5 - Photograph

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Please listen to Photograph - Ed Sheeran for this chapter

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"I'm so sorry Avery, I had mixed the dates with the Manager; Tom. You're starting on Wednesday, not tonight"

Were the words I was greeted with on the phone with Bianca the moment I got home.

"No, it's OK. It works out for me because I haven't had the chance to look for a babysitter for Alena"

"I don't need a babysitter"

I gave Alena a 'get real' look and then placed my index finger over my lips indicating for her to be quiet.

"Pfft" Alena crosses her little arms over her chest and pouts at me.

"My daughter, Lisa babysits part time, I can give you her details if you want?"

She has a daughter? I wonder if she's in the same year level as me.

"You have a daughter?" curiosity got the best of me

"Oh yes, I didn't mention her, did I? She's in the year level below you and my son. I'll message you the details, give her a call"

"I will, thank you so much Bianca"

"I'm happy to help sweetie, you remind me of me when I was your age. I'll see you next week"

Once we ended the call I looked at Alena who was still pouting and I couldn't help but smile at her. "How about we go get some ice cream?"

It's like everything was in slow motion. Her eyes lit up like Christmas and she gave me the biggest smile before jumping up and down in excitement.

I couldn't help but laugh "Come on Aly-Cat, let's go"

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I just sat there admiring my sister's ability to eat ice cream like it was nothing, chewing at it like it's chocolate. How can you chew ice cream?

She might have been too young to remember but I remember when our dad used to take us to get ice cream before everything went to shit.

When we got the rare chance to be with him, my parents would end up arguing, screaming at the top of their lungs. At first their fights were muffled behind their bedroom door while we would watch TV, over time they became reckless about it, fighting in front of us, not even bothering to stop when we would cry for them to end the arguments.

Eventually my mum started to change, distancing herself from her kids, always in a mood. Started to do drugs and drink constantly, all day, every day.

My father abandoned us when Alena was only two and I was ten, when they finally got a divorce. Ok, so the word abandoned is a bit far stretched.

My dad originally wanted to take all of us with him but my mum refused, their divorce battle got extremely ugly, until they finally reached an agreement, a shitty agreement; but an agreement non-the less.

My mum got to keep Alena and I, and my dad got to take my older brother with him.

My brother Andrew, a year older than me at the time and was my best friend, we both cried uncontrollably when we found out what had happened.

It was explained to us that even though we would be in two different houses, we still got to see each other. It was just going to take some time getting used to.

In a sense, I feel like I let my dad down, is it bad that I literally don't remember what he looks like? I remember aspects of him but I feel like it's all blurred. I don't even remember what Andrew looks like.

If it wasn't for the photo I have, I'd think that they were a part of my imagination, even that photo does nothing for me, we were so young there that even if I bumped into either one of them I probably wouldn't even recognise them. Most likely my dad but definitely not Andrew.

I remember one day after the divorce was finalised, my dad picked us up for a sleep over, it was the best day of our lives. We had pizza and then watched endless hours of movies with popcorn and candy, we were on such a sugar high. I felt so sorry for my dad.

While watching a movie, my dad blocked the TV until he got attacked with popcorn. He then explained he wanted to take a photo of his "babies". So, he placed Alena in between Andrew and I, we all leaned in and smiled for him. He then came and sat in front of us on the floor and took another photo of all 4 of us.

My dad ended up making a copy for me because two days later inside an envelope addressed to me, there sat a photo of the 4 of us with a message on the back of it.

"Baby girl,

I love you more than life itself. Just because we live in different homes, does not mean I don't care for you girls. I will always be here for you and your baby sister Alena.

I made you, Alena and Andrew a copy of this beautiful photo.

Treasure it like I treasure you, my babies.

Can't wait to see you next week.

Love dad"

I couldn't wait for the week to go by so that I got to see my brother and my dad again. That was until my mum packed our bags and moved to another town without letting us say goodbye.

Once we had moved, at first, she tried to get clean. I had to give her credit there, but it didn't last long. After a year or two, things only got worse. She went back to her old ways, my mum was hardly home, leaving Alena and I to fend for ourselves. When she was home, she wasn't mentally there with us.

I carry that photo with me everywhere I go, it was the last day I was truly happy. It's a shame that Alena doesn't remember that part of our lives. I've wanted to tell her about it for so long but there was no point. It would only hurt her, so I kept it a secret from her.

The sound of the door opening introducing customers brings me back from my thoughts, when I looked up I could see that Jaxon has just walked in with a girl on his arm. A very skinny, very tall model like girl with straight burgundy hair just below her shoulders.

Of course, he'd have a girlfriend. I feel something tug at my heart when I see them together. Why does that even bother me? I literally don't even know him. Maybe it's the fact that I saw a couple together, which makes me miss being in a relationship. He looks around the shop until his eyes lock onto mine, I seem to be stuck in his gaze and can't seem to look away.

"Oh no"

Were the only words that broke away our stare as I looked at my sister only to see that she has ice-cream on her nose and cheeks. Quickly grabbing a napkin to wipe her face, I had to laugh at the look on her face "Do I even want to know how you managed that, Alena?"

"No" was all she said.

From the corner of my eye I can see Jaxon and his girlfriend walk past and sit at the booth directly behind us.

'Seriously? There are over twenty booths here available and he sits behind me?'

Ignoring him, I turned my attention back to Alena "So how was your first day?" I asked her, using it as a distraction but also curious to know if she made any friends, I hope she did.

"It was so much fun! I made so many friends!" She says with genuine enthusiasm.

"Oh yea? What are their names?"

"Well, there's Penelope, Sarah, Michael and Jonathan. They let me sit with them all day" she gives me her big smile.

I can't help but smile at her, I was worried all day that she wouldn't want to be friends with anyone, try to avoid everyone and isolate herself.

Similar to what I tried to do and even I failed at that.

"I'm glad you made friends Alena"

After a few minutes of silence, she lets out a big sigh, before I can question it, she asks "Do I really need a babysitter Avi."

I looked up at my sister and sighed "Yes Aly-Cat, you need a babysitter, I'm not having you there by yourself while I'm working and I can't afford not to work OK, we need this. Don't make this harder for me please?"

She sighs and holds my hand as reassurance "OK. I promise I'll be good."

"Good girl, now let's get out of here because I still need to prepare your lunch for tomorrow"

As we were walking back to our car I couldn't help but sneak a look up to where Jaxon was sitting. Instantly regretting it because as soon as I looked up he was already watching me with curious eyes. At that point in time, I wish I had the ability to read people's minds so I can have an idea of what was going through his.

He captivated my thoughts that night.

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A/N: Help an Author out and share your thoughts, don't forget to vote and comment!

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