Chapter Twelve

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"Would you like a cup of coffee, Sergeant...?"

"Reid," the officer supplied. "Love some thanks. That was some pretty fancy footwork you did back there. Care to tell me where you learned it?"

Angelique pulled out a certificate from the top drawer of her desk. She handed it to the officer, along with his cup of coffee.

Taking a swig, he scorched his throat as he forced himself to swallow the fiery liquid to avoid the spray he knew would occur from the force of laughter stuck in his throat. "Well, doesn't that beat all?" he commented, reading over the paper. "A little thing like you registered as a weapon with the New York State police department."

"I had to be schooled in the martial arts, Sergeant Reid. Like you pointed out, my size is not exactly intimating."

"To say the least," Officer Reid agreed with a slight chuckle, "but there is a big difference to being schooled and mastering a black belt in Brazilian jiujitsu.

"My father doesn't believe in violence but I was bullied so often in school, he wanted me to be able to protect myself. It was something that proved unnecessary until today."

"Smart dad, well we can hold him for twenty-four hours, but if I were you, I'd press charges. Assault with a deadly weapon would put that boy away for at least 3 to 5 years. Unless he still a minor then he may be sent to a JV detention center. Either way, he'd be off the streets and out of your hair. Of course, I don't know if I'd still want to be here when he gets out."

"Well, that may be easily arranged," Angelique mumbled.

"Come again?"

"Nothing. Sorry, never mind. Officer Reid, the reason I asked to speak with you is that, that boy in your custody was looking for a girl who I believe may be in grave danger."

"Do you have a name?" Officer Reid asked, flipping open a notepad and clicking his pen to jot the information down.

"No, no name, but I can tell you the girl is safe for the time being, but not until after this boy attacked her. My concern is, however, that he doesn't normally work alone. He usually travels with three or four other boys, any of which may wish to harm this girl out of retaliation, if they found her."

"Look mam' I understand your concern but there really isn't much I can do unless she will come forward."

Playing with her necklace, Angelique rubbed her tired eyes and sent a silent prayer to God to give her strength. "Well, thank you for your time, Sergeant. I guess I'll need to find another avenue to keep the girl safe."

"Well, by protecting this girl, it sounds as if you're asking for more trouble. Maybe even inviting it right in your front door."

Angelique thought how she opened her door to John this morning and all the trouble that had brought with it.

Smiling a smile that held no mirth, she looked to the officer with tired eyes and said, "Unfortunately it's only one hazard of the job of running a shelter. I always have an open-door policy."

Reid liked this woman. He was new to the department and had heard from almost everyone in the neighborhood what she had brought to this area. Hope, something desperately needed.

He decided he should let the woman get some rest if that were possible, and he still had a perp to book and a patrol to carry on with. He handed her his coffee mug, and for a brief second, caught her direct gaze. What came next came from deep inside.

"All hell, look I can't guarantee anything, but I'll ask the kid a few questions and for the next couple of weeks, I'll put a patrol car on this route. This way they'll have to pass by the place two, maybe three times a day. You're a kind woman, Ms. O'Bryan. The world could use a few more angels like you."

Angelique smiled a genuine smile.

Officer Reid continued, "Sometimes, I really hate this job. I feel as though I'm protecting punks who have no business being on the street. But seeing you today well... let's just say you gave me something to believe in again."

"Thank you," Angelique said. Reaching out, she gave the man's hand a squeeze.

"No, thank you," Officer Reid replied as he smiled back. Taking his hat from under his arm, he adjusted it to fit snugly on his head and strode out the door.

Shutting the door behind the officer, Angelique rested her head against the cool colored glass. His offer would make the shelter safer, but what of Rebecca. She can't keep her own heart safe. How was she supposed to protect another human being?

"Don't sell yourself short," was the reply she received.

Angelique turned to look at her desk and there was Gabriel, sitting behind it with his feet up on the corner. She would normally have screamed from being startled, but Gabriel had this strange calming effect whenever he was near her, or perhaps she was just getting used to him popping in and out.

"How did you get in?" Angelique asked before realizing the stupidity of the question.

Gabriel just shook his head at her.

"Come here, Angel. Sit down for a while. You're exhausted."

Angelique responded without question. Gabriel circled the desk and stood behind Angelique's chair so that he would be in a suitable position to massage her shoulders. Angelique melted under his heavenly touch.

"You really are a gift from God," she stated. "Not that I am complaining, but what are you doing here?"

"You tell me? You're the one asking the Lord for strength. Ask and here I am."

Trying to turn to see his face, Angelique asked, "Well, where were you about a half an hour ago when I was being held at knifepoint? I could have used your help then."

"You had the situation under control, otherwise I am sure I would have received instructions. Besides, I warned you were going to be challenged."

Sighing, Angelique wondered was she going physically going to fight off all of Rebecca's attackers. Maybe she needs to use some of those techniques on John and his law firm buddies.

"I'm afraid your battles are going to be more emotional than physical."

Twisting around again to see Gabriel's face, she frowned up at him. "Will you stop doing that? Stay out of my head."

Gabriel smirked down at her. "To be honest, it's not really your mind that I'm reading. That's a human term. It's your heart that speaks to me."

"Well, whatever it is, I don't like it."

Turning Angelique's head forward again he said, "It's not something that you have to worry about."

She wasn't sure if he meant her question or the fact that he knew everything she felt deep down inside, and he didn't bother to clarify.

"What other challenges, Gabriel? I'm really am not sure how much more I can take."

"I am afraid I can't tell you that. It would interfere and although I may intercede on your behalf, foretelling the future is forbidden."

Somehow, Angelique already knew that. "If you can't tell me my future, can you clue me in on my past? What is it like to be an angel? What was I like?"

"In due time, Angel. Right now, I have to go. Someone is coming." There was a knock at the door. Angelique looked back, but Gabriel had vanished as quickly as he appeared.

"Come in!"

Michael poked his head in, looking around the room.

"Oh, you're alone. I thought I heard you talking to someone."

"No, just me." Angelique tried to smile up at Michael but found she really did not have the stamina to go on smiling. It just took more effort than she could give.

Michael was deeply concerned. Never had he seen Angelique look this way. She looked more than physically tired. She looked like she was losing hope and it was more than he could bear.

"Look," Michael started as he slid past the door, "why don't you go home and get some rest? I can run things until you get back tonight or in an hour or two. You really look beat you need your rest."

"Michael, I appreciate the offer, really I do, but soon you are going to be in the same condition as me if you don't get yourself some rest."

"Don't be ridiculous," Michael said as he pulled her from her chair and placed her backpack in her hand. "I'll be fine. If things are slow. I'll grab a siesta on the sofa over there and have a volunteer wake me up in a few."

Angelique was about to protest as she realized she was being ushered out the office door and towards the back opening where she had parked earlier. "I guess what you're saying is that I really don't have a choice?"

"Whatever, gave you that idea?" Michael grinned as he opened the back door and gently shoved her out of it.

In that moment, Angelique saw a family resemblance between the two brothers. Whenever they were being mischievous, they both wore the same silly grin.

Angelique touched Michael's cheek for a moment and then in a motherly gesture, place one hand on either cheek so that she could lower his head towards her and give a kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks," she said.

"You're welcome," Michael replied, giving her another slight shove to her shoulder. "Now go to your room, young lady, and no fooling around when you get there. I want you in bed, A.S.A.P. Understood?"

Angelique gave Michael a mock salute and with that, climbed into her tiny Beetle and drove home. 

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