Chapter 2: This isn't what I wanted

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5 years and 7 months later at a cemetery (so Izuku is like 10 now and its December) 

Izuku and Mitsuki are out in the cemetery holding some flowers. The grave they are standing over is Inko Midoryias. Izukus mother. Izuku did visit her gave a lot and took care of it cleaning it. Today though was a special day. It was Inkos birthday....... or at least it would have been. Izuku takes a knee at his mother grave. He takes the flowers in the pot out that are withered old and died out and replaces them with the new ones he brought.

Mitsuki: So, what do you think your mom would have wanted today Izuku.

Izuku just looked at the words on the grave reading.

"Inko Midoryia"

"A good friend and an even better mother"

Izuku: I think she would want to be here right now. So, we could all sing her happy birthday.

Mitsuki: I think she would love that.

Izuku than got up and started to walk away and make his way to the car. Mitsuki stayed there though and just stood at the grave.

Mitsuki: If you're up there Inko-

She than put her hand on the grave and brushed off the leaves that were on it.

Mitsuki: -I hope that I'm making you proud. Or that I'm doing something right by you.

Mitsuki than followed Izuku and went back to the car. They soon made their way home.

At the Bakugo's house.

Izuku was in the dining room at the table with Mitsuki. Ever since Izuku joined their family Izuku and Mitsuki developed a little tradition. They would celebrate her birthday by having some cake and just talking about her. Saying what they miss about her. Good memories they had. Izuku even got to learn a lot about his mom from Mitsuki's tales. They have known each other before high school and have been friends ever since so she always had plenty of stories about their misfits and trouble making in their younger years.

Izuku: Did you and mom really do that?

Mitsuki: *chuckle* well not really her. If anything, I was the one just dragging her along for the ride. I was usually the trouble maker and she was the one who tried and talk me out of it.

Izuku: ............ I miss her.

Mitsuki than just ruffled up his green messy hair.

Mitsuki: I know....... I do to.

When they were talking though somebody was watching them. It was Katsuki. Over the years Katsuki grew a jealousy over Izuku. Ever since he showed up he got all the attention. He was the helpless/ broken kid who lost his mom. He knew how harsh that was and never saids anything because of it. It still pissed him off though. Even when Izuku's "quirk" manifested his own mom was more excited about his quirk than even her own son's quirk.

Mitsuki: Its getting pretty late you should go to bed.

Izuku: Ok.

Katsuki quietly made his way back to his room so Izuku and Mitsuki couldn't spot him. When he was walking to his room though something caught his eye. It was Izuku just standing at his door. Izuku couldn't see him because of how dark it is and Katsuki was hiding in the dark but could see Izuku because of the moonlight through the window. Izuku walked quietly back into the halls of the house and looked over the corner. When he saw it was clear he made his way to the glass sliding door leading outside. Katsuki followed.

Katsuki's head: What are you up to?

Outside the house in the back yard

Izuku was making his way to the yard shed in the back yard. He opened it up and walked inside. Katsuki followed and looked through a crack in the shed walls.

In the shed

There were multiple bowls filled with different elements and materials spread all across the room. There was also a giant circle in the middle of the floor. It was similar to the one he used to make the All Might statue with but this one was different

All across the floor there were different materials in bowls spread across the circle. Izuku than grabbed a book and started to check stuff off of his list.

Izuku: Water 35 liters, Carbon 20 kg, ammonia 4 liters, lime 1.5 kg, phosphorus 800 grams, salt 250 grams, saltpeter 100 grams, sulfur 80 grams, fluorine 7.5 grams, iron 5 grams, silicon 3 grams.

He than put the book down.

Izuku: Ok now for the constructional formula.

Izuku than started to write more symbols onto the ground with chalk. He then grabs a knife and walks to the middle of the circle where a giant bowl full of materials was at.

Izuku: Now all it needs is soul data.

Izuku than cut his finger and winched a little at the pain but kept going. He than let the blood from his finger drop into the bowl. He than took some steps back carefully watching his step so he doesn't mess something up. He than took one last final look to make sure everything was ok and to look at his handy work.

Izuku: *deep breath* Ok this is it.

With Katsuki outside the shed

Katsuki was just confused at everything he said. He didn't understand anything he was saying.

Katsuki: What does he need all that stuff for.

With Izuku inside the shed

Izuku: Don't worry mom. You'll be back soon. Once I bring you back I can sing you happy birthday. Then I can see you smile. Then that will make Aunt Mitsuki smile. Then everything can go back to normal. And you can see me become a hero.......... That's all I want.

