Chapter 23: Dealing with the Apocalypse

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Mabel POV

It's been three bloody long days out in this apocalypse. I was hiding in old buildings like a sad and pathetic soul...I was dirty, tired and hungry. After a day, my powers finally came back but it doesn't matter when demons are everywhere and will kill or capture you.

There was no food at all and so I couldn't use my powers to get food. The last food I had was a day ago. I stole it from a guy. It was a pretty good sandwitch.

I sigh as I was under a desk as some eye bats' rays went through the windows to find someone. I couldn't find anyone that I know of...or would want to be around me. They were more wanting to rob me or something. Stan went off somewhere, Ford was capture, Dipper was gone or capture....I don't know...and my friends aren't around either. 

I was alone.

I rub my amulet for some sort of comfort.

"Think got to think of something to do. What do to next? There's got to be something to do!" I muttered.

Then suddenly there was a sound of the door opening and closing.

Shoot, they found me!

I grip my amulet tightly in my grip as I shot out from the desk and used my powers. I lifted the things, about to crush them but stop myself. I was filled with joy as I saw who had enter the place, "Gideon!"

Gideon was up in the air, "Mabel!"

I release Gideon by gently setting him to the ground. I then ran up to him and hug him, "Oh thank goodness that my sugar plumb is alright!" Gideon didn't hug me back, "Uh....Can you let me go?"

I let him go, "I'm sorry! Did I crush you? I didn't mean too..."

"'s fine. Are you by yourself?" Gideon asked me.

"Yeah. Stan ran off, Ford got captured, and Dipper...I don't know. Fiddleford did something to him. He has Dipper's amulet. I don't know where anyone is."

"I know what you mean. I can't find Pacifica...but for Stan...He's with me."

"Stan? My great uncle?"

"Yeah. I've been going around trying to find survivors. There is an underground bunker where I've been hiding."


Gideon sigh, "Would you like to come?"

I smiled, "Of course!" I then hug Gideon tightly. 

"M-Mabel!" He gasped out

I release him, "Oops! Sorry my love."

"First off....I'm not your love. You tried to kill Pacifica and myself."

"I would never try to kill you!"

"But Pacifica. You tried to kill her and then you had your friends bully her. I'm only helping you because I'm nice."


"It's true. You hurt her and...wait...did you do something to her!"

"What? No! I haven't seen her!"

"Well she went to see Dipper before everything happened..."

"To see Dipper? What! That no good mother of-"

"See my point! You call her names and just been mean to her. That is why I don't like you, the same with Pacifica. Now she came over to your house to talk to Dipper. We wanted to see what you were planning to do with the power of the journals and portal. Pacifica was never seen again."

"Neither has Dipper. He went down to strap down Fiddleford in the basement...and he never came up. Now Fiddleford is out, Dipper is gone, and Fiddleford has Dipper's amulet. Something happened to him. I bet Fiddleford did something to your cousin as well."

"Then what do we do?"

"That is a question I've been asking myself for days."

Gideon then sighs as he headed for the door, "We should go to the bunker and figure this out. To think in a better" Gideon then lead me through the craziness and into the forest. Then we went up to this tree and Gideon just press a button and it lead to this stair well. "Your great uncle Ford build this, just in case the power goes to the wrong hands at the wrong time." Gideon explained.

Then we headed down and when I enter the area there was people, all sick or injured or dirty. I shiver at being around theses types of people. I don't know if being alone was better. At least I was with my love Gideon.

"Mabel!" I heard a voice called out. It was Stan. I gave a smirk, "I told you that it was stupid of you to think that he would trade with you. You are such an idiot." 

Stan growled.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask.

"Stay alive." Stan mumble.

"I wasn't talking to you old man!"

Stan leaned against the wall, grumbling to himself. 

"I don't know." Gideon replied. "Pacifica usually helps me."

"Know the feeling...From what I've been going dirt bag of a brother is actually something to me."

"But we don't know where anyone is." Stan pointed out.

"Mabel!" A voice cried out. I turn and I jump, "Not you again!" It was the bloody gnomes. I reach for my amulet but Gideon grab my arm, "They are good! They aren't going to hurt us."

"You ruin everything you twits! I'm going to cook you up into gnome stew!" I shouted.

"Mabel! If we want to save Dipper, Pacifica, and everyone else we got to work together and by doing that...we aren't killing, eating, or hurting anyone!" Gideon snapped.

I growled.

Gideon looks at everyone in the bunker, "Now what are we going to do?"

"Ford said something about killing the person who made this happen. Then everything will go in reverse and back to normal." Stan explained.

"Who is the leader?" A random person asked.


"But he has powers. Even though human, he has strong magic on his side. He took my brother's amulet and is using it against us. He has knowledge over everything..." I added.

"Not only that...there are demons everywhere!" Another random person pointed out.

"We should make a plan." Another random person called out and everyone agreed.

"I say...we leave town." Stan offered.

"Not without Dipper." I growled.

"You care for that boy? He could be dead for all we know!"

"I don't care what you think. I would like to have my brother with me. Sure he is a jack head that should be road kill but he is worth to have around. See! There I'm honest." I then wrap my arms around Gideon's arms, "See...I'm not that mean."

"Uh huh." Gideon shook a little and jerk away from me.

"He also knows more about the supernatural world than any of us." I pointed out.

"And Ford but they are both gone!" Stan snapped, "That is why I'm saying we should screw this town and just leave. Keep the human population up."

