A New Villain

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Solar bit her lip. Her coronation is next week. She is getting really nervous and worried. Why did her mother have to disappear? Why did her father have to die so early? Solar remembered she has to be queen, it didn't matter if she didn't want to, she has to, for her kingdom.

A lot of thoughts came into her mind. Will she be a great queen? Will people like her as a queen? Can she be as good as her mother?

Solar couldn't concentrate properly. There were too many thoughts in her head. She was very worried.
Suddenly, there was knock. Solar sighed and opened the door.

"Hey, Solar. How are you doing?" Popo asked as he entered Solar's bedroom. Popo is Solar's boyfriend. They have been dating for five months now.

Popo has been a loyal and nice boyfriend to Solar. He isn't clingy. He isn't envious. And he sure isn't possessive. He was the perfect boyfriend to Solar.

"I'm fine, Popo." Solar answered. Popo raised an eyebrow. He didn't look convinced. He always knows if there's something wrong with his girlfriend.

"Are you sure?" Popo asked.

"Yes." Solar replied, almost hesitantly. Popo just sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay to be nervous. I don't blame you. You're going to be a queen next week." Popo assured, making Solar smile.

"Thanks, Popo." Solar said.

"No problem."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think I'm going to be a good queen? As good as my mom?" Solar asked only received a shocked face from Popo.

"Solar, you're going to be a great queen. Maybe even better than your mom."

"Thanks, Popo."

Meanwhile, in a house in the woods, a woman older than Solar was watching TV. The woman is blonde just like Solar. She was wearing a denim dress and black shoes. The woman had short wavy hair. She also had dark blue eyes and was wearing dark red lipstick.

"So Solar thinks she's actually going to be queen, hm?" the woman said as she took a sip of coffee.

"Sorry, little sister, I can't let you be queen." the woman grabbed a brush and starting brushing her hair. Then she took a mirror and looked at her reflection.

"Besides, I am the rightful heir to the throne."

With Solar and Popo

Solar and Popo were in a cafe with their friends. "So if Solar is queen, does that mean Popo is king?" Lonky asked with a grin.

"Yes, and just because he is doesn't mean you can get away with anything you do." Solar said as she gave Lonky an annoyed look.

"I never said I was going to do anything." Lonky said as he rolled his eyes. "You've got some trust issues, dude."

"Excuse me?" a voice asked. Solar turned around to see a girl that was the same age as her.

The girl had auburn hair that was in a half up hair bow. She had brown eyes. She was wearing a white shirt, a plaid skirt and black sneakers.

"Are you Solar? My name is Darby. Can I talk to you in private for a moment?" the girl asked sweetly.

"Sure..." Solar said as she eyed the girl. Then she followed her to a place to talk in private.

"What do you want to talk about?" Solar asked suspiciously. As soon as she said that, Darby's sweet look turned into a much more serious one.

"I want to ask you some questions." Darby said firmly.

"Why? And what kind of questions?" Solar asked, confused.

"Don't worry, these questions aren't hard." Darby said. "But that doesn't mean they're not important. What I am going to ask you is VERY important, so please be honest."

"Okay..." Solar said.

"Good, now let's begin. Did your father tell you you had a sibling?" Darby asked with an eyebrow raised. Solar gave her a confused look.

"No. Do I have a sibling?" Solar asked.

"I'm the one asking questions here." Darby said slightly annoyed.

"Gee, sorry." Solar said sarcastically.
Darby sighed and continued asking her questions.

"Have you seen a woman that has blond hair like you, dark blue eyes like you, and has short wavy hair?" Darby asked. Solar gave her a confused look. What was she saying? Why would she ask if she has a sister and if she's seen a woman just like her unless...

"No. Wait, are you saying-" Darby interrupted Solar before she could finish.

"Solar, you can ask me questions later. Right now, I'm the one who will ask and you're the one that will answer, got it?" Darby said very annoyed.

"Fine." Solar said, angry that she was interrupted. She was starting to hate Darby.

Thirty minutes later, Darby was done asking Solar questions. Now it was Solar's turn to ask.

"Do I have a sibling?" Solar asked almost hesitantly.

"...Yes." Darby answered with a worried look on her face. Solar gave her a shock face. She had a lot of questions in her mind. Who? When? And why didn't her father tell her?!?!

"W-Why didn't my father tell me...?"

"Probably because she was banished." Darby explained, playing with her hair. The worried look she had before still didn't leave her face.

"Banished?" Solar asked. Why is she banished? What did she do?

