Chapter 12: To Earn Your Stripes

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Okay, so I'm going to do a big ass time skip here because I want the reader to try and earn her masters stripes. This is after your leg has healed completely, now leaving you with a giant scar running down your left leg. I hope you all don't mind. *sweat drop face*

Now, onto the story! ^w^

Narrator's POV
Cole was with the rangers and Master Wu, trying to train Y/n to use her mother's Jungle Scythe. Although it wasn't going so well. Every time Cole would attack Y/n, she would just drop the scythe she was using and curl up into a ball or run into the corner and starts crying while hiding from the other rangers and the Ninja. Dominic sees that Y/n's struggling with her fear of letting her mother down, so he walks up to her to try and calm her down.

"Hey, my little cub," Dominic greeted, kneeling down to get a better look at Y/n, wiping away her tears. "Why are you hiding from Cole? He's just trying to help you. You know that, right?"

"I CAN'T USE MOM'S JUNGLE SCYTHE!" Y/n cried, her tears flowing like a waterfall. "I'll just end up letting my mom down! I can't do it!"

That's when Cole walked up to them.

"Yes, you can," Cole countered, kneeling down to match their height. "I know you can, Y/n. It's just that you're afraid to try. Afraid that you'll let your mother down."

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE!" Y/n yelled, her tears flooding her vision.

"Yes, I do," Cole said. "I know what it's like be afraid to let down your parents."

"How would you know?" Y/n asked, inching away from Cole.

"Because I've been in your position before," Cole answered, reaching his hand out towards Y/n. "Before I became a ninja, my dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps and become a dancer like him. But I didn't want that, so I ran away from home. When I saw him again, it was to find one of the fang blades to try and stop the Serpentine from unleashing the Great Devourer."

"T-then what happened?" Y/n questioned.

"The others and I planned on stealing the blade cup to get the fang blade," Cole replied, taking Y/n's hand and helping her up. "But once my dad found out, the guys and I decided to win the blade cup fair and square. We danced while fighting off some Serpentine knuckleheads. I ended up doing the triple tiger sashe, earning us a perfect score."

"W-what did your dad think?" Y/n asked again. "Did he accept you for who you really are?"

"Once backstage, an Anacondrai general named Pythor tried to attack us," Cole continued. "He caused a bunch of lights to fall right on my dad, but I jumped in and saved him. The others saw that the Scythe of Quakes was glowing, then they saw a bright light from underneath the lights. I managed to throw the lights on top of me and my dad off of us, saving me and my dad. I had unlocked my true potential."

"At least you have a relationship with your dad," Y/n whimpered. "B-but why are you telling me this? A-and why now?"

"I'm telling you this story because I know that you have the potential to use your mother's weapon," Cole replied. "We all know that you can use her scythe. So please, give it another try."

"I...but," Y/n stuttered.

"But nothing, Y/n," a voice said, sounding exactly like Master Feather's voice. "You are going to have times in life where you are unsure of yourself, but those times should not be every day."

"T-that can't be," Y/n thought to herself. "I-it can't be her. S-she's been dead for 12 years. H-how is she still alive? W-what's going on here?"

That's when a snowy owl flew into the training room.

"It's nice to see you again, Master Feather," Cole greeted.

That's when the snowy owl turned into a human.

"The same goes to you, Cole," Master Feather replied. That's when Y/n noticed that everyone was staring at Master Feather, who was looking in her daughter's direction. "Now then, n/n. Please, try again. I know you can master my scythe."

"M-mom?" Y/n whimpered, even more tears blurring her vision. "I-is that really you?"

"Yes, it's really me, sweetie," Master Feather replied. "Now please, get back up and--"

Before Master Feather could finish her sentence, she was being embraced by her only daughter (something she has missed so much).

"MOMMY!" Y/n cried, her tears flowing like a waterfall. "It's really you! I missed you so much! Please don't leave me again!"

"It's alright, sweetheart," Master Feather cooed, rubbing circles on her daughter's back. "Let it all out. I'm here now, my cub. I'm here."

"Master Feather," Cole said. "With all do respect, Y/n and I were in the middle of training. Why are you here?"

"I am here for something very important to my daughter," Master Feather replied, wiping away her daughter's tears. "Now please, n/n. You and RJ must come with me."

"A-alright, Mom," Y/n stated, backing away from her mother.

"Alright," RJ agreed.

"If the Ninja and your team would like to watch, they may," Master Feather continued, taking her daughter's hand.

"What's going on here, Mom?" Y/n asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"It's a surprise," Master Feather responded.

That's when Master Feather took everyone to the training yard.

At le training yard

Y/n's POV
"What are we doing in the training yard?" I asked my mom.

"It's a time that all Pai Zhaq students look forward to," Mom replied, looking over towards Uncle RJ. "It's time for you to earn your master stripes, my cub. You are to battle against me. If you pass, you become the Panther Master."

"I...I don't," I stuttered, trying to comprehend the idea of earning my master's tattoo.

"Is something wrong, n/n?" Mom asked, walking over to me. "You look like you've seen something that troubles you."

