Chapter 5: Break Up

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Pacifica POV

Gideon and Mabel had been hanging out a lot for the past few days. I was getting a bit worried to be honest. Like I said before, she is going to fall in love with him at this rate. He had a cute face of a little kid and he was really sweet, funny, and kind. Who wouldn't want him?

One day, Gideon came home from a small 'hang out' a bit stressed out. I looked up from the journal, "Gideon? What's wrong?"

Gideon sigh as he faced me, "You were right, Pacifica. I should have listened to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Mabel! She's falling in love with me!"

"Well tell her no. You are the only person that could limit her."

"I can't say no to her! It's just...It's just...Ah! I just can't say no to people! Especially her."

"What gave it away that she is in love of you?"

"She...she asked me out. Like a date. She called it a date and she asked if I could be hers. Pacifica! I don't know what to do!"

"Why don't you tell her that you don't want to date her and only to be friends."

"I-I...I don't know." He grumbled as he faced the fish tank, walking over to it.

I then close the book completely and walked over to his side. He was by the fish tank, tapping softly on the glass. I rub his shoulder, "Would you like it if I do it for you?"

Gideon looks up, "What? Break up Mabel and I? Would you really do it?"

"Why not! I can talk to her, Girl to girl you know. She would completely understand, don't you worry, Since I'm a girl you know. Besides, You are my cousin and I want to help you. This is eating you up and so I would like to help you."

Gideon then hugs me, "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are the best!"

"No problem cuz! That is what cousins are for."

That night Gideon and Mabel are supposed to go to this restaurant to eat dinner together but I went instead to break them up. I really didn't have a problem with it. What could possibility go wrong?

Mabel was already at the table, already looking at a menu. When I came up to the table she looks up, "Pacifica are Gideon's cousin, correct?"

I smiled, "Yeah."

"So where's Gideon? Coming late?" Mabel asked me.

"Actually, no, he's not coming at all."

Mabel looks at me, tilting her head to the side, "Why not?"

"How do I put this...He doesn't want to date you."

"Excuse me?"

"He feels a bit awkward about it and doesn't want to date you. He still wants to be friends with you though but he's not ready for a relationship."

At this point I swear I saw Mabel's eye twitch, "You came between us?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't dare to. I'm just a messenger. These are his words not mine. I hope you understand."

Mabel didn't respond for the moment. Then her lips curled up to make a smile, "Oh well. These things happen don't they?"

"So we are cool? Still friends with Gideon?"

She smiled, "Of course!"

I smile, "Great! Hope to see you soon...friend."

She smiled, "Of course." 

Then I left. 

Gideon was outside waiting for me, pacing around. When he saw me, he came running towards me, "Did everything go alright? Was she heartbroken? Are we still friends?" He asked me. I smiled, "Of course! Everything is fine and she understand about the whole thing. I told you girls know girls. We are all fine."


"No, it is more as groovy."

We chuckled as we headed home.

Dipper POV

I was hearing some banging noises and glass breaking in Mabel's room. I went up to the door and opened it to see what was going on but when i opened the door, instantly something crash above me and glass fall down to my head, "Holy mother!" I gasp out as I brush the glass off of my hair. Then I opened the door all the way, "Mabel! What the heck!"

Her room was a total mess. Everything  looked like they've been thrown around and shattered to a million pieces. Mabel was there, gripping her amulet at her head band. It glowed brightly in her hand as Tears were running down her face.

"Mabel, what happened?" I asked.

"That freaken Pacifica girl got in the way! She came between me and Gideon! Pacifica...she broke us up!" She sobbed.

I sigh mockingly, "Thought you broke a nail."

"Shut up!" She screamed and her dresser came flying at me. I dodge it but it slam into the wall, nearing breaking into pieces.

"Holy cow." I muttered. I then look at Mabel, "Mabel are you seriously going to let this happen?"

She sniffed, "It already happened you idiot!"

"And are you going to do nothing you lazy witch? I thought this isn't the Mabel Gleeful that I grew in the womb with or did you changed?"

