Chapter Twenty-three

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Angelique took her seat and John did too, right across from her. His eyes never left hers. She didn't think this was the best idea... them being alone like this. She felt more vulnerable than ever.

John hated that Angelique looked at him nervously, almost scared to be alone with him. He had hurt her, bad, perhaps more than he realized. He missed her bravado. Her taking shots at him, ready to fight for what she felt was right. He reached out and took her hand. Angelique nearly jumped out of her skin.

Standing up suddenly she said, "Maybe this isn't such a great idea. Why don't you grab something to eat and I will call a cab to take me home once Agnes comes back so you don't have to wait for me."

"Angel, I'm pretty sure we can share a meal," John reasoned from his seat, afraid to make a move that she might bolt. Was it really that bad to share a meal with him? What has he turned into? Has he become the monster he hopes to protect her from?

Angelique did not care for the pained expression on John's face and yielded, taking her seat once more. "You're right. It's just a meal." John smiled at her, grateful for her change of mind, but she knew it was much more than that. It was a change of heart.

She was letting him in once more and as always he was taking over every inch of her heart, imprinting himself on it, leaving room for no one else. She was a fool to think she could be within ten feet of him and not be affected by him.

She busied herself with dishing out the delicious food that Agnes had prepared for them.

Once again, John waited for her to be still. "Angel, I know I've said I was sorry, but I know that doesn't even scratch the surface. I just wish I could make this right. I just wish..." John played with the food on his plate, shuffling it around, angered by his lack of words.

Angelique reached out and took his hand in hers. His eyes met hers, and what he saw there took his breath away. She looked at him with compassion, but more than that, she looked at him with love. 

John felt like his heart was being compressed in a vise grip. If only he could believe what he saw reflected in her eyes. He wanted that, and so much more. He picked up her hand and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist.

The kiss sent an electric current to course through her body. She actually shivered at the touch. When he pressed her palm to his face, she felt the sting of tears prick her eyes. "John?" his name came out a strangled whisper.

John stood up, totally disregarding the meal before them. He pulled her from her seat, and she came to him willingly. Taking his forefinger and thumb, he lifted her chin, wanting to gaze into her eyes once more, to see that love shining through.

She did not disappoint him, and once again he felt his heart constrict. It struggled to free itself from the restraints he had placed it in. His heart wanted out of the bonds he buried it under. It screamed her name.

"Angel, I don't deserve you, but God help me... I..."

He did not get to finish that statement, as her lips had silenced him. Her kiss was like a balm to his very soul. He could not understand it, but he no longer tried and just turned himself over to her care.

Angelique didn't want to hear any more apologies or to be told about all the reasons for how he failed her. They had failed one another. She was on a mission, a mission of Love, and the person she loved most in this world from the moment she was chosen to guard his soul was John.

In her kiss, she poured that love into him.

John felt like crying, laughing, and screaming all at the same time while she kissed him, and wondered if he were still sane. The dam on his emotions was breaking free, and he was no longer strong enough to hold it back. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her back, wanting to pour into that kiss all that she gave him.

Her arms wrapped around him, and she closed the last few inches between them. John sighed against her mouth, briefly allowing him to catch his breath before devouring her again.

"My, my... I understand we are to love our enemies but don't you think you're taking it a bit too far, Angelgirl."

Angelique jumped back, breaking free from John and the hold he had over her at the sound of Michael's voice.

John cringed as he watched her wipe her lips with the back of her hand as if trying to remove something unwanted from them. What a fool he was? What a dreamer to think she held any feelings for him?

"Michael, as always, you have impeccable timing," John said, the acid in his tone not to be missed.

"Father is sleeping," Angelique said lamely, feeling like she was a teenager caught breaking her curfew. "Mrs. Duncan left us a meal. There is enough if you care to join."

"Don't let me interrupt," Michael said. He couldn't understand it. How could she do it? How could she give in to him again, after everything he's put her through? Watching them together was like rubbernecking at an accident site. You don't really want to see the devastation, but you can't seem to look away.

"You're a little late for that," John retorted moodily. Angelique scowled at him, and it nearly made him want to chuckle. So, she has some fight in her still.

John pulled out his chair, saying, "Have a seat. Now that you're here, my services are undoubtedly no longer needed or wanted, so I'll get going."

This sudden turn of events surprised Angelique. Why was he disappearing? Was she wrong? Was this only physical? The mere thought felt like a knife to her heart.

"Thanks, John, but I'm not interested in your leftovers," Michael said coldly.

