Something to rant about (pilot)

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Dragontamer: Hello again friends and/or random folks that happened to find this. I decided to start alittle mini series here in this random book of mine where all the rants will be done. Expect them to be long most of the time, okay? That's kinda the point of rants you know. And don't complain if they get extreme or if the facts get botched or if she gets something wrong.

And yes, I'm not the one ranting. I don't really rant much myself. So who the heck is ranting in this "mini-series"?

Who do you guys think?

Raven: For the record, I'm only doing this because everyone won't shut up about me having "rage issues" or whatever. 😒

Dragontamer: Raven, this is for the better good of you. I mean, you remember how you ranted during the Ask thing right? That snowballed/domino-ed into all sorts of insanity that the person asking the question couldn't take.

Raven: I still blame Majora for being the one that decided to slap me into next week by the way. -_-

Dragontamer: Whatever. Here, this is what everyone wants to hear your opinion on-

Raven: Hold on! You said I'd get to talk about whatever I wanted to talk about here!

Dragontamer: Trust me, you'll want to express your rage on this. (Hands Raven a paper)

Raven: (Reads the paper) .... "COPPA"? What the H*ll is COPPA?

Dragontamer: Keep reading and do the research. It's real complicated.


Dragontamer: Sooo... Raven? You done with the computer yet- Hey!

Raven: Move over chick, I'm in a ranting mood here!


Raven: So, COPPA. It's one of those laws or something that tries to protect children from shameful advertising and inappropriate content in their shows and stuff. That's the gist and main objective of COPPA anyway. Why does it matter? Because YouTube is apparently fixing to get Thanos snapped by COPPA, that's why.

Okay okay, to better explain it, apparently a ton of channels on the popular site may be mistaken for the kind of thing COPPA hates and get fined like $250,000 or something for EVERY video targeted. And apparently there's some insane rules targeted channels will have to follow, like having 80-90% of their "ad revenue" taken away. In other words, they'll be payed a H*ll of alot less for whatever content they can get out.

Normally, I personally wouldn't give two s**ts about this sort of thing. Not my problem, and I don't really use the Internet much anyway. Besides, I see it as a half good thing since at least they're doing something about what kids watch on YouTube. But in all honesty, even I have to acknowledge the amount of insanity and madness this has and will inevitably cause.

Some say YouTube itself is to blame for this. They managed to get along well with COPPA for quite some time now, and only a few years ago they started having issues where they lost like 15 mil because of something, but it blew over fairly quick as far as the media was concerned. Then another thing happened last year, something to do with a popular YouTuber I think, but it managed to slip by after awhile. I don't know all the details okay? This "MatPat" guy covered it pretty well you can watch his video on that. Point is, something happened earlier this year that caught COPPA's attention when some idiot b*****ds commented advertising for some adult shenanigans on some kids' video and well, H*ll let loose on YouTube. And reportedly, YouTube opened their mouths and happened to mention to COPPA that a majority of the people that watch the content on the site were children under 13 and that just made things worse. I mean, they're not wrong tho. Children are more familiar with using YouTube then using the kids version or some other site.

Which brings me to another point. Some people might go as far as blaming the kids for not using YouTube Kids like they're supposed to. But can you really blame them? It's one thing that they don't know what COPPA is, but how about when they don't know what YouTube Kids even is? Think about it, YouTube is usually pre-downloaded into a phone or tablet whenever you buy a new one, right? Kids just know to go there for videos in general with or without the Kids Mode function on. H*ll, most people, adults included, usually DON'T know there's a Kids Mode on a regular phone or tablet unless they actually went through the devices stuff. And for a tween that's the worse thing to happen. You know, having an adult pry through your stuff? You all know all too well what I'm talking about here. Teenagers and even young adults hate that happening too, so we all hide our phones from the parents and avoid giving their phones to the adults at nearly all costs. Especially if they know if the adult is known to be one of those pry-into-your-life types to the extreme, yeah?

I'm not blaming YouTube here, and I'm most definitely not blaming the kids. But COPPA itself shouldn't be blamed too much just because of this "tragedy" here. The people in control of COPPA are just doing what they believe is the best thing to do here. But then, I can't blame people for being mad at them. COPPA is written so old fashioned for today's world, and that's because the law was written way back when the Internet was first introduced into homes everywhere in like 1980 or something, since the Internet was considered the place where all the cool kids were, and honestly that belief hasn't changed too much over all these years am I right? What ticks me off about this is that, according to the people at YouTube that are negotiating with COPPA, apparently the people handling COPPA are tackling this issue of so many kids watching potentially harmful content and they themselves don't even use phones.

Let me run that by you again; these people in today's society DON'T EVEN USE PHONES and they're targeting a major media platform here! That really grates with me. Don't get me wrong, I myself don't really care too much about the "World Wide Web" and all. But come on, even I have a phone and I don't really use it half the time! Even most peoples' grandparents nowadays at least try to use today's technology and half the time they get along pretty well with it. The people at COPPA apparently were born into a family that decided to leave the new phone age to us in the newer generation. I kinda can't blame them though, with the increased risk of hackers and viruses and s**t like that going around. But still, you're really going to hold a major media platform like YouTube responsible when you yourself don't even have a phone? They must have some kind of computer instead to even know what YouTube is if you ask me.

