Chapter 26: Inside the collector

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Gideon POV

We entered the bubble and It was really dark and we couldn't see anything at all. 

"It must be dark because it hasn't been charged yet." Mabel pointed out.

"Don't say that! Pacifica is the one charging it." I growled. Then I looked around, "Argh, how are we supposed to see?"

"I can help with that."

Then Mabel's amulet glowed, giving off some light. It better than pitch darkness. As I was looking around, the place gave me the creeps and made me even more confused. There was nothing. It was just empty space. Mabel and I were walking on empty space. There was nothing around.

"Pacifica!" I called out. My voice echoed through the emptiness of the area and it was the only answer I got was my own voice.

Then suddenly there were some small lights that flickered on, making the area brighter, and it felt like the lights were all aiming at us....watching us. 

"I got a bad feeling about this." Mabel muttered, "My instincts are kicking in."

"M-Mabel...How do you think they drain everything?" I ask.

"I have no idea."

Then suddenly one of the lights moved. "M-Mabel?" I called out. Then suddenly the light went straight for me. "Ah! Mabel!" I cried out. The light was a claw with a light on its head and it grab me by my vest and lifted me up in the air.

"Gideon!" Mabel shouted. Then she raised her hand and the claw thing stop but it was shaking. Mabel was holding it but the claw was fighting back. "Mabel! Look out!" I shouted as another claw thing reached out and grabbed Mabel. She was lifted up in the air and that is when I was lifted up into darkness.


I slowly opened my eyes to a blinding light that burned my eyes. It made me groaned as I closed my eyes again.

"Gideon!" A female voice called out. 

I know that voice...but it's been a while since I heard it. Then a gentle shook got my eyes to open again and to focus on the one that was shaking me gently.

 I couldn't believe my eyes... 

"M-Mom?" My mother smiled. She brushes my hair, "Yes my son? I'm glad you are okay."

"Am I...Am I dead?" I asked.

Mom laughed, "No sweetie. You just fell out of the tree."

"The tree?"

I looked up. There were some broken branches right above me from the tree I was under.

"How's your head?" She asked.

I gently push her hands away, "I'm fine...but where am I?"

Mom got a worried look, "Oh you did hurt your head! Bud!"

"What?" Dad called out.

"Gideon is hurt! We have to take him to the hospital!" Mom replied.

"Mom, I'm not hurt! I'm fine."

Dad then came around the corner and cheeked me, "I think he's fine dear." 

I nod my head, "Yeah...I am...I was just confused for the moment. I know where I am." At the corner of my eyes and scan the area. I was in the forest, the back yard of my home in normal Gravity Falls.

"I'm home." I finished off my sentence. Mom smile, "Okay...You are okay."

"Told you he's fine." Dad chuckled as he walked away. Mom got up and helped me up to my feet. I looked around to make sure I wasn't just imagining everything. I was just home, well the back yard of my home. Everything was normal...and my mother was here.

What did happened? Was everything a dream? Did my mother die when I was young? Did Pacifica come to the summer? Have I ever met the Gleefuls?

Mom took my hand and she walked us back to the house. It was the same house and shop....yet... I felt like Something wasn't right.

"Hey Mom." I started my question.

"Yes my dear?" Mom smiled.

"Do you know Pacifica Southeast?"

"Of course. She's your cousin. Your brother's sister daughter."

"Has she ever come over here for a summer?"

Mom thought about it, "Yeah. Just the last summer. You seem to have fun with her."

"The summer already pass?"

"Not all of it. You still have one more week until school started. Her school starts sooner than yours so she had to leave earlier. Don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah."

Mom wraps her arm around me, "Oh my dear." She then chuckled. Then she kisses the top of my head. I smiled. 

It was good to have my mother back.

Mabel POV

I opened my eyes and I was back to my mansion, in my bed in my house. I looked around, confused. "How did I get here?" I muttered. Then suddenly a pillow was thrown to my face, "Finally you are awake!"

