Chapter 26 - Painful Memories and Other Preperations

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"Rebecca" The Doctor whispered to himself, as his sonic gave a pulse of red light. He had keyed it up to Rebecca's nerve responses. They had been alright so far, nothing major to report. Random, slightly louder pulses of green, some of blue, but red...Red was bad.

"Doctor, is everything alright?" Katsumi looked at him in concern, dawn shining light over her drawn face.

"NO! No, Katsumi. Everything is not fine and dandy and rainbows." Anger clouded the Doctor's vision, and he smacked his fist into the steep grass hill that he was clinging on to. It was his fault, every time. Every single time, he got people hurt. Rose – trapped in an alternate universe. Martha – cursed by her unfortunate attraction to him. Donna – poor Donna. Memory wiped. It just wasn't fair. And Amy, oh Amy. Darling Amelia Pond, cast into the 20th Century. Pain was his constant companion, and it lashed out at everyone around him. It was Rebecca's turn now.

"Careful" she warned "Doctor, be careful. Now, before you fall off the darn cliff face, tell me what happened."

They were clinging onto the steep grassy knoll that the Doctor had rolled down so many hours ago. It wasn't easy, and going around would take much too long. Not to mention they might get lost.

"I don't know. All I know is that Rebecca is hurt." And it was true, the not knowing. All the Doctor had any idea of was that she was in pain, and she probably wouldn't be if Rebecca wasn't here, travelling with him.

"It isn't your fault. Now, let's get back to the time-travelling, space jumping 1950s police public call box you've told me so much about. We can go back in time and stop her from getting lost." Katsumi continued scrambling up the hill.

"You don't understand, we can't go back in our own timeline. Don't you get it?" A sarcastic tone entered his voice "It would be too easy. We can track her, though."

"Some machine you have" She pulled herself over the last bit, and plonked onto the edge, breathing deeply. Despite the sense of urgency that seemed to hang in the air, she was happy to take in the sights for that one moment. The sky was blue and clear, wisps of cloud making their way across like cotton candy. It smelt glorious – like freshness and pine.

"Shut up. She's beautiful" The Doctor wasn't ready to lie on the grass. He stood and looked down towards a beach. "That's where I saw Rebecca last. And then we got separated because of a darn flower."

"How so?" She stood beside him, and gazed down at the barren beach. The white sand appeared undisturbed, and there was no disruption.

"Not important. Here's the plan. We go back to the TARDIS, get some supplies, refresh, then search for her. Scuba suits, oxygen tanks, and Jammie Dodgers."

Katsumi nodded, and they entered. The Doctor was too upset to notice her expression of awe, and too caught up to hear the whisper of

"It's smaller on the outside."

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