Mabel wipes her eyes, "You're right Dipper. I'm not just going to sit here...that isn't what I do!"

"besides Throwing a tantrum..." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm going to do something about it!" Mabel continues, not hearing what I said.

"And what would that be sis?" I ask.

"I'm going to make Pacifica pay for what she has done to me and my Gideon! I'll make her bleed...I'll make her pray for mercy...I'll make her life hell!"

I smirk, "That's my sister."

Pacifica POV

Gideon and I were playing video games when we finished up our chores. It was finally back to normal since Gideon wasn't gone with Mabel anymore. "It is so good to have everything back to normal." Gideon smile. "Yeah, we didn't want Uncle Bud to know either. Luckily it didn't get too far and the press didn't get any of it." I replied.

"Dad would kill me!" Gideon cried out.

"Like how I'm going to kill you right now? Die!" I called out as I just killed Gideon's avatar.

"Oh booooo!"

Then the phone rang. "NOT IT!" Gideon shouted, beating me to it.

I sigh, "Fine you butt face."

Gideon stuck out his tongue at me. I shove his hat down to his face as payback. Then I stood up and went over the phone and answered it, "Hello?"

"Is this Pacifica Southeast?" A female voice questioned.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"I'm Susan Buck from a fashion magazine. We are doing a part of our fashion line on the 90's and I heard from a little bird is that you are the queen of the 90's fashion."

"Really?" I gasp out.

"Oh yes and we would love to have your opinion and ideas. Would you be willing to do that for us? It would mean a lot to have a young teen with the 90's fashion heart."

"I...I would love too! It's about time to bring back the good old days!" I cheered.

"Great! Now here were we will meet. 618 Gopher Road is the address. Would you be okay with that? At 6 o'clock tonight?"

"That sounds great! Perfect! Fine!"

"Great. See you there."

I then hang up the phone. I then skipped to the living room excitedly. 

"What's going on Paz?" Gideon asked me.

"Just people who finally got a good taste of fashion." I smiled.

Gideon shrugs, "Okay....Now let's play another round! This time I'm going to win."

"You wish!"

After playing games with Gideon for a while, it was time to head up to the meeting place. I was super excited  on the whole way to get up there, smiling the whole time. When I got there, I noticed It was a wear-house, which was a bit strangle but maybe they got the clothes there...maybe I could try them on!

I then enter the building and saw that It was dark and somewhat empty inside. "Hello! Hello? Anyone here?" I called out as I walked in. 

There was nobody there. 

I sigh, "Great a prank, just what I needed." I then stuff my hands into my shorts and headed out to the door. As I was going up there, it suddenly closed. I grab the handle and tried opening it but It wouldn't budge. "What the heck?"

Then the lights turned on, leading to this chair that was in the middle of the room. The chair turned around and there was Mabel, creepily being there. "Hello, Pacifica Southeast." She sneered.

"Uh....Mabel?" I questioned, "W-What are you doing here?"

Mabel ran her fingers through her hair, "What does it look like? I own the place."

" are not upset about Gideon are you? Because that's over. He doesn't want to date you. It's not you of course...he's just not ready to date someone."

"Lies!" She shouted, pounding her fist on the chair arm, "You got in between us! He was mine!" She got up and took threatening steps towards me. "M-Mabel...w-what are you doing?" I started as I backed away.

Then Mabel's eyes started to glow even bluer, "He was supposed to be mine forever!" Then suddenly I floated up in the air. "Ah! What the?!"

"And you got in the way." She sneered. Then I was thrown into a couple of boxes that was up against the wall. I rub my head when i landed and looked up, "H-how? You are supposed to be a fake!"

Mabel chuckled as she stroke the stone on her headband that glowed like her eyes, "oh tell me this fake?" Then stuff from boxes just popped out from their boxes and floated above me. I then started to run as the Stuff crash down right next to me, trying to kill me.

"You are going to pay!" She shouted at me.

Then as I was running a book shelf was going to fall on top of me. I quickly jumped out of the way but I rolled into the wall, Hitting my head again. I rubbed my head as I glared up at Mabel, "Why?! Why are you doing this?!"

