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TW: mentions of duo masturbation.
Pls enjoy 🎸.

Finally when the regular Hellfire Club meetup which was held every Friday night came to an end, Steve quickly led Mike and Dustin to where his car was parked and started ranting to them about how annoying it was to babysit the whole team whenever he had his precious weekend spare time.

"You're so lucky I agreed to be your buddy Henderson. Every weekend I have to drive your asses to your lame DnD campaigns, which seriously last forever, then still managed to pick y'all up!"

"C'mon Steve, you know we gotta catch up with our friend Eddie!"

"Why did you even start hanging out with him anyway!? He's literally no good." - Steve gave Dustin an eye roll whilst his hands digging into the Levi's jeans pockets.

"Nahhh Steve, he's gotta be the dopest dude you'll ever get to know your whole life. You just haven't spoken to him enough." - Dustin convinced with a goofy grin.

Mike leaned his face closer to the Harrington boy as he let out a sudden question.
"Steve, why actually do you hate Eddie so much?"

Steve's eyes slightly widened as he heard the other's words - "I...I don't—" he stuttered.

For a brief moment, the boy couldn't manage to move any of his muscle as if he was trying to reflect all his life decisions and entire identity.

In fact, Steve does have a certain feeling against the notorious Munson boy. However, it wasn't hatred but a fuzzy and warm feeling that appeared in his stomach whenever he saw the metalhead wandering around school hall a few years prior.

"Nevermind, let's just knock this off." - Steve groaned, letting out an irritated sigh. He then tried to pull out his keychain, which contained all kinds of keys that he owned, to unlock the car.

"Oh fuck..." - Steve mumbled while repeatedly digging his hand into the patch.
"Shit shit shit it has to be somewhere inside..."
"What is it Steve?" - Mike asked as he grabbed the car's handle, trying to open the door. - "Come on man, unlock the car, we gotta go home now."

"Where the hell are my keys...!? I've searched for them anywhere near my pockets..." - Steve started panicking.

"Okay just calm down dude, you probably left it at our meetup place without noticing."

The trio then immediately rushed into the room where Eddie is still occupied with packing up all his stuff.
No sooner had the doors cracked open, the curly-haired boy jumped lightly as Steve dashed into the room searching for his missing keys with absolutely zero hesitation.

"Well, well chill out there Harrington! What are you unexpected guests rummaging the hell out of this place for!?" - Eddie dazed while staring at Steve.

"Oh, Steve lost his keychain so he basically won't be able to drive us home or even unlock his house if he doesn't find them right now." - the kids explained.

After a solid while, when Harrington had eventually given up on looking for his keys, the rest of them tried to calm him down and suggested he just stay at someone's place for the night.

"Unfortunately man, my mom's out for a mini vacay so no one is allowed to be in the house until she gets home, therefore I'm gonna stay at Mike's for a few days." - Dustin clarified.

"Yeah, if you also stay at mine for the night, you'll have to share the same bed with Nance, dude."

Steve clearly didn't want to stay at Nancy's room due to their awkwardly horrible breakup not so long ago. It left him traumas and definitely left her certain negative impressions, so it would be extremely uncomfortable if they were forced to sleep in the same room.

"From the look on your face I know darn well you don't want to." - the Henderson boy interrupted.

"Welp, it seems you'll have to stick with me for the whole night then." - Eddie chuckled slightly.

"Yelp, that sounds justtt right" - Dustin contributed with some giggles.

"Oh, no, dude I—"
Before Steve could cling on a 'lack of convenience' rejection, The metalhead continued to cut him off - "Moreover, my uncle Wayne will be absent til tomorrow so there will be plenty of space and privacy..."

Noticing Steve's freezing face with slightly gasping jaws, Dustin whispered to his ear supportively - "Just calm down Steve, Eddie's actually a very nice person. He's not some kind of...crazy satanic freak like what the rumors said every now and then. Trust me, you guys will get on super well."

