Chapter Twenty-Five

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They watched the sunset together, him just holding her close. She felt so safe. She felt at home, but unlike any home she had ever known, it was a certainty that this was where she belonged. Night fell, and they watched as the night sky come alive with twinkling stars up above.

Angelique loved every minute spent with John. She did not know why, but it felt like a stolen moment, something to be treasured, and she did, locking away every look, every touch, every smile.

John could not shake that feeling of apprehension, that they were both on a precipice of something much bigger, but it was getting late and he feared the day was ending.

He pulled her back into his embrace. He knew this was where she belonged, here with him, in his arms.

"Thank you for this. I really needed this time. More than you realize," Angelique confessed. 

John brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Stay? Stay here with me?"

The question seemed to surprise them both. It was a desperate need in John's heart he did not mean to express yet felt he had to. Angelique looked at him with such uncertainty.

He pulled her close. She could hear his heartbeat as her head lay against his chest. It was an erratic beat, thumping a tattoo. Showing her without words what the nearness of her did to him.


It was the please that was her undoing. He expected her to deny him. Angelique felt the sadness in his words. She wished she could take the pain away. Remove it to allow his heart to heal and open up to love once more.

"I know it is a lot to ask. And I realize I shouldn't be asking, but Angelique, I just ... I just can't let you go. I never want to let you go again. Letting you go was undoubtedly the worst decision I have ever made."

"Oh, John," Angelique's eyes misted with unshed tears.

"I thought I had to. That it would be better for you, for Michael, for me. I was wrong about it all. In one moment, with one decision, I lost everyone I loved and everyone who loved me."

Angelique looked into his eyes, those beautiful eyes, and she saw it. A glimpse, just a glimpse, into his soul. "Shh!" she said, pressing her fingers gently against his lips. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I can't. Here is where I belong."

She knew it to be the truth the moment she said the words.

John was a lost soul looking for salvation. She would deny him no longer. Yet, how can she express all the love she holds inside for this man? Was it even possible?

John could not believe she agreed to stay but refused to think past this moment. He took her hand and led her below deck. The boat contained everything one would need to travel in comfort, a small kitchenette, a table and chairs that were bolted into position.

Through a small hall that could only fit one person at a time, John led her to the sleeping quarters. A slightly larger room paneled in dark rich wood. The bed was boxy but functional and lay low to the ground in the middle of the room.

The ceiling, although not high, allowed John to walk about freely without danger of bumping his head and turning a knob on the wall, allowed the lights to dim for a candlelight effect. He chose not to speak, but stared into her eyes as he took her hand and placed it on his chest. Covering her hand with his, he continued to gaze into her eyes.

He took a few steps back, making it necessary for her to follow. Angelique suddenly felt nervous. She knew what a leap of faith this took. If she allowed this moment to take place, there was no turning back. She wondered what it would be like to surrender completely to his touch, to all his kisses had promised in the past.

John followed her gaze to the bed and then her eyes met his once more. John could hardly believe she was considering giving him this gift. This was a tremendous moment, one he planned to cherish and draw out so that he can absorb every minute.

Raising the hand he held close to his heart, he pressed her palm against his lips, kissed the inside of her wrist. She felt her pulse quicken as her heated blood raced through her veins. Running the back of his hand across her cheek, Angelique closed her eyes and nuzzled against his palm.

John sighed as she caressed his roughened hand with the softness of her cheek. Opening her eyes, she saw the intense need in his. He picked her up, sat her upon the mattress, taking his time, he undressed her. Taking pleasure to tease and taunt her with his touch along the way. She moaned with delight and her response spurred him on.

What he was doing to her body made her knees feel weak and her breath quicken. He laid her back upon the pillows, blazing a trail of kisses over her now naked form. Angelique brought him back to her lips by interlacing her fingers in his hair.

He kissed her only briefly before standing before her. He undressed and reveled in how her eyes never left his body. Seeing how her desire matched his own, he knew he had to make this a moment one she would remember.

