Chapter 18 - Random Buttons and Pretty Flowers

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A/N: So I finally decided on an updating schedule. I'll update every Tuesday, and post multiple short chapters at one go, hopefully at least three. It'll make it an easier read. I'll also edit the previous one soon.

"Are you SURE you're alright?" Rebecca bit her lip and stood at the console.

"Yes, I'm fine. Time Lords have superior biology, I heal quickly. You're more injured than I am, the side of your face is all scraped up. How did that happen?" The Doctor poked her cheek.

"Ow." She batted his hand away "I tripped and fell outside the bar."


"Shut up. Where to now?"

"I don't know, actually. What do you think? Where do you think?" A clicking noise started as he fiddled with a button.

"I think we should go somewhere.... Dangerous" Fire filled Rebecca's eyes.

"Oooh, bit of a thrill seeker, are you?" he chuckled "Shouldn't you be all 'No! Doctah, let's go back to the TARDIS!'"

"How about no. Somewhere cool. Somewhere exciting. Earth is much too dull" a toothy grin occupied her face. "How many people can say that, huh?"

"Not many." He smiled back "I'll set it on random."

The Doctor began flicking buttons and switches, and Rebecca joined in. There really was no random button, after a while, the TARDIS just ignored all the mixed commands sent in from the console, and took them where they needed to go. With its trademark whooshing noise, it stabilised. And with whoops of excitement, they bounded over to the door and flung it open.

"Huh" Rebecca commented as she stepped out of the door.

"Huh what? No Ooohs, no ahhhs?"

"Well, it is beautiful. But it sort of looks like Banff. The console said alien planet, yeah?"

And indeed it did. The TARDIS had landed on a craggly hilltop, with a forest at its back. There was a steep drop before them, but the ground was grassy and soft. The grey mountains were tall and rocky, the tips frosted with snow. The shone brightly, reflecting the evening sun. What was peculiar, though, was the beach. More exactly, the fact that there was a beach, and it seemed warm and sunny, in contrast to the brisk air surrounding them.

"Well, yeah. I mean, look over there. A beach" A smug smile filled the Doctor's face.

"Beach?!?! Rebecca craned her head to peer of the edge of the cliff, and sure enough, a plane of white sand. "Must be man made."

"No" he looked around curiously, wondering why the TARDIS had brought the two here. Suddenly, his gaze fixed on something in the distance.

"Okay, then what is it? What are you not telling me?" She poked him in the side.

"Erm..." his head snapped back "Oh, yes! Microclimates! This planet has an extremely oddly shaped core, if you'll notice, it isn't exactly a globe. As a result, the magma is closer to some surfaces than others, resulting in a variable microclimate."

"Oh, I don't believe you" Rebecca said, grinning impishly, and then she began making her way down the hill to check it out.

"Fine, don't" he pouted, then turned around to examine the object of his attention. THAT must have been the reason why the TARDIS had landed, it was a Rupiliaaaaah flower, one which bloomed only under the blue moon. Blue moon - which meant they had landed on the Maprol planet. Everything fit. Bounding closer, he laid flat on his stomach and examined it, trying to view it from all angles. He was balanced rather precariously on a ledge, leading to a steep grassy hill. The flower itself was quite large, measuring at least two feet across. Inside, it had crystal pollen. It really made no evolutionary sense, the grains were so heavy that they were extremely difficult to disperse - which was part of the reason that it was so rare. The colours were remarkably similar to a bismuth crystal.

"Oooh, I need a samp-"

Suddenly, an extraordinarily large moo echoed through the air, and the Doctor tried to stand, but ended up tripping over his own boots, and he proceeded to roll down the hill, gathering speed as he neared the bottom. Ribbons and flowers appeared out of nowhere, whipping at his face and arms. A precipice registered in the Doctor's mind, a little grey ledge among the blur of green grass. Hitting it, he rose into the air, and flipped over and over, regarding the crowd that had gathered below. Men and women in their finery, all watching three people at the front of the crowd, which the Doctor was descending towards. Spreading his arms out, he slowed his descent, before crashing into a white net, all the while, hearing the words,

"We are gathered here today"

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