Chapter 20 - Wedding Crasher

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"WHAT?" The groom's jaw dropped as he saw the Doctor, sitting sheepishly on his bum.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor." He stood up with a wince, and gave a little wave. Shocked men and women looked at him from the crowd, some standing. An elderly lady laid a hand on her ample bosom, and let out a gasp.

"What the Hell are you doing crashing our wedding?" The bride's eyes were wide, and she had dropped her bouquet onto the ground.

"Um... Erm" The Doctor looked behind him, and saw the broken flower arch "You really mean that it in the literal sense, don't you."

"ARREST THAT MAN!" The groom's nostrils flared magnificently, and his eyes filled with rage.

"No, Floriente! He's come to save me!" The bride smiled elatedly, and removed her veil, crushing it underfoot.

Gasps arose from the crowd, and the old lady proceeded to faint.

"No, no arresting! Let's focus on the positive! Like... your ring bearer! He is adorable!" The Doctor grinned maniacally, and gestured to the side, where an enormous brown bear towered above the crowd, fur glistening in the ebbing light. His threatening appearance was slightly demeaned by a fluffy pink pillow, resting on his back.

"Oh, my saviour!" The bride threw herself upon him.

Seeing no other way out, he hopped up onto the bear, and chucked the rings at the groom.

"Sorry, mate. I need to escape!" Before he could figure out the mechanics of bear riding, the bride had hopped up behind him and she dug her heels into the bear's side.

"Oi!" He exclaimed, as they proceeded to ride off into the sunset.

"Oi what, mate? You just saved me from a horrible marriage!" The bear weaved its way through the narrow gaps between trees with remarkable efficiency.

"Wait, what? No, get off this bar RIGHT NOW, and go fix your marriage. I nearly broke up one before, believe me, it is NOT nice. Met a lovely girl though, Lucy, diabetic-"

"I'm a lesbian!!!!" She cried out and smacked the Doctor in the back of his head.


"Yes, now let me control the damn bear!"

"Hey, his name is Fernando, and he wants you to stop objectifying him!"

The bride proceeded to hang off the side of the bear. She whooped as her kimono whipped in the wind, and she inched her way across the bear's side, feet tangling in his fur to keep hold. Once she passed the Doctor, she swung back over, straddling Fernando's back.

"Why were you getting married?" He called out, as he held onto her waist for dear life. Something was wrong, the bear should not have been that fast, or that big.

"Las Vegas" she responded "Long story."

"That damned city!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"You mean planet," she glanced over her shoulder and grinned impishly. Her teeth were pearly white, and her face decorated with minimal make up. Black hair danced around her face, coming loose from her intricate bun, and her narrow eyes were accentuated with just a tad of black eyeliner.

"What's your name?"

"Katsumi" she smiled once more "And thanks to that marvellous introduction, I know that you're the Doctor."

"Why did you even get engaged to him? You don't seem dumb enough to get drunk at Las Vegas and get engaged." The Doctor was curious, she seemed to have some ulterior motives.

"I'm not that dumb. But thankfully, Floriente is." She brought the bear to a halt, sending pine cones and dirt flying.

"Please explain" the Doctor said, hopping off of the bear. "And thanks, Fernando, for the lovely ride."

The bear rumbled in response, and plodded back into the forest, leaving them on the border of a marshy swamp.

"I'm a secret agent. My real name is Katsumi, but I engaged Floriente under the guise of Ryo" She proceeded to untie her hair from her bun, and redo it into an efficient ponytail.

"Ah, means reality in Japanese. Clever. Just like ring bearer"

"I'm glad you think so. Floriente hated puns, part of the reason why I hated him" with a smirk, she took off the sash to her kimono, and the thing came undone. The Doctor covered his eyes with a scandalised expression


"Relax, open your eyes." She grinned, and pulled a knife from her belt, wiping the thing clean with the end of her shirt. Underneath her clothes, she was dressed in cargo pants and a loose tee.

"Oh. What was the other reason you hated him?" his tone was curious as he surveyed her, she seemed quite... different.

"I knew I'd have to make a quick escape somehow. Thank God you gave me that opportunity. Which agency are you from?" She began walking, and the Doctor trotted after her dutifully.

"Agency? What do you mean?" he asked, bemused.

"Well, I mean, my mission is complete, and I don't have to marry him, yeah? So you came to rescue me. I have all the evidence right here!" she patted a pocket.


"That he was part of the iguana trafficking industry" Katsumi furrowed her brow, and the Doctor looked back at her, shocked.

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