35 - Love The Way You Lie - Part 1

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A/N: There is some violence and profanity used in this chapter. If you cannot handle this please skip the chapter.

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Please listen to Love The Way You Lie - Eminem for this chapter.

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I was frozen in a state of shock as I watched every move Noah made. I have no idea how on earth he found out where I was living. I thought I had more time to run. Now, I don't think running was an option anymore.

"Why can't you leave me alone Noah?" I whispered in fear. He shifted from his stance and took a step forward towards me, I quickly took a step back in fear but then realised that I had nowhere to go and I didn't want to be backed up against the wall by him. He lifted his hands in defeat and took a step back.

"It's simple baby. You belong with me, no one else, not Jaxon. Definitely not Isaac. With me. If I can't have you, do you honestly think I'm going to let anyone else have you?" He explained through gritted teeth, no doubt trying to stay calm. I didn't want to think to much about his threat, I was more confused about how the hell he knew about Jaxon. Who was feeding him this information.

"How do you know about Jaxon?"

He let out a snicker as he ran his hand through his hair, "Don't you worry your pretty little head about that. I will explain everything later. But first, let's catch up on missed time"

I knew it wasn't safe to be left alone with him, he wasn't stable and in no condition to have a proper conversation with. My eyes flickered towards the door and then to him, it was now or never. I quickly jumped over the couch and ran towards the front door, flinging it open before making it somewhat across the front yard. I could hear him close by as he screamed my name out in anger, the biggest mistake I made, was looking back.

He was hot on my tale which caused me to lose my feet and fall. Before I could get up, he was already grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back towards the house.

"HEL-" He was one step ahead of me, quickly placing a hand over my mouth and successfully going back inside, slamming the door with his leg. With as much force as I could gain, I tried to elbow him in the stomach. Unfortunately, it didn't do much to his physique, it only made him angry.

"I didn't want to do this Ava!!" He screamed out. Before I could question what he meant, I felt his fist connect to my jaw. Instantly blacking me out.

"I'm sorry baby"

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Consciousness was fighting its way back as my eyes flickered repeatedly, forcing to open. My tongue swept over my dry, cracked lips but in doing so I could feel the sting against my cheek, that was no doubt going to leave a bruise. That was a quick reminder that I was indeed awake and this was not a dream.

I looked around to see that the house was completely empty, was I dreaming? Where was he? I tried to get up but I couldn't move, only then did I realise that I was tied to a chair. I looked down to see my arms were secured to the chair, with cable ties around my wrists with my palms facing up, also a cable tie around each ankle securing them to the front legs of the chair.

I stopped breathing in attempt to try and hear where he was but I was so scared that my heartbeat was beating so loudly in my ears. I let out an angry scream, he definitely heard that because he came strolling in until his hand was over my mouth. He was so close that I could feel the anger seething from his eyes. His stance instantly shut me up.

"Scream again and I'll tape your mouth down and make you regret pissing me off. The choice is yours"

I nodded frantically and kept quiet because I didn't want tape across my mouth. He slowly released his hand but didn't move, waiting for me to make some kind of noise but I sat quietly. I watched as he turned away and pulled the other chair around to face me, he didn't sit down though, he walked into the kitchen and came back a moment later with a glass of water. He walked up to me, bringing the glass to my lips, I didn't argue, I was dehydrated. I kept a close eye on him as I took a big sip from the glass.

He placed the glass down on the side table in front of the tv before walking back to sit in front of me.

"I'm sorry about the hit, you didn't leave me any choice"

It was amazing how sincere he could sound, he could kill someone and make it sound like it was their fault, not his. I knew I was in no position to argue with him or make him angry. He was clearly losing touch with reality so I just smiled and nodded. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he got up and started to pace back and forth.

"I've missed you so much Ava, I thought I lost you forever and then I found you again! I knew you wanted me to find you"

"How did you find me?" I asked through gritted teeth. I was trying to control my anger but it wasn't working.

"I saw you race."

His words were a blow to the stomach, how on earth did he know it was me?! "How did you know that was me?"

He gave me wicked smirk before leaning forward, placing both palms on his thighs, "I can spot your body out from a mile away baby. No amount of disguise could hide those curves from me"

Something didn't add up, I understand that he probably recognised my body but how did he know where I was? Hell, how did he know where I fucking lived!? I shook my head in disbelief.

