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(A/N: Carter's mom isn't named after the actress in 50 shades of grey. In fact she looks nothing like her and she's way older.😑🙄 it's just a name. She's actually named/based after somebody I know. Thank you.)

"Do you have a pair of black jeans?" Carter asked shoving a strip of bacon in his mouth.

"Tones of them. Why?" She raises her crimson red brow.

What excuse can he use? Maybe he should tell her the truth, but she would think he's crazy.

"I don't want you to wear a skirt to work today." He took a sip of his coffee and looked at her. "I'm changing the uniforms for the club. I want too see what jeans look like."

He wishes he could just fire the perv, or better yet kill him. He would, but then Tori would get suspicious and upset.

Carter looked even harder at the woman that is making him feel feelings he never thought he could. He doesn't care who she ends up with after him, but he is starting to care about her feelings.

"Okay, sounds good to me." She flashes her perfect white teeth as she smiles.

A low vibrating sound spilled through Tori's pocket in her shorts. She reached down in her shorts to see who the caller was.

"Who is it?" Carter asked taking another drink of his coffee. It's dark and strong, just the way he likes his coffee.

Tori blushed at his question before answering.


Anger rose inside of Carter. How could that nasty perv call her after what he did last night. He wanted to punch a hole in the guys face.

"Why is he ca-" He was cut off by Tori sticking her finger in the air, before answering.

He narrowed his dark brown eyes at her. That was extremely rude, and Carter doesn't like rude people. He wanted to take the phone out of her hands, and help her remember how powerful he is.

"Hi James." A smile grew on her face. "Yeah I'll meet you there at three."

Carter stood up, grabbing his mug and plate tightly. Where the hell is that fucking perv taking her?

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I just got excited for a second." Tori apologizes as Carter walks back to the table.

He doesn't make eye contact with her as he walks away.

"I have to make a call." Is all he says as he disappears around the corner.


Carter pulled out his phone, and dialed his friend's number. It rang a few times before anyone answered.

"Hello?" A deep voice from the other side of the line answered.

"Mike, It's Carter. I have a favor to ask of you."

There was a small chuckle on Mikes line.

"What kind of favor?" Carter's friend questions.

Carter explained to the man that he has a thorn sticking its self into his plans. He tells his friend about how James got off on watching Tori through the window, and asked Mike if he could keep tabs on the guy.

"Of course I'll keep eyes on the nasty fucker. Men like that take things to far."

A chill ran down Carter's spine at Mikes words. Tori is going to be seeing him in one hour. She'll be alone with him.

"Carter?" A female voice echoed through his house.

"I'll send you their location once I figure it out." He tells the man on the other side of the phone.

Carter hangs up the phone before exciting his office, and heading towards the room he heard the voice from.

"Mother?" He greets as he walks into the living room.

His mother has a massive smile plastered on her face. His eyes direct towards the couch, where the beautiful deep red haired girl is sitting.

"Who is your friend?" His mother's voice if filled with excitement.

He sighs a deep sigh as Tori stands up to introduce herself.

"Hello Mrs.Johnson, I'm Victoria Walters."

Victoria. Carter thought that name sounded prettier than Tori. Maybe he should start calling her Victoria instead.

"Oh, Victoria. Such a beautiful name to go with such a beautiful face." His mother grabs Tori's hands gently. "I'm Dakota Johnson."

Tori examined the woman's face. Her eyes were the same color as her son's. Her hair is chestnut brown as well, if she didn't have evidence of age on her otherwise flawless face, Tori would of thought that she could be Carter's sister.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Tori beams once more.

Carter was pleased that his tiny fiance was fully clothed, with his mother first impressions are everything.

He studied Tori's choice of an outfit. A mint green dress that ended at her knees, paired with white sandals that wrap around above her ankles. He notices her hair is down, carelessly tossed around so her curls look even more natural than they already are.

"I just wanted to stop by and see if my son wanted to get lunch before he heads off to work. I would love it if you would join us." Mrs.Johnson smiles widely at Tori.

"Mother I just ate, I'm not going to lunch."

Tori saw the sadness in Carter's mother's eyes.

"Actually we'd love to go." Tori smiles at the mother of her fiance. "Carter is just in a bad mood this morning." She lies.

His mother stands up with a wide smile.

"I'm looking forward to lunch later, I'll see you two soon." She hugs Tori as she stands up from her spot on the couch.

"See you soon." Tori replied.

Carter said goodbye to his mother as she walked out the door.

"So, Victoria." Carter smirks as her actual name falls from his lips. "I like how that sounds more than Tori."

"Well I don't." She blushes. "I'd prefer if you called me Tori."

"Not going to happen, Victoria."

He's done some research on this girl and he saw her name was Victoria, it's just never crossed his mind on how it would sound.

She rolls her eyes in response to what seems like his humor.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Victoria." His voice is low and raspy.

His tone catches her off guard and for a second she felt a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Don... Don't call me Victoria." She says before stomping off to her room, and shutting the door behind her.

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