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Carter sat at the edge of his bed as he watched the beautiful creature in front of him, for the first time in his life he felt like he was lucky. Lucky that he was going to be the one to touch her soft delicate skin, he was lucky because he has her... for a year. He knew he was starting to care for, as much as he tried to push the fact in the back of his brain, he couldn't. He wasn't falling in love with the girl, but he's taking a liking to her. Fear started to creep it's way into his mind, he was afraid he might fall for her. She could find out what his side job is, and what his hobbies are, what if she finds the room he's been hiding?

"Can you help me please?" She giggled while she was reaching her arm behind her back trying to find the zippers on the dress. "I can't do it."

All of his angry has been washed away when he saw how innocent she looked. Her face tinted red, her full lips glistened in the fading sunlight as she ran her tongue across her bottom lip.

Carter rose from his spot and slowly made his way to her. His long fingers found the hidden zipper and slowly pulled it down while his free fingers skimmed down her back gently. He felt the goosebumps rise under her skin.

A slight gasp fell from her lips, his lips were pressed against the base of her neck and they slowly made their way further down.

"I want to rip this dress off of you." He growled before leaving another kiss on her bare back. "Go lay on the bed."

"W..why?" She stuttered, trying to catch her breath.

"Because I want to fuck you." He smirked when the words left his lips causing her face to turn a dark red and a small gasp to escape her throat.

"No." Tori wrapped her small arms around her chest for protection.

"What? Why?"

She didn't reply, instead she walked away without any word to him. His thoughts ran a mile a minute, instantly he thought of the worst. His worries about her being taken advantage of pushed their way to the front of his mind. She told him James didn't do anything sexual towards her, when in fact he did. She doesn't realize it, but he enjoyed it to the point he could of gotten off on it.

Carter felt his stomach drop and his anger rise, what kind of man enjoys watching women endure pain? He couldn't help but feel like this was his fault, he should of hired her at his company instead. She wouldn't of had to go through this if he would of given her the job.

"Victoria?" He knocked lightly on her door.

He caught himself hoping she would open the door and he could apologize. It wasn't his intention to scare her.

"Yeah?" She offered a small smile.

He released a sigh of relief before pushing his way into her room.

"Did anything else happen while you were in that cabin?" He took a seat on her bed.

She wasn't sure if she would tell him about James trying to force her to do something she didn't want to do.

"No." She says too quickly.

"Tell me the truth." He growls.

Tori felt frozen, she was embarrassed. Why would anyone want to someone something like this? She didn't like the feeling it brought her.

"Yes. Kinda." She turns around to hid her face from his judgment.

"What did he do?" Carter asked slowly trying to keep his cool.


"You nasty fucking prick." Carter stormed down the the stairs to the basement of the cabin.

Mike stood from his chair quickly as his boss past him and stomped right to the man hanging from the chains.

"What do you want?" James groaned.

Carter grabbed the smaller man by the throat, he was tempted to end the scum bags life here.

"You think I don't know what you tried to make her do?" Carter yelled. "I'm going to show you pain you fuck. I'm going to fuck your world up. Mike grab me something from that little operating table he has."

Mike nods quickly fumbling with each tool on the silver table.

"What would you like Sir?"

Carter narrowed his eyes while an evil smirk played on his face.

"Surprise me."


"I'm sorry but I can't make it over today Katie." Tori's voice was full of embarrassment, she had already made plans with them and now she's taking it back.

"You are fine." Her blonde friend I'm the other side of the line laughed. "We understand you have some things to plan and things to do."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Tori of course we understand."

"Victoria?" Carter slammed his house door behind him. He waited for a reply and once he realized he wasn't going to, he began to panic. "Victoria?" He yelled louder, his voice echoed through the large sized house.

Where could she be or have gone? It's not safe out there, it was pitch black outside by the time Carter got home. Growling in frustration he reaches in his deep pocket to pull out his phone.

"Where are you?" He tried his best to stay calm when she answered.

"I'm walking to a bus stop from the hospital." She answered like she had no idea how much it pisses Carter off when she does that shit.

"That's a far ass walk, stay there I'll come pick you up."

"It's okay. I can walk to a bus stop."

"Tori, shut up and stay there." His voice was stern getting his point across.

Tori wrapped her arms around herself as multiple people staggered past her. Drunk smelly people. The street she had been waiting on was lined with bars and clubs. Carter had told her to stay where she is and he'll come get her, he never asked where exactly she was at.

