Chapter 4 (Violet)

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(This is based off of an episode of C.S.I. I think. It was something like C.S.I. :P)

Violet was smiling at her boyfriend. It was the most romantic day those two had had in a while. Everything was going so well. Until someone chloroformed her. When she awoke, she was in a slightly light room with no shoes. Feeling woozy and light headed she sat up. Suddenly static filled the room and a male's voice started talking.

"Hello Violet Swan." The Man said.
"Who are you?" She asked
"That's not important. Do you like games? Because I have a game just for you. Here's how you play. You have 6 hours to find all the other kidnapped girls and leave the building. If you fail to do so, you and the other girls will be killed."

The static grew louder as he went quiet. The static grew silent for a few minutes. Which scared her. But it grew and he began to talk again.

"Each girl is behind a door. Each door has a puzzle, riddle, or math problem. Solve it and you gain entry to the inside. But not every door has a girl behind it. There could be broken glass, hungry alligators, or snakes. If you manage to find me, and I doubt you will, I will let you and the other girls free. I will also turn myself in."
"I don't belevie you!" Violet shouted.
"There's no need to shout. I can hear you perfectly fine. I don't expect you to find me. I did kidnap you after all. But, I swear to the gods above, that I will turn myself in and let you and the other girls go IF you find me."

It grew silent for a few seconds.

"There are 13 floors. You can either walk on stairs that are covered in glass or use the elevator which is locked behind a door. It's your choice. Your time begins as you walk out the door."

The static grew loud and suddenly shut off. She was scared to leave the room. But, if there was slightest chance of seeing Caesar again, it could only happen by beating his game that she forced to play. She needed a weapon or some sort of plan. And she had to figure out a method she could use to figure out which doors were safe and which doors were dangerous. She would have to use all the knowledge she learned from watching C.S.I., Bones, and other shows like that. (Bones is show about a girl and guy figuring out how a victum was killed based on the skeleton. They're like skeleton specialists.)

She was fearing for her life. So scared that she will lose her life. That she was responsible for the life of 12 other girls who would die if she lost. So scared that if she didn't win, all the pain. . . would go to Caesar. Caesar. . . Caesar!! She closed her eyes and thought of Caesar. She thought of the beautiful cherry tree scenery and imagined Caesar standing there. Smiling at her. Telling her she can win this game. She opened her eyes. She was ready to play this game. She stood up and a door opened. She walked to the door. Ready, to win this game.

Hey guys!! Quick Authors Note!!! Sorry for the late update. I've kinda been busy after school lately. None the less. Now you know what happend to Violet. There won't be much on Caesar now. He'll have his own chapter's occasionally. There's just not a lot going on with him. Anyw- . . . I JUST GAVE SPOILERS!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed. Please follow me for more stories like this in the future. Don't be afraid to leave comments or suggestions. I love hearing of how my readers like the story.
Have a fangtastic day!!


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