Chapter Nineteen

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Gabriel bypassed the emergency room, getting off at the floor above and going the rest of the way by stairs to the visitor's parking lot. How he disliked traveling by these means. He thanked God though, that the car he rented was a convertible and that the hood was down so he could deposit Angelique directly into the passenger seat. Then he slipped behind the wheel and started the engine. As the engine roared to life, so it seemed did Angelique, although she still felt a bit dazed.

"What happened? Did I faint?" she asked, not quite remembering how she had gotten to be sitting next to Gabriel in a convertible.

"Not exactly," he answered.

"Now buckle up. We have got someplace to go."

Taking his warning, she did as he requested. "John?"

"He's fine. He's exactly where you left him, in the hospital."

She still couldn't believe John knew. He obviously knew they were gunning for the witnesses, he just picked the wrong one to protect. How far he has fallen?

"John has a free will, Angel. He had made some bad choices and trust me when I tell you he is paying dearly for them. His life is nearly completely devoid of love, he's pushed just about everyone away completely."


"That is a question, only you can answer."


"You need to remember why you came here."

"But it's been twelve years, Gabriel. I have no memory...can't you can I...." Angelique stopped talking as she'd seen him nod his head no.

"Just relax," he answered. "You'll see."

As the convertible turned onto the street, something strange had occurred.

The buildings, stores, and people were passing by at an incredible speed. In fact, they were a complete blur. Angelique rubbed her eyes and tried to focus. Was she going to faint again? She turned all her attention to the one thing that was still clear. "Gabriel, I'm sorry about what I said back there."

Gabriel's smile deepened. "What you said wasn't half as bad as what you were thinking when you saw me."

Angelique felt a surge of guilt wash over her. "I didn't mean it really," she said, humiliated.

Gabriel regarded her thoughtfully. "So, you really don't want me to go to hell?"

Angelique stuck her head in her hands. "What's happened to me? I actually thought of wishing an angel to hell and not just any angel, you!" She shook her head in her hands as if she might shake the thought from it.

Gabriel laughed. "I wouldn't be the first one of us that has been damned. At least you keep good company. We're here."

Angelique opened her eyes slowly. She pressed her back against the seat cushion as she took in her surroundings. "Why did you bring me here?"

"So, you recognize this place?"

How could she not? She has been trying to forget it for the past twelve years. It was the place she was first found. As Angelique looked around, she realized they were no longer sitting in the convertible but were standing in the middle of the glade. The car had completely vanished. She'd be shocked by it all except the terror of this place still haunted her, pushing all other thoughts from her mind.

"Why bring me here, of all places?" she asked, the question barely a whisper on her lips.

"When you're lost, it's important to go back to the beginning," Gabriel replied.

"Angel, you came here to fulfill a purpose, and that purpose has developed as you have. You had forgotten who you were and so, now instead of just one life, there are several that hang in the balance of what your next move might be. Now more than ever they need the angel within you, you mustn't let them falter. Be strong."

Angelique struggled with the fear this place and Gabriel's word evoked in her.

"You asked me when it was to be the right time. Your time is now. It is time for you to remember who you are."

Gabriel reached over and grabbed hold of Angelique's arm and gathered her into his embrace. Suddenly she was very aware this was no man that held her close to him as his wings spread forth and wrapped around them both. She closed her eyes and felt his love surround her. Warmth spread through her body as she heard Gabriel's voice drift to her in a haze.

Remember who you are.

Her life's memories flashed before her, only they were starting in reverse.

She was suddenly back in the hospital, standing over Father's bed, looking down at his lifeless form. She saw herself holding his hand and praying for him. She drifted towards him but as she reached out to touch him he faded from view and now she saw Rebecca scared in a corner of her shop, cowering from those that tried to harm her as she was trying to wipe the dirt and blood from her face.

She'd seen herself talking with Mrs. Dolton about renting her apartment. She saw the day she took over running the shelter. She watched as she walked out of John's life forever, or at least that's what she thought then. She saw them happily, laughing together. They took some of Mrs. Duncan's famous cooking on picnic through Central Park. He had mentioned marriage that day.

