Chapter 2 - Mangrove Environments and a Long Run

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"What?" Rebecca's tone was incredulous. This man was insane! She took a slight step back, feeling the layers of dust compress beneath her feet. He certainly looked a little crazed; a mad fever had entered his dark green eyes, and he beamed from ear to ear.

"An alien!" The Doctor chucked his hands up in the air and shook them furiously. "I seem to have a rogue Volvian running around here."

"Volvian?" she slyly unzipped her bag with one hand and pulled out her fattest textbook. Mangrove Environments. Her other hand still held the cake carrier and a random thought drifted through get some perspective, Rebecca.

"Yes! From the constellation of Jistellere Alpha 3. A rather quirky species, really. Mostly intelligent, though some of them can be rather idiotic. They're about three feet high, with a SHOCK" he yelled and Rebecca jumped "of green hair. Humanoid form."

"Okay..." she decided to entertain his nonsense "how did he get here?"

"Huh?" the Doctor looked at her, puzzled.

"If he's an alien, how did he get here?"

"I-I... I guess we'll find out!"

This man was insane. Rebecca hefted her textbook, ready to make a run for it. This was a bad idea from the beginning. A really, really bad idea. She desperately wished she had learned self defense.

"So what do you say?" he pounced to grab her shoulders and she socked him in the stomach. Hard. Evidently he wasn't particularly muscular in the abdominal region, because her collapsed to the floor, clutching his torso.

"OWWWW" he howled, and rolled over onto his back, panting and looking up at the badly plastered ceiling.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" she squealed, then reconsidered. "Wait, you attacked me! I should be angry! GRRR!!!" she attempted.

"Did you just growl?" he started laughing, while his arms were wrapped around him tightly.

"I dunno! That's what my dog does! I should run! I'm running away from you, you crazy crazy man!" Rebecca turned on her heel and shoved her book into her bag, starting to run.

And then she screamed.

A humanoid figure. With a shock of green hair. And with a wicked, wicked face. Black eyes gleamed with mischief under his curly mop, and his nose was upturned. Yellowed teeth were bared in an angry grin. Strangely enough, it appeared to be wearing a child's coveralls, though purple skin was definitely visible. Rebecca heard a shuffling behind her, presumably, the Doctor had stood up. But she had worse problems on her hands. For she had just noticed something. It had nothing else on him. But it was flying. And as far as she was concerned, that confirmed that it at the very least had alien tech, if it wasn't an alien itself.

"Doctor? I think I found the alien!" her voice wavered uncertainly.

"Yes, what is it with you humans and stating the obvious. Or hitting people. Don't do that!"

"Bigger problems!" she replied through gritted teeth.

"Yes, yes of course." He stepped out from behind her and held up his hands in a placating gesture. "We come in peace."

To which the creature responded with a cackling laugh and he dived towards The Doctor's head. It grabbed a lock and pulled it hard. His screams resounded around her, and Rebecca swatted at it with Mangrove Environments. It screeched and tumbled away. And then it turned back and came towards her. She backed away slowly, until her back hit the wall and she had nowhere else to go.

"Please!" he tried a calming voice "She didn't mean that. We mean no harm!"

It paid no heed and came towards Rebecca, weaving back and forth like a spider spinning a web for its prey. Looking down at her hand, she decided to give herself a little advantage. She chucked the ruined cake at the creature.

Time to run for it, she thought to herself, and bolted out of the door. She weaved in and out of the alleyways, and her training kicked in. Without even realizing it, she had ended up on her regular running path. The Doctor ran a little bit behind her, already panting. They were still on narrow paths, with buildings on either side. Had she stuck her hands out to the side, her fingers would have brushed the worn red bricks. It was still early, so people had yet to come out of their homes.

"Rebecca! Stop! We can reason with it!"

She paid no heed; she needed to get away from both the crazed man and the alien.

Rebecca cursed the tightness of her skinny jeans as she veered onto the main road. Cars were yet to come zipping, so she bounded over the zebra crossing into the park. Gasping, she dared a backward gasp. The Doctor was fleeing as fast as her, arms flailing and chest heaving. The little monster was still behind them, and as she crossed over from the sidewalk to the grass, she noticed something. It wavered. Narrowing her eyes, she spotted the shoes. They didn't look, well, Earth.

As she noticed the wobbling of the creature, an idea pounced into her head. There were too many constructions in the park, benches and shops. Putting on speed, she went onward through the trees. The closer she got to her destination, the more acutely aware she became of the tightness of her chest, the burning of her lungs. She never ran at this pace; adrenaline was the only thing spurring her on.

The Doctor cursed her as he pushed himself ever faster. For one of the first times, he was doing the chasing rather than making someone run along with him. If she would just stop and listen!

The trees grew closer, and the branches whipped at her, giving her thousands of little scratches all over her bare arms. Funnily enough, her book bag was still slung over her shoulder. These books were pricey. She noted a large funnily shaped rock to her side and flung the bag towards it, reminding herself to get it later. Looking back, she noticed it was working. She expected the machine to have stopped working by now, but she supposed that pipes were still running underneath the ground. Stupid town council, putting metal everywhere, she thought to herself. Suddenly, she noticed the ground stopped sharply ahead of her.

"REBECCA!" he panted "What're you doing? REBECCA! STAHHHHPPPP!"

Gritting her teeth in anticipation, she ran off the ledge, pulling her arms up in front of her and diving off the precipice.

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