The reference was lost on Angelique but not John. He knew Michael wasn't talking about the food. Was he no longer interested in Angelique now that he had seen them kissing? John knew he would not walk away from Angelique so easily. If there was a relationship between them, it must be one-sided. He wondered if Angelique knew even that his little brother has been crushing on her. Or has he?

"Still, I've overstayed my welcome," John said. Leaning over, he gave Angelique a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for today," he said to her, and before she knew what to say or figured out how to stop him, he was out the door.

Angelique plopped into her chair and pushed her plate away, no longer interested in food.

"Care to tell me what that was about?" Michael asked, taking the chair next to hers.

She looked positively lost when her eyes met his and it made him want to throttle his big brother.

"I would if I knew?" Angelique replied.

Michael reached over and hugged her, then pulled away to look at her again. "I'm sorry I reacted how I did. I just... I've been out of my mind with worry about you, not knowing where you've been this last week. The last thing I expected was to come here and..."

"See me making out with your brother?" Angelique supplied.

Michael cringed. "Yeah. I just wish I knew what hold he has over you. I wish I had a way to free you from it," Michael said, touching her face.

Angelique laughed slightly. "That would be something, wouldn't it? If you figure it out..."

Angelique didn't get to finish her sentence because Michael's lips were on hers. He kissed her quickly and awkwardly, practically smashing his lips against hers. Angelique pushed him away. "What do you think...?"

"Angelique I... I just..." Michael fumbled, turned three shades of red. "I should have never..."

"No. You shouldn't have. Michael, you're like a brother to me. I love you. I do. More than words can express, but not that way. Never that way. I'm sorry," Angelique told him.

"I know," Michael said sadly. "I've always known. I just... I hate it, Angelique. What he does to you. The hold he has over you. You deserve better. You deserve so much more. I hoped I could... I don't know."

Angelique smiled. "I wish it were that easy, Michael. I really do. Truth is, I don't deserve you, but I am grateful to have you in my life. Please, don't take that from me."

Michael smiled back. "I could never do that. You mean too much to me. I get it. You belong to him, and always will. You've never given me cause to believe otherwise. That much was wishful thinking on my part. You won't ever lose me, I promise."

Angelique hugged him. "Thank you."

Michael pulled away. "Hungry? We can't let all this good food go to waste. Agnes will have a fit and swear never to cook like this again and I live here so that will be a tremendous loss for me." He chuckled.

"I guess," Angelique said. Although she really had no appetite, she kept him company while he filled her in on the ongoings at the shelter. Soon they fell back into their normal roles and enjoyed each other's company as if what had happened never took place.

Angelique was happy to know things were going well at the shelter and that Rebecca was enjoying running Heaven Sent. Angelique couldn't quite bring herself to tell Michael that the store was up for collateral, that she may lose it, too. She kept that information close to her, not ready to divulge it to anyone just yet.

Mrs. Duncan came home. It surprised her to see Michael and Angelique sitting at the dinner table. Obviously, things did not go as she had hoped for John and Angelique.

Angelique was not aware that her Father held high hopes for her and John to get back together. His talks with John over the last week made him realize he was the man meant for his daughter. He only hoped he'd be around to see it happen.

Angelique thanked Mrs. Duncan for the wonderful meal and excused herself from the table so she could say goodbye to her dad. He was so pleased to see she had not left.

"Where's John?" her father asked, looking behind her to the door as if he expected him to walk through.

"He left. Michael and Mrs. Duncan are here though, so I know you will be well looked after. I don't want to leave but I have a lot that I need to prepare for and figure out, time is not on my side."

Rev. O'Bryan hated to see the hurt in his daughter's eyes. "He loves you, Angel."


"John. He loves you. He may not know how to do so properly but make no mistake about it, that man loves you very much."

Angelique's heart and her mind were very much at war with each other.

"What makes you say such a thing?" Angelique asked, not entirely sure she wanted to know.

"We've had many a chat while you were away. Sometimes he would talk to me thinking I was asleep and so said whatever came to his mind. It may seem deceitful but I knew he needed to get some things off his chest so I never let on I was awake. He cares for you, deeply. He's made many mistakes, but none of us are perfect, Angel. I never thought I'd be the one to say this, but he needs you. Don't shut him out. He needs the love you have to give."

Angel sighed. "I don't want to shut him out, Dad, but he keeps pushing me away. I'm not sure I can continue to allow myself to be hurt by him. I just don't know what the right thing to do is?"

"Follow your heart, Angel. It won't steer you wrong." 

Angelique gave him a weak smile and kissed him goodbye. She pondered his advice on the entire cab ride home.

Love is our ruling force we cannot betray it.

The words echoed in her head.

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