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Carter's large, rough hands cup his small but beautiful wife's face. A small smile forms at the corners of his lips. It was just a nightmare of course, but shit it scared the hell out of him.

"Carter..." Tori smiled while pulling his hands away from her face. "This man is here to see you, says he needs to talk." She motions her head towards the overweight man in a well aided business suite. A lot cigar hanging from his chapped lips.

"We don't smoke in here Mr?" The young man's bark brow raises in question.

"Mr.Shuttle." He gives Carter a smile while taking a small, metal board out of his pocket. With a quickened motion, he dabs and twist his cigar until it's out. "I have urgent business, and I was told you're the best."

Tori, sitting on floor gives a confused look to her husband. He's the best at what? There's many things Carter does that this man could be referring to.

"Victoria. Stay here, follow me Mr.Shuttle." the young man rose from his spot on the couch, ushering the larger man to follow. Before he turns around the corner, he points back at her. "I mean it Victoria, do not follow me. We're married now, I'd like your first time to be gentle." With that, he walks away.

Her mouth falls to the floor at his words, did he just threaten her? With sex? She closes her mouth slowly as she begins to imagine it, the thought doesn't seem so bad. Without even realizing it,she was up on her feet trying to find them.

It won't hurt to listen in, will it? He won't even catch her. Walking past the locked door, voices came from behind it. Quickly but quietly she stopped and trailed back. Softly she pressed her ear to the door.

"You don't understand Mr.Johnson, my son is in danger. I have the money just get rid of the problem."

Get rid of the problem?

"I told you I'm taking a break from all this Mr.Shuttle, I just got married I can't be doing it anymore."

"I'll pay you twice as much."

It goes silent. Tori wraps her small painted fingers around the door knob, lightly twisting it to see if its unlocked. To her surprise it was. Its not like Carter to leave this unlocked.

"Its a deal, let's head to my upstairs office. There's paperwork I need you sign before I do this."

"Oh shit." Tori cursed quietly running into the closet across the hall. She listened as their footsteps made of upstairs and the door close. Now's her chance to find out what her husband is hiding.

Once again, the door is unlocked. Darting inside she softly closed the door behind her. Once she turned around she couldn't understand why this room was so special. There's nothing but file cabinets. Many, many file cabinets. Out of the corner of her eyes she sees one's already open. Being the curious one she is, she starts flipping through the file folders.

"Victoria?" An angry voice boomed through the dim lit room. A voice she knew all to well.

Suddenly her hands feel calmy as she drops the file on the floor. The folder fell open and pictures flew all across the floor in front if her.

"Don't look at tho-."

A gasp escaped her plump lips as she held up the haunting picture. A man with a large portion of his head missing was the first picture she saw, but there were hundreds more. Pictures of dead people.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She spoke quickly as she peered up at his face.

The dim lighting made his angry face expression look sinister.

"Get out." Carter's voice was strained and hushed.


"I. Said. Out. Go sit on my bed and wait for me there."

Oh god, he meant it. He was serious about the room.

"Now." He growled.

She quickly scurried away and ran to his room. Anxiously she waited on his bed. It feels like minutes before Carter makes his way to his room and calmly closes the door.

"Carter plea-."

"Hush." He sneered while putting his finger to his lips. "I don't want to hear any bullshit, you made the choice to go into my forbidden room. You knew what was going to happen if you did." He crawled on to the bed, only inches away from her face. "I've been nice Victoria, and I'm not a nice man. I've kept my patience with you, No matter how many times I wanted to..." Be trailed off with an evil laugh. "Lay on your back." He demanded.

"Carter please don't."

He sat there for a moment.

"Fuck Victoria." He growled throwing his head down in defeat. "I'm so pissed at you. So very fucking pissed, but when you say that I can't do what I was going to. I wasn't going to hurt you, and I figured it wouldn't actually scare you." He rose his head and met her eyes. "I'm extremely sorry I scared you, but I have every right to be pissed and believe me. I'm fucking pissed."

She doesn't say a word, she has no idea what to say. Every time Carter shows emotion it surprises her, he hardly ever shows emotion.

"It won't happen again." She finally breaks the silence. "I just have one question."

"What would that be?" His face still only inches as he lifts his up. Her lips never looked so good before, he can't keep his eyes from flickering to lips then her eyes.

"Why do you have all those pictures?" She meant to sound more confident but her voice barely came out as a whisper.

"Proof of me completing a job." His answer was quick and straight to the point. It was almost like this topic doesn't phase him at all. "They don't always request the body."

Tori's mind is running rampided, trying to understand everything. She knew Carter killed people, he's done a few times while with her. What she didn't know was that he's a contracted killer.

"I'll tell you more about myself in the morning. Come and lay down with me." He smiled rolling over, laying on his back.

Doing as he asked, she wraps her arms and legs around his. As they lay in silence she can feel sleep over come her.

"Goodnight Victoria." He kissed the top of her head before falling asleep himself.

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