She was back in high school, and John was fighting Danny for her honor. She was receiving her sacraments at St. Joe's and Mrs. Duncan gave her the cross necklace she wears every day. She saw the day Rev. O'Bryan made her his daughter. Then had seen a young girl lost and frightened in the woods, crying it was her, she heard the barking in the woods. There was a bright light, too bright to look at. Suddenly she knew she wasn't in New York anymore. There were hundreds of angels moving about and around her. She picked herself out in the crowd. She looked nervous.

Angelique remembered why she was nervous. She was about to break the rules. She watched as she argued with Gabriel about her charge. John was in trouble. Gabriel had denied her permission to go below and intercede on his behalf. She had been watching over John and had seen his father contemplating suicide several times over not being able to afford his children's well fare.

She has been with John from the first moment his heart beat, watching over him, keeping him safe. Angelique felt such an intense love for her charge. If Gabriel ever knew she had fallen in love with John, she knew she'd lose him forever. It was forbidden, but she had to go. She had to try, with or without Gabriel's blessing. She had to take the chance because had to save him.

The realization of what she was seeing shocked Angelique so much that she had opened her eyes in sudden amazement. She was no longer in the past. She was no longer in the glade. She was floating above the spot where both she and Gabriel were originally standing. She was no longer there, but he was, and he was smiling at her.

"I knew you'd come back someday," he said.

Angelique didn't quite understand how she came to be in this state, and then Gabriel unfurled his wings, giving her a sign. She looked and he wasn't the only one with wings. As she turned to either side, she could see them move gently to catch the updrafts of the breeze she felt on her face. It was more than she could handle. Her world had gone black, and she spiraled out of control, plummeting to the ground.

Gabriel took flight and caught her in his arms, drifting slowly back to earth.

He came to his knees in the glade with Angel cradled in his arms. She was so beautiful, even more so in this state. No angel's spirit shone brighter than hers. It was what drew him to her. Gabriel ran his hand over her cheek as he turned her face to get a better look at her.

"Careful Brother, you walk a very fine line."

Gabriel looked up to see Archangel Michael standing before him.

"This is all my fault," Gabriel said, tears in his eyes. "She was right to damn me."

Michael sighed. "She broke the rule. She fell in love. She came here to earth on her own."

"Only because I wouldn't help her. I knew she was special. I knew she had an important purpose. Her spirit is so strong. I fell in love with that spirit. I did not want to lose her. I refused to help her when she needed me most."

"If you had allowed it. Who's to say the outcome would be any different. She's lucky to be alive, attempting transference without an Archangel is death for most, or they spend the time wandering this earth lost and confused, homeless and alone, with no memory of the magnificence they once beheld."

Gabriel knew this was true and why he intervened at the last moment in the attempts to save her... well, most of her. She'd live out her life as a human, with no recollection of ever being an angel. 

When Danny was about to shoot her, thinking she was an animal in the brush, Gabriel had interceded for her again, using the dog as a distraction. Saint, God bless him, took his command to protect to heart. Gabriel could not believe he was still with her.

Looking to Michael with hope, he said, "She remembers." Stroking her wing as if it proved him right.

"She is no longer the angel you knew. She has been a part of this world too long, Brother. You must let her find her own way."

Fear struck Gabriel's heart. "Is that an official command?"

Michael looked at his broken-hearted brother and sighed. "No, not yet. Just some brotherly advice, you would do well to heed."

Gabriel held on to Angelique a little tighter. Something that did not go unnoticed by Michael. "I cannot betray the love that I feel. Just as she could not. It is our ruling force."

Michael knew this would be his answer. "So be it. I only pray one day, she does not make that choice for you. I fear what it may do to you, Brother." With that, Michael vanished.

Gabriel looked heavenward. "I know I am wrong, but I know a part of you must agree with me or I would not be here. She needs me, let me do what I need to do, to help her on her way. Please, God...don't let me fail her again."

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