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"Another shot." Carter hissed as he smacked his shit glass down. His anger got the best of him tonight, causing Tori to leave him behind at the bar. The deathly cold whiskey burned his throat as he replayed what all happened tonight. He's pretty sure that's not where she went, and for certain reasons he doesnt think he was the problem.

Carter twisted the man's hands in a rush.

"Don't fucking touch my wife." He growled while twisting the man's hands even farther back.

"Carter that's enough." Tori squealed as loud poping sounds filled her ears along with the man's painful screams. "You're going to break his hands."

"You mean like this?" He smirked and with one hand, Carter twisted the pervs hands all the way around, loud cracking sounds forced Tori to hold her small hands over her hears.

"Carter stop." She squealed once more.

"You're right." The young CEO huffed. "He deserves far worse."

Taking the man by the collar of his shirt, Carter pulled him into the alley near the bar. Tori wasn't sure what he was planning on doing, but she knew it wasn't something she wanted to see, on the other hand she can't let her husband kill a man that hasn't done much wrong.

"Go back inside Tori." Her husband growled as he pulled out his infamous silver gun.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes went wide in shock and fear. "Carter you can't kill him."

A small chuckle erupted from his throat as he looked at his beautiful wife. "Go inside."

When she didn't move an inch, he cocked his gun and aimed it at his victims head. "Now Victoria."

Tears from fell her stunning green eyes, she doesn't like this side of Carter. She can't recognize her own husband when he's like this.

"Oh sweetie, I would of done A lot more than grab your ass if he wasnt there." The perv laughed. "Want me to go into details?"

"Let him go Carter." She hissed quietly.

"Damnit Tori, go the fuck inside so I can take care of this. He's a fucking pervert."

She stood there, not moving an inch or speaking a single word. He can't kill this man infront of her, he couldn't take the look on her face if he did.

"If I let you go, you better never come back."

The man nodded his head, his eyes never left Tori's perfect figure. Carter followed the pervs eyes and immediately his fury rose. Swinging the back of his, he clocks the man in the temple.

"Fuck." The man hissed.

"Fucking leave." He ordered.

"No problem." The man said before scurrying away.

"Happy?" He holstered his gun once again.

"Far from it." She kept her eyes narrowed. "I've got shit to do."

He has no clue where his wife ran off too after she spent an hour on the computer in his office, her mind was set on something and she said she would be back soon. Until then, he's going to sit in this bar stool and drink his ass off.


She drove down the streets looking for the perverted man, this job wasn't for Carter, this is her's. She didn't recognize the disgusting man at first but once she looked him up on her husband's computer she quickly remembered where she knew him from. Her eyes trailed every road, every side walk and every gravel road in range of the bar. A silhouette of man appeared in the headlights.

"Get in." She ordered as she pulled up next to the familiar man.

"You sure this is a good idea sweet stuff?" He chackled to himself.

"Maybe, Maybe not. Just get in." She smirked.

Following her orders, the man opens the passenger door and slides in. "So, where are we going?" He rose a brow with a sly smirk.

"After tonight, we're both going to hell."

The man felt all giddy inside, turns out he doesn't have to drug this woman to sleep with him, she was willing going to. Right? What else could she mean.

An hour as gone by and finally she pulls into a long gravel road lost in the woods. An uneasy feeling tickled the man's stomach.

"Where doing this here?" He questioned as she parked.

"Where else would we do this?" A smirked formed on her plump lips.

He shrugged his shoulders, he quickly opened the door and stepped out.

"What happened over there?" He pointed to the small, destroyed cabin.

"It got blown up." She whispered from behind the man.

"This place gives me the chills." He laughed.

"I find it peaceful, but we aren't here to talk about the cabin. We're here to get shit done."

Confused he turned around, and to his surprise this small woman was holding a large shot gun, a cigarette hanging from Her lushish lips as a smirk played acrossed her perfect face.

"What's that for?" He asked but he knows the answer. There's no way someone as sweet as her would kill a man. She saved his life already.

"Have you ever wondered what it was like to shoot someone?"

"Um. No." He scratched the back of his neck.

"No of course not, But you already know what it's like to take advantage of women and young girls, don't you. You see I was going to let you go, but then I remembered your face from the news the other day. You're wanted dead or alive." She cocked her gun with a smile. "I've always wanted to fire a gun, but I always wanted to be a hero when I did finally shoot it."

"You won't shoot me."

"That's where you're wrong." She aimed at the ground near the man's feet, she pulled the trigger quickly, causing the man to dance around.

"You're fucking crazy." He yelled.

"No, I'm just tired of always being the victim, and I'm not letting a rapist get away." She rose the gun to the man's head. "I can either blow your brains out, or I can blow a hole through your chest. Your pick."

"Listen lady-."

"Pick one." She cut him off, her aim was steady.

"Please don't do this."

"That's not a choice." She cocked her gun once more and re aimed it at his head. "5, 4, 3-."

"Stop." He dropped to his knees.

"You'll attack another woman or another young girl, and I can stop it right now."

"I won't I promise."

She shook her head slowly before taking a step towards him. "2, 1. Times up." She kicked the man in the face causing him to fall on his back.

With in seconds of pulling the trigger, blood splattered all over face and clothes. She backed away towards the corpse, clicking the safety on gun, she placed in on her shoulder before walking back to the car.

"Rot in hell." She spit his blood out of her mouth before ripping out of the woods.

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