"So...what do ya think Harrington?" - Eddie let out a warm friendly grin. At last, Stevie gave up his self-esteem and decided to just follow him home. After all the boy wasn't hesitant to stay because he was afraid of the Hawkin's freak, but was instead feared of revealing his deep hidden emotions towards the guy.

A few moments later, the four of them shoved each others into Eddie's van and continued to recite their DnD game, as Steve joined in teasing them and laughing freely whilst sitting next to Eds during their ride home.

When Mike and Dustin were finally dropped off, Eddie quietly smiled staring at Steve's face as the guy was saying his regular goodbyes to his precious little baby nuggets.

Eddie, with one hand placed on the steering wheel, started small convos with Steve trying to make sure he felt comfortable knowing they would be all alone by themselves for the night.

"Hey, uh...are you sure that you're okay with us being in the same place? I only live in a small trailer you know. And I do tons of drugs like whatever you might've heard from those contagious little rumors!?"
Steve had a slight pink tint spreading on his cheeks hearing all those awkward but caring questions.

"Yeah yeah it's alright. At least you're not close to being a satanic freak like what people also said." - Steve giggled lightly, creating a brief eye contact with the curly-haired brunette. Eddie also formed a toothy smirk on his face as he went back to look at the road and continued driving.

"With all honesty, Harrington, I thought you were just a popular jock back when we were still in school together. I heard what they said about King Harrington all the time! It was getting a bit too annoying not gonna lie."
Eddie chuckled, then paused for a moment. - "Well, it also felt pretty empty after you left school though. I couldn't get to see Steve 'the hair' stunningly walking around school hall with a ridiculous amount of hairspray following his steps anymore..."

"...Yeah, I sorta missed your appearance too."

The two men then quickly turned their face to different directions as they sheepishly smiled with a rosy shade blushed on their cheeks.

"Anyways, we're near to my place."

They silently drove through the deep dark woods until Eddie's trailer park appeared, finally, pulled over in front of Eddie's place to rest after a tiresome Friday working at Family Videos and watching their little shrimps bickering loudly during the DnD campaign.

"C'mere" says Eddie
"Wayne's not gonna be back until tomorrow night, he's got some work to do so feel free hanging out at my place." - The metalhead assured.

As they entered the trailer, an intense smell of burning weed from Ed's last use hit Steve's nose aggressively.

Harrington frowned his brows, he then looked up.
"Wow, your trailer is...really iconic. And sort of smelly though."

"You're not used to this kinda stuff huh, King Steve?" Eddie jokingly grins with a sarcastic tone.

"It's not like that...I just didn't know people would leave their whole house full of a terrifying scent of cannabis. Now where's your darn room? I'm sooo sooo exhausted."- The boy teased.

Eddie led Steve to his dear bedroom. When the door slightly cracked open, Steve was instantly stunned. The smell of weed is now even stronger. Ed's whole room is decorated in a punk metal style and is a bit "kinky" looking for a first impression. Band posters held all over the walls. His dear guitar placed right in the middle, capturing all of King Harrington's attention. [...]
[I wanted to describe Eddie's room in more details but I was too lazy lmao]

"Welp, before we settle down for a deep rest, you wouldn't mind relaxing your mind with some good ol' cannabis would ya? Don't worry, I won't charge ya anything." - Eddie chuckled.

Steve instantly thought of those tiring days they had to go through where he got to fight literal demons and deal with annoying little kiddos.
Steve then let out a long sigh, he agreed to smoke with Eddie, but only just enough for them to temporarily forget such intricate and crazy things that've been surrounding them all these days.

Steve clumsily popped a joint of marijuana between his lips, before Eddie unexpectedly lighted it with a zipper whilst leaning closer and laid down next to him. Steve felt his heart pounding harder as he sensed the friction of the other's warm skin.