With Katsuki outside the shed

Katsuki's eyes went wide when he heard him say that. He didn't really want to believe what he was saying is true though. Can he really bring someone back from the dead?

With Izuku in the shed

Izuku got onto his knees in front of the human transmutation circle.

Izuku: Ok this is it.

Izuku clapped both of his hands and then put them on the circle. The circle then started to glow bright blue with sparkles of lightning and electricity being made here and there. Izuku was just smiling believing that everything was going according to plan. He was wrong though. Soon the room went from shining blue light to a dark red blood light with a black mist appearing around the circle creating cold death like aura. Soon the circle started to grow black strings that looked like small tentacles with hands.

Izuku: W-Wait this isn't s-supposed to happen.

Then suddenly a straight skinny oval started to form. The oval widens fast revealing a giant eye. The sight alone made Izuku freak out and back away.

Izuku: W-What the-

Izuku than felt a sharp pain on his leg though. When he looked down he saw the tentacles wrapping around his right leg. They were literally breaking apart his leg. Soon his entire leg up to his knee was just gone.

Izuku: AHHHHH NO. It can't be...... a rebound?

He than felt more pain in one of his arm. He looked and saw that the tentacles were doing the same thing to it to. Soon his arm was gone to leaving only his shoulder.


With Katsuki outside the shed

He saw what happened to Izuku and heard him scream out in pain. He then tried to save him or help him.

Katsuki: DEKU.

He than ran to the front of the shed and tried to open the door only to find it locked or blocked.

Katsuki: DEKU LET ME IN.

With Izuku inside the shed

Izuku was just laying on the ground with nothing left of his arm and leg except pixelated blocks from it being deconstructed. Suddenly though he was somewhere else.


Izuku started to look around. He was in a giant white void. The only thing he could see was a giant stone door with symbols on it. He also somehow had his arm and leg back.

Izuku: H-Huh? W-Where am I?

???: hElLo

Izukus skin shivered at the mysterious and echoed voice. He looked in front of him and saw a man who was white but had a dark misty aura surrounding and outlining his body making him seem almost as small as a kid.

Izuku: W-Who are you?

???: I'm so GlaD yOu AskED... I HaVe bEen caLLeD manY nAmeS. I aM tHe WorLd. I aM GOd. I aM tHe TrUtH. I aM ALL. I aM oNE.

The mysterious being than pointed at Izuku.

???: ANd I aM aLsO....... yOu.

Suddenly the stone door behind Izuku opened up revealing nothing but darkness in it. Then a giant eye appeared and looked at Izuku and the same small tentacle hands slowly creped out. Izuku looked at it in fear.

???: YOu HAvE dArED tO kNOck oN tHe dOoR... NOw tHe dOoR iS oPEn.

The tentacle hands than launched out of the door grabbing onto Izuku wrapping around his body and limbs.


The hands started to pull on him forcing him and pulling him into the darkness of the void in the door.

???: QuITe ChILd. THiS iS WhAt yOu waNtEd. ISN't iT?

The stone doors started to close leaving Izuku soon to be trapped in the dark void.


???: I wiLL sHOw yOu...... tHe tRUtH.

The door than slams shut. Izuku is now just continuously falling in the black void. Soon though images started to fly through the air lighting up the void. The images are laid out like they were from a camera or video recorder that used film. The film like images than started to spiral with others and Izuku was in the middle of it all falling through it. The images were being forced into Izukus mind. It was like all the information in the universe was being poured into his brain.


Soon Izukus same arm and leg started to deuterate and were being deconstructed.


Izukus head felt like it was going to explode from all the information being poured into his brain. For a minute though. Everything became clear. The secrets of the universe along with everything else became clear. He than started to see a shadowed outline in a white void. It looked like a woman.... It looked like his mother.

Izuku: MOM....... MOM....... P-PLEASE.

He tried reaching out for her hand. Right when he could grab it though.


He looked around and saw he was back in front of the stone doors and in the white void with the same weird being sitting there criss crossed apple sauce.

???: HOw wAs iT?

Izuku looked back at the door.

Izuku: The theory of human transmutation. It wasn't wrong.

He than started to walk up to it.

Izuku: It can be done it is possible.

Izuku than put his hands on the door excitingly.

Izuku: Its just missing something. And t-the answer to it is right behind this door. All the things I need are right here. The truth about Human transmutation.... Please you have to show it to me again.