"When have you ever cared for human population? All you cared about is money, power, and your brother." I snapped.

"And you kids..."

"Liar! You only cared for our money and name!"

"Enough!" Gideon snapped, "Fighting isn't going to solve anything."

Stan rolls his eyes, "Since are we going to listen to you twerp?"

"Call him a twerp again and we will see you lies dead on the ground!" I sneer.

"Alright!" Gideon called out to stop the fighting, "Does anyone else have a plan?"

"Save the smart guys!" On offered, "The brothers."

"We don't know where they are." I pointed out, "And we don't even know about my brother."

"Pacifica could help...but I don't know where she is either."

I sat down on a dusty chair, which I didn't want to but I was tired, "We need some info somewhere."

"An inside man." Stan pointed out.

"Yeah but who is a part of this that won't kill us!"

We all sigh.

This was a mess, a huge one to add on to it. Nobody knows what is going on, how to stop what is going on, and how to get the people who can help us. 

We are really in the dark.

Dipper POV

I tugged on the chains that held me. They weren't moving at all. My hands were chained behind my back and a loop of chains came from the wall to my hands, making sure I stay in one place.

I hate this so much. I hate Will so much. I hate Fiddleford so much. I hate everyone! Ah!

I sat down on the cold ground, defeated from trying to loosen the chains but they held on tight.

One moment you see Pacifica and Will...then The rift broke and all chaos breaks loose. You get knocked out by a traitor demon and then you wake up here, chained up to the wall and gaged. My amulet was gone and I got a pretty good feeling who took it. The only human running this stupid thing.

I was in this room, I have no idea where I was at. It was like a huge throne room or something. I don't know. There was nobody around and nobody had came at all during the time I was here and away.

I was getting tired, hungry, and sore. I don't know how long I've been here...but I want to leave right now. I want to find Pacifica. She was nowhere in sight and I must find her. I don't care if she hates me still...I don't hate her. I care for a lot for her. I just want to make sure she was alright.

"Having fun?" A voice asked.

I turn my head and could see Fiddleford. I'm going to kill him in the most painful way known to man!

I only glared at him.

"Oh don't get that bitter towards me young Gleeful. You knew someday this will happened." Fiddleford smirked as he walked around me. 

I want these chains off of me and so I could strangle him!

Fiddleford rubbed my amulet around his neck, that son of a jack head stole from me, "I like to call this the apocalypse that will enslave all human kind. That was the deal I made the you servant Will. A cry baby demon he was but he was the only thing close to the Gleefuls. I knew when Ford hid the journals from me...I couldn't open the portal. So I made a deal with Will to make it happen, to do whatever to get the power of the journals. I guess that is betraying you and your family!"

I bite down on the gag, tightening my jaw.

Then Fiddleford grabs my chin and force it up, so I could look at him, "Poor little Dipper, don't know what to do and is trap here." Then he got down a bit closer, "But that is the least of your worries isn't it. You are more worry about that blond girl."

I jerk away from Fiddleford, growling...well a muffle growled.

"Oh don't worry about her at all. I've already taken great care of her. She is the first person to go through the...oh what's the word...It's like a vacuum. We put you in and everything special about you get suck out. You should be happy for her. We only take in the super special ones."

Then out of anger I kicked up, kicking Fiddleford in the gut and kicking him down to the ground. I then got up to my feet to keep kicking him but I could only go so far and he was out of my reach. The chains tighten around my wrists and my arms jerk back, stopping me from going to Fiddleford who was only a couple of feet away. Why did he have to roll?!

Fiddleford laugh as he got to his feet, "Oh that fire. I like it. Oh and that fire in your are sure full of hate. I bet you would love to kill me right now. You would want to see my blood splatter everywhere and warm on your skin."

"I'm going to murder you and wish that you were never born!" I tried shouting but it just come muffled wish wash. Blasted this gag! I tug at the chains to hopefully break them so I could break him.

"Oh don't feel left out Dipper. Of course you aren't going through the vacuum like your girlfriend or being a demon's servant. No...I got something better for you." Fiddleford snickered, "You see, I'm human and will die some part of my life. I need someone to rule after me and I've chosen you. You got the power, knowledge, and skill to keep this thing going for your life time. Then continue it from there."

"I would never you freak!" I snapped but was muffled.

Fiddleford went through his pockets and pulled out this needle. He flicked his finger on the container to get the blue liquid moving. I backed away, all the way to the wall. I needed to get enough room so I could take him down, it was my only way.

"Don't worry, young Gleeful, this isn't going to hurt....much. Depends how much you can stand pain." Fiddleford came at me with the needle at hand.

I waited until he came closer to me. then I jumped to the side and ram him into the wall. I then kicked his legs and made him fall onto his back. The needle falling out of his hand and rolled away. I then kicked Fiddleford in the head and he went limp for the moment.

I then went over to the needle but the chains tighten, pulling my arms back. The needle was too far for my reached. I growled with frustration. then stretch out with my foot to try and reach it. I was almost there, the tip of my shoe brushed against the needle. Fiddleford started to groan and stir from unconsciousness. I tried reaching some more and I was about to get the needle's other side to kick it towards me but then I was jerk away and slam up to the wall. I fell to the ground, grunting.

Fiddleford held the amulet and had the needle came to him, using my powers. Then he quickly came at me. He forced me down and my hands were tied behind me so I couldn't use them. He forced my head to the side and he jab the needle into my neck. I gasp out in pain.

I tried squirming to get free but I could feel the liquid being force into me. 

It was useless.

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