Chapter Thirty- Five

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Angelique knew retribution would be hers. She was looking for a reckoning for all that had occurred and for all those that she was sent to protect. As she grabbed hold of Danny, there was a blinding light that surrounded them both. Angelique felt herself being pulled away. 

She fought it for an instant. Her moment for justice was at hand, but soon realized the futility of it and gave into the sensation. Gabriel and Michael awaited her on the other side. She was still furious over the events that took place. 

"Why did you bring me back?!"

"You're an angel now," Michael said, stepping forward, "and you should know it is against our code to harm a human, even one as vile as Danny." 

"So, he just gets away with it? He gets to live and destroy the lives of all of those good people? I thought you said God's justice was more exact than that?" she said, pointing an accusing finger at Gabriel, who stood by quietly watching over her.

"What I had told you is God's plan is not always clear and that you have to have faith that all will be well," Gabriel said, looking now at his avenging angel. 

"And what plan would that be? The plan where John dies trying to save me? His guardian! Or is the plan that the church burns down possibly killing one of the kindest and gentlest of men?"

"No?!" she asked when neither of them responded to her ramblings. 

"Maybe, it's the plan where Danny gets away and kills a few more innocent people like Michael, who devotes his life to God Almighty, or Rebecca, a young girl whose life has forced her to lose her innocence way before her time?"

Gabriel leaned into Michael, saying something she couldn't hear, and Michael nodded, leaving the two of them alone.

 "What did you say?" Angelique demanded. 

"I told him I was in charge here and I would deal with you. You are not his concern." 

"Deal with me?" Angelique scoffed in disbelief.

 "All those I love and care for are dying and I have had no choice but to stand aside and watch it happen?! So, what words of wisdom do you have for me? What guidance?" Angelique spat at him. 

Gabriel said nothing. Instead, he gathered Angelique in his embrace. 

"Let go of me!" she fought, but he pulled her closer. 

"Let go of me!" she demanded again, but he refused to let her go. 

As he held fast, she felt her anger slipping away. It became harder and harder to hold on to the hatred that was fueling her tirade. Soon she broke down and wept not for herself, but for those that she could not save.

"Forgive me?" she muttered through her tears.

"There is nothing to forgive," Gabriel said, holding her until he could feel the last of her anger fade away. He then whispered in her ear as he held her close, "You have to go back."

"No. No, I can't. You were right. I should have never left. I should have listened to you and not interfered," Angelique said, holding on tight, now afraid he'd let her go. "I don't belong as part of that world. They are too cruel and misguided. It's a world I can not survive in." 

"Please..." she implored, turning to look into Gabriel's eyes, the same eyes that mirrored her own. 

"Please... let me stay with you?"

It nearly destroyed Gabriel to hear those words. He would have given up all of heaven for them at another time, but now they only brought suffering. 

"This is no longer your home. You had made your choice when you defied me. Now your life force is linked to those around you. Those that love you. If you stay here, they WILL die. You have many reasons to live. Reasons now that have become clear. You gave love without concern for yourself. You now must deal with the consequences of your actions." 

"You told me I had to love him," Angelique looked away, confused. "You said it was the only way to save him, but you were wrong and now he's gone." 

Gabriel tilted Angelique's face to look back at him. "Do you believe in him, Angel?" 

Angelique's brows drew together in confusion invoked by the question. 

"Do you believe in your Love for one another?" 

Angelique knew she loved no other and as John sacrificed the one true gift all humans have and gave his life for hers, she could not possibly doubt his love. 

"Yes," she answered Gabriel with all her heart. "I believe."

"Then you must go back to him. He lives Angel. He needs his guardian and there is one other reason..." Gabriel said, placing his hand over Angelique's abdomen. "There is someone else to love. Someone who needs your protection. That has been waiting patiently for their turn to be born." 

Angelique looked in awe at Gabriel. He smiled at her and shook his head, confirming her thoughts to be true without her asking the question. 

"Would you like to meet his guardian?"

Angelique nodded. 

She recognized that face. How could this be? She advanced towards him. 

At the sadness in her eyes, he shook his head at her. 

"Whatever am I going to do with you, child?" 

"When?" was all she could ask, as the lump in her throat made it difficult to speak.

"It's not me, Angelique. I'm just here visiting a friend." Her father stepped aside, so she could see to whom he was referring. 

"Hello again, Angel!" Francis McDougle said, stepping forward.

Angelique threw her arms around John's father. It had been so long since she had seen him smile. He hugged her back, laughing in the way only she could make him do.

"If you are to be..." She looked back at her father, "Then you're not...?"

"No, sweet child. Although they are working on me at the hospital. The Heavens have granted me this gift. If it was me, what would you have said?" he pondered.

"Goodbye, I guess," she answered him. 

Shaking his head at her in his usual fashion. He chuckled. "Oh, Angelique. It's never goodbye. It is just until we meet again." 

She hugged Rev. O'Bryan as the lifeline she knew he was. 

"Angel, it's time to go," Gabriel said, resting his hand on her shoulder. She reluctantly pulled away from her father. 

Looking again to Francis McDougle. "I'm glad to know you'll be the one watching over him," she said, wrapping her arms protectively around her midsection. 

"Until we meet again," Francis said, smiling at her warmly.

"Until we meet again," Angelique said sadly, as she watched both her father and Francis fade from view.

"My father?" she questioned Gabriel. 

"Will be there when you return," he assured her. Angel breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Thank you," she said to Gabriel. "Thank you for all that you've done for me."

Gabriel looked down at her. "Are you ready to go back?" 

Angelique nodded. 

"I'll miss you," she said, touching Gabriel's cheek. 

"You won't even remember me. At least, not as you know me now," Gabriel said. The pain those words brought him shone through his eyes. 

Angelique looked concerned. "You mean..." Angelique faltered for a second. 

"It's the way it has to be," Gabriel told her, trying his best to smile for her. 

Angelique looked up at him. Her hands cradled his face. "YOU are my angel. Even if I can't remember. I will ALWAYS believe in you." 

Tears stung her eyes as she lowered his head to hers and kissed his lips. Gabriel gathered what strength he had left and returned her kiss. Sighing into her mouth, he breathed life back into her. Angel closed her eyes to the feeling of total joy she felt at this moment, as everything faded from view. She was left with Gabriel's parting words echoing in her ears. 

"Love and I will always be with you. Until we meet again, Angel."

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