" you really think I'm ready to earn my master stripes?" I questioned, worried that I'm not cut out to become a Pai Zhaq master. "Mom, I love and respect you as a master but do you really think that I deserve become a Pai Zhaq master like you? What if I lose control of my animal spirit and hurt my students?"

"Sweetheart, I know you'll be an excellent master," Mom answered, taking my hands into her's. "I know you'll control your animal spirit. You deserve to become a Pai Zhaq master, and I'm sure your friends will agree with me on this."

That's when I saw Dominic walk up to me and my mom.

"Y/n, just try," Dominic said. "I know you can do it. We all know you can, even the Ninja."

"Ahh," I sighed, caving in. "I'll do it. Just know this, Mom. I won't be holding back."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, my cub," Mom stated. "Now, let's get started."

That's when Uncle RJ hit a gong.

Right after the gong went off, Mom came lunging at me. She was throwing punches at the same speed as Lily's cheetah jabs, but I was able to dodge her attacks with ease. After dodging Mom's attacks, she kicked her leg up and tried to knock me down. I managed to counter her attack with a roundhouse kick, but then Mom swept me off my feet.

After Mom swept me off my feet, she went for an aerial attack. Before she could land a hit on me, I rolled out of the way to avoid being hit. Once out of the way, I got back up and lunged at my mom, trying to attack her, but she moved out of the way. That's when I remembered that Uncle RJ was teaching me the Swoop Technique, fighting without eye sight. So I closed my eyes and carefully listened for my mom's next move.

"Wait, Mom's animal spirit is the snowy owl!" I scolded myself. "She's really good at fighting without making a sound! HOW COULD I FORGET THAT?!"

Then when Mom went for my face, she took my eye patch!

"That's it," I murmured, putting my left hand over my eye. "No more Mrs. Nice Ranger, Mom. That eye patch is the only thing that makes me feel like a normal girl."

Narrator's POV
"Uh oh," Theo grumbled.

"What?" Kai asked. "What's happening to her?"

"She doesn't like it when people touch her eye patch," Lily replied. "One time, Y/n and Casey were working in the kitchen at Jungle Karma Pizza. Casey spilled pizza sauce in the kitchen at JKP. He accidentally grabbed her eye patch and was using it to clean up the mess. When Y/n saw what he was using to clean up the mess, she dragged Casey up to the loft and she ended up taking him down like it was nothing."

"Really?" Cole questioned, not believing what Lily just said. "Did Y/n really take Casey down like it was nothing?"

"Why not ask him yourself," Theo said, pointing towards Casey.

"Well?" Jay asked, him and the Ninja looking towards Casey. "Did Y/n seriously beat you without breaking a sweat?"

"Heh heh," Casey laughed nervously. "Yeah. Now I know not to mess with her eye patch again. I didn't even know what it was until she started to attack me."

"That just proves that you shouldn't mess with an angry panther," Dominic stated.

After they finished that conversation, they saw that Y/n was calling on her animal spirit.

Y/n's POV
"Ahhh," I sighed, taking a deep breath. Then I called on my panther spirit. "HYAH!"

Right as I called on my panther spirit, Mom called on her snowy owl spirit. It was pretty surprising to me to see that my panther spirit beat Mom's snowy owl spirit. My panther even knocked my mom onto the ground. That's when Uncle RJ rang the gong again, letting everyone know that the test was over.

"Well then," Mom grunted, getting up off the ground. "You certainly have grown since I last trained you."

"I guess I have," I replied, meeting Mom in the middle of the training yard.

"I'm sorry to say that you have not passed, my cub" Mom said, looking at me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Thank you, Mom," I said, giving my mom a big bear hug. "Thank you for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. Now you probably have to go back to the spirit world, huh?"

"I'm afraid so," Mom responded, breaking the hug and backing away from me. "Just know that I'm always with you. I love you, my little cub."

After she said that, Mom went back to the spirit world.

"I love you too, Mom," I whispered, tears starting to blur my vision. "I won't let you down. I promise. I'll make you and Master Mao proud."

Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw that it was Uncle RJ. Before he could make direct eye contact, I turned around, shrugged his hand off my shoulder, and went to find my eye patch. But I didn't see it.

"Where is it?!" I cried, frantically looking around the training yard for my eye patch. "Where'd it go?! I need that!"

Once I couldn't find it, I immediately parted my bangs to cover my left eye.

"Your mother must've taken your eye patch with her," a voice said.

When I turned around, I saw that it was Misako.

"H-hey, Misako," I greeted, my voice barely audible. Then I turned around and started to head back inside. "I'm just gonna go back inside. I've had enough excitement for today."

That's when I heard Cole's voice.

"What about your scythe training?" Cole asked, his voice laced with concern. "You still need to--"

"Maybe another time, Cole," I replied, cutting him off mid-sentence. I could already tell that I had tears running down my face like a waterfall. "Right now, I need to be alone. I-i'm sorry I let you down."

Then I ran back inside and to my room.

