I had. I never used to care about losing but now it was different. I was literally racing to earn a little bit of cash to help my sister and I survive. I needed this win more now than ever. Isaac had agreed, or demanded to loan me the $1k entry fee to race and I told him I'd pay him back regardless of whether I lost or not.

He told me that there were other races with different entry fees but Isaac thought it would be better for me to enter this one because it gave me a better chance at winning. It was economical for me to enter the race with the lowest fee because I haven't raced in months, also because I can barely afford the $1k. Imagine I entered a $5k race and lost?

When we were five minutes away his voice broke me out of my daydream "Put your mask on Avery"

I let out a shaky breath as I started to put my face mask on alongside a black plain beanie to secure the hair in place. Luckily, I had opted to a dark smokey eye on my eyes to somewhat give my round eyes the illusion of them being an almond shape.

As soon as we arrived, Isaac got out first while I sat there taking in deep breaths trying to get it under control, until my passenger door opened and Isaac brought out his hand for me to take.

"Come on Barbie"

"Ugh. Don't call me Barbie" I rolled my eyes at his smug grin.

"You're kind of looking like her with the blonde hair and blue eyes, tiny waist. You should be called Biker Barbie. BB. I like it!" He gives me a boyish grin as we walk together to his friend who got us in the race

"Please don't" you can hear the begging in my voice, I don't want to be associated with Barbie in any way.

"Zac my man! It's been a long time dude, what's been happening? Who's the hottie?" His friend makes no attempts to hide the fact that he's checking me out

"Eyes up here dweeb" the angry tone in my voice was enough for him to blush and nod at me.

"I like her!" He pats Isaacs back and shakes my hand.

"Check her out again David and I'll pop your eyes out" Isaac warned while he playfully slapped the back of David's shoulder blade with enough force causing him to jolt forward a little. So, David was his name. Not my type at all, he was a little on the short side with pale skin, short spiky brown hair and brown eyes.

He was the one who ran the races here. Whenever you raced for slips or cash, the money went to him until the end of the race that way the racers would definitely pay. There were too many cases where those racing would have the money and after they lost, they would make a run for it with their own cash.

"So, what's your name little lady?" The professional side of David started to show up as he asked me that question.

"My name? Uh..."

I looked at Isaac and then at David trying to think of a name but I couldn't come up with one.

Isaac sensing my struggle he looked at me with his smug grin and then answered the question himself.

"Biker Barbie"

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything because I had no other name to go by. As David was writing my entry down, Isaac leaned in and whispered in my ear "Don't forget, try to talk less because someone from your school might recognise your voice"

I acknowledged what he said by nodding because I didn't even think of that. He links his hand with mine as we make our way to try and catch a sneak peak of who I was competing against. The race wasn't going to start for another 30 minutes so once we got to the starting position Isaac went back to unhook my bike and bring it back for me.

I looked around to all the people who were in their own groups chatting away while waiting for David to confirm when the race was going to start. Directly in front of me was the location of where the race began and finished. All around that position you have cars and bikes scattered all over the place, parked with their respective owners. David had given me a map of the race which was simple, it almost looked like a distorted number eight, they chose these streets so that the race began and finished in the exact same spot.

"Hey baby wanna go for a ride?"

I completely turned around to see who's voice it was and there stood a few feet next to me was Lucas. This guy just won't leave me alone, but then again, he didn't know it was me, or so I'm hoping. I just stared at him, not saying a word. I had completely forgotten that they were going to be here tonight. I should have known better.

"Come on babe, I don't bite, unless you want me to"

I turned my head slightly to the side and turned my body towards him and walked up to him swaying my hips a little until my right hand was on his chest. This piece of action caused Lucas to smile like a kid in a candy store, that is until my left hand connected with his right cheek causing a loud clap sound that echoed through the place.

"Fuck! She's feisty"

"You deserved it" Jaxon appeared next to him before turning to look at me with one eyebrow raised. My heart beat started to palpitate because I felt like he could see right through me.

He gave me a little smirk and brought his hand out for me to shake "Jaxon. What's your name?"

I nodded and shook his hand.

"Her name is Barbie" I turned to see that Isaac was next to me again but when I looked back at Jaxon I saw his eyes crease in slightly at the site of Isaac before resuming the position they were originally in.

"Barbie? Baby I can be your Ken-ow" Lucas's words came to a halt when Jaxon smacked him on the back of his head, that caused me to giggle a little.

"Okay okay geesh. Enough with the hurting" he mumbled underneath his breath

"Come on babe lets go, time for you to race" Isaacs words caused my heart to beat even faster because now the nerves were running through my veins and I felt like I was going to throw up

Jaxon and Lucas smiled at me "Go kick his ass! Girl power and all that jazz" Lucas said to me which made me giggle. Jaxon was nodding in agreement as he said "Good luck" before giving me his breathtaking smile which made me blush a little as I said thanks.

As we were walking away Isaac sang underneath his breath "Someone has a cruuuuush"

I playfully slapped his arm "No I don't"

Isaac smiled at me as I took my place on my bike "You've always been a bad liar Barbie"

I rolled my eyes as I placed my helmet on and then placed my gloves on. Isaac placed both hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at him "Regardless of the outcome. Have fun. It's good to see the old you still exists in here"

I nodded and then gave him a quick hug before the racer next to me showed up. We fist bumped as he wished me luck for the race. I looked to my right and saw my opponent staring at me before he brought his fist up to meet mine which I happily obliged. That was our way of wishing each other luck without so many words.

Hearing everyone around us gather to cheer was causing my heart to skip a beat but not out of nervousness but out of excitement. I took one look around me and could see almost everyone with their phones out, directing the camera lens towards us. The adrenaline was slowly invading my body and running through my veins so quickly I was beginning to get goosebumps.

It was time to race and I had no intentions of losing.

I inhaled and let out a deep breath before starting my engine. I was ready for this.

'Let's do this'

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A/N: Early update! Woohoo! Who likes early updates!? ✋🏼✋🏼

I did this because I don't know if I'll be able to update this Friday/Saturday. I'm sorry!! 😫😫

If I don't then I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you so much for sticking by me!! 😘😘

Don't forget to leave a like!

Next Chapter: Avery has an emotional breakdown and someone from her past is missing her.

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