I move the pillow and looked up, "Dipper?"

"Who else idiot?" Dipper smiled, "Mom and Dad been waiting for you there is-"

"Wait...Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"And Stan and Ford. Would you like a list of everyone in the room?" Dipper asked.

"Uhhhh." I trailed off.

Dipper chuckled, "Anyways, just hurry up and get dress. They can't wait forever." Dipper then left the room. I looked around, trying to process everything.

Mom and Dad...alive? Wait what happened?

I want to see what's going on. I quickly got dress and I headed down the stairs to the dining room. There was Mom and Dad at the table with Stan, Ford, and Dipper. Mom smiled, "Morning sweetheart."

"Honey! Come, have a seat." Dad invited me over. 

I was very surprise about this, "W-Why? H-How are you here?"

Everyone looked at me, like I was the weird one. "What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"You can't be here! You're dead!" I pointed out.

Dipper chocked on his breakfast and everyone else laugh. "Honey? Why would you think that we would be dead?" Dad laugh.

"I think she had a dream that got to her head." Stan pointed out.

"A dream?" I muttered.

"Oh sweetie! I'm sorry that you had a dream that we are all dead-" Mom started.

"No...Not everyone was dead. and Dad."

Mom was taken aback, "Oh..."

"Some dream." Dipper muttered as he got a drink of orange juice. I looked over at Dipper. The only thing I was looking for was his amulet and he didn't have his amulet. He was just wearing a normal bow tie. I reach up for my head band and there wasn't an amulet either.

How could this be? Wouldn't Stan be a part of this? We found the journals because Dipper and I found his journal and later our journal. is Ford here? If we don't have journal two...then how is he here?

"This isn't real." I muttered.

"What's not real?" Dad asked.

I took a step back, "This whole thing! You two are supposed to be dead! Dipper and I are supposed to have amulets, magical powers! Ford isn't supposed to be here if we don't have the amulets! Stan isn't like his normal self. He is cleaner both in looks and actions. actually have a happy personality. You smiled this morning and you never smile. It is either a nasty smirk or sarcastic smirk. This isn't real!"

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked.

I shook my head, "This isn't real."

Then flashes of memories came. Gideon and I were entering this green bubble. It was dark and the only light was my amulet. Then these claws grab me and Gideon. Then other quick moving flashes. I see Dipper on the couch reading the journal. Then I saw Will...being Will that trembled to himself. Then I saw Pacifica being the little brat she is. Then I saw the mansion, my home. Then I saw myself chasing Dipper down the hall and we were only toddlers. Then I saw the journal in the hole where we found it....those were the real memories.

I shook my head and took a few steps back, "This is all a lie! I'm in the machine! You are all not real! This isn't real!"

Everyone started to look at me and it wasn't the good kind. The machine was now turning back to me.

Dipper tilts his head, "What do you mean this isn't real sis? I think you should go back to bed. You must have hit your head or something."

"You are not real!" I shouted.

"Not real? What do you mean?" Dad asked. "Are you sure you are okay?"

I then quickly got to the table and grabbed the knives and raise them.

"Honey!" Dad gasp out in fear as everyone started to move away.

"I think you need to calm down sweetie..." Mom started.

"How do I get out of here?" I demanded.


"This is a trap. It's the machine. It brings you a 'happy place' so it makes you want to stay as it drains you out! Now tell me how to get out of here or I start destroying stuff or people!"

"I think you are going too far." Dad started.

"Start talking!" I demanded. "Do I need to show you what I do to people who don't tell me what I want?"

Nobody replied. 

So I will have to give them the example. I then flip the knife in my hand. I then threw it at Dipper, hitting him in the middle of his chest. Everyone gasp out in fear and shock as Dipper coughs out blood and fell to the ground dead.

It didn't bug me too much, that wasn't the real Dipper. This was all fake and I know it.