In Y/n's room

Once I was in my bedroom, I ran towards my bed and sat down. Then I pulled out the blindfold that .

"I guess I'm alone now," I said to myself. "M-maybe I should--"

Just then, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, then someone walked inside my room.

"Hey, kitten," the person greeted. It was Dominic. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Then I felt the mattress shift, letting me know that Dominic was sitting on the bed next to me.

"I-it's nothing, Dom," I replied. "P-please, just leave me alone, Dominic."

"Y/n, please," Dominic mumbled. "Just look at me. I'm not going to judge you, I promise. I love you, Y/n. So please, just look at me and tell me what's wrong."

"F-fine," I whimpered, looking up at him. "I-it's my left eye. Ever since my dad attacked me, I've been afraid of letting people see my left eye."

"Can I see your eye?" Dominic asked, moving his hand towards my bangs. "Please? I might be able to help you hide it from the Ninja. But I think that Master Wu and Misako might be able to help fix your eye."

"A-alright," I agreed, letting Dominic move my bangs out of my face, leaning into his touch. "B-but don't say anything when you see my scar, alright?"

"I promise," Dominic replied, moving my bangs away from my left eye. That's when he saw how bad my scar looked. "It's not that bad, kitten. Here, why don't we go to the medbay and get that eye covered up? It'll make you feel better. You know I just want to see you happy, right?"

"I-i know," I stuttered, leaning into Dominic's touch even more and putting his hand on my cheek. "I-i know. It's just that people tend to freak out when they see my eye and scar. That's why I either work in the kitchen or wear an eye patch when seating the customers. And after my mom took my eye patch during my master's test, I just lost it. And when I couldn't find it, I freaked out and ran."

"Like Misako said, maybe your mom took it back with her," Dominic reasoned, leaning in and planting a kiss on my cheek. "Now come on. I know how much that scar on your left eye makes you feel insecure about yourself, so let's try and get you a new eye patch. Maybe we can put a panther symbol on it for you."

"I-i'd like that," I whispered, leaning in to embrace him. "I love you, Dominic. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. I can't tell you how much that means to me, how much you mean to me."

"I promised your mom that I would keep you safe," Dominic said, pulling me closer to him. "And that's what I intend to do."

Then he leaned in even closer, causing our lips to only be about an inch apart. Soon, Dominic closed the gap, planting a kiss on my lips. I was surprised for a second, but I slowly but surely melted into the kiss. After a few seconds, we broke our kiss for some air. That's when I heard someone say something from my bedroom door.

"About time you two kissed," they said, startling us (mostly me since I tend to keep to myself most of the time). "The others and I were wondering when you two would get together, especially Griffin. He wouldn't leave us alone when we brought you back from the Golden Peaks, especially Dominic. Now, when were you going to tell me that you and Dominic got together?"

When I looked up, I saw that it was Lily standing by me bedroom door. I swear, she can be too nosy for her own good. I love her as a sister, but has Lily ever heard of secrets before?

"How long have you two been dating?" Lily asked. "Who confessed first? When was the first kiss? When did you two get together?"

Then I felt the bed shift again, telling me that either Lily sat down on the other side of me or that Dominic got up. When I turned my head to see who had caused the mattress to shift, I saw that it was Dominic getting up. Before he could get too far, I took his hand in mine (which was a little bit bigger than mine) and held him back.

"If I have to be interrogated about our relationship, then you have to be interrogated with me," I countered, using my other hand to part my bangs over my left eye again. "Please, Dominic? I just need you with me right now. I just...I'm sorry, Dominic. I shouldn't have told you anything. Just forget I said anything."

Narrator's POV
Right after those words left Y/n's mouth, Dominic let go of her hand and walked back over towards the girls and sat back down next to Y/n.

"Kitten, you know that I'm here for you if something's bothering you," Dominic said, brushing her bangs away from her (e/c) eye. "You know that, right? I would never abandon you. I told you that I'm here if you ever needed to talk to someone. So please, talk to me, talk to us. We wanna help you."

"This is way too wholesome," Lily thought. "I mean, Dominic calling Y/n 'kitten' is just too cute. And I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who sees that Dominic and Y/n look cute together. I just wish that Master Nyx could see how miserable he made Y/n's life. I'm glad that Dominic's able to help n/n see that she's someone who's worth fighting for."

"F-fine," Y/n mumbled. "I-i'll talk. Lily, can I ask you something?"

"You know that you can ask me anything, n/n," Lily replied, turning to look at Y/n.

"A-alright," Y/n stuttered. "You know how my mom took my eye patch during my master's test?"

"Yeah," Lily answered. "Not to sound rude, but what does that have to do with any of this?

"Come on, cub," Dominic said, putting his forehead against Y/n's. "Show her what's wrong. Lily deserves to know."

"I-it's my left eye," Y/n mumbled, moving her bangs away from her eye. "Since I lost my eye patch, I've been scared to let the Ninja, Master Wu, and Misako see what my dad did to me the day Dai Shi escaped."

After those words left her mouth, Y/n pulled up her sleeve and looked at her arm.

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