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Quick authors note: Carter and Tori's main songs are: Better than me by Hinder. And Angel by Theory of a Deadman.

Tori poked Carter's chest roughly, she was about to let him have it. How could he?

"What the hell are you talking about?" He hissed grabbing her wrist, throwing it aside.

"Mary told me about your little 'private meetings.'" Tori's face was red with anger.

"I haven't slept with that woman since you signed that stupid contract. Even if I have been what business is it of yours?" His words were slow but harsh, they felt like knives piercing Tori's skin. "We aren't together Victoria, who I sleep with isn't your concern."

A sarcastic laugh erupted from the back of Tori's throat, she was hurt by his words but she won't allow him to see that.

"You're one to talk right?" She laughed harder, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You literally rushed her because of some stupid pictures your slut took." Tori smacked her hand over her mouth, instantly feeling guilty for calling Mary a slut.

Carter found amusement in the gingers reactions to her own words, so innocent and sweet. Naive, very very. Naive.

"I haven't been with a woman since we signed that contract." One of his hands clasped behind her neck, forcing her to look at him as he snakes his free arm around her waist, pulling her into him. "Stop being jealous. Mary isn't anything to me besides a fling, it's over and I'm past it."

Tori's heart tugged at his words, she could tell he was being honest by the gentle look in his deep brown eyes. Without a second thought Tori pulls Carter's head down, planting her lips roughly on his. He pulled her even closer to him, every inch of their bodies touching. He need her, not just in a sexual way. He won't admit it to himself or to anyone else for that matter, he's already getting attached to the small woman that's tearing down his walls.

He can't do it. He pulled away from her noticing the hurt that flashes in her eyes. If he doesn't stop himself now then he doesn't know if he will be able to control what happens next.

"Don't look so hurt." He grinned down at her, lifting her chin so her beautiful like green eyes meet his. "You said you wanted to save yourself for marriage. We do something like that again, I may not be able to wait."

The rest of the work day was silent and awkward, Carter hadn't spoken a word to her since their kiss. Tori was grateful though, she needed some silence so she could think. During the time of silence she thought about the family she was slowly losing.

{ The suns rays were harsh today, it left Tori's skin red and painful. She crossed her legs while watching all the other ten year olds playing on her bounce house.

"What's wrong honey? Go play with the other kids." Tori's mother pushed her daughters crimson hair away from her face.

"I don't like playing with the other kids mommy, they don't like me." Tori fumbled with the small beanie baby her father had mailed to her, keeping her head down.

"Of course they like you baby girl." Her mother cupped her face softly. "If they don't like you, then that is their problem. You're a wonderful person."

Tori gave her mom a small smile. "When's dad coming home?"

Her mother looked away, her eyes lost in the distance. "I don't know baby girl, I don't know." }

"Victoria are you ready?" Carter asked lifting his jacket off the back of his chair, bringing Tori back to reality.

"Yeah." She smiled pushing the depressing memory where it belongs, in the back of her mind.


Ed showed up at five just like he had promised, he rushed out of the stretched vehicle to open the back door for Tori.

"Take her back to the house, I have more business to attend to." Carter gave Ed a pat on the back before lowering himself to Tori's window. "I'll see you at home tonight." He smiles warmly at her.

"Okay." Tori returned his smile.

"Okay." He smacked his hand against the door signaling he was leaving now.

The traffic was better durning this time of day, not much better but still better. Tori had popped her headphones in so Ed could have some piece and quiet, she's always talking his ear off and she's sure he's tired of it by now. Besides it's nice to remember what it's like to actually feel the music. Her eyes flickered back and forth, watching cars pass on the highway. The side walks were just as busy as the street in New York, Mother's and Fathers walking with their children hoping from store to store. She smiled at thought that someday she'll have her own kids. Of course she has to wait until this false marriage is over.

"Look who decided to Join me today." Carter's grandfather smiled at the young man who entered his hospital room. "What brings you by?"

Carter smiled at his grandfather, standing close to him.

"I've come by to pay for my fiancé's sister's medical bills." Carter waited for his grandfathers reaction to the word Fiancé.

"Fiancé?" His grandfather raised a brow in surprise before a wide grin took over his features. "You're not pulling my leg are you boy?" His old wrinkled hands grabbed the bulky remote that lied next to him, pressing a button that caused his bed to sit up. "Is it that cute red head?"

Carter felt a warm smile tug at his lips as he thought of Tori, in a hurry he pushed her away and frowned. "Yeah. It's her." He rolled his eyes trying to hide the fact he was growing found of the woman.

"Have you fallen in love yet?" Carter's grandfather held a serious face.

Carter tried to stifle a laugh that was trying to force its way out. "I'm not in love grandfather, it's only been two weeks."

"Oh bull crap Carter, you're the biggest romantic I've ever met." His grandfather laughed a deep jolly laugh.

Carter felt a pang of sadness stab at his heart, he's going to miss this man. The least he can do is marry the woman his grandfather chose. He knows his grandfather wants him to fall in love so the old Carter would come back, but the old Carter was gone and instead replaced with a much colder harsher Carter.

Carter said goodbye to his grandfather before pushing the white door open exiting the bright room. He was nearly pushed back in by a group of nurses rushing away. He heard the words code red thrown around a couple of times.
Letting his curiosity take control, he followed the nurses and doctors.

"Mrs. Walters please leave the room for a moment."

Mrs. Walters?... Oh no...

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