After finishing half of the joint, Steve has already wanted to give it up - "Oh lord this thing is fuuucking crazy."
"The sort isn't even that strong compared to the rest."
"Munson, these drugs definitely weren't made for me. Can we just switch to drinking instead?" - He said with a definite unamused face.
"Lucky for you I've got some real good Vodka. Just don't get blacked out drunk in my room, boy."

Steve didn't really like getting high due to the trauma when he and Robin were drugged and started acting humiliatingly inside of the movie theater, so they decided to just get drunk instead.

A few shots of Vodka later...slightly fucked up from the alcohol and cannabis smoke, Steve started groaning about random things in his life. He spun a long yarn about how he was embarrassed in primary school, then intensively about how lonely he's been feeling during those empty tasteless days.

"Steve...please stop complaining about your unsatisfied love life." - Eddie sighed.

"...I miss the steaming warmth from panting breaths during make out sessions...I want to feel the erotic hype when my neck is licked and bitten until a hickey slowly appears...I crave a heating pair of lips to press against my trembling flushing skin so ecstatically!..."

Drunk and lacked sanity, the metalhead then accidentally blurted out - "Well, I sure can kiss your warm soft lips while embracing your lonely pretty Harrington body right now if you're up to..." - He then busted out laughing awkwardly.

Eddie himself assumed that it's just going to sound like a single informal joke to Steve, that it isn't going to reveal his secret feelings towards him. He doesn't know nor care anymore, he's just drunk thinking about how he and Steve would look while passionately kissing each other.

Eddie was just about to fall asleep immersing in his love thoughts until the boy actually responded - "That...doesn't sound too bad for me..." - Steve mumbled and blushed while getting up to move his face parallel to Ed's, looking straight into his eyes just to see him more clearly.

The curly-haired guy instantly got back to reality and had to double check to see if he's just paranoid or not. At last, he jokingly asked back - "You're okay with me pressing my lips against your precious sultry skin, huh Harrington?"

Steve then whispered to Eddie's ear arousingly - "You'll get to do what you crave if you're bold enough, big boy..."

Eddie got his eyes opened wide out of shock, but then quickly switched to gently caressing Steve's cheeks and ear with a forming smirk on his face - "Sure will, pretty boy. I'll satisfy you and pull you out of your solitaries."

By then, their heartbeats started pounding devastatingly fast and their faces got all serious out of nowhere.
Eddie flipped Steve over so that he could be on top of him, fondling his flushing hot cheeks and tucking his recently messed-up hairdo.

Young, bold and drunk, the couple then rushed in smooching each other's lips and held their bodies so closely side by side. When Eddie's tongue slides in Steve's parted lips, he tastes a faint sweet sense of cherry. It seems like Steve has applied his usual flavored chapstick on. He somehow has always loved the idea of seeing Steve, the lover of his dreams, preparing to make love with him. Sometimes, it would turn Eddie on.

Melted in pleasure, Steve started to let out anything that appeared in his mind.
"You know, I've always wanted to kiss you passionately like this..."

"Oh you wanted to kiss me, darling?" Eddie got all excited despite being mostly-drunk.

"Oh shit, I just spit my thoughts out loud..." - Steve covered his face out of embarrassment.

Eddie then started licking Steve's ear, then slowly bit his neck for little hickeys to appear. The guitarist's rough hand slipped into the man's shirt, caressing his trembling waist as he felt Steve's back arching unconsciously. Steve shivered trying to hold his voice back, he tightly held onto Eddie's body, his panting breaths turned into gentle moaning sounds.

The erotic heat from their deep rushing breaths drives their young minds like crazy. Eddie suddenly bit Steve's lower lip, sucking it until their tongues met and tangled. The pace got them taking off their clothes impatiently, Eddie removed Steve's cumbersome belt and unzipped the boy's tight Levi's jeans.
They constantly rubbed their bottoms while passionately kissing each other. Steve finally pulled Ed's pants down to feel his warmth even more clearly. Eddie moved up and down for their hard parts to rub incessantly. After a steaming hot while, they can't help but pull out their hard leaking manhoods out of their boxers to adpress.