???: I CaN'T dO tHAt. I'vE AlrRAdY sHOwEd yOu aLL I CoULd wiTH tHe tOLL yOu pAiD.

Izuku: Toll? What toll? I didn't give you anything.

The figure than lifted up its leg a little.

???: THiS.

Suddenly a leg started to form on the creatures white voided leg. Izuku than felt the same sharp pain again on the same leg. He looked down and saw that it was being deconstructed again and broke off and deuterated away.

???: ANd tHiS.

Than the same thing happened to his arm and the creature than started to grow an arm. Izuku was starting to freak out again. He tried moving but couldn't and had to hop on his one leg now. Suddenly the white voided being was face to face with Izuku and had a wicked smile on his face.

???: ThE lAw oF EqUivAlENt eXcHANgE.... RiGHt? YOuNg AlcHeMisT.

With Izuku back inside the shed

Izuku's entire leg was gone along with his arm. He was just laying down trying to stop the bleeding and pain of his arm by covering it. His own blood started to spill everywhere on the floor leaving a pool of it.


With Katsuki outside the shed

Katsuki was freaking out more and more. He pulled and pulled and tried knocking the door down as much as he could, but it was all no use. All he could do was hear Izukus scream of pain and agony.

Izuku: GGGAAAHHHHH Its gone. My leg and arm. Its gone. *crying* This isn't happening. This cant be happening. It wasn't supposed to be like this.


With Izuku inside the shed.

Izukus body just fell over unable to support itself. Izuku can't even get up since he doesn't have a leg or arm to help him up. All he could do was scream and cry for help as his body bleeds out to death.

Izuku: Somebody help me *crying* .... Somebody Kacchan. Aunt Mitsuki. Uncle Masaru ANYBODY......Please.... Mom...... Mom.... Please.

Izuku looks up in the middle of the circle...... hoping that he was at least successful and brought his mom back. What he brought back though just made him gasp in fear and made his eyes grow wide in shock.

Izuku: N-No.

What was in the middle of the circle didn't even look human. All its skin was black with red eyes and had black hair. Its entire body was disfigured and out of shape. You could see almost every bone in its body. It was bleeding as well and was twitching and moving. Its breath was horrendous and sounded like it could die at any moment. 

When it moved its arm, it died making blood spill out of its mouth and squirt blood out of its body making it go splat across the wall and floor from its destroyed and broken anatomy.

Izuku: N-No ....... This ...... this is wrong. This isn't...... THIS ISNT WHAT I WANTED.

With Katsuki outside the shed

Katsuki had enough.

Katsuki: THAT'S IT.

He than started to move backwards so he could get a running start. He than started to make explosions using his quirk behind him.


He used his body to tackle into the door and break into it. Breaking the lock along with the hinges on the door.

Inside the shed

Katsuki quickly made his way to Izuku.

Katsuki: DEKU.

Katsuki quickly knee slid to Izuku. He than started to pick his head up. And place it on his lap. Izuku was extremely pale and losing a lot of blood. He was still conscious though. He was also mummering something.

Izuku: T-this isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I wanted.

Katsuki was scared out of his mind right now. He didn't know what to do. So, he did what he could.

Katsuki: Dammit Deku just hang in there.

He than took his shirt off and ripped it in half. He started to wrap it around Izukus arm trying to stop as much blood as he can from leaving his body. He then quickly grabbed some wire from the shed. He started to wrap it around Izukus knee wound since his leg was gone.

Katsuki: Sorry.

Katsuki than pulled on it hard. Making Izuku scream in pain.


Right when he did that Izuku's eyes finally started to close. He said one last thing though.

Izuku: I-I j-just wanted my m-mom back.

Right when he said that soon Mitsuki and Masaru ran in. They came outside because they heard screaming and then Katsukis using his explosion quirk.

Mitsuki: Hey are you guys alright I heard yelling-OH MY GOD HIS LEG.

The 2 parents saw all the blood staining the floor. With Izuku clothes stained with it and Katsuki shirtless with blood stained on his pants and skin. Immediately Masaru grabbed Izuku and carried him.

Masaru: I'm taking him to the-

Mitsuki: JUST GO.

Masaru did just that and carried him to the car leaving a trail of blood dripping from Izuku in the snow. He got in the car and drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital. Even passing red lights, stop signs, cutting people off, and speeding. Mitsuki than went to her son to make sure he was ok.

