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Carter's breath was hot against Tori's neck, causing goose bumps to appear all over her skin. Her mind was fuzzy and she couldn't think straight with her sexy fiancés bulge pressed hard between her thighs, she wanted to protest and say no but she couldn't speak.
Carter's tongue slid out from between his lip, swirling it around on Tori's neck just before biting down. A quiet moan escaped her plump lips making Carter's bulge even harder, he needs to pull away and stop this now. The thought alone of him being her first drove him insane with lust, he's never been with a virgin before, they're not as skilled as experienced women. His went tongue ran over the massive hickey he left before pulling away, the second his head pulled up Tori grabbed his face, smashing her lips against his. He found it cute just how inexperienced she really is, he slowed down the kiss while leading her along the way. He's never done this before, not once has he ever gone slow with things. It was different but he didn't mind it. A slight gasp rose from the back of Tori's throat as his lips left her.

"We cant do this Victoria." Carter back away a few steps to look at her.

Her face twisted into a sad look, she felt a stab of pain at her heart. Of course he wouldn't want her that way, what can she offer him? She doesn't know what the hell to do sexually, her parents raised her to save herself for marriage. Nodding her head a little to quickly, she pushed herself away from the table.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled looking away from the tall man. "I'm so sorry."

Carter was confused as to why she was apologizing, what does she have to be sorry for? He felt bad when she covered her beautiful face with her small hands, apologizing a few more times before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He growled.

"I'm tired, I think I'm going to head to bed." Tori gave him a forced smile.

"You need to know it's not okay to disobey me like that." Carter balled up his fist by his side as his voice came out rough.

"Disobey you?" She snorted. "I'm not a dog." With that she stomped out of the room, slamming his heavy door behind him.

He may of chosen the wrong words, but that doesn't explain why she was so upset before that. Then it dawned on him, she was obviously enjoying what he was doing and pulled away harshly, telling her they can't do what he has been waiting to do. Her thoughts must of took a different direction than he was trying to go. Of course he wants her, he wants to feel every part of her but she has said before she's saving herself for marriage. He can't take what isn't his to give, not when it comes to her.


"Victoria?" Carter knocked on her door quietly, he hoped that she would answer. He needs to talk to her. "Victoria I know you're awake, please open the door."

A few seconds later the door is swung open, revealing the short girl behind it. Her curls thrown up in a high messy bun, the only thing holding her breast was a tight crop top, her underwear were a pastel purple, hugging her luscious hips ever so tightly. He could tell with out even looking that her ass cheeks were pouring out of the back. His crotch twitched at the amazing site in front of him. Instantly his dirty thoughts flooded his mind, he wanted grab her ass roughly, throwing her over his shoulder and onto her bed.

"Carter?" She snapped her fingers in his face, tearing him out of his dirty day dream.

He was happy all the guys were outside, and he finally got the dark curtains so no one could see what he was seeing right now.

"Can I come in?" He asked clearing his throat.

Without speaking she nodded her head yes, leading him to her bed. His eyes immediately landed on her rear, a sly smile forced it's way on his lips. He was right, her cheeks do pour out of the tight underwear. Her creamy skin made it even harder for Carter control himself, as she sat on the edge of the bed he followed sitting right beside her.

"Why are you upset?" His dark brown orbs met her lighter green ones.

"It's nothing." She sighed.

"Don't lie to me, tell me what's wrong." He already knew what was wrong, he shot her down while she was getting up.

"Why aren't you attracted to me?" She burst, her beautiful like green eyes slanted with anger. "Is it because I'm not a blonde? Are my breast too small?" Her hands were flying in the air the more her voice rose. "Maybe it's because I'm not five foot fucking six and my breast aren't the size of mountains. So tell me Carter Johnson, which one is it?"

He was in awe, not really knowing how to answer her. He's never seen her blow up like this, she's always calm and collected.

"W-what?" For once, someone has dumbfounded one of the richest smartest CEO's around here. Nobody's ever done that, nobody has ever asked a question where he didn't know the answer or how to answer the question. "I am attracted to you."

"Oh really?" Tori snorted while crossing her arms.

In a rush Carter grabbed one of her small hands, landing it on his bulge.

"Yeah really, you feel that?" He voice was low and in her ear. "That just from seeing you in those average underwear you've got on. Don't tell me I'm not attracted to you when I'm the one who has the dirty thoughts everyday of the fucking week."

Her eyes grew wide with shock, he was hard. Extremely hard.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go take care of this." He huffed walking into her bathroom that was connected to her room.

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