Steve started stroking Ed's dick from the top, grabbed it with his hand and moved non-stopping. Their pressing cocks got Steve blushing like crazy, Eddie teased him by pecking his sweaty neck over and over, using his hands to rub the guy's dick.

Eds gradually moved his tongue down to Steve's chest, licked his collarbone and then his nipples. He sucked it gently while moving his hips fast up and down for their dicks to be even more stimulated.

Steve therefore moaned even harder, he clenched onto Eddie's head who was sucking his nipples ecstatically, uncontrollably calling out the metalhead's name a few times before they were about to hit their climax.
"Arghhh...Eddie, I'm about to...mm!"
"Let's do it together then...Steve..."

Ultimately, Steve gasped for air before pulling Eddie into a deep kiss, locking their tongues inside of their mouths, arms clenching Eddie tight, Steve's back arched lustfully. They let out a big panting moan before they ejaculated into each others' hands.

Steve felt something hot accidentally spilt on his lips, Eddie panicked while seeing Steve licking and swallowing his hot sperm.

He jokingly said whilst cleaning the unwanted liquid off of Steve's blushing cheeks - "Stevie darling, don't eat our children like that..."
"You're the one who shot it on my face Eddie..." - Steve groaned - "Now let's just go clean up ourselves."

Afterwards, the duo snuggled into Eddie's bed while  only having boxers on. Eddie ceaselessly smooched onto Steve's face while cuddling with him under the cozy bedsheets.

The alcohol has now partly faded, they were gradually becoming more and more aware of what had happened earlier that night.

Abruptly, Eddie gasped while proceeding with something Steve had accidentally said during their making-out session.

"...I remember hearing something about your prior secret plan to kiss me."

"Uhhh...you haven't forgotten that yet!?"

Eddie stared straight into Steve's tomato-red face, squeezed his cheeks and smooched his lips line teasingly.
"Look at me now Harrington, why didn't you confess to me sooner?" - Eddie asked with smiling sparkling eyes.

"I thought you'd never like such a high school preppy jock like me—"

"I've noticed you since freshman year...you little idiot, although your over-sprayed hair did look a bit too ridiculous back then..." - Eddie let out some mocking giggles while fidgeting with the other boy's hair.
Steve snuggled into the metalhead's neck, held him tightly and didn't want to let go.

He buried his face into Eddie's hair, accidentally found the hidden scent of shampoo and cologne in which he felt quite comforting.

"Your hair smells nice. I admire your sexy manly curls..." - Steve said semi-jokingly while gradually falling asleep.

"That's adorable, sweetheart, even though my hair smells like weed and cigarettes for literally all the time..." - he snickered.

The guys then stayed completely quiet for a solid peaceful moment, cuddling and enjoying each other's company.

"Sooo..." - Eddie paused for a long while, then finally decided to finish the whole sentence. - "...Are we like, dating now?" - He nervously asked.

"Yes...Eddie, we're together now. I'm not the type of person who'd make out with literally anyone while being drunk without having any feelings towards them." - Steve answered quietly, feeling a slight shyness.

"Alright." - Eddie whispered to Steve's ear with a relieved and sheepish smile on his face - "G'night now my lover boy."

They settled themselves into a "spooning" position with Eddie as the big spoon. Steve held onto his partner's clenching arm, which was right on his pounding chest, and quickly went completely silent.
Eddie then placed a gentle kiss on Steve's hair before he turned off the dim light, lastly fell into a cozy sleep next to his precious boyfriend.

———Chapter 1. End———
Chapter cover belongs to @aexphr on TikTok.

[A/N: I know this isn't the best way to finish the oneshot but I'll consider continuing this piece in the near future, perchance. I really hope to see y'all again ^^
Btw please excuse my random grammar mistakes.]

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