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The three of them have already made it to Carter's much smaller apartment. He allowed Connor to take the couch in thr living room while him and Tori took his room. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed. Tori was sprawled out, leaving no room for her husband. Her drunk ass hasn't woken up since they left the club, she also snored the whole way here.

Cranking his neck around to get a better look at her, Carter smiled warmly. There's literally no room for him to sleep, she took up the entire bed. Some how he didn't seem to mind though, he felt as if he could sit and watch over her forever. Never letting another soul hurt her in any way. Without even realizing he's doing it, Carter crawls to his wife and with his long, rough fingers, he combed through her red curly locks. Moving his fingers down to her cheeks, he finally notices the small freckles that swormed her beautiful face. Her small, upturned nose was the cutest thing he's ever seen.

"Carter?" Her lime green eye's fluttered opened, only to hide underneath her long dark lashes. "What are you doing?" She questioned as she say up.

Retracting his hand, Carter scoots directly beside Victoria.

"I'm sorry." He rubs her cheek gently, sparks shooting throughout his entire body. "I didn't mean to wake you up." His voice was soft and warm.

"You didn't." She ran into the bathroom across the hall.

Carter followed close behind his still tipsy wife. Liking noises told him he needed to get in there and help her. Opening the already cracked door, He reaches his arm down told hold her hair.

"I don't feel good." Tori groans before puking once more.

"I figured you wouldn't." He chuckled lightly at his wife.

Turning her head around, she gave him a look that told him to 'Fuck off.' Only making Carter laugh harder.

"I think I'm fine now." She smiled while trying to stand. Every thing started to spin and her head felt heavy but light at the same. "I lied." Turning to the toilet again, she pukes.

Carter felt pity for his small wife as she puked her guts out. He could of stopped her from drinking so much, but in a way she deserves to get as drunk as she pleases. His fingers were still wrapped all in her hair, doing his best to keep it out of her face. It was so soft and silky.

"You can go if you want." She mumbled.

She thought about what would of happened if she didn't see the bathroom across the hall when she woke up. To be honest, she'd probably vomit everywhere.

"I'm fine, somebody has to hold your hair."

"I feel better now." She stood up as slow as she possibly could. "Can we go to bed now?"

"Of course." He led her to the room.

Once Tori was laid up on the bed, Carter left only to return a few short seconds later with a small trash can.

"Just in case you need to get sick." He mumbled while placing the small metal can on her side of the bed.

Climbing in bed, He wraps his arms around her and hides his face in the crook of her neck.

"I love you." She mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too."


A loud thud in the Mitch forced Carter to wake with a jolt. Fear that maybe someone was in the house looking for Tori made him rush to his feet. Not caring that he was only in his boxers, he dashed to where the noise came from.

"Dude, are you okay?" Connor rose a brow at his friend who was frantically searching around.

"What was that noise? Where's Victoria?" Carter's voice was rushed and stern.

"A, the noise was be dropping something. B, she said she was taking a shower."

Fear was replaced with relief, while relief was replaced curiosity.

"In the shower huh?" He mumbled to himself while making his way to the only bathroom in this shitty apartment.

As he reached the bathroom door, he could faintly hear her singing. Even though her voice was muddled, he could make out the song she was singing too. Her voice was beautiful, every word she sang.

Cautiously, Carter slowly pushes the bathroom door open, slides in, and shut and picks it behind him. Mentally he letcures her about not keeping the door locked. She had already stopped singing when Carter stood on the other side of the shower. He would often wonder what she looked like in shower, with her fat ass bare,water skimming down it. The thought only made him pull the curtain open.

Scaring the shit out of his wife, she lets out a short scream but quickly regains her composure. Silently she wrapped her arms around her body to cover herself from him. She doesn't mind if he wants to look, but the look in his eyes made her insecure.

He just couldn't rip his eyes away from the marvellous shit in front of him. Her already long hair was way past her ass as the water straightened it. Strands of her hair covered her face while her arms were crossed over her chest, leaving her lucious ass box exposed to his prying eyes. The feeling of his member getting harder was driving him crazy, He wants to take her. Right here, right now.

"Since you're already in here." She turned around to show him her hair. "Could you help me wash my hair? Its grown a lot so I can't reach it all that well, without getting soap in my eyes."

Carter didn't hear a word she said, he was to focused on her round ass to even care what she said. His dick was as hard as it could get, it was craving to be buried deep inside someone. Not just any someone either, he wanted to buried deep inside her.

"Hey!" She snaps her fingers in front of his face to capture his attention.

"What?" He directed his attention towards and he forced his thoughts away.

"Can you help me wash my hair?"

Oh, He was going to do more than just wash her hair.

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