Look, we should be getting to the source of this mess. The idiots using children's content for whatever shameful ads they got. And honestly that's all COPPA is trying to do here. But the problem with that is that the guidelines for what should be targeted is vague in terms of the content. If a video so much as has a child's attention and the video isn't necessarily for children, then that video is getting fined! And get this. Some of the other things that COPPA is looking for when they target videos on YouTube include but are probably not limited to animated characters, certain words children are attracted to, and just anything that children think is appealing in general! This is a massive gray area because many YouTube channels which naturally aren't entirely aimed at kids feature things like animated characters. This is why this has many gaming channels concerned because many of the video games they play has "animated characters" in it. Just look at Pokémon, or Smash Bros, or... I don't know, a ton of other games!

Like I keep saying, I'm personally not all that concerned with this. But nearly everyone I know enjoys videos like the ones that COPPA might target due to this gray area in their negotiations with YouTube. I'm looking at you when I say that Dragey.

Dragontamer: Well, you're not wrong. 😞

Raven: This could end good or bad for everyone. Either the thing somehow works and we can forget the stress this has all caused, it ends badly and everyone is pissed off, or things will somehow manage to work together and we come to some sort of agreement and come to terms with both COPPA and the general public. But from the looks of things here, we may all need to buckle down for awhile, because a storm of change will be coming long before the eye of that storm blows through.

And another thing I just want to mention. Everyone wants to shelter the children from all the bad stuff and from everything they can't understand until they're older. That's the whole point of COPPA after all. But children are bound to find out sooner or later anyway, and it's just going to be harder on the parents or guardians when the time does come when they have to explain things. Besides, have you seen children today? Many of them aren't much older then 10 years old and already they're cursing their mouths off, doing everything on their phones, and lord knows they're becoming trouble makers like flies. But to an extent you can't blame some of them for it. In this day and age of the world, there's divorces, adoptions, abuse, orphanages, rape, and God forbid, abortion. It's everywhere nowadays, and children who are victims of such things can't help but know about many of the world's hardships, and they often end up letting out their pain and anger out by victimizing others. Bullying, gangs, drugs, all of it.

All I'm saying is that the kids might grow up and, upon seeing what COPPA did to YouTube, might blame themselves and claim they didn't need the sheltering since children experience these horrible things so much today. My mother was such a victim of... involuntary love, if you know what I mean... I've known all too well what kind of evil my father was capable of long before I met him. Then again the monks at Azeroth weren't exactly even trying to keep a secret from me. And that I was taught to keep a lock on my emotions so it's not like I could talk about it much anyway-

Dragontamer: Raven. You're getting kinda off topic. 😤

Raven: ...The point is, some kids are already exposed to some of those things we shelter them from, some kids want to lose themselves in another world like YouTube, and others try to act tough by doing things they shouldn't be. Like I say, COPPA is trying what it can to make things alittle better, and their old fashioned rules may end up screwing with a place many people have gone to for years now. I mean, has there been any other site with so much devotion to video content like YouTube? It's practically the default site to go to for information besides Google. Everyone's obviously ticked that something like COPPA and other laws like it are threatening the content on there. There's so much going into this, and it may ultimately harm big names in entertainment as well as the Internet loving public. Like I said, channels featuring the likes of Pokémon and other such games may end up targeted, and though I highly doubt that Nintendo themselves will get targeted, videos that their fans made of their "animated characters" may get taken down and not much to spread their games' favoritism may not be left. Same with other big names too, like anime studios and other game companies. Their popularity may get harmed as well by the fact that people on YouTube may be scared to get fined or taken down because of that gray area in COPPA's reasoning.

But hey, there's a chance that this all may just blow over and it turns out things don't get as serious as everyone is saying it will be. But let's face it; there will be complications and there will be change. It's scaring alot of fans of content makers' stuff right now, and it will all go down when November ends and December begins.

Heh, kinda ironic huh? I mean, November is the time of Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is the time when we are thankful for what we as people are given. And now, some of those things that many of us are thankful for may not be here next year, if not this Christmas at all. Better start praying guys, cause I doubt things will end with rainbows at the end of the coming storm. Maybe God will give us more credit then we probably deserve and make some slight adjustment that helps things on COPPA and YouTube.

I better end it there. I'm about out of steam, and it's better to quit while you're ahead. I suppose if you guys don't mind hearing me rant about stuff, you can tell me whenever you want to hear from me again. But next time I DECIDE what to rant about, alright!? I had to do alot of last minute skimming of the Internet while Dragey and her sisters over there were playing with that new game they got about going through a bloody castle or whatever. I'm leaving this off here before things get mucky, so I guess Happy Thanksgiving to ya. Assuming any of you even celebrates the eating of a fat bird dipped in grease.

Dragontamer: *sigh* You are horrible with saying "goodbye" aren't you Raven?

Raven: Gee, you're just now figuring this out?😑



Btw this is MatPat's video on the matter. You're welcome.

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