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The busty blonde that Tori's grown to dislike, stood before her. Bracing herself for whatever threats Mary has, She sits straight up and meets the blondes eyes.

"I think we need to talk." Carter's former fling takes a seat across from Carter's wife.

"I got that from the envelope, are you the one who sent Carter his?" Tori taps her maroon painted nails against the table.

"No." Mary rose a brow thin blonde brow. "If I would try to send Carter anything, he'd destroy it before opening it."

Mary's response didn't fool Tori in the slightest, not that she doesn't doesn't believe this woman. It's just, how can Tori be sure she's telling the truth or not.

"He's part of what I want to talk about." Mary wrapped her hands around each other and twirled her thumbs.

The ginger snapped her head to the blondes direction quickly, her lime green eyes darken with suspicion.

"What exactly is it you want to talk about?"

Just before Mary could speak, the waitress came up to them with a wide smile.

"Hi what can I get you two lovely ladies?" Her tone was polite and suttle.

"Sushi for me please." Tori smiled while handing the lady her menu.

"And for you?"

"Just a salad." Mary met Tori's eyes as she repeated the red heads actions.

Writing down their orders, the waitress heads off to the kitchen.

"Alright, let's get talking." Tori smiles fakely.


"Where is she now?" Carter growled through the phone.

Sam took a second to muster up the courage to speak. His boss is so scary and intimidating.

"She's at the Asian buffet, it looks like she's sitting with..." He trails off as he narrows his eyes to get a better look.

"Who Sam?"

"Mary?" Sam responded quietly, unsure of what he was seeing.

Carter goes silent as he thinks for a moment. Is she really even in danger? Surely she'd be smarter than to go meet someone who's a threat, right?

"What are they doing?" The CEO coughs as he pulls himself out of his thoughts.

"Uh." Sam paused for a second.

Carter's anxiety was through the roof, Mary is crazy when it comes to men she claims. She wouldn't hurt Victoria, hopefully.

"It looks like they're talking and smiling." The young intern rubbed his nose as he spoke to his boss.

There was another minute of silence before Sam spoke.
"Women are weird." He sounded confused.

Carter chuckled quietly at the young man's truthful statement.

"How is that?"

"Well for example, Tori and Mary hate each other. But right now, they're smiling and talking as if they were friends."

"Yeah, women tend to do that. They live by the rule of, keep your friends close but your enemies closer."

"Why?" Sam kneeled behind a car while spying for his boss.

"I don't know, just come back to the office. I'm sure there's nothing wrong."


"As we both know." Mary starts off. "I do have some, serious feelings for Carter."

"I thought this talk wasn't just about him?" Victoria glared hard at the blonde.

"It's not, at least not all of it is."

Tori snickered sarcastically while shaking her head, as she avertaded her eyes, she noticed a familiar figure across the street, poorly hiding behind a car. Getting a better look as they fumbled around, Tori realizes it's Sam, and he's on the phone?

Is he on the phone with Carter? Did Carter send him to spy on her?

"I think it's best we see who he really wants after your year marriage is up."

Suddenly, the world had stopped. What did she say?... How does she know that?

Although Tori was freaking out on the inside, her face held a cold, stern look.

"Year marriage?" The red head snorted.

"I've seen the agreement documents, I've seen all the rules. I read everything." Mary's red lips formed in a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Where'd you read something like that?"

The busty blonde leaned forward, her red painted fingers tapping on cheeks.

"I found it in his office, right after I seduced him." Mary giggled like a school girl.

Tori felt her fury rise inside her, she can't get worked up if she wants this to go her way. Calming herself down, she smiles.

"Listen Mary, I know my husband wasn't s-"

"It happened the night he made the contract, he dreaded the thought of marrying-. How did he put it? 'A flat chested, stuck up, short ass, little girl.' Yeah, that's right. I guess he could lower his voice while he's on the phone."

Tori leaned forward, her small delicate hands proped under her chest as she spoke.

"I've dealt with your shit long enough Mary, we're two grown women. Act like it." Without waiting for a response, Tori stands from her spot and smiles down from the blonde. "This is on you by the way, since you decided to be a bitch and all."


"Did she know you followed her?" Carter

"I don't think so..." Sam trailed off.

Its possible she did, she looked his way a few times but never long enough to know if it was Sam, right?

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll update an even longer one soon.

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