Mitsuki: Are you ok?

Katsuki: ............

Mitsuki: Katsuki?

Katsuki: ..........


Katsuki finally spoke. He looked at his mother and his eyes were filled with fear and shock.

Katsuki: I-I'm fine.

Mitsuki felt relief that at least one of her kids were safe.

Mitsuki: Katsuki what happened.

Katsuki than finally was able to look at what Izuku was trying to do. When he saw it, his heart was filled with fear just from the sight. Mitsuki was confused at first until she saw what he was looking at.

Mitsuki: *GASP* W-What the hell is that thing.

There was a long pause of silence with them looking at the bloodied and wrinkled black thing.

Katsuki: H-He....... He said it was his mom.

Mitsuki's eyes went wide from shock at what her son just said. That thing doesn't even look human. It looks like some kind of monster. How could that possibly be Inko.

4 days later in the shed

A man wearing a trench coat was standing in the shed were everything happened. He could only cringe at the sight and stench of death. What shook him to the core though was what was inside of the shed. That thing...... that monster. Then a few moments later another man appeared behind the guy wearing a trench coat. He had black pants and a black jacket, and a scarf wrapped around his neck. He had bags under his eyes and long black hair.

???: I've looked everywhere around the perimeter and checked the security cameras detective Naomasa. There are no signs of someone else coming in or out of this back yard.

The detective known as Naomasa put a hand on his chin.

Naomasa: Then what else could have done this.

???: May I suggest something.

Naomasa: Ill take anything Eraser head.

Eraser head: The only person who entered this shed was that green haired kid.

Naomasa: Yeah but he is just a kid.

Eraser head: He may be a kid, but all the facts lead to him being involved in what ever happened here.

Naomasa: *sigh* That's true...... Wanna come with me to the hospital than.

Eraser head: Sure. Not like I have anything else better to do.

At the hospital

Izuku just lays in his hospital bed with eyes that look like the life was sucked right out of him. His body had more color then before due to getting some blood back. His arm and leg though...... were just gone. His knee was completely bandaged up and his right shoulder was also completely wrapped in bandages. Mitsuki was at Izukus bed side and Katsuki and Masaru were sleeping on some chairs in the room. Suddenly though the door opened up to reveal the detective and eraser head. Mitsuki got up from her seat.

Mitsuki: Were sorry but we have already told the police everything.

Naomasa: I know I won't take up too much of your time. I just need to talk to Izuku.

Mitsuki just looked at Izuku. His eyes never changed and just continued to stare off into space.

Mitsuki: Izuku hasn't really talked since......... it happened.

Naomasa: *sigh* I understand. Then could I ask you and your other family some questions please.

Mitsuki: Sure.

Mitsuki woke up Katsuki and Masaru and walked out of the room along with Detective Naomasa. Eraser head was about to leave the room as well until-

Naomasa: Actually, you stay here.

Eraser head: What why? I'm not exactly the best with kids.

Naomasa: I saw the kids room. He really likes hero. Might open up to you.

He then closed the door leaving Eraser head alone with Izuku. Eraser head just grumpily made his way to Izuku and sat next to the seat beside his bed.

Eraser head: Hey kid.

Izuku just kept staring off though.

Eraser head: Kid.

He just kept staring.

Eraser head: KID.

Izuku suddenly snapped out of it and looked at the pro hero.

Eraser head: You know if you want to become a hero you gotta start learning to speak when spoken to. Especially if their older then you.

Izuku: H-How d-do you know I-I want to become a-a hero.

Eraser head: Heard you liked heroes. Just assumed I guess. Besides most kids these days all want to become heroes.

Izuku: I don't think I-I'll ever b-become a hero.

Eraser head just raised his eyebrow at him.

Eraser head: Oh yeah?...... Whys that?

Izuku: Because of w-what I did.

Eraser head mind was shocked for a minute. It didn't show on his face but in his head, he was surprised. He did suspect the kid had something to do with what happened at that shed, but he didn't really think a kid did that. He pushed on though.

Eraser head: What did you do?

Izuku couldn't take it though and started to tear up. He just started to shake his head "no" over and over and wipe away his tears with his 1 arm.

Izuku: I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I-I-I.

Eraser head than put a hand on the leg he still had.

Eraser head: What did you do?

Izuku: I-I just wanted my mom back.

Eraser head: What do you mean by that.