"You took Gideon away from me! You broke us apart! Its' all your fault!" Mabel shouted at me.

"He doesn't want you!" I shouted back. "He doesn't love you!"

"Lies!" Mabel screamed as a lamp broke above me, spreading glass on top of me. Then I was lifted up in the air, "And I'm going to make sure you will never lie to me again." She tightens her fists at her side, her eyes and stone firing up with the blue color. Then a knife came up and was coming for my throat, "Gideon will be mine for the rest of our lives...and this won't get in the way!"

"You're crazy!" I shouted.

Mabel smirk, "And what's your point?"

The knife was getting closer and closer to me...just close enough to to kill me. 

This was it, I'm going to die. 

Mabel Gleeful was a jerk. A crazy jerk that only cares for herself and throws a bit fit when she doesn't get what she wanted...that would include killing someone and I was that someone. I was going to die, and Gideon would be forever trapped with this crazy one.

"Mabel! We need to talk!" I heard a voice shout.

It was Gideon.

Mabel turned around and the knife drop to the ground, "Gideon! W-What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk Mabel. I should have told you this before and not let Pacifica do it. I'm going to be honest with you. I don't want to date you for I am not ready to date." Gideon replied as he walks in.

"What? T-This can't be true." Mabel stuttered.

Then I started to be crush by the force that was holding me, "G-Gideon! I-I don't think...argh! It's the right...time!"

"It is and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but that is how it is." Gideon replied. Then he grabs her hands, "But we can still be friends at the moment and when I'm ready...maybe we can date."

She smiled, "Really?"

Gideon then reaches out and Mabel's headband and yanks her head band off of her head, "No not really!"

I fell to the ground, landing on my back with a grunt.

"Gideon!" Mabel gasp out, "My amulet!"

"You tried to kill my cousin! Nobody does that!" Gideon shouted strongly.

"Give me back my amulet right now!" Mabel demanded.

By this time, I got up to my feet, ready for anything. Mabel tried to get her headband from Gideon. Gideon then threw the head band to me. "Guess you are powerless without this." I gave a small smile. Then Mabel tackled me, "you brat!"

I dropped the headband as we went out of the window.

"Pacifica! No!" I heard Gideon shouted.

I screamed as we were falling down the cliff to our deaths. Mabel started scratch at me and pull my hair, "you brat! I'll have you dead!"

"Ow! Now we both going to die thanks to you!" I shouted.

We both were going to hit the ground when we suddenly stop in midair. I looked up and could see Gideon with the headband around his hand, he fingers tightly wrap around the stone.

I smile, "Gideon!"

Then Gideon came down to the ground, "That is enough Mabel! We are over! Get that through your head! We are never to be friends or a couple. We are through and I never want to see you anywhere near me or my cousin again!"

Then we were drop to the ground. Then Gideon threw Mabel's headband to the ground, hitting a rock and the amulet shattered.

"My powers!" Mabel gasps out. That is when I notice that her eyes turned brown. She glared at us, "you took my powers away! My connection to my amulet! You will pay for this!" Then she came and tackled me to the ground and wraps her fingers around my throat, strangling me. "Do you really think I need my powers to kill you?!"

"Pacifica!" Gideon gasps out. Then he tried to get Mabel off of me, to free me from her deadly grasp, "Get off of her you crazy psychopath!" Then Gideon shoves her off roughly and Mabel fell and hit her head on a rock and finally she laid still.

I gasp out for air once she releases me. I cough violently as Gideon came to my side, "Are you alright?" I nod as I was gasping out for breath. Gideon looks down at her, "I hope she isn't dead. I didn't want to kill her."

I finally get my breath, "N-No. She's breathing, see. J-Just got knocked out."

Then Gideon helped me up to my feet, "Then Let's get out of here before she wakes up."

"Y-Yeah. I think that would be best" I stuttered. Then together me and Gideon went home...leaving Mabel Gleeful behind.

Yay! Another chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks!

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