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Carter angrily tapped on his steering wheel as they peeled out of the parking to the small café. He can't understand why she was so disappointed when he tried to save his own ads back there, he just didn't want to scare her with his ideas. She is a virgin after all. Although, she was watching bdsm porn last night. Carter felt himself calm down when he took a side glance at his beautiful wife. He needs to void the part of the contract where it states they can have relations with other people. He'll be damned if some little prick thinks he's getting inside her.

"Where are we going?" Tori chirped up while still looking out the window.

"We're going to get You new clothes." He grumbled.

"Why? I don't need anymore. Not to mention, I still haven't gotten paid for working."

Dumbfounded Carter looked his small wife with crimson curly locks.

"What do you mean you haven't been paid?!"

"I mean that... He, was in charge of that." She threw her hand up in a quick motion, referring to James.

"We'll figure it out tonight, I was going to buy your clothes anyways." Carter gripped his steering wheel aggressively as that scumbag came to mind. The way she was chained up and beaten, he has to force himself to stay calm. He wished he could bring the dick fuck back to life, only to kill him again.
A headache began to sneak it's way to the front of Carter's skull, like it does every time he gets this pissed. Rubbing his left temple with his free hand, Carter let out a quiet shy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Victoria say her hand on his thigh in a comforting manner. "You look like you could kill someone."

Her gentle touch was enough to calm his nerves, and to put his dark thoughts away.

"Speaking of which..." She trailed off. "You haven't mentioned anything about the job you have to do."

"It's not something I should discuss with you, but if you must know. Tonight is the night he wants it done. It's his son's celebration for now being the third in command of his grandfather's company."

"So, you're going through with killing someone?" She asked shyly, afraid to step any further on the thin ice she's probably on from earlier.

"I do this for a living, Victoria." His eyes met hers for a brief moment. "What do you think that large business is actually for?"

Her mouth went dry.

"You... I..." She couldn't seem to find the right words to express how she felt.

"Don't lecture me about killing people." He suddenly snapped. "I know that's what you're planning to do, you aren't innocent either."

Tori wants to feel hurt from his words, and she does a little but he's right. She too has killed someone, and she doesn't feel the least bit sorry. The man she killed was a burden on man kind, with his sick twisted ways. She fell silent, trying her hardest to not think about the man she killed. Even if she did do the world a favor, she knew it wasn't her choice to decided what happens to him and she took his life anyways.

"Victoria, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that."

"You're right you know. I have no place to judge you, I killed a man too. I don't fully regret it either."

Chills ran down Carter's spine and his thoughts took him away to the dreams he's been having. They're all the same. His sweet, innocent Victoria strained up in the air. Only hooks supporting her weight as they impaled her smooth, delicate skin. A warm tear fell from one of his eyes, the dreams feel so real. Why is he crying? He's never cried, it's not something he does.

"Why are we going shopping?" She asked again, pulling him back from his thoughts once more.

"You're coming with me tonight, we're invited guest."


They've been pacing back and forth through the same store in the mall. Carter every now and then, reminds Victoria what they're looking for. An elegant dress, the celebration their attending is classy.

"I found two, I'll try them on and you tell me what you think." She smiled while lifting a hanger off the rack.

She skipped off to the changing rooms while he sat on the bench outside her changing room door. A minute passes by before she announced she's ready.

As she slowly swung open the door, Carter's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. The dress she had tried on was elegant and red, some of her bare stomach showed through the opening in the front. The bottom clung to her hips generously.

"So what do you think?" She laughed nervously.

"It... It's beautiful Victoria." He whispered. "What was that black one you picked up?"

"I don't know, it's sikly so I picked it up. I'll try it on."

"I like the red one." He smiled. "It fits your nice ass perfectly."

"Carter!" She gasped before quickly spinning around and closing the door behind her.

"I'm just saying, you have a great ass and that dress just holds it amazingly."

She gaspes again loudly, telling him to stop. Little does she know three woman have already walked in snickering.

"Relationship goals." The youngest girl smiled while walking by.

"Are you ready?" She asked through the door.

"Yes, let me see what this dress beholds." He laughed slightly, Only to suck his breath back when she opened the door.

The silky black dress draped over her body perfectly. It matched her pear like figure a little well. Her breast seemed bigger in this dress as they nearly poked out. A long slit trailed up Her tigh to her waist, making her toned leg peek out.

"Fuck." Carter groaned under his breath.

"Is it too much?" She whispered, spinning around.

He caught a glimpse of her ass and the red lacy thong she was wearing. Immediately getting hard.

"No... Fuck. It looks great." He stood up from the bench and approached her. "I wanna eat you alive in that dress Victoria." His hit breath flowed through her ear. "You're defiantly not wearing that tonight."

"What? How come?" She was truly confused.

"If I want to bend you over and take you right now in that dress, imagine what all those men at the party will want to do." He wanted to touch her so badly, the urge to feel hee soft breast and fat ass was enough to probably get him off. "Don't worry, we're getting both dresses." He smirked.

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