25 - This Is What You Came For

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A/N: Woohoo an update two days earlier!

Enjoy! Xx

Please listen to This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris for the chapter.

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Before I could do anything stupid, I backed away from Jaxon as soon as the song had finished and made my way towards the kitchen, grabbing my beer before taking a seat next to Drew. Jaxon soon followed and just looked at me with a mix of emotions, you could see the hurt and the confusion cross through his eyes. Nothing was said about what just happened.

I popped my second corona open before dropping my lemon slice in it and stared at it for a minute. Trying to understand what possessed me to behave the way I did just before. My body enjoyed being that close to Jaxon, it felt so right. Maybe I needed to lay off some of the beer because I was starting to feel at ease, carefree and unaffected from my actions.

"Yeah man, Michael is getting better" Drew's voice snapping me out of my thoughts. Michael? As in the one who is friends with Alena?

"Is Michael your brother?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Michael? Yeah, he goes to school with Jonathan, Jaxon's brother" Drew proudly responded before adding "Well, technically he's my half brother but still"

"My sister is friends with them" I confirmed but then I got curious about what he just mentioned at the end, "Half brother?" I asked.

Drew nodded as he took a sip from his beer before responding, "Yeah, my dad divorced years ago, but got remarried and had Michael"

Just like that my heart beat started to pound in my ears, my leg started to bounce nervously and my throat was going dry. It was probably just a coincidence but it made me itch for more information.

"Do you still talk to your mum? If you don't mind me asking?" I said quietly as I tried to calm my nerves down. I could literally hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Nah she took off with my sisters when I was younger." Drew stated as a matter of fact.

I stared at him like he was crazy. It had to be! I know for sure that Drew was my brother! I could feel it in my bones, but what proof did I have?! How do you randomly say that to someone without looking like you've lost your mind?!

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I forced the words out "What happened to them?"

Drew who seemed unaffected by my question as he shrugged his shoulders before stating "They died in a car accident."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." my voice barely a whisper. Drew brushed it off like it was something he got used to hearing.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. With every two steps I took, I'm pushed four steps back. It hurt to know I wasn't anywhere near to finding them, I'd never find my brother or my dad.

I now knew for a fact that Drew wasn't my brother.

I was beginning to struggle to breath, I needed air, I needed to get away from here. I stood up quickly but too quickly because I knocked my beer letting it fall, I mumbled that I needed the bathroom as I just ran out of the kitchen, ignoring the shouts as Jaxon shouted my name.

I tried to run through the crowd but I kept getting pushed and pulled at different directions. From the corner of my eye I saw the stair case that looked bare, so I pushed through the drunken bodies and ran up the stairs as quick as I could.

I opened the first door I could see and thankfully it was a bathroom. Quickly entering the room, I locked it and leaned against the door like it was the only thing keeping me from falling. My body slowly started to slide down until I had my knees to my chest, I just sat there replaying the entire conversation over and over in my head.

In my mind I had a vision of Andrew at the age of eleven and was trying to compare it to Drew's face. Two completely different stages in a mans life. The only resemblance they had was the eyes, both hazel. I shook my head in anger at myself for letting my guard down just before. I wiped away the silent tears that managed to escape my eyes as I got up to look at myself in the mirror.

I took in a few deep breaths to try to control my emotions. Once I regained composure I made the decision to go back to them. I was definitely ready to leave this party and go home. I opened to door to leave but bumped into some drunk guy on my way out. Muttering an apology, I kept on, only to be pulled back by the same guy, "Little lady, you bumped into me, the least you could do is kiss me better."

I obnoxiously rolled my eyes at him. I did not have time for douche bags like this tool in front of me. I stared at him dead on before I violently pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"Listen here asshole, I apologised to you. I don't have time to sit here and watch you be a fucking cliché" I spat the words out in anger as I started to walk away. However he had other plans because as he mutters the word "Bitch" he tried to grab my arm again. He spun me to face him so fast that I could almost see stars.

His hands were all over me as I tried to push him away. The more he touched me, the angrier I got. He reminded me of Henry. Just that reminder alone had my blood boiling, with one strong punch against his jaw he cried out as he stumbled back, I used that to my advantage and kneed him right in his groin. I watched him as he succumbed to the floor in pain.