He was magnificent to behold. Her eyes traveled the length of his form. He was as beautiful as she remembered. She reached out for him and he joined her. They kissed and caressed one another, each as eager to please the other. She pressed herself into him.

He must keep control, but it became increasingly more difficult as her response to him grew. He sought her lips, kissing her gently, but as she moved against him, the kiss deepened into something more passionate, hungrier. She returned his kisses with a hunger of her own that until now she wasn't aware existed. He groaned at her boldness as her hands sought him out.

"Angel, please have mercy," he gushed from the breath he finally allowed to exhale. She felt thrilled at knowing she could excite him as much as she did her, but did as he asked and allowed him to guide her.

As he looked into her eyes, he saw she trusted him completely. There was so much he wanted to tell her, but the words escaped him. He would have to settle for showing her how he felt.

As he looked into her eyes, she knew her love for him must be clear, but still she couldn't speak the words she so desperately wanted to say. She knew he desired her, needed her, wanted her, but did he love her? 

As his hands once again began their exploration of her body, she pushed the intruding thought aside and enjoyed the sensations he made her feel.

What he did made her moan in pleasure. He knew this was her first time. He wanted to be sure her body was ready to accept him.

He had made her so sensitive. Angelique was dizzy from the feeling, but she was soon to discover this was only the beginning. She felt she'd go mad.

"John," his name came out a plea. She never felt such a need to be a part of him.

It was all the urging he needed.

He went to comply with her wishes, but suddenly he hesitated. His reaction confused and hurt Angelique. Could he not feel it too? This overwhelming desire, a need to be together as one. John braced himself up so he could see her face. 

"Angel, I don't want to hurt you. I've done enough of that already."

Stroking her hair from her face, she turned her face into his hand. She couldn't bear to look at him. It was enough to make his heartbreak. 

"If this isn't what you want. I would never force you," he began, "You say the word and as difficult as it would be, we end this here. I just want your first time to be special."

Angel turned from his palm. The look in her eyes one of such intense love, there was no mistaking it for anything else. John felt his heart catch in his throat as he lost himself in those pools of blue.

"I thought..." Angel began feeling slightly foolish, "I thought you had changed your mind. That you didn't want me."

John blinked at her words as if not being able to comprehend them. "My sweet, Angel." He smiled at her and the look was devastating. "How could you possibly think such a thing? My God, do you have any idea what you do to me? Every nerve in my entire body is crying out for you at this moment. I ache to be inside you, become one with you. I can barely hold myself in check."

"I'm sorry," Angel said, feeling very unsure and so naïve. "I just never did this, with someone... anyone before."

"All the more reason to take it slow," John reassured her. "It may hurt the first time, but I promise you it will get better, that is, if you still want me?"

Angel could think of nothing she wanted more and reached out to him once again. John closed his eyes and offered up his thanks before he lowered himself into her arms.

He lay with her, kissing her, caressing all of her most secret places. He loved touching her, knowing that no one else has touched her as he was privileged to do just now. She whispered his name on a sigh of satisfaction and he once again took position over her, holding her still so that her need for him did not rush their union.

The feeling was intoxicating for them both. He looked into her eyes for the reassurance he needed to take it further. Once he took her, they could never go back. "Please," was all she said and with that, he gathered her close to him and took them the rest of the way.

Angelique cried out, but the feeling of pain was soon replaced by one of pleasure as John continued to make love to her. He felt himself on the edge but was determined to pleasure her first before he took his own satisfaction. He brought them both to a feverish pitch.

Angelique could not bear it any longer and as she screamed out his name, John joined her in this moment of bliss. He burrowed his face into the hollow of her neck and allowed the sensation to take its course. "God, I love you," he whispered into her ear.

Her heart leaped at those words. Could it be true? She wanted so much to believe it to be a true confession of his feelings for her and not just an admission of desire, but she wouldn't allow herself to think about it. She didn't want to ruin what they shared and so, still joined with him, totally spent, they fell asleep in each other's arms.   

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