"Waiting for someone?"

Tori jumped as the stranger appeared next to her under the street light. "Yeah." She have him a friendly smile.

"A boyfriend I'm guessing?" He seemed friendly enough when he returned her warm smile.

"Actually my fiancé."

The man's eyes flickered to Tori's bare ring finger. "Listen if you don't want to talk just say so."

Tori was taken back and confused by his sudden mood change.

"I'm sorry, but I actually do have a fiancé he just hasn't gotten me a ring yet."

The man snorted in what Tori that was disgust. His face hardened with a scowl. She felt as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest, silently she prayed Carter would be here any second.

"Do you know how many times I've heard that story?" He laughed as he took a step closer to the small woman. "Maybe at least three times tonight."

"I swear I'm not lying, he is going to be here soon."

The man grabbed her small wrist and pulled her to his chest, the smell of liquor spilled from the man's mouth. He reeked of. Tori tried to pull away as hard as she could, but he was stronger and he tightened his grip around her wrist.

"It would be wise to let me go, my fiancé is a powerful man. You wouldn't want to piss him off." The words left her lips before she could fully understand what she was saying. Carter is powerful, both in money and strength. Why isn't he here yet? Has he even left to get her?

"I'm a very powerful man to honey." He swung one arm around her waist, and his other hand squeezed her face. "This can go one of two ways. One, you leave with me peacefully and we an both enjoy ourselves. Or t-"

"Two, you let her go and I stomp in your face." The voice Tori had been waiting to hear finally showed. "Get your hands off my fiancé."

"Excuse me, who the hell are you?" The stranger laughed before continuing to harass the red head.

Carter whipped out his silver gun and pressed the barrel against the man's temple. "I said let her go did I not?"

Why does he have a gun? Tori felt like she couldn't move, she wasn't sure she wanted to. Carter had this crazy look in his eye, as if it wouldn't phase him if he shot the other man. The weight of his arm was lifted off of her, her face was released.

"Now walk away, and don't look at her again." The CEO kept his gun in the air until the man was out of sight. "You need to quit doing this shit." He turns back to Tori with his face red in anger.

"Why do you have a gun?"

"What?" He asked harshly.

Her eyes met his, and the way she looked in his eyes almost made his knees lock causing him to fall.

"Why do you have a gun?" She repeated. "What do you need it for?"

Carter almost wanted to tell her why, but he couldn't not just for her safety but for some other reason he couldn't put his finger on. He didn't even think about that when he pulled his gun out, he got angry and didn't stop to think before he acted. How does she do this to him?

"I'm a rich man. People want what I have, and some take it to the extreme."

"Have you ever killed anyone with it before?" Tori's eyes remained set on his own.

"Get in the car and lets go home." He grabbed her wrist roughly to pull her along.

"Is that a yes?" She twisted her wrist to get free from his right grip.

"No I haven't killed anyone." Carter forces the lies through his gritted teeth. "Now can we go?"

"Yeah, sorry." She mumbles while she climbs in his matte black Mercedes.


Carter rubbed his temples with his long rough finger to ease away some of the stress he's been feeling lately. That small red headed woman has made his life more of a handful than it already was. She pisses him off more than anything, she purposely defies him. The amount of danger she puts herself in pisses him off the most. It's been twice now that some perv has tried to force his way on her.

Soft quiet knocks interrupted Carter's deep confusing thoughts.

"What do you need Victoria?" His voice betrayed him as it was strained and tired.

"Can I come in?" Her soft gentle voice broke through from the other side of the door.

He rolled his beautiful dark eyes before letting his mouth answer without using his brain. "Yeah."

As Tori pushes the door open softly, Carter's eyes scan her body. She's wearing a man's Guns and Roses shirt with a pair of leggings.

"Who's shirt is that?" He half yelled, standing from the edge of his bed.

She's stopped directly in front of him with a small smirk. "Are you jealous?"

He reached out and grabbed her small hands in his and pulled her into him. Hell yes he was jealous, his fiancé is wearing another man's shirt. Fake fiancé.

"Who's shirt is it?" Carter lowered his voice but his tone was more threatening than when he yelled.

"It's a shirt my father gave me when I was twelve."

Instant relief flooded out all the bad thoughts Carter had. He still felt confused, why would he care if it's some other man's shirt?

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" Tori's face was heated and red, red locks of curly hair covered the massive scar on her face.

"I guess." Swiftly he climbed into his cloud like bed, shortly after the small female follows him.

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