Chapter Thirty-seven

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The doctor finished with his checkup and wrapped things up. "Can you send the man in that you saw in here earlier?" 

"Certainly," the doctor said. Only it was not John who walked through the door, but Rebecca.

"Oh, my God! It's true! You're awake!" Rebecca said, running over to Angelique and throwing her arms around her. "I thought I would never see you again. That I'd never get to say how much ... I..." Rebecca just cried as Angelique held her.

"I worried the same about you. I had to come and find you. When I found out Danny had taken you..." Angelique felt the young girl shiver in her arms. "But that's all over now," she reassured her.

Despite her fear of hospitals, Rebecca had been in several times to see Angelique. She had bounced back rather well, considering the ordeal she had been through. It had turned out the body they found on John's boat was Bobby's. Something must have gone wrong when he tried rigging the bomb and it blew up, ending his life.

"Thank you so much for coming for me. For never giving up on me."

Angelique was so grateful to have Rebecca in her life. She told Angelique her plans to get her GED and then she wanted to go to school to become a chef.

"Mrs. Dolton told me she heard there is an opening in her building, so I'm thinking of moving in permanently. She knows I don't have the money, but she said she is pretty well off and so would settle with frequent visits. As I learn new dishes, I was told I am to come over and prepare them for her. She will be my official taste tester," Rebecca said with laughter, thinking of how excited the elderly woman was.

"You know I've had Tommy helping me stock shelves at the store. He's great at it. You should keep him on when you come back."

"My store? It's still open then," Angelique asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Rebecca asked, surprised.


"John," Rebecca said. "He talked with Gabriel and they spoke with the Judge together on your behalf. They got you an extension. Considering everything that happened, the judge agreed."

Angelique sighed. She was grateful for that. She'll have her work cut out for her. Saving the shelter and Heaven Sent will be no small task. "I'd be happy to keep Tommy on. I think I'd like the company."

"Oh, and he found some kittens in the dumpster behind the store, so... Michael and I took them to the Animal Shelter, but not before we let Mrs. Dolton pick one out to keep her company. She misses Saint a lot."

Angelique's heart plummeted. Saint had been with her for as long as she could remember. It was still hard to believe he was gone.

"Well, I'm starving, so I'm going to grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria. Can I get you anything?"

Angelique just shook her head no.

"I know they won't have anything as good as I can cook, but it will have to do."

"How did you get here, by the way?" Angelique asked.

"Michael brought me. He had to make a phone call first and then he said he would be up to see you. We were both super psyched when we got John's text."

"John? Is he out there?"

"John, no. He usually leaves at this time of day. Michael comes and stands watch over you so he can go home, get cleaned up and, I guess, take care of whatever he needs before coming back to keep his vigil overnight. When do you bust out of this joint, anyway?"

Angelique could not imagine the torment she put them through. "A couple of days, I was told."

"Great! I would uh... make a welcome home dinner for you but I have a feeling you may have other plans."

"What other plans?" Angelique asked.

"You'll see," Rebecca said, smiling coyly at her before quickly exiting the room.

Angelique wondered at Rebecca's parting words. She couldn't think of what they could mean. It was amazing though how far Rebecca had come from that night at she found her outside of Heaven Sent. She seemed so much more alive and younger. Angelique would even dare to say hopeful.

A quick wrap on the door interrupted her thoughts. "Are you decent?" the familiar voice called into the room.

"Yes," she answered, laughing.

"Darn," he said as he entered the room with a vase of flowers. "I guess I shouldn't have asked first," Michael said, grinning at her.

"You're impossible and they're beautiful," Angelique said, admiring the bright-colored flowers.

"Glad you like them," Michael said with a chuckle. "I asked Mary for help."

"Mary?" Angelique asked, confused.

"Oh right, details... Officer Ryan. The woman you talked to at the police station. She's the one responsible for bringing Danny down, literally."

Angelique remembered John's story of an officer tackling Danny and him getting a hold of her gun. Then she remembered her behavior toward the woman and cringed.

"You okay? You're not in pain, are you? Should I call for the nurse?"

"No," Angelique reassured him. "I was just recalling my last conversation with Officer Ryan."

Michael laughed. "No worries, Angelgirl. Mary's not the type to hold grudges."

Angelique gave him a scrutinizing stare.

"What?" Michael asked, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

"You like her," Angelique stated matter-of-factly.

Michael looked away.

Angelique smiled at him. "Isn't that usually a good thing?"

"Usually, but it doesn't exactly fit into the original plan."

"Well, sometimes God's plan isn't always clear," Angelique said.