"Who told you where I lived?"

The smile slowly appeared on his face as he leaned back against his chair, "A girl helped me. You know her, her name is Brittany."

I was seething when he confirmed that Brittany had helped him. Who knew that her threat wasn't completely empty. She actually took the time to dig into my life, succeeding too.

"She contacted you?" I asked

He nodded slowly as he searched through his phone, "You must of pissed her off babe, she wanted you gone. Made a deal with me"

I shook my head in disgust, I couldn't believe the nerve of this girl. Why go through all this effort, literally put someone's life at risk because of jealousy?! I was starting to realise the severity of this situation, No one knew I was at risk, no one was going to come save me. I was alone with a mad man who has tied me to a fucking chair.

He turned his phone around to face me and there I was hugging Isaac, it was just after my first race. The longer I looked at the photo the angrier he was getting.

"You let him wrap his arms around you like that?!" He yelled out causing me to flinch.

"Are you sleeping with him Ava?" I quickly shook my head in fear, "N-no I'm not"

"Why don't I believe you?" He tilted his head slightly as he gazed at me

"I swear Noah, you're the only one I've been with." I stuttered in fear.

"Wanna know why Isaac and I stopped being friends? Because of you! I found out he had a thing for you. You don't think I was going to let him ruin what we had did you? Like I was going to sit back and watch MY best friend try to get with MY girl!?!"

He shook his head before continuing, not allowing me to respond, "No, I wasn't prepared to lose you to him so I told him that if I caught him near you while we were together, I'd tell the world his deepest darkest secrets. I also told him I'd kill him"

He let out a sigh as he walked over to his backpack that was near the stairs. How did I not see his bag that was casually sitting there? I was so focused on everything else except for the one object that was sitting right at me feet, only a mere 20 minutes ago. I watched closely as he rummaged through his bag in search of something, I didn't think anything of it until he pulled out a pocket knife, flinging it open before turning to smile at me.

"Who's Jaxon Avery?" He asked, his voice was dangerously calm as he asked me the question, especially because he used my full name. He has never called me Avery, it's always been Ava. I shook my head in fear of him going after Jaxon.

"He's no one. I swear!" I forced the words out. He slowly shook his knife left to right while making a tsk sound.

"Don't lie to me. Did you sleep with him?"

"No. I told you before, you're the only one I've been with!" I said, the panic evident in my voice. He walked over to me until his hands were on either side of my head before leaning in to whisper,

"Did you kiss him?"

I tried not to panic as I felt the coldness of the knife which was innocently leaning on my cheek. I opened my mouth, initially to deny it but deep down we both knew the truth. I let out a shaky sigh as I nodded slowly.

"Let's play a game shall we?" He said as he pushed away from me. He walked over to where my phone was now lying on the ground. He pressed the home screen on my phone before showing it to me.

"For every message you receive from Isaac and/or Jaxon. I'm going to carve the initials of my name into your forearm using this little item in my hand. But! Don't worry, this is to only show the world that belong to me"

I shook my head rapidly as I tried to release myself from the chair, "Please Noah, dont. I'll do anything just don't do this please!"

"It's the only way you're going to learn. You've left me with no choice."

I watched every move he made as he closed the knife before placing it into his back pocket alongside my phone. He walked over to the small round coffee table, lifting it up to place it in-between our chairs. Before sitting down, he retrieved the knife and my phone to place them on the coffee table. He wanted to slowly torture me and he knew exactly what he was doing.

I prayed that both of the guys didn't message me because I knew Noah wasn't faking this, he wanted to carve his name into my forearm and all it would take was four messages. If I was going to survive this, I didn't want to see his name there every day of my life.

"Noah ple-" my voice was immediately cut off by my phone. Panic started to set in as I recognised the message tone, the same tone I've had for a year now. He grabbed the phone to look at the screen before showing me.

"Would you look at that, three messages from your lover boy"

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A/N: Uh oh.... I'm sorry for yet another cliffhanger! #sorrynotsorry 🙊😘
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Next Chapter: We find out what Noah is planning for Avery.

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