I flip another knife, "One down, four more to go! Now tell me how to get out of here!"

Everyone started to quiver. "We...We don't know what you are talking about!" Mom stuttered. I fan out the knives, "I got plenty of knives. Then there is the forks...I am a master of torture...well second against my real brother! He is heartless and cruel in his own way. That isn't my brother. Think you can trick me? I don't get trick like this."

"Mabel! Please!" Mom begged me.

I toss another knife, "I'm going to count to five and if you don't tell me...someone is going to join him."

"Or you will." Dad spoke monotone. Then everyone stood up straight, not afraid any more. Dipper was the only one that didn't raised up, still laid on the ground dead. 

I got my knives ready.

"Should have just taken the happy place." Mom threaten.

"This isn't my happy place. This is a fake world that you created...because you can't get into my mind, not that deep to know what I really want. My amulet is protecting me. That is why I know that this was a trap." I sneer.

Then Stan came out me. I jab the knife into him and he went down, "I always wanted to do that old man!" I shouted at him. Then Dad came and grabs me and threw me across the room. I rolled off the table and fell to the ground. I groan as I got up to my feet.

"Want to play it the hard way eh?" I growled, "Fine...Come at me, you machine freaks!"

Then Dad grab a chair and came after me. I grab a fork that was nearby and jab it at his knee. Dad cried out in pain and angrily threw the chair down at me. I gasp out as I crash to the ground, the chair breaking on top of me. Then Dad picked me up and threw me again. I gasp out in pain when I laid back on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

There was a lamp and I grab it and smash it to my mother's head, who was coming at me. Then Ford pulled out his gun and started to shoot at me. I duck down to take cover from the bullets.

This was crazy. 

I then grab a candle stick and threw it at Ford, which hit him but didn't killed him. I then got over to a mirror and held it up. Mom was coming for me and I slam the mirror on her head. She went limp to the ground.

"Two more." I muttered, panting.

Then a bullet came right next to my head. I quickly went down for cover again. I then started to crawl to a book shelf. Then Dad came around the corner, growling at me like an animal. I crawled back a bit and he was right next to the book shelf. I then grab the book shelf and with all my might, I tip the book shelf and it crushed Dad.

I relax for the moment but then knowing that Ford was still alive i didn't relax too much. Then I sense that Ford was right behind me. I tried to get up and away but he shot me in the leg before I could get far. I screamed out in pain as I fell to the ground.

I then tried to crawl away from Ford, "You got skills Mabel Gleeful. Took down three of us."

"I took down four! You are the stupidest Ford I have ever seen."

"One of them you killed to scare us. There was no challenge into it."

I then ran into a wall when I was crawling back. Then Ford pointed the gun at me, "The machine wouldn't need you. We already got the Pines kid and Southeast girl. That is only the beginning."

I smirked, "Don't you want my skills? To kill? To torture?"

"We'll get your brother once his job is done. Learning our ways, making him more useful. Then once the third generation comes into throne, we would love to have him. Make the third generation stronger."

"So you use the knowledge of people you use in this machine to make the generations better."

"The new DNA that Fiddleford put into your brother put everything that we collected into him. The same for the rest of the children after him."

"You are some creepy machine." I muttered, "The same with the crazy nut job."

Then he pointed the gun at me, "But there is no need for you. Your brother is better than you anyways."

I smirked, "He may be good at his thing but I'm also good at doing my own thing. Like an example, I'm good into pulling people into a trap."


"Like this lamp behind me has a loose wire that nobody could fix...and lucky you get to test it!"

I then tip the lamp and it landed at Ford and he started to get electrocuted. I laughed as I lean back against the wall as Ford fell to the ground. I looked around at the scene.

Dipper was stabbed, Stan was stabbed, Dad crushed, Mom impelled, and Ford electricuted.

It was finally over.

I then looked around to find out what to do. Then suddenly there was this flash of light coming from somewhere. It filled up the whole room and that was the last thing.

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