|9| The Beginning

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"I think I know you." He furrowed his brows, obviously trying to recall where he had seen her before.

"That can't be." I shook her head. "I don't think I have ever seen you before and besides, I'm new in the city."

"Oh!" He heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry about that"

I get mistaken for different people several times. It's not really a new thing." I responded, hoping so hard he bought my story.

He hummed. "Excuse me then." He turned around and walked out of the room.

Immediately he left, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. It felt really suffocated to be pretending to be someone you actually aren't, but I wasn't about to give up, until I have achieved my aims and make every single one of them pay for ruining my once peaceful family. We were poor, yet satisfied and happy, until his father came along and ruined it. "I'm sorry, Sergio, but nothing is going to stop me from using you as a pawn to get back to not only your father, but your whole family at whole."

New waves of anger instantly surged into me. With all of the fibres in my body, I hated Sergio to the core. It took practically all of my willpower to prevent myself from lashing out at him.

"Nicole?" Sergio called, pulling me out of my reverie.

I didn't even realize when he walked into the room. I averted my gaze to him and realized he was with a male nurse and a wheelchair.

"Are you alright? You seem...you seem worked up." He pointed out.

"I was just thinking of my- " I abruptly cut myself off, before I could blurt out the truth to him. "Condition. It's really hurts knowing I won't be able to walk by myself for a long time or probably forever." Tears prickled my eyes.

Sergio Fernandez's face contorted in guilt.

I mentally smirked at that - I was getting him exactly where I wanted.

"You will be able to walk again, okay?" He crouched down a little in front of me and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I will make sure of that."

"Thank you." I forced a smile.

He shook his head. "You shouldn't thank me. I'm only taking responsibility for my mistake." He turned to the nurse. "Go ahead."

The nurse nodded and gently began to lift my back off the bed.

"Careful." With Sergio Fernandez's aid, I was finally seated on the wheelchair.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

"Let's go?" He asked.

I hummed in response and the nurse began to push the wheelchair.

When we finally arrived at the parking lot, where his black SUV was parked, he helped the nurse carry me into the backseat of the car and put the folded wheelchair in the trunk.

He thanked the nurse and pulled out of the parking lot and out of the hospital.

For some inexplicable reason, my heartbeat fluctuated — without a doubt, I knew my life was going to take a massive change. I knew my quest for vengeance wouldn't be an easy one. I had to be strong and focused. I constantly had to remind myself not to get swayed no matter what happened.

Throughout the ride, we did not speak to each other. Sergio Fernandez's gaze was focused on the road. Right at that moment, I wished I would tie a rope around his neck from behind and strangle him to death. I was full of hatred, it scared me myself.

"We're here." He announced, pulling over in front of an humongous duplex and honked the horn.

My jaw instantly dropped to the floor. I knew they were affluent, but I never imagined it to be in superabundance. I was entranced - spellbound.

Immediately he halted the car in the garage, he alighted and hurried to the trunk to get the wheelchair out, before opening getting my door. He scooped me up in his arms bridal style and lowered me on the wheelchair.

I groaned.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I'm fine." I responded.

"I will take you in, so you can rest now." He stated.

I nodded in response.

"Hey!" He pointed to the gardener, watering the flowers. "Open the door."

"Yes, sir." He immediately dropped the watering can and rushed towards the door to open it.

Sergio Fernandez pushed the wheelchair inside the house. Did I mention I was surprised earlier? Well, the interiors of the living room had me shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. In all of the twenty three years of living, I had never seen a more beautiful house, not even in movies. It was truly a beauty to behold.

"Wow! Who do we have here?" A young man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked.

Gazing at him, I reckoned he must be his younger brother, Diego, but I feigned ignorance.

"She's the lady I told you about. She will be staying with us for the time being." He responded, then turned to me. "This is Diego. He is my younger brother." He confirmed.

"Hey, Nicole. Nice meeting you. Finally." He smirked. "How are you?"

"Fine." I replied, curtly. I couldn't help, but wonder why he was being so friendly to me. To the best of my knowledge, I knew rich people were snubs. Perhaps he was a playboy. I cringed at the thought and shook my head.

"Where is mum and dad?" He asked his brother.

"Dad hasn't returned from work, but mum is upstairs in her room." Diego responded. "Do you want me to call her?"

"Yes, please." He responded and Diego ambled away.

I heaved a sigh. "Is it really okay for me to stay here?"

"It's perfectly fine. Mum has a soft heart. Don't be nervous, okay?"

"I hope so." I muttered. It'd be easier to manipulate her.

"Oh! There she comes." His gaze fixed intently on her.

I rolled my eyes, before composing myself and waiting for her to approach.

When she finally did, I raised my head and our gazed fixed. She was a tall, slender woman. She had hazel eyes and fair skin. I couldn't help, but admit she was beautiful. Too bad she was one of my targets. I plastered on a surreptitious smile.

"Mum!" Sergio Fernandez walked closer to her and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "Meet, Nicole. Few days back, I hit her with my car and right now, she's suffering from paralysis. She has nowhere to go and no family at all, so I decided to bring her here so she can be well taken care of and -"

"What nonsense!" She reclaimed, cutting him off.

I wasn't surprised by her reaction. I expected it. Unlike what Sergio Fernandez said, she didn't look nice at all. I just hope she wouldn't give me problems, otherwise, she would be the first person I get rid of - I sneered.

"Mum?" Sergio Fernandez gazed at her in shock.

"You can't simply bring a stranger into our home and expect me to welcome her with open arms. Sergio!" She called in a high pitched voice. "For all we know, she might be a criminal." She stared right into my eyes. "A robber or a swindler."

"Mum! How can you say that in fron-"

"Take her to an inn or wherever, but I'm not going to allow her stay in our home and that's final."


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