Izuku: I-I tried t-to bring my mom back...... I just wanted to see her again. T-To see her s-smile. S-So I could sing her h-happy birthday.

Eraser head finally broke his poker face. His eyes went a little wide in shock that a kid made that...... thing.

Eraser head: Was that thing...... Your mom.

Izuku: I-I don't know. It was supposed to bring her back.

Eraser head: So, what went wrong.

Izuku: I t-tried to by pass the law of equivalent exchange. I thought I could bring her back with just the make ups of an average human body. Instead it took my leg and arm as a toll.

Eraser head didn't really know what to think. The very idea of bringing a person back to life is unbelievable. It's also an extremely dangerous idea to have roaming around.

Izuku: S-So....... Do you think I can still be a hero?

Eraser head just gave it to him straight.

Eraser head: It might be hard to do that without a leg and an arm kid.

Izuku just looked down with his hair covering his eyes.

Eraser head: Hey get your head up kid I never said it was impossible.

Izuku looked up and looked at the pro hero.

Eraser head: Like I was saying its probably going to be hard to be a hero without an arm or leg. Which is why I'm giving you this.

Eraser head than pulled a card out of his pocket. It had a gear symbol on it along with an address and number.

Izuku: W-What is that.

Eraser head: It's a business card. This place specializes in limb replacement for heroes. Some of the top and best heroes have amputated limbs. That's the place they usually go to get what they need.

Izuku was about to grab it but Eraser head pulled it back the last second.

Eraser head: Let me make myself clear. If you choose to go, there I'll be personally expecting to see you as a path as a pro hero later on in life. Got it?

Izuku just gave a stern nod and grabbed the card from his hand. Eraser head than got up from his chair and started to walk out.

Izuku: W-Wait.

Eraser head stopped were he stood and looked back at him.

Izuku: Why are you helping me. I-I though y-you would say I'm a v-villain for what I-I did.

Eraser head: Well officially ill decline any information about this incident as well the rest of the police. We can't let anyone know what you can do or could possibly do...... Unofficially though as far as I can see it. You were just a kid trying to see his mom again...... nothing more...... nothing less.

He started to walk off and said one last thing.

Eraser head: Besides you looked like you could use a break and some good news.

Eraser head than took his leave and left the hospital room.

Outside the room a bit earlier

Naomasa: Thank you all for your time.

Masaru: Oh, it's no big deal.

Mitsuki: Ok but what about Izuku.

Just as she said that Eraser head walked out of the room.

Eraser head: Were done here.

Naomasa: We are?

Eraser head than went over to his ear and explained everything. Naomasa than looked at the Katsuki and then at Mitsuki. Mitsuki got the message.

Mitsuki: Hey Katsuki why don't you give Izuku some company.

Katsuki: Sure, whatever.

Once Katsuki left the adults could talk without worrying.

Mitsuki: So, what are you going to do about Izuku.

Naomasa: Well as far as we are concerned Izuku isn't guilty of any crimes. So, we can't do anything. We will have to keep what happened a secret though.

Masaru: Why?

Eraser head: Did the kid not tell you what he did?

Mitsuki: Wait you know what happened? You know how that thing got in our shed.

Eraser head: That thing was made by Izuku. It was his mother. Or what's left of it.

He then continued to explain everything that happened and what he learned.

Mitsuki: S-So Izuku can possibly...... bring back the dead.

Naomasa: If what happened today became public or a villain found out what Izuku could do. They would stop at nothing to get him. For what ever reason none of them are good or at the Izukus best interest.

Eraser head: Which is why this event never happened. Izuku never went into that shed. That thing was never made. And Izuku just lost his limbs in an accident. Got it?

The 2 parents just nodded. Eraser head than just walked away.

Naomasa: Once again thank you for your time.

Naomasa than ran up to Eraser head to catch up to him.

Naomasa: Man, to think that kid went through all that. I don't think that kid is ever going to be the same.

Eraser head: That kid is going to be just fine.

The detective was completely surprised and shocked at what the pro hero just said.

Naomasa: How could you say that? Did you see the look in that kid's eyes? It was like there was no life in him at all.

Eraser head: Those eyes aren't filled with lifelessness detective-

It then cuts to Izuku face and the look in his eyes. 

Eraser head: -There filled with determination.

Damn man I am ON A ROLE. 3-chapters total and even a new book. Anyways if you want more stuff like this please COMMENT IT. And if you have any other thoughts please leave them. As always, I hoped you enjoyed...... OK BYE.

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