Chapter 30: Dipper Gleeful.2

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Pacifica POV

It was Dipper Gleeful....right in front of me...and I got my smoothie all over him now... 

Shoot! I didn't want to run into him! I'm a goner! I was also having a great part two of my summer without him.

Dipper growled, "You're going to pay!"

"Look I'm sorry. Don't get your necktie in a twist." I snapped, already feeling my hatred towards him growing by the second, "I didn't see you there. Maybe you should look where you're going."

Dipper glared at me and grabs me roughly by my shirt and jerks me closer, "And who do you think you are?"

I glared right into his blue eyes, "Someone you don't need to worry about it. Just a girl stopping by."

Dipper smirked, "Funny."

"Funny? What's so funny?"

"How you try so hard. You really must be new into town to not know who I am."

"Oh poor little needy little boy. You need so much attention."

Dipper scowls and threw me to the ground, "You are going to regret that." Then I saw his amulet around his neck glowed.

I got a little scared actually. Back then, Dipper would protect me because he liked me. Now he doesn't know who I am and is back to his old self. The old self that kills, tortures, and kidnaps people. I might be the next victim.

Then suddenly the manager of the store came around, "Is...Is there a problem Mr. Gleeful?" It was a stuttered when he talked to Dipper.

Dipper glares at me for the moment. Then the amulet stopped glowing and he clears his throat, tightening his neck tie, "Yes there is. This brat spilled her smoothie all over me."

The manager panicked, "Oh! I-I'm so sorry Mr. Gleeful! I-Is there anything I could do?"

Dipper smirked, "Banned her from the store. I don't want to see her face anywhere here."

"You can't do that!" I snapped, "This is the only store around!"

"Y-Yes Mr. Gleeful." The manager replied.

Then the manager grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, "I'm sorry that this have to happen but if Mr. Gleeful says it needs to be done. It needs to be done."

I jerk away from his grip, "You can't just listen to what a little play boy wants. He is just a little princess."

"D-Don't say that." The manager stuttered.

Dipper smirked, "You got fire runt. That's going to kill you someday." Then he tilts his head, "Maybe sooner than you think."

I laugh, "What kind of threat is that?"

"Oh it's not a threat. It's a promise." He sneer, "Get her out of here and if she returns, you know what to do."

Then the manager grabbed me in a tighter grip and dragged me out of the store, "It would be wise to stay out of here." He advises, "I don't want to end up calling the cops to get you in trouble. Just please stay out of here."

Then he left. 

I growled under my breath. Great. Something that I didn't want. Seeing Dipper Gleeful again and now I'm banned from the store. Whenever there is a Gleeful...there is trouble. Blasted those Gleefuls and I was having a great part two of my summer too.

I sat at the curb, waiting for Gideon. Then he came out.

"Pacifica what happened?" He asked.

"I ran into Dipper Gleeful." I mumbled.


"Yeah. I literally ran into him. I spilled my smoothie all over him. he got ticked and had me kicked out and banned from the store."

"That jerk! I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

I grab his arm, "Don't Gideon. I can take care of myself. Plus he isn't the same at all. Before he give you mercy because of me. He doesn't know or care about me. He will chew you alive."

Gideon groaned as he sat next to me, "Now the deal is off."

"Not if Dipper doesn't say anything." I pointed out.

"You want to talk to him to keep it a secret?"

I sighed, "No. Maybe he won't even mention it to Mabel. We can be safe. He doesn't tell everything to his sister. I don't tell you everything."

"It's different. They are the Gleeful Twins! They do everything together!"

"I still don't think he will tell."

Gideon sighed deeply, "I hope you are right."

"If not...I can make a deal with Mabel again."


Then I nudge him, "Well too late now! Let's go find a fairy or two!" Gideon chuckled, "Mystery Cousins are on the way!" Then Gideon and I went to the forest.

Dipper POV

I was in my room, putting my new shirt and vest on. Will was in the room with me, waiting for orders.

I was thinking...thinking about that blonde girl. Something was different about her. She had fire. I like that. She's different from than other girls that I had meet. Other girls would just drool over me. Blah, those fan girls....They give me the chills but that is how I get the town to obey me and my sister.

"Will do you know everyone in this town?" I asked.

"Uh...Y-yes sir and if I don't I-I will find out." Will replied.


"Is there...s-someone you need to know a-about? A-Another cop?"

"No, not a cop. A girl."

Will got quiet, "A g-girl?"

"No a boy." I growled, "Yes a girl you idiot! How many times do I have to repeat myself you worthless demon!"

Will starts to quiver and whimper. I rolled my eyes as I finish dressing myself and grabbing my amulet, "There is this one girl I met today. She is new to this town so I don't know her. I want to know her. Tell me."

"Uh...Uh..." Will stalled.

I finish tying my amulet around my neck. I face Will, "Well?"

He just looks at me and quiver. I grew impatient, "Tick tock Will!"

"H-Her name is....Pacifica Southeast."

"Now was that so hard?" I growled.

Will just started to quiver and whimper softly. I pace around the room, "Pacifica Southeast. What an interesting name." I then wave my hand, "Tell me more about her."

Will hesitate about it, "'s from a different t-town and is only staying here for the s-s-summer. She would be l-leaving so-soon. So she isn't worth it at all! Y-Yeah."

I thought about it, "Only staying here for the summer eh?"

"E-Eh, Master?"

I rubbed my chin, "This Pacifica girl is different. She fought back against me. No girl have ever done that. It is...interesting."

"I-I don't think so Master. I-I think a girl should respect you for the powerful person you are. S-She shouldn't d-disrespect you."

"Shut up Will."

Will quiver. I pace around the room some more, "You don't know what I like in a girl. I didn't even know I will get involved with girls."

"W-Well y-you are 16."

"15." I snapped, "I'll turn 16 in the end of the summer. You know that." I then rolled my eyes, "What is up with you Will? You are forgetting everything lately!"

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry Master Dipper." Will whimper.

I scowl as I snap my fingers and Will started to scream in pain. I smirked, "I accept your apology." I then looked into the mirror, stuffing my hands in my pockets, "Pacifica Southeast eh? Spark of fire in your tongue, standing against me, showing that you are strong and powerful. I like that and I get what I like."

I then face Will, who was still screaming, "Good talk Will." I then headed out of my room. Before I left, "Oh and Will." The electricity stopped and Will started to pant, "Y-Yes M-Master?"

"Don't tell Mabel."

Will nod shakily, "Ye-Yes M-Master Dipper."

Pacifica POV

There was a knock on my door. It was early in the morning of the next day. I yawned as I headed to the door. Who could be here this early in the morning? Well it wasn't early, only 9; I was sleeping in. Luckily I just slip on a bra under my shirt so it wouldn't be so awkward seeing who's at the door.

I headed to the door.

"Not it!" I heard a sleeping Gideon being very late on the call. I chuckled as I shook my head, "Oh Gideon."

Hannah was already at the door, peeking her head under the door, "Seeing who it is? Going to scare the big back wakeup call?" I chuckled.

I then opened the door and you wouldn't believe who was at the front door. Holy tree...I'm going to die.

There he was...Dipper Gleeful yet again. He leans against the door way, being his 'charming' self and a rose in his hand. He gave his charming smile, which was the first time I really saw him smile and not the good ones. It was creepy and my death sentence.

"Pacifica Southeast, I know I was a little rude to you yesterday but you showed me something that I thought I would never see in my life time. You stood to me and I'm impressed. I don't get impress very often. Only certain people do that. You are one of them. So, Pacifica, I was wondering if you would go out with me."

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