"You got that right. I talked things over with my counselor at the seminary. I've already been ordained a deacon. I know deacons can be married but they have to be so before they are ordained. He told me I have to be sure this is what I want, the priesthood I mean, but I think God has something else in store for me. Angelique, she is so wonderful. I just..." Michael blushed slightly and Angelique laughed.

"Sounds to me like you've made up your mind."

"Perhaps I have," Michael said sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his neck. "What do I do now?" He never went to college. He went straight into the seminary after high school.

"Don't worry," Angelique said at the look of concern on Michael's face, "Things have a way of working themselves out. Did you see John before he left?" Angelique asked.

"No, I just missed him," Michael said, but she noticed he didn't look directly at her when he said it.

"Michael, do you know something?" Angelique asked, narrowing her gaze as she looked at him.

Michael hated when she looked at him like that. He knew whatever he said she would see right through it.

"Hey, Michael! Here you are. Are you ready to go yet?" Rebecca asked, barging into the room.

"I promised Rebecca a ride to Heaven Sent." Michael looked down at his watch. "We were on our way when we got John's message and I had to stop here first. Sorry to run out on you like this, Angelgirl but we really have to go. I spoke with your dad and he will be here shortly. So, you won't be on your own for long."

"I sure am glad you're awake," he said, giving Angelique a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up and practically dashing out the door. 

Something was definitely going on. 

Her room should have had a revolving door installed with the number of nurses, doctors, and specialists that came through it, to "check her out."

When she heard yet another knock on the door, she couldn't help but quip, "Grand Central Station. Come on in!" 

"So, much company... you don't need mine?" 

"Oh, Dad." Angelique's eyes immediately filled with tears. 

Within seconds he was by her side, wiping the tear the escaped from her cheek. "Whatever am I to do with you, child."

"Just love me and never leave me," Angelique said with a half-laugh and part sob.

Rev. O'Bryan shook his head at her. "I can't promise the second part but the first part will always be true. How are you?"

"Tiptop shape. So they all say. A walking, talking miracle."

"You were always that to me," her father told her. 

Angelique smiled warmly at him. "And you?"

"Doing great. The operation was a great success. But nothing could make my heart heal faster than knowing you are awake again. John called me the moment it happened. Don't know what I'd do without that boy. Somehow, he kept us all from losing our minds with worry. He never gave up on you opening your eyes again. Not once."

"He was here when I woke up, but then disappeared," Angelique said, hating to hear the pouty sound in her voice. 

Her father patted her cheek. "He is a very busy man. He has been taking excellent care of you. If he's not here, just trust he has his reasons."

Angelique knew her Father was right, but her heart ached because he was not here. She just wanted to sit and stare at his face for a while. Reassure herself that he is alive, well, and hers.

Her father stayed with her for the rest of the day. He would have stayed overnight but Angelique reassured him she'd be fine and insisted he go home and get a decent night's sleep. 

Later that evening, Angelique got a phone call. 

"So how is the most beautiful woman in the world doing today?"

Angelique smiled into the receiver. "She's lonely," she answered him honestly.

"That's terrible, but I hear you get to come home the day after tomorrow."

"Who told you that?" Angelique asked.

"I have my resources," John supplied mysteriously.

"Are you coming back?" Angelique asked.

There was silence for a second. Then...

"Not tonight and if you don't see me tomorrow, don't go worrying yourself thinking I have forgotten you."

Angelique found it difficult not to feel confused. She just woke up. Why would he abandon her now after being so vigilant before? Was he just watching over her out of guilt? No, that was ridiculous. She pushed the thought from her mind.

Almost in reply to her thoughts, John said, "I've been busy setting up a private practice in the city. I want to be someone you can be proud of. So, I started fighting the good fight. A lot of dirty deals went down at my firm and I'm currently mounting a case to get the people payback. I can't get them their homes, but I can get them paid for what they should have gotten for them. Especially those cases that Danny fixed. I'm going to set things right, Angel. If it takes the rest of my career to do so."

"Angel?" John was wondering at Angelique's silence.

Angelique wanted to say so much to him. That she loved him. That she was proud of him and would always be proud of him. She imagined how proud his father must be at this moment. She could almost picture him smiling down at him.

"Angel, is everything okay?"

Angelique tried taking a deep breath. She didn't want her voice to sound as shaky as she felt at the moment. There was other news she needed to impart, but she refused to do so over the phone.

"Fine, John. Things couldn't possibly be better."

"Permit me to disagree with you there. They will release you at noon. I promise to be there to pick you up. Until we meet again. Sweet dreams, Angel. I love you."

Angelique thought his statement was odd but chose not to comment on it. Instead, she said, "I love you too." 

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