"Oh boy..." Darby muttered.

"Why was she banished? Was she bad? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?" Solar asked, starting to get really worried.

Darby bit her lip. How was she going to tell her? Darby sighed and began to talk. "Okay, listen, you have an older sister named Aubrielle. She is ten years older than you. She was banished when you were just a one year old. I don't really know exactly why she was banished. All I know is that she is trouble and she wants to stop you from being queen."

"How do you know that?" Solar asked.

"Your father has send some spies to keep an eye on her when he was still alive." Darby explained. "Are those all of your questions?"

"Did she have anything to do with my mother's disappearance?" Solar asked. Solar almost regretted asking that. Almost.

"I'm...I'm sorry...but...I...I...don't...know. " Darby stuttered. Darby gave Solar a sad face. Solar took a deep breath.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Solar asked worried.

"Well, I'm thinking of someone to protect you. Maybe your friends if they're willing..."

"We are willing!" A voice behind them shouted. Solar and Darby turned around to see Popo and the others.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" Darby snarled, making Lonky scared.

"Yes...please don't kill me." Lonky muttered the last part. Darby rolled her eyes.

"Are you guys sure you want to protect her from her older sister? It's going to be dangerous." Darby asked.

"Dangerous? We've faced a lot more dangerous things than that! Right, Pala?" Popo asked Pala, who was sleeping.

"PALA!" Everyone shouted, waking Pala up.

"Oh, uh...sorry." Pala apologised.

"You know, you're not really allowed to fall asleep if you're going to protect Solar." Darby said very annoyed.

"Hey! I'd like to see you do it!" Lonky shouted as he pointed a finger at Darby.

"Fine! Maybe I will!" Darby shouted angrily.

"Okay! Whoever can protect Solar the best wins!" Lonky declared.



"Seriously, Lonky? Can't you go by one day without annoying people?" Kuga asked. Lonky gave him a death glare, but Kuga returned it with his own death glare, making Lonky shudder.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You could get hurt. I don't want any of you to die." Solar said looking very worried. She turned to Popo. "Especially you..."

"Don't worry, we aren't going to die." Popo assured the princess. Solar heavily sighed.

"If you say so..." Solar said. Then she turned to Darby. "Wait, does this mean you have to protect me all the time? Even if I have a date with Popo? ."

"Yes." Darby said sternly.

"But I-"

"YES. It's for your own good! " Darby interrupted angrily. What is wrong with her? Solar is really starting to hate Darby now. Does she know who she's talking to? She is talking to the future queen of this kingdom.

Darby was sweet before, why is she so annoying and bossy right now? Was that sweet face just a facade? Is she really like this? An annoying, bossy, serious, grumpy girl that keeps interrupting people whenever they try to talk?

Is Darby like this when she talked to Solar's father? Is Darby even polite? Solar wondered if Darby has a sweet and kind side. Probably not. She's as sour as a lemon.

Solar remembered when she asked Darby about her mother. The sad look on Darby's face. The stuttering. She even apologised. Was Darby actually feeling sorry for Solar? Probably.

'Not everyone's heart is made of stone.' her father would tell her that when she was a child. But right now, she isn't a child anymore. And her father is gone. She has to be more serious. She is fifteen years old now.

"Okay, lets head back to the castle shall we?" Darby said as all of them went out of the cafe and headed back to the castle.

Meanwhile, outside the cafe, after Solar and the others left

Aubrielle was wearing a disguise so no one would recognise her. "So? Just because you warned her doesn't mean you'll stop me." Aubrielle sneered.

Then she took out a phone and began to dial. A huge evil grin appeared on Aubrielle's face. "Hello?" a voice from the phone said.

"Hey there, sweetie. It's time to start part one of my fabulous plan." Aubrielle said, eyes glimmering.

"Of course it is. Fine, let's just get this plan of yours over it. But once you've become queen-"

"I know, I know, don't worry, I didn't forget our deal." Aubrielle said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, I'll be there as soon as I can. Oh, and do NOT call me sweetie ever again, got it?" the voice asked, obviously annoyed at that name.

"Got it." Aubrielle answered, fingers crossed behind her back.

"Good." that was all the voice said as the voice hung up. The evil grin never left Aubrielle's face. Then she began to walk away from the cafe.

"Solar, tell your boyfriend not to underestimate me, will ya? And Darby..." Aubrielle stopped walking. "...it's not good to lie to your friends."

After she said that, she replaced her evil face with an emotionless one.

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