Feeling somewhat satisfied with my actions, I made my way through the house. From the corner of my eye on the way to the kitchen I could see Nikki and Isaac smiling and laughing at each other. That site warmed my heart. I made my way towards Jaxon who was looking down on his phone, as soon as he looked up he locked his phone and placed it in his back pocket, "Hey! I was just messaging you, you okay?"

I nodded and forced a smile onto my face before laughing it off, "Yeah sorry, I wasn't feeling too well."

Anger crossed over his eyes as his jaw clenched while he looked at my hands. I looked down to see that my knuckles on my left hand had skin peeled off with spots of blood on it. I looked back at Jaxon who was already opening the first aid box that he retrieved from under the kitchen sink.

"What happened?" He asked in gritted teeth as he took care of my hand. I shrugged it off as nothing, "Just some asshole tried to grab me. I took care of it" I answered honestly.

His head remained down but his eyes flickered up to look at me with humorous eyes and a small smile, "You definitely took care of it."

I bit on my bottom lip nervously as I watched him delicately wrap the bandage around my hand. I had butterflies roaming around in my stomach at every touch of his. It literally felt like the only two of us in the room.

'What the hell was happening to me?'

"You don't get to hit me and think you can get away with it Slut!"

Those words echoed through the kitchen, louder than the music. Loud enough that everyone in the room was staring at the source of those words. The guy I had punched merely a few minutes ago. My biggest mistake was making eye contact because there he was, pointing his finger at me with pure hatred in his eyes. The only satisfaction I got was the fact that his lip was cut and there was a small bruise slowly forming around it.

"Who the fuck you calling a slut!" Lucas yelled from across the room as he went to charge for the guy, thankfully was held back by Drew who was also up and ready to go. What was interesting was the fact that they both waited on Jaxon who had his hand up, as if to tell them not to do anything.

Jaxon slowly walked up to the guy until he was nose to nose to him, almost nose to nose as Jaxon was slightly taller. The guys eyes immediately widen in fear as his Adam's apple started to bobble up and down. "I didn't know she was with you man" he stuttered in fear.


I was about to warn him but stopped when he looked at me with enough anger in his eyes that I knew better than to open my mouth. He then slowly turned his head back towards the guy.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to treat girls like that?" Jaxon calmly said. It wasn't a peaceful calm, it was a deadly calm voice that only meant he was about to explode any second.

"She hit me man!" The guy said as his voice cracked in fear.

Jaxon took a step forward as he let out a loud sigh, "And why did she hit you Nick?"

"B-Because s-she - I-"

"You tried to attack me! Remember now?" I yelled before mentally telling myself to shut up.

Nick turned his body towards me and started to charge at me before he was pulled back. Jaxon had grabbed him by the shirt before he gave him one punch to the face.

"Go near her again and you have me to deal with. GOT IT!" Jaxon's voice roared through the kitchen. He pushed Nick towards a group of people who rushed him out of the room, while apologising to Jaxon and I.

"Nothing else to see. Go back to your party!" He yelled at everyone else who was gawking at him, much like the way I was. He turned to walk towards me.

"You okay?"

I just nodded my head. This was a new side to Jaxon that I've never seen before and the worst part, I enjoyed it. Maybe because the anger was defending me and not directed at me.

"Want to get out of here?" He asked as he looked deep into my eyes, I just stared into his and nodded. I was ready to go anywhere but here.

After we said our goodbyes, we began to walk to where his bike was parked. Once I sat on the seat and wrapped my arms around his waist, he turned his head to look at me "How about we go get ice-cream?"

I smiled as I thought about what I wanted earlier on in the night. I nodded my head and off we went.

The night was still young and I was ready to begin enjoying it again.

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader, please vote for the chapter! Xx

Can we just take a moment to appreciate Conor Maynard's version of 'This is what you came for' 😍😍

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Next Chapter: You get a new POV! It's a POV you asked for! Avery finally begins to open up to Jaxon, but about what??

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If anyone likes to create banners or Book covers, PM me! I'd love to see what you could create for A Quarter Mile Away!

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